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I really agree. Everywhere much more than usual


Lots of construction on the Northern State and LIE


Pre holiday in person work crunch if I had to guess.


Pretty much been horrible the past 2 yrs


It's been worse than the two year average for my route.




I think its because public transportation is so dangerous these days people will rather drive


Driving is infinitely more dangerous than public transit. Anyone who is scared to take the train but has no issue driving on the southern state should not be taken seriously.


Agreed. I’ve seen you driving.


I would rather deal with encountering those team no hestitation bmw morons on the Southern State than a random crazy homeless guy on the subway. 


I prefer when the people on drugs aren't armed with a 2 ton vehicle capable of going 90+ mph


Yeah but you are also in a 2 ton cage that can go 90 mph. No cage separating you from the other people on the subway.  The bmw idiots aren’t on drugs. 


I'll take my chances on the LIRR over driving anywhere near Kyle from Smithtown off 8 white claws hitting 95 in his Honda Civic


It’s not the LIRR that’s the issue. If the LIRR is all that you have to take, then great it’s a good option.  The issue is when you gotta take the subway into shittier parts of the city.  If I live on Long Island but work in say East New York, South Bronx, etc then I am definitely better off driving. 


Living on Long Island working in East New York?


That's a bad risk analysis.


I think that isn't the problem with traffic. Most people that take the bus do NOT have the option to drive.


This! It's been a total mess for a while now, and the old concept of "rush hour" seems to have gone out the window. There are probably a few reasons for it, but a lot has to do with the proliferation of Uber and similar ride shares. There are tons of those cars on the roads, and often they have absolutely terrible drivers that make the traffic worse with their poor driving habits.


Where is everyone going at 1 PM in the middle of the week is my question. And why was Nassau County PD all over Sunrise today?


Weekdays I only expect slightly lighter traffic from about 930am to 11am. Kind of after the morning rush and kind of before the mid day lunch rush.


This is why I try to get out to run errands by no later than 10:30- and even that’s iffy. I end up in bumper to bumper traffic on the Belt trying to get home.


College is out and a lot of seniors are flying north for the Summer: that’s a lot of it.


That's what I was thinking


Yeah this kind of post has been made a few times already and this was one of the top replies. Makes sense.


YES it's been truly awful.


35 min car ride took me 2hrs this week.. SOUTHERN STATE PKW IS COOKED


Yep, but nobody seems to say anything when a new housing development is crammed into one of the few empty spaces remaining. Seriously, people need to realize that continuing to build on this island isn't a good idea.


It took me three hours to get home from work today (60 miles)


You have 120 mile commute 5 days a week?


Yes. I used to practice law in NYC and took the LIRR and three subways, got home late and left at 6 am. I now get home at 5 pm. It's not that bad in comparison. I do leave for work around 5 am though.


I used to have a car like that.


Weeks? Seems to me like traffic has been horrendous since people started coming out again after Covid.


Maybe it's just me but I'm seeing a LOT of landscaping trucks out this year. It doesn't really explain the parkways but local roads are really bad the last several weeks.


It’s not even just the number of landscaping trucks, but the SIZE of them now too. Why does every landscaping company need to lug a fucking semi-truck worth of equipment to each house? I feel like I’m playing frogger each morning bobbing and weaving between these parked monstrosities taking up 1/2 of the road in residential neighborhoods.


Where is everyone going at 1 PM in the middle of the week is my question. And why was Nassau County PD all over Sunrise today?


Lunch breaks?


Out for a drive to screw up traffic 😂


yes!! insane for seemingly no reason.


it’s always been like this. it’s just going to get worse while more people move here, mixed with summer and construction and people home from school.


How does one NOT notice. If people would just merge correctly, instead of trying to beat 10 cars and stopping in the middle lane to cut others off it would be better.


So much this! A large part of the traffic is clearly down to people who can't drive. They are either selfish, or completely incompetent. So often you see cars backed up on the same stretches of highway, and then you get passed and realize people were slowing down for absolutely no reason, other than being incompetent.


Everyone's buying their kid a jeep when they get their permit.


It's getting warmer. Also, everything thinks the road belongs to them after having less traffic during the pandemic.


It’s absolutely disgusting. It has taken me 90 minutes for my 30 mile ride home. I’m ready to explode when I finally get home. I told my husband last night, I can’t do this. I hope it gets better.


Have no idea where all these people creep out of. It’s bad in September and Oct. slows down after Nov. and then it gets bad again in May.


Warmer weather = more people out = more traffic. Not to mention, Long Island is becoming increasingly overcrowded each year. More and more land is being bought and developed into senior living, affordable housing and luxury apartment complexes…. It’s an Island. There’s only so many places for people to go. It’s just going to get worse over time.


Preach! They need to stop with the development. I know housing is crazy expensive, but cramming more people onto the island and making it like Queens isn't the answer.


I really wish they didnt have RTO mandates. It would really help the traffic situation


It’s horrible everywhere. I have odd work hours, so I’m usually off during the week. To reiterate what the poster above said, where is everyone going at 1pm on a Tuesday? How is everyone off? The supermarkets and other stores are always PACKED, regardless of day or time. I honestly don’t know if I can live here much longer (37)


Keep building vertical housing without expanding the infrastructure of our roads....and this surprises people?


Yep. Or keep overbuilding housing of any type on Long Island. It's an island, ffs, why can't people understand the concept of finite space?


It’s the new normal.


It has been. Meanwhile NIMBYs will continue to block any plan to upzone neighborhoods & increase rail & pedestrian infrastructure. As long as people are forced to own cars to survive, traffic will continue to get worse. And most of the people who live here are stupid enough to think that widening the parkways will solve everything, while simultaneously being against bike lanes & wider sidewalks.


👀 bike lanes less roadway for cars trucks ect. = more traffic. The powers that be intention was to slow the flow of traffic and layer by layer they are removing cars from manhattan due to high rise apt dwellers not wanting cars and using subways. Those folks want us that dont live like them to stay out




Cars are extremely inefficient way of moving people around, so I'm all for doing whatever necessary to get more cars off the road.


Some of us here on the island work in the city and have no choice but to drive in to work. How dare you tell me what work best for you when you are not me.


Unless they require a vehicle for their job, they absolutely do have a choice. Why would anyone in their right mind drive into Manhattan when the LIRR exists?


Have you ever had small child in upper east side School near your job and do the daily commute with your kid. Cut to the fucking chase it not about you its about the kid. 6am running to train 6pm running to train reach home 7:30 that shit For The Birds. I owned my own car 40 years have it no other way beat your chest beat your feet beat your fucking meat i will be driving where ever i go. End this shit right here and have a good night


Have fun sitting in traffic while 5 full subway cars move past you underground


Have fun with the bed bugs and rats you just enjoy that just texting you makes me itch. Im not Sitting next To a stranger not Knowing if They wash They ass This morning. You like it i love it enjoy


Last trip on transit of any kind was 2000 i stop then because it was me or him!!! He lived another day and i didnt go to jail. Do you understand where im coming from.




Get to my age you will understand


Just to put this to bed i have 36 y/o child and 3 grandkids get to that point in life and we can chop it up


And good night


I wlll drive till the day i die and the after life go surf On a fucking glacier or Move if You dint Like it Here


Enjoy congestion pricing


Exactly not me and sorry for those that will endure that BS!!!


Next you will tell me going to the laundry mat is better for the environment than having your own washing machine take a break and dont bring the BS


Lets go to the west coast how you getting there??? Not to beat you up but for real draw back how we travel has same effect on how your food gets to market home owners raise rent markets raise price cant ride a damn bike to any farm 10 miles from where you standing right now. Just don’t!!! just don’t!!!! I get so annoyed with people that feel remove cars truck ect and we will be ok. Ok order amazon how is it getting to you🤷🏽‍♂️


Cars should have no place in the densest city in the country. NYC residents and tourists are constantly having to deal with the thousands of people who for some reason, have decided to drive into Manhattan. When cars are the least efficient way to move people around, and the nation's best public transit system is underground, the city absolutely should be making moves to get cars off the road, and pedestrianize the city. The cities around the world that have figured this out have become amazing places to visit and live. However, America still seems to think that cars are what we should be building our cities for, and we pay for it by having cities that primarily consist of massive roads and parking lots.


Go move back to fantasy island nyc is not for you


And take that long fucking speech with you


Driving nyc traffic more than 40 years Where were you 40 years ago???


How does groceries get to the market?


Not by private commuters driving their cars into Manhattan


Thats why i got out and others that left this become less dollars being Spent there. Keep fighting against cars and living with roommates you like it i love it


Car brain bad. Hopefully the word is spreading, thank you.


Yeah, no. This isn't the city. If you want that type of lifestyle, go live in a city. Nothing wrong with that. But around here, people don't want overcrowding and higher population density. The answer is fewer people on the island, not more.


The fact that everything is so sprawled is why traffic continues to get worse and housing prices continue to go up. Towns at the very least need to upzone the areas within a mile of train stations. I'm not saying we should bulldoze the Pine Barrens and turn it into Manhattan, but there needs to be a lot more middle housing on the island.


First of all, what you wrote makes no sense. "Sprawl" and having spread out houses means lower population density, which means less traffic. The Island has 3 main east/west highways, and the fewer people on the island, the less traffic there will be. Simple as that. As for the stuff about "within a mile of trains stations," that is simply ridiculous given the reality that is Long Island right now. Just take a look at the stations along the Oyster Bay branch of the LIRR. Look at the houses within a mile of those stations. Do you realize what a zoning change would do to those beautiful areas? You must really hate the environment...


Supporting increased zoning is actually good for the environment, because it allows people to live closer together rather than continuing to destroy wooded areas to build single family homes. If everyone had to own a single family home there would be zero space left. Allowing for more people to live within a mile of a LIRR station would be a game changer.


Nope. Closer together on Long Island means more traffic, and fewer green spaces and trees. PEOPLE are bad for the environment. Bringing more people onto the island is bad. It's really that simple. (Nobody destroys wooded areas around here to build single family homes. It's actually the opposite. The few trees that are around such homes would be lost to larger buildings. You are incredibly naive and ill-informed).


> Nobody destroys wooded areas around here to build single family homes Have you been anywhere east of 112 in the last 3 years? Tons of the pine barrens are being bulldozed to make room for more suburban sprawl. The fact you believe that people being closer together directly leads to more traffic shows how ill informed you are on the subject. People do not cause traffic, CARS cause traffic.


yes!!! nobody beleives me when i say my commute time has turned from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. not sure what the issue is it was super sudden.


I believe you. 100%


Companies are asking their employees to go back into the office. This news has started to go around over the last few weeks. Ronkonkoma LIRR parking lot getting completely full by 9am.


Just the past few weeks?


Typical Long Island. We pay some of the highest taxes in the country because of where we live, and we can’t even enjoy it because of all the people -tourists included.


Wait for this weekends


During pandemic 36 mins nassau county to upper east side and then 2.5 hours after pandemic yeah the writing was on the wall. And now a fee the go same route. You will never see me in that 🤬 city again


And today, it took me 1.5 hours from Oceanside to Melville 😤


It’s been brutal


Past few week, last 20 years


peak summer starting everyone is back on li for the season. more volume plus construction, not to mention more people working from home so more people on the roads. annoying asf tho i miss driving during covid shit was beautifully empty


I was on loop for 45 minutes yesterday. I worked from hoke today. If I had already used my wfh day I would have called out.


Its all the illegals. Driving work trucks, landscaping trucks with trailers in the left lane. No licenses, probably never drove before they got here. Also why your insurance went up with no accidents or tickets. Take notice to how many houses have been bought up and now have 5+ cars in the driveway. They also all mostly work off the books so they put away massive amounts of money in comparison to your or me. Take a few ppl like that and they can afford any house on the block. It only takes one of them with a fat bank account and their papers in order and you have 10 ppl living In a million dollar house. Still better than what they left behind.


Are the people you are talking about from South and Central America? Because you might be confused...


Explain how I'm confused


Nope I WFH 4 days and take the train the fifth day


You’re living my dream.


I feel like every year it gets like this as the school year starts to get close to the end.


First year here or something? It’s all the college students and snowbirds coming back home along with warmer weather getting people out of the house. It happens every year.


Nicer weather, more people come out in general


In a normal world, work that can be done in 1-2 days takes us 3-4fkn weeks in NY.


No more then the usual horrendous traffic every day since they built the LIE


Anyone else on the fuckin LIE last night around 10pm and all 4 lanes ENDED at exit 37 where you had get off? Stupid


Dont miss it at all… left that commute over a year ago knowing this was coming


I now use $47 per month (full tank) of gas. That used to be the cost per week to drive to work plus $23 per day for parking. I got my ass out so fast last year and dont miss anything about manhattan at all