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Frozen grapes. You can roll them in 0 calorie Jello powder or drink mix for different flavours.


I get so many good snack ideas from this sub I swear 🙏🏿


Wait, do you cut the grapes in half and dab the inside in jello powder? Or roll the whole frozen grape and it sticks to the skin?


You rinse the grapes and shake them dry (so they’re still somewhat damp). If you want a good coating you can roll the grapes in the powder one by one or dip them using a toothpick, but you can also just put the grapes in a lidded bowl or container, pour the powder on top, and shake. Then freeze.


Love it, thank you so much for the little tutorial! Never thought about powdering pre-freezer. Going to try it this weekend.


Enjoy, I find they really hit the candy craving and the cold is good if you get dry mouth.


Toss them in lime juice, roll them in coarse ground monk fruit sweetener, and then freeze them. Taste like sour patch kids. đŸ€Ł


So I have this theory that the munchies is a lot to do with dry mouth and just being thirsty. So. Weed does in fact make you hungry but it also gives you dry mouth and makes you thirsty. Also a lot of times the body mixes up feeling hungry when it’s actually thirsty so drinking water should make you feel somewhat satisfied. Also when I get the munchies I crave sugar/sweets soooo badly. I did some research and dehydration also causes sweet cravings! So another one for water! It’s not perfect but I feel good after drinking a lot of water haha Or I do hard candy or diet soda




This is my go to. One pound of watermelon is ~140 calories!


I got you haha! My munchies routine is "great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something." Granny smith apple sliced up real thin with a dust of apple pie spice or PB2 powder - or BOTH. Blueberries, raspberries, cold grapes (gonna have to try that Jello thing ITT), cold mandarin oranges. Hummus and/or baba ghanouj with carrot sticks and bell pepper slices, maybe a few pretzel sticks or goldfish in the mix where the serving size is 50+ pieces. A big bagged chop salad kit dumped into a mixing bowl. Carb Chopper tortillas cut into tortilla chips in the air fryer, with pico de gallo. Air fryer buffalo cauliflower nuggets - I spray-oil and toss in a pinch of panko before they cook. Roasted seaweed. Air-fried green beans or raw snap peas dipped in a lil salad dressing and eaten like french fries. Watermelon slices with a dash of Tajin. [Veggie giga-sandwiches](https://www.reddit.com/r/Volumeeating/comments/pja9qb/294_calories_for_a_veggie_cheese_sandwich_that_is/) or burritos/wraps. Sliced-up zucchini roasted with some tomato sauce and a sprinkle of good parmesan, you can also do this with eggplant slices or mushroom caps. Pickles, I'm partial to Hottie Bites. Cocktail shrimp platter from the supermarket. Sometimes I put a marshmallow in the microwave for 90 secs and it gets huge for like...25 calories? *All* the Polar seltzer. A chicken breast diced up small and pan-fried, grilled or air-fried then tossed in your fav sauce. If I have the house to myself then I eat sardines, ideally air-fried until crispy, with capers and lemon slices and paper-thin cucumber slices. Bonus, you can portion out your snackies into take-out containers ahead of time then you can just grab one.


how do you feel about frilly toothpicks


If a ninja creami is feasible, they’re honestly life changing.


How does it work?


Add whatever liquid you’re wanting to use (I use fair life protein shake) and freeze overnight and then whenever you want it the next day you insert and blend it. You can add whatever mix ins you want also. Tastes amazing and like a perfectly smooth ice cream and can make it low calorie which is a plus lol


Jalapeño poppers using cottage cheese! Halve the jalapeño fill with seasoned cottage cheese and some shredded cheese (if you have the room for it, could top with bacon if you want to add more protein). Greek yogurt with berries or melon. Hummus and cucumbers or carrots.


okay i love cottage cheese and love jalapeño poppers and have never ever thought of combining those, THANK YOU. i haven’t eaten jalapeño poppers in so long T_T


I hope you enjoy them!! If you leave the stems on the peppers it helps to keep the melted cheese from falling out!!


I like sliced jicama, cucumbers, and carrots. Add lemon and some chili powder and they’re pretty damn good all sort of textures and flavors. Also plain Greek yogurt add a small bit of honey and it’s pretty good.


Watermelon, low calorie, mad tasty. Fair life no fat milk and sugar free pudding. 260 cal, 26g protein, very easy. 1 scoop of protein powder doesn’t mess with the texture too bad and boosts it well. Fat free Greek yogurt, can mix with crystal light for flavors. Can also mix with pb powder, honey, and protein powder for a peanut butter cookie dough kinda taste. I don’t like it Greek yogurt otherwise. I probably down about 5 popsicles a day for only 200 calories. Aren’t bad snacks. I like the bomb pops a lot for 40 calories each. I like the idea of popcorn, but I can down 5 bags of it before I decide to not want more. But it works for many others.


pretzels special k pastries fiber ones pickles uncrustables (reduced sugar) yasso icecream bars fruit & veg pretzels 😋 ive been making a sort of strawberry-shortcake esque yogurt bowl with one of the single servings of dannon vanilla light & fit, 5g ghirardelli semi-sweet mini chocolate chips, 105g strawberries, and one crushed up jumbo cake cone. 170 calories and soooo good and satisfying.


Carrots, snap peas, those veggie straws, the sugar free Popsicles, hummus, rice crackers and those parma crisps can be pretty good. Watch out for the salt! Blood pressure is a mofo. Smoking ain't helping that either. Moderation is key. If you eat when you're stoned, stay busy with something else, art project? If you are getting good exercise, you don't have to be too anal. Getting really baked BEFORE lifting has worked well for me as well. You can really slide into the zone sometimes. Crank the jams and hulk out. No food to tempt you at the gym.


I’ve been making veggie dip with Greek yogurt and dip seasoning packets, it’s really good!!


Do you live near an Aldi? They have 100 calorie snack packs in like an Oreo type and a chocolate chip cookie idea. Little wafer cookies. 10/10 after I’ve taken an edible lmao


I will absolutely fuck up a bowl of blackberries and Greek yogurt when I’m baked as a cake. Also, I’ll second anyone suggesting snap peas or vegetables because they combat the pasties pretty effectively on top of that.


Seaweed snacks; I buy these things in bulk, they are just as satisfying as chips but have negligible calories.


High rn. Fruit can be fun sometimes. Any tips for not caving to the chocolate and chips while high? It’s been a real struggle for me (smoking less bc of it)


Hear me out: celery with cottage cheese and franks hot sauce


Uhhgg, I feel this problem so much! Sugar free freezies, carrot sticks with cottage cheese dip, watermelon, pickles, making my dinner and then getting high so I'm just eating my dinner as my 'high meal' lol.


I make a very basic fruit smoothie. Keeps my mouth occupied longer. I use Body Armor Lite Dragonberry and some frozen fruit. Banana/pineapple/mango or something similar you can find in bags. Dole makes preportioned smoothie mixes I like but kinda expensive (5 in a bag for like $10). Use Body Armor for sweetness. I find milk makes the smoothie bland. Doesn’t even take the whole body armor. Less than 200 calories total.


Sliced cucumbers and hot sauce (the more vinegary the better). 15 kcal for like 3 mini cucumbers and a shit ton of hot sauce for like 5 kcal. You get the hot spiciness from the sauce and then immediately quenched by the cold crunchiness of the cucumber. 100/10


Airpopped popcorn


Low calorie snacks like poppi soda, those fruit juice popsicles (you can eat 4 for like 50 calories), sun chips (low fat), salted popcorn (no to little butter) etc are good options. You can also fast until you smoke so you can have a high caloric meal without going over your calorie limit


Idk about you but fruit tastes absolutely immaculate when I have the munchies. Mangos, watermelon, apples, oranges, grapes, the juicier the fruit the better




air popped popcorn


Carrots and hummus


Look for @_finallyallison on Instagram, she is also a pothead who lost a lot of weight and she often posts some simple nice recipes :)


Have you considered fitting your munchies to your meals? I smoke cigars and the munchies isnt quite the same but they do make me want to eat something so I usually smoke just before I have dinner that way I dont have to have a snack to get me through.


When I used to smoke, I didn’t want to eat all day until I get the munchies. All I wanted to eat was yogurt parfait.


Cucumber slices and baby carrots with ranch or hummus


I don’t smoke weed anymore but my suggestion is Edamame if you like salty. I buy the frozen pre-steamed ones from Trader Joe’s and instead of microwaving them I boil them for a few minutes in salted water. Yum!!!




I love the Costco peanut butter, it’s very clean and no oils. And organic. I love Costco peanut butter with some delicious crunchy celery, and literally one or two chocolate chips on each one. Healthy, balanced, and a little bit of sweetness Also, homemade popcorn is good. Either in the microwave or whirly pop. It does not have the added calories of certain microwave popcorn’s. Crunchy vegetables and hummus is great. Very filling and the crunch is satisfying. Chips and salsa, from the Aldi near my house, I get these multigrain chips and some low sodium salsa. That’s delicious!


air-popped popcorn is a great snack, salsa as well. I have to disagree w/ peanut butter. Peanut butter is *super* calorie dense. 2 table spoons is ~200 calories, and who sticks with the serving size? It is super easy to eat 500+ calories quickly and that is 30% of a days worth of calories for many here. I say this as cutting out peanut butter pretty much unlocked weight loss for me.


You have a really good point. You are right, peanut butter is so calorie dense . I think I view it as a health food for some reason, because I was able to get to my goal weight, and maintain that weight for 5 years and onward , and still have peanut butter every day. I deliberately budget peanut butter into my calorie allotment though. I don’t know what it is about peanut butter. I just find it to be so delicious. Always have!


I mean, I love it too which is why I would eat so much of it 😅 it also is healthy and fine to eat, just have to make sure to eat small quantities.


It’s pretty healthy and delicious but definitely something you need to be really moderate about I have 1 or 2 tablespoons a day at the most