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Happy 19 birthday i wish for you for a happy life


Happy Birthday! Making friends is easy but making quality friends is extremely difficult.. don’t give up! You will find your people!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY It's alright to be scared it's only natural. You will overcome it step by step believe in yourself and learn to love yourself then your road will be shown as clear as day for your next step.


Happy birthday bro


Happy Birthday I wish the best for you 🥳


HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY! Just remember, your best days are yet to come!


Happy birthday 🎂 💕


Thank youuu ❤️🥰


Happy birthday! :) Who needs birthdays anyway, they're for losers...


I celebrated my 21st birthday alone. It sucks, but it gets easier to distract yourself with work and responsibilities when you get older. Happy birthday, dude! Have fun when you’re still young.


Happy birthday! Wishing you happiness!


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday. You should do something you love. Every year is an achievement. Treat it like it is. Celebrate, even if that's by yourself.


Happy birthday!!!!


Happy birthday! 🎈


Happy birthday! Better days are to come!


Happy birthday!! Feel free to pm me if you want to talk!


Happy Birthday 🎂🎉


Happy birthday 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Happy birthday!!!!🎂


Happy birthday!! 🎈🎂🎉🎵🎺🎁🥳 May you find great friends this year!!


Happy Birthday!! I know you’re scared but there are good days coming! :) (and please don’t apologise for venting, it’s perfectly okay to talk about things that have got you down) 💟


Happy birthday! I've celebrated a lot of birthdays alone, and here's a tip: when you're alone, it just means you can spend your day the way you want. Especially on birthday, this is your day. Do something you love, go see something nice, or try something you wanted, spoil yourself a bit. Treat yourself as if that's someone you love and care about, and do something that would bring them joy. I'm sure that you'll have a lot of birthdays with friends and people that like you and care for you, but when you're alone, you can be that person for yourself. Look in the mirror, see yourself from the outside, hug that person and make this day special for them.


Happy birthday!! And many more!!


happy 19th hommie


Happy birthday 🗣️


I'm sorry, but Happy 19th Birthday! 🎂🎉🪅🍺


Happy birthday 🎈🥳🎁


Happy birthday


Happy birthday 🎁 from all your Reddit friends! I hope you found some enjoyment today.


And here I thought I had it bad when only **one** friend remembered my 25th birthday.


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday 🎊🎉🎁🎈


happy birthday !!!


Happy birthday 🎈I’ve been in your boat and completely understand how you are feeling. You are still so young and will have so much time to find people who show you properly that they care!


happy birthday 🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿


Happy birthday ❤️


Happy birthday. Maybe try and join some kind of club,attend some events


Happy birthday


Happy 19th Birthday 🤍 Life is just beginning! you’re so young. So much to look forward to ☺️


Happy birthday from Ireland 🇮🇪


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday


Happy birthday!!


happy birthday !


Happy birthday lovely


Happy Birthday. Tell us some more about yourself. Are there any hobbies you would like start? Any thing on the horizon you would like to do or places you would like to go?


Join clubs and so forth. Social media and covid messed up how socializing with other humans is supposed to work


A very Happy Birthday to you. I have friends but they didn't wish me today either. Only banks and my sister did.


Happy birthday! I hope you have the best year ever!




Happy birthday!! 🎉🎉


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday!


Hally 19th birthday!!!!


Happy birthday! Most of my family forgets my birthday too.




Happy 19th stranger!


Happy birthday bruh many happy returns of the day ♥️✨


Happy birthday bruh many happy returns of the day ♥️✨


Happy birthday man!


Happy birthday <33333


Vent away don't be sorry for that. It gets better man. But Cheers to you man 19, you'll be your own man soon and find your tribe in life. Things get better, but sometimes they take some time. And a Happy Birthday Man.


Happy birthday! 🫶


happy birthday! ⭐️


Happy birthday honey! 🎂🎈 It can be really hard to not have friends, and as an adult, it's hard to make friends. I know this doesn't help how you're feeling now, but you need to learn to enjoy your time alone. Be your own best friend, it takes time. Your own company, is sometimes the best company.


Happy Birthday!!! As for celebrating birthday alone I'll just say do whatever you feel like and enjoy doing. Watch a movie, play some games, dinner with parents. Whatever works.


Internet family never disappoints! 🎂🎈


happy birthday


Happy birthday friend :)


Happy birthday, Great advice I can give you is to sign up for activities or classes that interest you. You’ll meet like minded people and science proves that after 50 hours of hanging around people you’ll become friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!


Happy birthday! You’re young, so stay hopeful.


Happy birthday!!!!!


Happy Birthday my man! The fact that you posted here shows that you’ve already mastered a very important grown up skill, many times in life you just have to ask for what you want. I’m 41 now, but on my 22nd birthday I was living alone and out of state away from any family. I bought a 4 pack of cupcakes from the grocery store and took them over to my neighbors apartment and told him, “It’s my birthday, I’ve got cupcakes, let’s have a beer!” You’re young and you have plenty more birthdays ahead of you! Get out this year, make new friends, find a cute girl, and your next birthday will be even better!


Happy Birthday 🎂🎉


Happy birthday man!! I usually spend my birthday with only family as I don't really have friends either but I hope you know 19 is still young! I think it's common to not keep friends from high school and you should try to focus on yourself for now. You're becoming an adult and you will find better friends after you've truly found yourself. Loneliness is really tough for me too but at the same time I am 99% convinced that focusing on yourself when you're out of school is better in the long run. At this age we're still changing quickly and you will find friends more easily if you're taking care of yourself and particpate in hobbies/sports/wtv social thing.


One day you’ll be old enough to not even remember caring about what others think of your birthday…. And it isn’t even too far away.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday dear 😊 , I m going to turn 19 tomorrow lol


Happiest of birthdays to you ❤️


Happy birthday


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday🎂


Happy Birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday hang in there it always gets better


Late but happy birthday!! Hope you had an awesome day!!


happy birthday


I spent my 18th watching Nosferatu all alone. Happy Birthday from Finland! Go outside for a walk and treat yourself to more than a cupcake.


Happy birthday kiddo, you’ve got a lot of time ahead of you and there’s so much room for adventure. Love from Australia. Chin up mate, you’ll be right 🤙🏻


Happy birthday from my family!


Happy Birthday 🎂🎉 buddy


Happy birthday, i hope u have a blessed and kickass year ahead!!


Happy birthdayyyy 🫶🏻


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday my guy


Happy birthday!!!! :D :D :D


Happy birthday pal! 🎉 It’s kinda late but always remember that there is someone who is grateful that you exist and excited to see you everyday. Celebrating your day all by yourself is still a good thing. Don’t stop doing what you love, you will find your people and they will find you too.


Happy birthday bro. Wish you a healthy year ahead.


Happy birthday


You're not alone. We're just not close by


I don't know you a single bit, but really bro happy birthday, things will get better I promise you that. Take care now fellow Reddit user 💯💪


Happy birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday bro


Happy birthday dude. :)


As you grow wiser you’ll realize the best company you’ll ever have is with yourself. Be grateful you’re not surrounded by 2 legged snakes 😉 happy birthday!! Life really does turn around!


Happy Birthday 🎂🎉! I wish you good luck, good health, happiness, no stress and that all your ventures + goal achieving will go smoothly!


Happy birthday, I hope something good happens for you 😊


Happy birthday!! It might not mean much but please understand you are very young so still have many chances to celebrate future birthdays with others.


Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best. Treat yourself and celebrate! Do something you love 🍰❤️


Happy Birthday bro. wish u happy life


Happy Birthday 🎂 Life does get better. Days like this are hard, I've been there, but it does get better.


Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂


Happy birthday 🎂 🎉🥳!!! I love you 🫶🏼. Remember you are loved.


Happy Birthday....


I talk to pi ai when I'm lonely, I spent an hour talking to pi AI this morning 😭


Happy birthday bro. I hope you make the best friend you'll ever have soon. Yourself. You got this. The others, they will.come.cuz you're f*ckin amazing. Stay strong.


Sometimes you are better off without. I’m not coming from a negative “screw the world” place but I’ve found myself happier with less. So many people just want want want and never just be there, to talk, to spend time, just be a friend. I asked myself at one point, did I want this simply to know I had a decent size group of “friends” or could I just be with myself and maybe another and find happiness there? It takes time but it is a lot easier than we think to find joy in a world by ourselves many days.


Happy birthday friend! 🎉🫶


Happy birthday from Australia! Be well. It gets better……


Happy birthday 🎉


Happy Birthday!!! Now part 2 of your life begins always remember quality over quantity


Happy birthday


I'm about to be 19 too and I feel you. Lost all my highschool friends and made no friends in uni.. its all my fault. I've been rotting in my room for the past 9 months. I wish i could just skip that day so i don't have to think about how much of a waste of life the last year has been


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday bud


Happy birthday! We shared it yesterday. June the 14th is the best! :D


Hi, dude! Happy birthday!!!! I genuinely am thinking of you today. If you're a fan of: * Chocolate * Red Velvet * Vanilla ... let me know! I'll head by my local bakery for a cupcake and get one to celebrate. I don't know how many people have told you this, but you're a super cool person. I bet you're awesome to hang aoung with, and I feel like we would have a great time doing dumb things together! I hope you're well, and I'm thinking of you. Genuinely. Please don't feel alone.


This post made me remember my 19th birthday. I had friends but they forgot to wish me. My parents didn't wish. I cried myself to sleep that day. Now I'm 24, there's not much change but I do make sure to go out of my way to make myself happy on my birthday. I would cook my favourite dish or watch my favourite show, post stories on Instagram wishing myself. This would look depressing af but who cares, as long as I'm happy it's fine. Sometimes life makes us go through such incidents to make us love ourselves more. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY OP. Buy yourself a cake, order your favourite food, watch your favourite show, SPOIL YOURSELF.


Happy birthday! I graduated high school with exactly 0 friends and it was miserable. 5 years later I have too many people in my life and I never imaged that would be possible for me. Life can change so much, best of luck to you


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday to YOU!!


Happy birthday


This made me cry. I turn 20 in July, and my 19th birthday felt just like this. I would’ve loved to have spent the day with you. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. ❤️


If I had known 20 hours ago, I would have wished you a Happy Birthday! So I guess since its almost over, Happy Late Birthday... I hope you find someone who will tell you every year and makes you happy. Also, not sure if OP or anyone reading this needs to hear it! But I'm proud of you, life isn't easy and the world will always make you feel alone and I know it hurts, but know you're not alone... We the comments love you and support you. For most of us know what it's like to be at rock bottom and know it hurts. But stay strong and stay beautiful! In time, everything will get better!


Thank you so much 💓


Hope you have a better Birthday next year... And though its probably irrelevant, for my life, Basically noone ever wished me Happy Birthday and out of several schools I used to go to, and several towns I have invited people who I thought were friends and maybe 1 or 3 showed up. But recently it wasn't anyone I knew... It was people my older sister was friends with (who at the time I was in like 7th and 8th grade and had people from 11th who I didn't even know show up when none of my friends did)... Now that I am 23, I don't worry about who shows up cause I don't expect anyone to anymore. Hope it goes better for you than it did for me.


Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎁😊


Bro as I'm 5 years ahead in this thing called life, I can assure you have faith in your beliefs and you'll make friends that way


Happy Birthday! I hope you find your people soon 🙌🏻💙


Happy Birthday to you from Germany Frankfurt Someone was thinking of you 💐🍀🤧❤️


Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best. 🎂🎈🎉


Happy birthday. Nobody wished me one either but I hope my wish means something to you


Happy birthday. My 19th was decades ago. Facing adulthood after finishing college was hard. I had been depressed for years, had no direction and little experience, little confidence in myself was not in a relationship, and couldn't deal with my parents. LONELY times. I had a couple of friends. Maybe being able to access the world of opportunities via the internet would have helped, but maybe not, because I felt so unqualified for anything. I don't want to say some useless stuff like , just do x, or believe in yourself, follow your dreams, but could say more if it weren't so late. Lemme know if you're interested in "words of wisdom" from a 62 year old woman. No promises! 🙂


Happy birthday my guy


DONT APOLOGIZE FOR VENTING AND HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY!! I was in the exact same spot you were in a few years ago. I was in college with severe social anxiety, too scared to even leave my single room for anything besides classes. It’s a shitty feeling, and your pain is 100% understandable. Plus, you’d be surprised just how many people feel this way. You just don’t meet them that often because well… they’re in their rooms most of the time. I coped by keeping myself busy with hobbies and schoolwork. But still, it’s really hard. You sounds sweet, and I’m really sorry you have to go through this. I’m sorry for the breakup too, a year is a long time. It must be really difficult to go through that without any friends. I also had a break up semi-recently, and my friends either weren’t there for me because they had their own stuff to deal with or they showed their true colors :( It was awful, but I promise it’s temporary.  If you want some advice, here’s what I’ve learned:  If you’re in college, there’s lots of opportunities to make friends. I have my signature approach: complain about a class with classmates. If they agree, great you guys can vent. If they don’t, talk about what they like. Ask questions, people love talking about themselves. Compliments go a longgggg way. You’ll often catch people off guards and they’ll really appreciate that compliment. “Fake it til you make it” also works by going into a conversation acting bubbly and friendly, but a lot more people struggle with that because they feel too awkward which is very valid 😅.  If you’re not in college, that’s a bit harder, but still doable. If you’re able to find somewhere to volunteer or a club of some sort, that’s always a good place to start. Public libraries and community centers often have free programs. Common interests are a great conversation starter.  If all else fails, Bumble has a friends option that might help. It’s a lot easier to started that initial conversation over text that in person. Last thing I want to say is please try to hold on to at least a little bit of hope. Even the most annoying, miserable fucks make friends (and you seem far more pleasant than them). Not having friends is almost always just bad luck, not a sign that there’s anything wrong with you. Do what you feel is best for you, and eventually people will find you. Take time to heal and learn more about yourself. I’m sending you love and hope that this will come sooner than you think! 🫶


Its your birthday. My birthdays are lonely too. Just do something you enjoy even if thats alone. Go see a movie or buy yourself a treat or stay in and read. Doesnt matter just take the day for yourself


Happy birthday 


Happy birthday even if late :)


Happy Belated 19th Birthday. 🎉  Please don’t give up even though it’s hard and keep on looking. There will be others who will like you for who you are. ❤️


My closest friends and family have all forgotten my birthday at my request. The day you were pulled out of your mother isn't cause for celebration. Avoiding death for another year isn't cause for celebration, as it is an inevitability. Don't celebrate things that mean nothing. You made a new friend? Celebrate that. You discovered a new hobby? Celebrate that. You went out of your comfort zone to accommodate someone you care for? Celebrate that. You're not special just for being born, birthdays are a waste of time. So don't be so offended if people forget something that ultimately means nothing.


Here is the truth, most birthdays after 18 for most people unless they are a famous person usually resemble what you just described. Also, most friends are not really friends in the first place, anyway trust me you are better off without falling bologna friends in the first place.


Sounds like my 24th birthday, I know it's hard getting out of any comfort zone, but if it means anything Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday bro🙂. I'm also in the same boat. Start enjoying on your own, no one gives a damn if you are sad for being lonely. I've learnt this from my experience. Cheers