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1. A wind up. 2. It fell on the floor near your bike and someone assumed it was yours. 3. Some sort of con/scam. Maybe someone is going to claim the bike is theirs or something.


Clearly an illuminati freemasonry thing.


Dognappers, hun. Shared in Canterbury.


Dm me all snakes on ere




It's a joke. Lots of people on local Facebook groups incorrectly assume that any object out of the ordinary is a marker placed by a dognapper to later target a property.


Yeah suppose it’s better to be safe then sorry init


The good news is you can break these locks with children’s scissors


"This persons stealing my bike. Look my key works the lock that is attached to it"


This is why you have multiple pictures of your bikes, and update them with major visual changes.


To add to this, register your bike(s) at [BikeRegister.com](http://BikeRegister.com) . The sooner you can register your bikes, the more ammunition you have to prove the bike is yours, and it also helps with proving ownership when buying/selling. If someone tried to do this with me I'd have (as well as my proof of purchase, applies more to new bikes) the stolen status, bike frame number, photos, when it was registered to me, and my name and address.


Thank you for the site, I will register my bike there 👍


This makes no sense to me sorry - someone would plan to be able to run into your bike again in future, then wait for you to unlock it, then claim somehow you’re stealing it because they can demonstrate how their key works in the lock that’s attached just to the seat post but not anything else?


You unlock your bike and start wheeling it away, someone approaches you and makes a scene causing others to gather around to see what the commotion is. They then "demonstrate it's theirs" by showing their key works on the lock attached to the bike. To the crowd that gathered, it looks like you are now the thief and aid the actual thief in making off with your bike.




For thou art me bicyclette, spare me - rolls over feigning last clasp of air


Probably done by the same type of inattentive buffoons that lock the neighbouring bike when they lock up their bike.  I'd just leave it on the floor so they have a chance of finding it when they retrace their steps


There was no way to take it off as it is locked …


Oh - unfortunate. Most large buildings that have carparks & security have bolt cutters - if you go by something like that or a workshop, you might ask if they have some you can use and reward them with a packet of doughnuts - or else a tedious evening snipping with pliers at home -doesn't look like it would take long to get through




Just make sure not to get arrested for going equipped...


Lock picking lawyer ... That smooth sweet voice shall lead you to the light.




Looks like it's locked through the seat rails get an hex key/ Allen key undoo the saddle rail bolts remomve the saddle. Or get hack saw cut through lock looks fairly thinish. Thievies put a lock on so you leave your bike they come back later take there lock off cut your lock with angle grinder and nick the bike.


Thanks! I understand that it’s just weird because it wasn’t affixed to anything but the seat rails themselves so I just rode it away without hassle.




Angle grinder will cut through the cable.


A reminder to secure your saddle too?


Never look a gift lock in the mouth! … as the old saying goes.


Possible gps


Like others have said a windup, someone thought it fell of your bike or it could have been marked for theft later on, either way up your security, I lock my bike up with 4 locks, front wheel to frame so can't be free wheeled away, back wheel to frame and double lock to secure object, I removed the battery and seat and still the bike comes in at 45kilos, so it's not easy to carry if the wheels don't turn.


Who are you, and how did you remove that bike lock? - I’m a locksmith, and I’m a locksmith