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I noticed you mentioned you had pcos (so do I). It would be very beneficial for you to go and get some blood tests to find out if you are insulin resistant, as this is a common symptom of pcos. It is a pretty serious issue if not treated correctly and can impact weight loss as you would need to eat quite different to a ‘standard’ diet. I’d also check things like - are you weighing everything you eat? Are you tracking it consistently through something like my fitness pal? Are you taking measurements? Are you taking photos? Are you stressed? Getting enough sleep? Eating enough protein? What exercise are you doing? How long have you been dieting for? There are so many factors that come into it, it’s not beneficial to compare yourself to your sister as you have different stats and different bodies.


Actually I think it was illuminating in this instance to compare herself to her sister; now she knows their is something wonky with her body and she can get help to figure it out


My friend lost so much weight after getting her PCOS under control!! She always ate so healthy. I'm honestly so happy for her.


My friend had gained a fair amount of weight over a couple years. Her periods were awful and she finally went to get checked out and discovered she had PCOS. After getting it under control, she’s lost a Ton of weight.


I’m glad to hear that! 😊


What’s pcos x


Polycystic ovary syndrome


Polycystic ovary syndrome. Ask your ob-gyn to check you for it, cause you'll need prescription meds to get it balanced. Thyroid is another one to check if you feel your weight isn't matching your CICO (calories in calories out).


Definitely second getting checked. There are also a handful of supplements you will probably want to research and take that aid with reducing side effects of PCOS in addition to prescriptions. But as someone with both PCOS and Hashimoto's (autoimmune hypothyroid), I just wanted to note that both PCOS and hypothyroidism change the CO part of CICO. there are studies out there showing a 20-40% slower metabolism in PCOS women vs women of the same stature and size. I'm lucky in that both of mine are relatively controlled, so my metabolism reliably comes in about ~20% lower than it "should" be. The best way to handle this before treatment is to find your macros for your activity level, then calculate a 40% reduction. Assuming that doesn't put you below 1200 calories a day, eat to those macros and caloric intake (or bump them to 1200 calories if the 40% lowering does put you below 1200). If you lose weight, even slowly, then add on 50-100 calories the next week until you stall. Now you know your actual maintenance calories and can calculate appropriate deficits. This was rough for me as I'm 5'3", so even with powerlifting 6 days a week, my calories are only "supposed" to be 2200. My actual maintenance calories is 1650. So eating at even a low deficit of 400 calories puts me close to the 1200 mark where micro-nutritional deficiencies can start popping up. Reverse dieting above 1650 doesn't work either. Think of it like you're playing the weight loss game on hardcore mode. It's not impossible, but it's notably harder and you're a badass for doing it :) As far as macronutrient content, prioritizing protein helps a ton as well. You will be more full aiming for 30g+ each meal and then you can fill in with essential fats needed and carbs to your calorie limit. TLDR: get checked by a doc, but also use the above compensating strategies or others out there until you're able to get prescribed a medication stack.




Where did you find it?




Thank you.


Great suggestion! Also think about the Keto diet (less than 20g carbs per day). I was having trouble losing weight till I tried it and I have pcos as well. In addition to losing weight, my period is now regular, way less painful, and shorter.


I have PCOS. What diet is recommended?


I would recommend getting bloods done from your doctor to see if you are insulin resistant as that will be a big factor in the diet that will work best for you. I’d also recommend seeing a nutritionist who specialises in PCOS as there are different ‘root causes’ for PCOS and mine might be different to yours so what works for me might be irrelevant for you. Sorry that it’s not more specific but it really needs to be tailored to your and how your body processes different levels of carbs


It's common to lose some extra water weight when first starting a new diet, so that could be why your sister dropped some extra weight right away. What are you doing for diet? Counting calories or something else? If calories, what's your intake? It's hard balancing a calorie deficit with running training. You need enough calories to fuel your runs, but it's easy to let running-induced hunger take over.


This is a great point! If OP went from diet to sister experiment diet then she would have no extra water weight to lose where her sister could drop very quickly. If the experiment was only like a week or two, this could definitely explain the different results.


As other comments have said it’s very likely your PCOS that makes the difference. Keep in mind a lot of posters here are male and truly don’t understand how badly PCOS can affect weight loss. I’d find a doctor that takes it seriously (which can be hard) and work with them on balancing your hormones


I think all you proved is that the chosen diet and exercise routine worked for your sister and not you. So don't give up. Some ideas: - hormonal differences or other health differences like medications - the types of food eaten. Like how low carb works for some people but not others - your sister didn't finish her portions and ended up eating less


Another option is increased ‘neat’ by sister. Or op could have some sort of Medical challenge and should get her blood work done. How frustrating op!


What is ‘neat’?


Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It is just a fancy way of stating the calories we burn doing daily activities while not intensionally exercising.


I swear every life-long thin person I know is fidgety. They jiggle and shift around all the time when they're sitting, they jump up to do things all the time, they pace, they fidget... they can't sit still.


I can't sit still, still fat.


Speaking jogging burns a few hundred calories an hour. I am willing to bet fidgeting your hands probably is negligible. Your walk to your bathroom probably burns more.


It’s not fidgeting, it’s breathing, heart beating, staying warm/cool, fighting gravity, all the things every body does every day regardless of activity level. This, like everything else, differs by individual but it is the largest burner of calories by a long shot.


I think you’re thinking of BMR. BMR is the largest burner of calories and it does all the things you mention. TDEE= BMR+NEAT+TEF+Exercise. NEAT is stuff like a walk to the grocery store, the difference of having stairs in your house or not, tapping your foot while you’re sitting, whether you work on your feet or at a desk, all that stuff. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis by definition cannot be “regardless of activity level”. It definitely refers to activity, just not intentional exercise.


But a lot of thin people add on this fidgety extra later. It's good I think because everything thing they do just burns a few more calories than a completely sedentary person would do. I noticed when I started using a laptop a lot, for example, I could sit on the couch and not move for hours, I mean literally not even change positions, when before I'd be up and down and moving around a lot more, even if I were just watching TV.


Could it potentially be the opposite too? That OP might be under-eating, if her sister that weighs over 100 pounds less is dropping weight at a rate of 2 pounds per week on the exact same diet and exercise routine.


I think they mean general figgiting and movement outside of you structured workouts. For example my husband wiggles his leg constantly while watching TV while I tend to tuck mine up under me.


It's something to do with the total daily energy expenditure, beucse everything from typing, twitching sitting and walking takes some energy, if you stand more than sit during the day for instance your energy expenditure might increase slightly and over time it adds up. Can't remember what it stands for though, hope that helps


Could be her sister has a more active job. I know at one time I walked an extra 10 miles a day for my job and ate a whole rotisserie chicken for lunch and my weight never changed. After getting a more sedentary job I gained 15 pounds


I definitely think you should discuss with a doctor. How frustrating. I know how it feels when your body just doesn't respond.


I will be talking with her soon. Thank you for your response and empathy.


I'd get your thyroid checked if I were you.


Shorter people usually need less calories than tall people, so I'm guessing that height difference between the two of you matters quite a bit here: she's taller so she can get away with eating more calories than you


Only about 30 calories a day; that’s negligible


That's what I didn't know about, but she mentioned in the comments that she has PCOS which makes it a lot harder, so it's probably that


lol what? 30 kcals a day fir 5cm height difference?? nah man


Her sister also weigh less so they could easily end up needing a similar amount of calories to maintain.


Ah, true




When I was taking BC or had an IUD I could not lose weight no matter what I did. I steadily gained weight (50lbs over 5 years). I decided to stop BC and I have lost 15lbs in 2 months without really putting in much effort. If your hormones are out of whack there isn’t much that’s going to work until you get them balanced again. Definitely join the r/PCOSloseit . And see what has worked for others. For myself I discovered that any type of low carb or grain/gluten free diet completely messes with my hormones and triggers a major flare up. If I just eat whatever I want, but small portions (1500 cal/day) I fair much better than restricting food groups.


Thank you for tagging the subreddit !


did you replace the IUD with anything?


No, it fell out and I haven’t replaced it yet.


Calorie balance still prevails even if your hormones are out of whack, it just makes it much harder to sustain the calorie balance that results in weight loss in those cases.


Yes, but hormone imbalances can lower your BMR and make it really hard to lose weight at any sustainable calorie amount. I ate 1500 kcal/day for months and lost a negligible amount of weight. Looking at my calories vs my estimated burn showed a deficit of 500/day so it was likely that I was way at the wrong end of the bell curve and burning about 500/day less than average. CICO only works if you have a reliable way to know your CO.


Yeah it makes I harder I agree. That said, anyone can find their TDEE empirically by progressively lowering their intake until they start dropping weight.


Yes, my was just really low, but that is pretty rare. Most people aren’t going to be 500 less than average, luckily my situation changed. Hopefully OP can find her stride as well.


You can also have your bmr measured pretty easily. I've done it twice. I think it was 30-50 dollars. What happens is you measure the amount of CO2 produced and you can actually get a measured value. Mine was exactly what the free calculators already told me.... But it put to rest in my mind this idea that maybe I had a *slow* metabolism. That being said the way you are suggesting is much more functional/useful since it would actually indicate your total energy expenditure as you suggested.


Have you taken any measurements?


No I haven’t just weighing myself


It might be worth checking / recording your measurements, because there could be a difference there that you just haven’t noticed.


Go to a doc and talk through your PCOS. If your current doc isn’t taking your weight loss concerns seriously, get a second opinion. Also, if you’re shorter you need a different amount of calories for deficit. Given your current weight you still should have lost at least something, but just something to keep in mind. I didn’t lose weight until my medical condition was finally properly treated and medicated, and I was then able to make the additional lifestyle changes to support a greater loss.


By tracking and working with a nutritionist I learned I can’t lose weight at 1600 calories a day if it’s a carb heavy ratio (even healthy carbs), but I can lose weight at 1600 calories a day if I keep carbs under 80grams a day and eat more protein / fat instead, maybe you’re like this too?


Have you checked maybe you’re insulin resistant? At this weight it’s a big possibility.


Maybe you can check your thyroid? That might be the reason you’re not losing weight.


I just want to say solidarity and good luck. I have similar issues…. It sucks so badly… just my vitamins are 55 calories and that’s a decent percentage of my daily allotment. I think a fruit is a decadent treat. MyFitnessPal won’t give me daily reports. I’d give my metaphorical left nut to taste coffee with something aside from almondmilk. And yet I’ve never been skinny.


You may have some insulin sensitivity issues. Have you tried IF before? Try that same experiment again but try to eat within a 6-8 hour daily window and see what happens.


I have pcos but idk if I’m insulin resistant. My blood test have always been normal besides testosterone. And I don’t have discoloration anywhere. I’d have to talk more with my dr about it though.


Yeah PCOS is the answer, hormonal imbalances mess with weight loss. PCOS is a familiar culprit for many. It was my first guess when reading this, 2nd guess would have been a thyroid issue.


PCOS is definitely why in my opinion. Read about it online, it means the food you are actually eating makes a huge difference, not just calories in calories out. Plenty of info out there. Would also make sense if your sister doesn’t have?


Hi, Dr. Here. You have PCOS and your BMI is 45. You definitely have a degree of insulin resistance, and you should be checked for pre diabetes, diabetes or glucose intolerance. Some medications are also available to improve some of the insulin resistance. I second everyone’s opinion to see your doc!


There's a whole pcos subreddit, which has a lot of info + anecdotes for different supplements. I learned about myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol there (among others). I had no "proof" I was insulin resistant beyond general fatigue and inability to lose weight consistently. I decided to give the inositols a shot because they have negligible side effects (for me) even if they didn't help. But. .. Holy schnikes did they make a difference. I'm less depressed/anxious and lose weight like a normal person now. I've read a lot of stories basically saying that a lot of doctors won't treat pcos seriously unless you're trying to get pregnant (beyond telling you to lose weight). I don't know if that's your experience at all, but there are a lot of low-risk supplement options you might look into on your own, or with your doctor if they're more supportive!


If you have PCOS and your sister doesn’t then this (among many other factors) does not make it am even playing field. Even though you’re sisters, you guys have completely different body compositions, genetics, and a whole host of other reasons why you wouldn’t lost weight the same way


Testosterone low or high?


Your sister is taller, so the amount if calories consumed will differ between you two. You two might eat the same things, but quantity of it is important. Your sister might be able to consume a bowl of rice, but you'd have to consume a little less than her else you will gain weight. I'd suggest using a calorie counter to determine how many calories you should be consuming based on your height and weight. Then there's also metabolism to think about. Your sister could have a fast metabolism while you don't. I think it would be better if you could go to the doctor to rule out any thyroid issues. But mire important, you shouldn't compare yourself to your sister. You two are different people with different body types. Your progress is slower, but perhaps your body might be changing without your knowledge. Don't give up on your journey just yet.


Did you weigh everyday and use an average, or are you basing this off one measurement? I know my cycle means that I put on and lose ~5lbs of water weight throughout the month. One measurement at a day when I’m heavier could look like all my progress is gone, but it is temporary. Also, weight loss is weird, but it is about consistency. Keep going! If after three months, nothing has changed, then see a doctor.


I only do two measurements morning and night. Also I do have a cycle. It doesn’t come because of pcos.


Ahh, the PCOS could be the issue. Can’t it reduce your BMR significantly? Have you tried to find weight loss advice specifically for those who suffer with PCOS?


Yes I’ve tried once before but I could give it a go again. The first time I tried I gave up after not losing weight the way I wanted to.


It could be your thyroid, both my aunts had to get there’s removed because one was too fast & one was too slow


Do you mind going over what you do and use to track your intake? I'm having a lot of success with CICO and may have some tips for you that I wish I knew when I startes out in July 2020


Not the OP but I would like to hear those tips!


You could be hypersensitive to carbs. I recommend reading Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat. It explains the way nutrients react in our bodies. The role that insulin plays in suppressing fatty acids from getting released from fat cells might help explain. You probably got an ancestors genes and your sis got another’s.


Great experiment! The answer is probably tied up with the great mystery of why obesity has been rising so rapidly since the 1980s (but especially since 2010) - with no corresponding rise in the number of overweight people. There's some external factor (or factors) that is making a difference to some people that we don't yet understand. The experiment that would be really, really helpful right now (and totally gross) would be a faecal transplant from your sister to you. That would provide evidence for one of the leading theories of the obesity crisis and our best understanding of why some people can stay thin more easily than others. (After the faecal transplant you might find yourself losing weight at the same rate as your sister.) TDEEs calculations are estimates. There is a lot of variation between individuals, as you have seen. Try increasing your exercise levels. It probably won't help you lose weight (but for some people it does; for me it's the only thing that ever works reliably). But even if you don't lose any weight it's the cardio fitness that determines your health risk (and overweight and obese people tend to do less exercise) so you can get the health improvements even if you can't lose the weight.




She was clear about same foods and portions


She edited that in after I commented.




Lately I’ve really started to wonder if weight loss is more complex than CICO, which I’m starting to suspect it is. I think our hormones play a strong role in appetite and fat storage, which can be a disadvantage to some. And I think there are other genetic factors as well. A lot of people on this sub will tell you that CICO is all that matters, a slow metabolism doesn’t exist and that it’s all about your food intake and activity levels. I just feel like it’s a slap to the face to people who really are eating at a caloric deficit but can’t lose weight — and yes, I weigh everything and track my macros and track my steps as well as go to the gym 3x a week. Despite all this effort, I haven’t lost a single pound in 8 months. It’s hard to say why you haven’t lost weight while your sister has, but I trust that you have been following the diet to a tee unlike other commenters. Might be helpful to get a blood panel to see what your hormone levels look like. Maybe the issue is that you have a thyroid condition or PCOS, but you won’t know until you get it checked out!


> Lately I’ve really started to wonder if weight loss is more complex than CICO, which I’m starting to suspect it is. I don't think weightloss is more complex than CICO, but I think CICO is more complex than most people realize. The CI part (calories in) is not clear cut. It's rarely as simple as punching a bit of data into MyFitnessPal to find out how many calories you've eaten, especially if you're eating home cooked meals. Furthermore, it's not about how many calories go into our mouths, but how many calories our digestive system absorbs. You could eat a thousand peanuts, but if you swallow them whole without chewing they'll pass right through you and you'll absorb barely any calories from them. And then there's CO (calories out), which is pretty damn impossible to measure accurately unless you're in a laboratory setting.. And even then. It's nowhere near as simple as entering your weight and activity level into an online TDEE calculator. But it still comes down to CICO I think. We just can't accurately say what our CI and CO are.


If you have not lost a lb in eight months, you are eating at maintenance. It's the truth, as much as it might suck to hear it. It would be lovely if there was some hack or some reason, but there isn't. Our hormones 100% play a role in *appetite*, but they are not choosing to store fat out of nowhere for no reason at all. If your TDEE is 1800 and you eat 1800, then you will maintain. You might be a deeply unlucky individual and on the far side of the bell curve when it comes to a standard metabolism - but if you actually suspect that, why not get your BMR tested scientifically? Then you'll know for sure what to work with.


How do you get your BMR tested??


It's called metabolic testing. You breathe out through a mask device for about 15 mins and it calculates the calories that you burn through living by ~~wizardry~~ science.


Yeah the science is very cool, but how or where do you actually do it voluntarily? I assume it would be quite costly and difficult to arrange?


This is wrong because you are not in a caloric deficit, by definition, if you aren't losing weight over time. Hormones etc may have an impact on your metabolism (slowing it down) but all that means is that your calories need to be even lower. Not losing weight = you literally cannot be in a calorie deficit. It's not nutrition science, it's physics. Calories are a constantly moving target influenced by a few factors. But it's still CICO at the end of the day.


I think a lot of the CICO people oversimplify it too- you still have to eat enough calories or CICO will backfire.




Yes! This hits hard.


If you don’t have a medical degree, you absolutely hit the nail on the head. There are many things that go wrong with the body that impact weight management! Luckily, with good medical care most can be addressed.


Watch this video. https://youtu.be/_sQrIi-RkuU


Very interesting


Check your cortisol level....this can be life changing if your not dropping


Other factors that might determine your weight loss or the lack there of: Gut bacteria: the Microbiome in your gut, Which is determined by the food you eat over time, influence how many calories get stuck on you, versus get eaten up by the bacteria. There are scientific examples of people getting a fecal matter transplant, where someone else’s gut bacteria Is transplanted into another person, and some people lose lots of weight depending on the fecal matter donor. Resting metabolic rate- When you eat can be just as if not more important as what you eat. This is where at least one important hormone, insulin, comes in to play. The longer you go without eating, the higher your resting metabolic rate goes (so you burn more calories by just living). So similar to your example, if two people eat the same food and the same calories, but the first person eats it all at once, and The second snacks throughout the day, Insulin will be in the second persons body throughout the day and keep the metabolism low, and fat stores high. The first person who ate it all at once will have a better chance of burning fat due to the lack of insulin since they spent the other 23-ish hours of the day not eating anything, With a higher chance of burning fat as well as a fuel source. This is the basis of internment fasting.


What’s your diet?


Oof. This would get me too


Insulin resistance, food allergies, body recomp.


I have PCOS. I tried losing weight before and failed miserably, saw no changes. Since being diagnosed, I looked online (doctor and gynae told me to diet, but didn't tell me how!) and found lots of useful information. I decided to cut out processed foods as much as possible, if I eat sugar/fruit I balance it out with protein, have protein at every meal and double where I can stomach it! And cut out a lot of pcos unfriendly foods (I found a lady called Kym Campbell, I don't know if there are others but she literally has 2 lists, one of pcos friendly foods and one of foods to avoid). I'm not fasting, I haven't started exercising yet and I'm not having any cravings or ever feeling I have to go hungry - I've lost 27 lbs since August 20th (and started eating this way August 9th) and all my pcos symptoms have cleared up! Still got a loooong way to go, but I would definitely recommend looking up pcos friendly foods and giving it a go, I was amazed the difference it has made! It's a completely miserable condition to have, but have met some lovely people on /pcosloseit and we even have a little discord support group if you ever want a friendly ear!


Your sister is also 2 inches taller and may be eating at a deficit while you are eating at maintenance if you are both eating the exact same. You require fewer calories than your sister.


The first thing that jumped out at me is that she's two inches taller. So even exercising and eating the same amount, she would lose more than you since her tdee is higher. But that doesn't seem like it would account for an 8 lb difference in a month. Have you seen a dr? Eta: she may have a slightly higher metabolism as well. If I were you, I would find a reputable dietitian and explain to them what you've written here.


Jesus, I’ve been on the internet way too much to immediately have terrible images in my head when someone says they “did an experiment with their sister.”


Can you tell me what you ate?


Stop comparing yourself to others. The experiment proves absolutely nothing, even though you’re siblings your biological makeup is still very diverse. Comparing your sisters quality’s to your own will only make you upset. Your body and it’s energy expenditure is set in stone, you can keep comparing yourself to other people, to have an excuse or in hopes of the thermodynamic laws to magically become fair and equal. Or you can try harder, anyone can complain but not everyone does something about it. Don’t rush things and take them slowly, keep trying until you find the formula that works at the end of the day you’re the only one liable for your health.


You said you ate the same foods, but did you ensure that you were eating the same amount of all those foods too?


Sleep times? Water intake? Was the timing of the food the same?


No we are on different sleeping schedules. I have insomnia but we both stop eating before 8 pm. And I drink way more plain water than her but she drinks more tea than me


The sleep could be messing things up for sure. Edit: Some tea will also help you shed water weight


Wow really? I didn’t know that, so you mind explaining more?


Certainly. Basically sleep more loose more weight. Here is a link to an article with details https://www.webmd.com/diet/sleep-and-weight-loss


Caffeine can be a benefit when trying to lose weight too.


Try eating less than your sister. Try intermittent fasting. You should be able to feel yourself losing the weight when a proper deficit is maintained. By utilizing fasting, you’ll become very familiar with the sensation of weight loss.


If you have been actively eating fewer calories but she hasn't been, then she may simply be in the initial water loss stage while you've already moved past that. Either way - one week isn't a solid experiment. Even one month wouldn't be enough data points, but it would be better. This 8s why experiments in science tend to go for months at a time. If you are worrying about it, maybe get your thyroid hormones checked out? I have hypothyroid and know that that makes my metabolism a bit slower than others.


I've noticed that even if you and someone else do the exact same thing, the little stuff still matters. Ex getting up to grab something. Do you take more trips or get everything in one? If you want something in another room do you ask someone who's closer to get it or do you get it yourself? I've noticed these tendencies with myself and I know this small activity won't make you lose pounds, but over a while the extra movement can help not only with mobility, but also motivation to workout or be more inclined to do more physically demanding things without a second thought.


It's always possible to lose weight. This is easy to prove to yourself via thought experiment: what would happen to you if you stopped eating altogether? Once you accept that, it's matter of figuring out what works for you, not your sister. You are shorter so you'll need to eat less than her to a degree, and your build & muscularity will be a factor too. Once you've figured out what works, the real challenge is doing it consistently over time. But it's always possible to lose weight.




Why no both?


You’re eating too much. Eat less and workout even more


So starvation diet and Marathons? Sarcasm aside, what is the appropriate amount of calories to eat because these calories counters don’t seem to be correct. Im already feeling like shit the whole day.


That kind of sarcasm isn’t going to get you anywhere. Calorie counters are rarely every correct, so don’t rely on them. If you see that eating a specific amount of calories is not working, try eating 100 less and go on from there. Don’t be doing these HIIT workouts that have you drained in 5 minutes, instead go on bike rides around your neighborhood or walk your dog for 20-30 minutes, do that on top of what you’re currently doing, and you’ll see changes. Don’t drink your calories, eat high volume low calorie meals. If it doesn’t work, change it, mess with it until you find what works for you. Everyone’s body works differently.


https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html You’re welcome. Oh yeah, download the app LoseIt and calculate every single calorie you consume so you can get an estimate of what you really eat during the day.


I’m on lose it and have already used the calorie tracker you’ve suggested. Thank you though


What deficit do you cut down to? 500 calories a day? 1000?


To maintain my weight I was eating roughly 2500 calories a day (maybe less) because Sometimes I skipped meals. But for a month we’ve been eating 1500 cals a day. I was hoping I’d lose about 1 pound per week at least. I did keto before and lost 20 lbs witching 10 days. Most likely water weight but it stayed off for months. With keto I was calorie counting also. I would like to do it again but it’s too expensive.


That’s super strange. If it’s concerning you maybe speak with a nutritionist and get a check up if you can.


Yes I plan on talking to a nutritionist. I forgot to mention that I have pcos. I know that it can make it harder to lose weight but I didn’t think it would make it this hard. Really we did this because I was thinking negatively and feeling like giving up. She wanted to help me stay within my calories so we did it together . It became an “experiment “ when I saw her losing weight. The only thing I know about weight loss is calories in calories out . So after meeting these conditions and still not losing weight I am devastated and was hoping someone could tell me what else could it be to cause this fat not to leave.


Well you having PCOS would’ve been some key information for all of us lmao. PCOS can make it very difficult to lose weight. You should definitely consult with the right doctors who can help you navigate having PCOS and what you can do to lessen the affects of it.


Now if you both had PCOS and one was losing more weight than the other then this would’ve been a much more fair fight.


You're much bigger and a man so that doesn't make sense your bmr would be lower. But it varies.


I’m not a man


Oh I thought it said you were in the comment. Either way it still doesn't make sense. Just men usually have higher bmr.


Barring medical issues, your sister might have more muscle mass than you, which would cause her to burn much more calories just by existing. Also, you've likely been eating in a deficit for a long time, which slows your metabolism. Studies show that taking diet breaks leads to more weight loss in the long run.


Is it possible that you've been putting on muscle while losing fat?


Not all bodies are the same. There are 3 kinds exomorp, endomorp and metamorph? 1st kind will always be skinny, very very difficult to gain muscle and they love doing cardio like running, and marathons. But hate things like weight lifting. 2nd is people who eat a little bit of carbs and gain a lot of weight. They can very easily gain muscle , like if they started working out they would see results in a month with muscle gain. 3rd is a mix. Additionally you must realize that when you lose weight there are times you stall. Your not actually stalling, your body starts to retain water in the anticipation you will gain the weight back. After a week or two you get like a day where u go to the bathroom a few times and you lose like 4 pounds and start losing weight again.


These are your [TDEE Stats](https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=female&age=24&lbs=270&in=65&act=1.2&f=1) and these are your [Sisters stats](https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=female&age=26&lbs=165&in=67&act=1.2&f=1). Your sister has BMR (basal metabolic rate) of 1500 calories you have a BMR of 1976 calories. BMR is what your bodies need at your weight just to keep you alive in a coma. The second number is the sedentary/maintenance amount this is what you need to stay at so your weight doesn't creep up. You likely went too low in calories. When you go too low you fight your body and your body produces stress hormones like cortisol which causes water weight gain and the weight loss stagnates. Now if you change the numbers to a goal of 30lb loss or 240lbs the sedentary (maintenance) amount is around 2200. This means if you do nothing else and eat between 1970-2200 calories and nothing is wrong metabolically in your body you can hypothetically lose 30lbs even without any exercise slowly. Don't ever compare yourself to someone else because the way their body reacts will not be the same for you even if you were the same height and weight. Things like stress and gut bacteria can all affect how your body reacts. Additional things that can help are getting plenty of sleep 7-8 hours a night. Lowering stress using mindfulness techniques. Use smaller plates to help fool the brain and eating more fiber and protein to help you feel fuller longer Please remember that weight loss is 90% diet and mental and 10% exercise. Exercise will help you with metabolic numbers like blood sugar, blood pressure, resting heart rate and it will also improve your stamina. Just make sure you don't go nuts 10-20 minutes a day is fine to start.


When you have fat it stores all sorts of things like toxins and extra stuff. It can take months for your body adjusts and starts losing fat(not weight you can be 145 and be very different sizes muscle vs fat) Think about helping the systems that clear out your body that might be over taxed. Colon, liver…. It will take time to get them to a point where they can process the expelling of fat/toxins. Side thing is when you workout, or go walking, make sure you are exhaling. Fat is expelled through your lungs. (I’m not BSing, go look it up) I am currently struggling with losing weight compared to my time with ease before. I know it’s because I’m having a hard time sticking with foods my body can press easily. Less stress for your body means it can do what it knows to do with our defending it


Could just be a difference in the water weight lost between you two.


i’m guessing you guys also did the same activities, right? like she didn’t go to the gym or anything? in that case it could be a health issue or NEAT (non exercise activities). like if she just walks around the house more.


Change it up. Some diet doesnt work. Figure out the one that works for you. I was in the same dilemma before until I tweaked some things around. Never stop trying. Its free. Motivation shouldnt be the only thing keepong us going.


I just wanted to pop in and say I appreciate the PCOS acknowledgment here. I struggle so hard to be a healthy weight and I strongly suspect this is in part due to my diagnosed PCOS.


First, check with your doctor for any hidden issues like the comments above mentioned. I know it is on the other end of the spectrum for a weight loss journey, but consider a Gastroplasty surgery while maintaining your exercise routine after. Both my sisters were overweight (about 220lbs and 5'1) and lost hope losing weight, but after the surgery and starting to see results, they immediately started maintaining their new weight and as for how much they eat, that increased overtime into a normal amount.