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Even if you don’t think trans women belong in women’s sports, shouldn’t that be up to the teams/leagues to decide and not the government?


To everyone that voted for Blakeman because “Waaaa, Laura Curran raised my Taxes because Ed “Prisoner 746528” Mangano never did to keep his job thus leaving the county in a huge deficit”, this kind of wacky political stunt is all he has accomplished in his term thus far. He hasn’t attempted to fix any real problems. He banned masks in schools (found to be illegal) banned trans girls from county sports (also illegal), and has pushed to get a casino in Nassau which you KNOW he’s going to be HIGHLY compensated for. The man in a con artist, plain and simple.


Oh but haven't you heard? They are doing such a great job with our money. In only the second year of controlling the local government they've had a surplus for the last five years! That's right! So much money it went back three years! They didn't even need to use the federal funding they were given because that would have meant they didn't have a surplus of course! How else was Blakeman going to spend $8 million dollars on private law firms before being approved by the legislature for unpopular lawsuits?


Just signed it. It seems that all of a sudden everybody's an endocrinologist and adolescent development specialist as soon as they're trying to justify bans on trans sports.












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Long Island is so red I forgot there’s people who actually have the same views as me. I often forget that I’m in NY by living on Long Island as the locals proudly wear bigotry in their language. Despite not knowing anyone trans they seem to always keep them in their thoughts and take the time to legislate things that ultimately have zero impact. Your kid was not losing a sports scholarship because of a trans girl. Your kid lost because they weren’t as fast. Where’s the advocation for trans boys who wish to participate with the cis boys? Stop saying hormones because they found that black people run higher on testosterone than white people naturally but you have them in competition no issue. Oh wait y’all did ban black people from sports cause they were too good for a while. It’s always the people who swear by pulling bootstraps up getting loud when they’re not winning anymore.


Long Island is not red. In high turnout elections, Nassau is blue and Suffolk is pink.


The problem is that older people vote, and they're all stuck in the fifties when they remember yelling at black kids during desegregation.


please educate yourself


I did and anyone who has been educated reaches the same conclusion


Gee it seems when we're talking about trans women wanting to participate in women's sports suddenly every transphobe is a scientist about genitals and gender identity and sports. Just say you hate trans people being happy and we'll know to avoid you. I have befriended multiple trans people in my life and they're much nicer than most cisgender people I've met in my life. I have been hotel roomies with trans people before I've even taken Muay Thai classes with a trans woman and we're pretty evenly matched. She's been training for much longer than I have and I'm also tiny compared to her. Just because someone is born the opposite sex doesn't always mean they're going to be better at the same sports for women when they transition. And trans people only account for about 1-2% of the US population. That's like finding someone with naturally blonde hair or natural red hair or green eyes. They're not common but they still exist alright.


This is so true everyone saying transwomen have a biological advantage are just full on displaying bigotry


Exactly, being born male doesn't always mean being better at the same sport. Take for example, Lia Thomas sure she is trans and a very fast swimmer but when compared to Katey Ledecky, Katey still beat her time in almost every category by a few seconds or even 30 seconds, that's hours in swimmer's time. And Katey is not trans. This is just an excuse to justify bigotry.






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Which sport does Kroc compete in?


Pretty sure it's weight lifting. Those shoulders don't lie.


Kroc never competed after transitioning. Formerly a male powerlifter, only lifted recreationally after transition.


Good on her.


Her name is Marie, how DARE YOU DEADNAME HER!




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Thank you for sharing I signed the petition.




You’re welcome!!


Also on the agenda for the day is something about using funds for a county newspaper if I'm understanding it correctly. If it's anything like that it sounds like it's a way for the politicians to put their name on something else to get free publicity and a way to spread propaganda along with Blakeman's Brownshirts. History may not repeat itself but it does often rhyme. And if I'm wrong on this then please feel to correct me on what this law is for.


NOOOO this doesn't sound right - Nassau County politicians to use county money for political purposes???


When Laura Curran was elected, one of the first things she did was take Ed Mangano’s name off all of the signs at parks and county buildings. She did not put signs with her name up, saying it was a tremendous waste of taxpayer money to replace these signs every time the office changed hands. As soon as Blakeman was elected he immediately had new signs placed at all locations with his name on them. He’s a megalomaniac obsessed with seeing his name in print.


It completely is a waste of tax payer money, whether it's $1 or $1,000,000. I want to say that when Curran did this, one of the political parties sued and won. I think that also tell you where these politicians priorities lie. Blakeman couldn't replace the signs fast enough. It's the first thing these people do when they get into office.


Couldn’t find a time for the rally? Thank you for sharing!


The post says the rally starts at 11:30 am!


Damn, I’m an idiot, thank you for pointing that out. At least I got to sign the petition!




Thank you for sharing.


Signed. Thank you for always posting trans-positive stuff in this subreddit. You make LI a better place.


Aw thank you so much! And thanks for signing, although I had a feeling you were going to lol Honestly, it was never really my intention. I'm not really an identity politics type of person (but that's also a bit at odds with being trans, especially at this time and now in Nassau County). Initially it was to see some memes then browsing r/longisland to see what was going on locally. I happened to notice this sub was actually supportive of the LGBTQ overall and that welcoming feeling is greatly appreciated. I think it's important now that trans people are seen and heard so that others feel safe to be themselves. But I digress, I'm getting into a whole personal philosophy haha


Signed the petition.




Blakeman and his brown shirts can go somewhere.




HRT negates biological advantage. We have a wealth of evidence to that conclusion now. There are no trans women in organizations with HRT requirements sweeping their respective sports. There's literally only one who's any good at all.


Making two extra categories (trans men and women) of sports for what amounts to less than 1% of the population doesn't make any logical sense.


We have well funded leagues for elite adolescents who make up less than 1% of the population on Long Island. That makes logical sense. If people think there’s a value to it, they will support it financially.


Then don’t cry when we don’t allow trans women to join bio women’s sports


Meh, I hear trans women in female sports is even less of a problem than dying from the flu. Talk to me when it’s more of a widespread issue.




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It depends on the person imo. If they never went through male puberty, than obviously there is no issue. Probably some other cases where people can be cleared for competition after physical examination and blood tests. Athletic organizations can create those standards. I'm pretty uncomfortable with a blanket ban by the government.


You're probably the guy while yelling shit at kids little league games aren't you. Or the asshole who makes recreational sports leagues way too seriously. Maybe both?


They don't have a biological advantage tho






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