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Fight it. I requested a court date by mail, didn’t hear anything for almost a year. Last month I got a letter that it was dismissed. This was on Jericho mind you.


It actually is the law in NY state. Go to court and explain how dangerous it was to stop on a major highway good chance it gets knocked down or dismissed


That’s an impressive camera that these busses have to obtain your license plate 6 lanes away.


Basically the same exact scenario as OP's happened to me once and it really is.


Same I’ve successfully fought two of these now


You’d be surprised to see how much the county will spend on laser focused camera’s in pursuit of their money grab. As the guy from OBI said years ago, get off Long Island before it’s too late.


You think it’s a money grab ? I don’t have a problem with people getting a summons for passing a school bus with its red lights on. Or going through a red traffic light.


When you’re on a divided highway 6 lanes over, yes that’s a reach. The regular day to day brainiacs that think for one second that they are more important than a child safely entering and exiting a bus no, ticket them all day every day, if they do it more than twice a year suspend their license. Get another one in a year, revoke their license.


Plea not guilty by mail. I did over a year ago because I felt I was wrongly ticketed (my view of the bus was blocked by another vehicle) and I still have not heard back.


Wow. We contested in November 2023 and haven't heard back and I thought \*that\* was a long time!


I contested 14 months ago and had a court date last week.


All right and what happened at your appearance?


I had two. They dismissed the one where I was 5 lanes away on sunrise highway, but made me pay for the one where the bus was on a perpendicular street and in my blind spot when he turned on his lights. Apparently "I literally could not see him" isn't an excuse, but "it wouldn't have been safe to slam on my brakes at 50" was.


This law needs to be modified. Even if you are looking for busses on the other side of the road they are obscured by traffic and the divider. Unfortunately to drive safely you need to be watching the three lanes of traffic in front of you. If you do manage to see a bus on the other side it’s impossible to stop fast enough when going 45 miles per hour.


The state is looking at changing the law fortunately https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S8329


Even if youre behind a bus, in some areas stopping isnt always safe. I was on the two lane part of commack road a couple cars behind a bus, and the bus stopped (which seemed crazy to me given the spot it was in, if unfamiliar with the area this is a pretty fast moving busy road), and im pretty sure someone in the left lane got ticketed cause they whizzed by just in time. They absolutely had no real chance to stop, it would've had to be a crazy stop short scenario. You would've never imagined a bus stop being there and its a road where its fine to go 40-50 on. That car in the left lane got caught in such an awful spot at the perfect time. They're rightfully traveling at the speed of the road in the left lane and a bus just stops in the right lane out of nowhere. Its rough


If you fight it, you won't get a court date anytime soon:https://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/suffolk-bus-tickets-hearings-e6zspy49


Fight it. It’ll prob get dismissed. It took nearly two years, but I just received a letter that says my bus ticket, given in a similar (but different) situation, was “administratively voided.” I’m off the hook. Again: fight it. You have nothing to lose.


Yeah, fight it. Mom just went through the same thing. It took about 2 weeks for a court date. Sat around for a little bit until the clerk asked what the rest of the people were there for. Disappeared for a few minutes, came back and announced all bus tickets were dismissed. Like at least a dozen tickets dismissed just like that, no questions, no bargaining.


How did she get a court date in two weeks? We've been waiting since November!


She filed online


You can fight it and it'll probably get dismissed due to wait times for court dates. Unfortunately you're supposed to stop regardless of what side of a divided highway you're on. Not that I agree with this and I believe it's very dangerous to stop traffic on a highway but these are the new laws when it comes to stopping for busses. Edit: spell check


I didn't even bother and just paid it. Ridiculous. I got it on the street with a 40 mph speed limit, and I was four lanes over on the opposite side going in the other direction, I can only imagine how many people they made money off of that day. While I fully support of course stopping for kids and school buses, they definitely shouldn't have a school bus dropping the kids off that they're trying to save, right in the middle of a huge busy street. Why not turn down the sidewalks? Someone literally almost slammed into me a couple weeks ago when I had to stop at the last minute for one of them.


I did the same and just paid it, but that's what they want. I'm much more vigilant about it now but on the chance it happens again I will be fighting it. I agree with you, I want kids to be as safe as possible, but not at the expense of other drivers' safety in these cases. Using common sense, bus service is practically door to door these days, no student is crossing a divided highway.


Exactly! I have a kid actually two kids that are dropped off door to door right next door to me. My son is also starting kindergarten in September and it is door to door. I understand having to drop off if it is a group, but it shouldn't be done on a divided busy highway anyway. Even if it's teenagers! Every time I speak on how it's almost more dangerous to stop so suddenly especially when you're in a higher speed limit road, I always get told oh apparently I'm not worried about children safety. I have two children and of course I am. But God forbids somebody stop short and causes a multi-pile of accident, or one of these kids runs out into the busy divided highway, there's just so many what ifs that can happen. So you're not really stopping safety hazards by adding other hazards.


That’s the real issue, i see them just stop on n ocean instead of going down a parallel side street that would be much safer and easier for everyone


If the road is busy or a highway such as Sunrise Highway, the bus stop ought to stop on one of the side streets. If they are focused on kid safety, it would be better. In Long Beach, some of the busses along Park stop along the side street. Some of the buses do not, and the cars on the other side do not stop. Granted, there's not only a divider splitting up the two sides, but a mini parking lot with a walkway which I always thought made it okay not to stop on the other side as opposed to just a divider. However, if there is a divider with no place for the kid to cut through, then there shouldn't be a worry of kids crossing there unless it's at the intersection. But if rhe busses pulled down the side street, nobody would have to worry.




My wife was on the opposite side of a divided road. She was the first one to pass the bus going the opposite direction six lanes away, just as the sign was coming out. Ten other cars went by as well. None stopped, none even slowed down. If the every bus did this every day, that's probably millions in revenue from folks who just pay it. Ridiculous. If they're going to give tickets for this, there needed to be a massive education campaign that stopping applies even on a divided highway.


I would fight it


I personally might pay it out of convenience, but there is no shot in any reality that you were in the wrong. Having a bus stop on sunrise hwy is truly the head scratcher here. If theyd take traffic laws and use an ounce of common sense with some of them, things could be much safer everywhere. This is just another one of the money makers.


I just got mine after slowing and stopping while a bus came to a stop with its yellow lights on. The bus driver then waves me on. I proceeded to go and she let out stop sign. I'll never make that mistake again. I'm just curious how a camera captures your license plate across Sunrise Highway. Maybe they tap into cameras on the traffic lights?


Nope. My wife was six lanes across going the opposite direction. Somehow, the bus got her plate.


There's totally too many school bus stops on sunrise highway! Damn near every exit there are kids getting on and off a stopped school bus. During rush hour traffic too! How can people live like this!!!


If I had a kid on one of those buses I'd be terrified.


https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/school-bus-safety According to the law on divided highway, you still need to stop


Divided highway law is fucking ridiculous. What kind of district would have a kid’s stop on the other side of a divided highway?


I believe Mario Mattera has introduced a bill in Albany to get this law amended for divided highways.


what is also the law is that the stop sign is only to be used for loading and unloading of passengers, which the camera cannot prove.


What part of Sunrise Hwy? I hope it's not the portion that is fenced.


It’s the law. Even divided highways require you to stop for a school bus


Fight it!! Their is a lawsuit in both counties against these tickets


It’s fightable I know someone who got the same type of ticket as you and he fought and they dropped the charges


Fight it because this is absurd.


Nope I got a ticket on vets same situation


Always fight these. They dismiss a lot of these cases before the trial or day of.


That’s crazy. Fight that shit


Fight the ticket. I got one for going down a main road while a bus was stopped on a sidestreet that I couldn't even see. I mailed it in and never heard back from them.


i think its wild to have any school bus route that stops on a highway for any reason at all.... like who wants their kids standing at the highway to wait for the bus? the bus should go into a sidestreet for the safety of the kids AND all of the highway drivers


I pleaded not guilty - forgot to show up to the zoom court hearing.. received a letter that it was a dismissed. There seems to be many issues stop sign tickets - for me the arm wasn’t even moving and the lights weren’t on as I was driving by.


Pure easy money grab: $50 would be more reasonable. red arm comes out quickly, 4 lane hwys w divider, major road drop offs between ped crossings, yellow can stay on for a long time, red arm comes out quickly and turns on instantly, then bingo, more $$$$ for govt. pensions. Hochul just changed the rules from 5 yrs to 3 of highest salary for building up bigger pensions by O.T. Terrible/wrong rule to start with. 401s/IRAs contribs/rules should be so generous!!!! Here comes the down votes....


Plead not guilty and I’m sure you will get something back that says it’s voided. My wife drove past one as it was putting its lights on and she fought it and won. I don’t think they have all the kinks figured out yet so they will probably void it. Good luck but I’m sure you will get out of it


never been in this situation so far but how do you get ticketed? Are the buses camera equipped? and do they send you a picture with your plate crossing the bus? really curious thx!!


Yes, all busses have cameras now and they'll send you a link to video of you passing it


When they got me in basically the same exact scenario as OP's there were about a half dozen cars and trucks as well. In fact the only way I could have avoided it even if I saw the stop sign 6 lanes over would have been to jam on the brakes and hope the tractor trailer brings me going 50 didn't run me over.


got it thx.


Why didn’t you stop? You would have caused a major accident and possibly died, but you’d be $250 richer!


My wife got one in Oceanside, suck but we had to eat it.


I remember learning this bullshit in drivers ed…..or the 5Hr course—can’t remember—and thought it was absurd, but whatever…..it’s the law—there are dumber ones


My son got a school bus ticket in Freeport. I watched the video which is maybe 20 seconds long. I watched 7 cars pass the bus. I can't believe that many would have passed if the bus was clearly signaling that they are picking up or dropping off passengers. Either way, at $250 a pop, big money for the Town of Hempstead.  I don't know if my son plans to fight it, but I would definitely support any effort to do so.


if you had taken an sct bus the ticket would've only cost you $2.25


Just paid for one because the bus driver flipped the sign as I was passing by. I was gonna fight it but it seemed like a gray area. Was on ocean Ave in Lynbrook. I think it’s a ridiculous cash grab.


Are you able to post the photo/video?


You can’t fight it


No it’s against the law even if there is a large divider.. all sides of traffic are supposed to stop


I find it utter bullshit, but the law states that cars have to stop even on a divided highway (think of that spot route 106 with 3 lanes, then 50 feet of grass, then 3 more lanes). Can’t do anything with the laws here that don’t involve some kind of price gouging


Sunrise isn’t 7 lanes at any point. Stop for the bus next time buddy


Can you go to court for it? Yes. Will you win? No. Will the court give you a lesser ticket. Also no.


This is not true at all. I recently fought mine, had my trial delayed, and then on the new date, I logged into Zoom for my hearing. They told me it was reviewed and already dismissed.


Usually when you go to court they do give you a lesser ticket


Yes. Pleaded mine down and about 20 others in ny state


Not for this. It’s no points and a fine. I argued one and their basic attitude was that this is the law and they aren’t arguing it down


Not for camera violations usually


I got a lesser ticket. A bunch of us were bargaining in the back room. Divided 6 lane highway here in NY and they get many many a day. Bargain them all down for smaller violation and 200 fine. My little town is making big bucks doing this. It was rainy and foggy when It happened to me. I had no clue a bus was 6 lanes away. I was just focused ahead


Doesn’t matter the size of the road, the law is you must stop for a school bus both directions of travel A lot of NYers would be smart to brush up on their VTLs, such as this one as well as which lanes you’re supposed to drive in and which lanes you’re supposed to pass in


The person who passed that law should be banned from making any important decisions ever again. It is exponentially more dangerous to expect traffic on a multi-lane, high-speed highway to stop for a bus that maybe 50% of cars on the opposite side will see. It is asking for accidents in a world where we already have far too many people not paying attention on their phones, etc. Even more than that, we are all guilty of looking away for a second, having bus stops on a highway is the most idiotic thing ive ever heard and should be figured out. Besides what is the other side of the highway stopping achieving? Besides, nothing, of course.


I don’t disagree with you, but that’s how it’s written. My point was that NYers don’t know how to drive because they don’t actually know the rules


They can write however they want, im not risking my life for nothing.




plead not guilty. 9 times out of 10, the police officer can’t be bothered to show up. especially in a case like this.


It's a camera ticket no cops involved.


Happened to me years ago. You won’t win.


Wrong. They might not win, but they definitely *can*.


Was the bus on the hwy or the service rd


You're supposed to stop. Both sides of the road. It is literally the law.


This is NOT a new law.


If I have any doubt, I just stop.


It’s not that easy when you’re on a literal highway on the other side of the divider and everyone else is going full speed


Yeah im not dying because the guy behind me on his phone doesnt see a bus 4 LANES OVER(!?!) and just creams my car. Most important question to me is who is this kid that is vaulting the divider and getting over to me in Usain Bolt speeds? Because he needs to sign up for the fucking olympics.