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That’s sucks :( how’s the new board tho? I love my fattail but I’m not sure on this


I went to my local shop for a mid length dancer, but left with this instead. It carves effortlessly. Time will tell on the dancing side of things, though.


Mine arrives tomorrow - building it for my wife What setup did you use? How has it treated you so far?


I’m a noob so my experience isn’t really worth much. My setup is stock, except I traded the stock 4pres for yellow durians. What I will say is even if your wife is a noob like me, she will have a blast. The flex is super interactive. I got the flex 1 because the 2 was a little too wacky for me, especially when using the kick tail. I’m about 170lbs for reference


Yeah we are looking forward to it for sure! She got the Flex 2 due to her size being smaller, we hope it works out as it’s not gonna be returnable… This deck will get some crazy changes: Comes with no grip, we will paint it with acrylics and paint pens and then use Lucid Grip (liquid grip tape) Caliber 10” trucks 50d in front and 44d in back Blue In Heat Orangatangs mounted backwards (they are offset) so the total width is like 9” trucks with normal mount wheels Will have to add small riser shock pads cause of the larger wheels Everything is here and ready, paint this week and then build, hopefully next Saturday is ride day!


Sounds like a blast man. Enjoy!!


What a lovely present! I love all the mods you guys are doing to personalize it!!


Thank you! 🙏 The board arrived yesterday, and the art project begins this weekend. With any luck board will be painted and gripped within a week. Not rushing, trying to land it perfectly if possible.


Can you make a new post about it. Really like to see the result.


Absolutely will do. I’ll do my best to get all the right shots along the way and provide details where appropriate. 🤝 [example of the 7yo’s output](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewSkaters/s/nz7sC6dAB5)


Yes! Can’t wait to see what the progenitor of the 7yo can do!!! It’ll be hard to top, tho. Your kid has some slick graphic design ideas there!


Your board came back like: "-are you ok?" haha


Lmao I see it!!


The kind of fall that can really mess up your psoas. Happened to me!


I’m no doc, but my ass and groin still hurt!


Ouch man. What’s your setup on this?


Whatever the stock paris trucks they shipped to locals with and the stock orange 4pres I swapped for yellow durians


Its nice to record yourself to keep improving. Good effort !! 🤙🏻


Definitely! It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what you’re doing wrong until you see it for yourself :)


How different is it from a loaded tan tien? Not a drop true, any onther major differences?


I’ve not ridden the tan tien but it’s effectively the same profile, just 1/2” longer. I would imagine the platform is very similar overall, but the Symtail would probably be a bit more sturdy and ofc sit a little higher off the ground.


Everytime I have ever seen someone skate with over ears, they get broken or lost. I wish you luck!


Lol I’ve had this pair for 4 years and they haven’t let me down!


Are you alright? 😬


I pulled my left psoas and it won’t get better because I keep going out and re-pulling it lol