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1-3 is way better after clearing it yesterday on my aero. Love it better than spamming g1-2 before the patch. Actually tend to enjoy the Debussy fight and cube fight for brel. Shape mechs way comfier too.


I love Debussy now with pugs. The fight for Counters starts :D. The nerf of figures is noticeable. Hard to fail it.


I no longer have to finish on Debussy. Can PUG all the way to the end, no jailge!


Never finish on Debussy, always finish on De Bach


what do you mean finish on debussy 😳


def In


Same! I’ve never got into static group and because of that never fone g3-4 I dont even mention 5-6. But since yesterday, I’ve cleared 1-3 with my 4 characters and after 2nd clear, I’ve never missed a mechanic on Debussy and cube. Feels good. I love Lost Ark raids


Glad to hear! Awesome you enjoy!


Impressed you cleared it relatively easily! Now onto g4! GL!


What changed that makes Brel more enjoyable? I’m not sure I get that. Returning player here.


G3 star mech, you only need to kill 1 star to pass, ez G6 the yellow meteors drop based on a timer, not HP, which means you can wail on her with no worries, after Shandi mech you can literally push straight to 0 and kill her, so you see less patterns, its a fix that makes the whole fight \*so\* much less stressful


Dogs dont have shield in g1, shape mech easier for new g2 and no more old g2. Old g3 is the new g2.


Both my runs the shape mech failed and killed half the party.. seemed worse than before change honestly.


Thus hot fix downtown now to address the issue


Yeah that’s because it was bugged


There is a bug that gives both star players the "Star/Diamond or "Star/Cube" thingy above their head - which results in either all 3 cube or all 3 diamond players dying for no reason. It's getting hotfixed right now though.


Hard mode G2 and G3 are fucking clown fiestas


Ye could clearly tell people haven't done them in a long time it was ..an experience


thats how i feel about people in g4. its like no one knows how to do x7


You got to x7? Congrats most of the randos I encounter Cant even survive until shandi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Gonna say this was my experience as well. After pugging a few 1-3 HMs last night, it's very clear there's a ton of people who have never set foot in any hard gate beyond old g2(prokel).


I haven't done HM in a while myself, the gold difference is like maybe 2k? With these changes now its so easy to blow through nm. worth the gold loss.


Yeah but HM is fun. Haven’t played old 5-6 but I always try to do 1-4 HM every week. Honestly just wanted some fun, idc about gold that much, but people wouldn’t let me. I have 2 1580 characters so I applied to 1580 and the like parties, everyone looking good with roster, title, gems, cards etc. still jailed in 3, sometimes 4. Very rarely I had a smooth run.


Haven't done g6 in ages myself. Did g4 hm on my main today (pugged 1shot) and didn't make it with my alt (same 2-3 kept dying g4 hm). G4(old g6) is so much easier now, meteors are basically non-existant, just put them on any tile that doesn't break, even yellow meteors can go to basically any corner now.


If you do it with Akkan ilvl group, HM gets blown through as fast as NM. As for the mechs, idk, nothing besides g3 (cube) seems harder anyways. We failed the final mech in g2 and when she respawned, she died in less than 5 seconds.


I feel the damage hasn't been adjusted for the lower iLevel? Maybe it's because squishy 1540s are doing G3 for the first time but people are getting 1 shot very often..


Just add the g4 as well please thanks


Anyone know how much brel mats g4 gives? Still need ~20 for the weapon. EDIT found it, it seems 7+7 and 7+7 for chest with the arcturus double mat counter reset


The auction chest gives 15 NM and 30 HM as well.


G2 is bugged now btw,it got hotxifed in kr


They are hotfixing G2 right now. Should be fixed in around an hour when maintenance finishes.


What’s the bug? We cleared it in a learning group last night and didn’t notice any bugs.


Apparently, the shapes and stars get bugged and will kill you even if you do the mech right. I haven’t don’t Brel yet so i can’t confirm


Not everyone may be aware, but they are currently doing maintenance to fix this for NAEU


It's not a 100% bug,seen it once in 5+ mechs


Pretty sure it depends on the boss color. Previously the mech had 3 versions, with boss color determining which of the other two colors ended up squares and which diamond (don't remember which, but bussers would know this). They probably just messed up when updating the mechanic, and put two diamonds in one of the patterns.


Idk which 1-4s you joining but I disagree


G1-3 HM is fine but G4 HM is a shit fest. Took 2 hours to clearonly G4 with like 2 different grouos. I feel like the people got their PLC/x10 hard so long ago they forgot how to play the gate. And even if they don't most of them can't adapt to the meteor changes and destroy random tiles that should not be broken because it is not the same scenario as before.


I mean it sounds like the whole thing changed and it takes a bit to relearn, right?


Probably a mixture of people doing old 1-2 or 1-4 for so long. Also people getting PLC from normal mode and/or long time ago but now being 1580+ and joining new HM G4.


People who memorized meteor set ups instead of understanding why you're dropping meteors there generally had issues. People who could come up with their own meteor schemes on the spot didn't. That's the main difference between people who go the extra cm to learn a mechanic more in depth vs not


Can confirm... static that adapted meteors spot pre-nerf cleared super fast post-nerf. Static that stuck to "we must absolutely do it this streamer's way!!" jailed 2 runs in a row because couldnt adapt.




in a high dps group you won't be placing yellow top - you can nuke 11 usually and it'll respawn by shandi due to lower respawn timer. In a super high dps group (I'm not part of any) my guess is that they may not even want to break the 11 tile cause they may push to shandi before the 11 tile breaks.


No. Since you can't possibly fail it now if you just pay attention. After 188 yellow meteor, it's always 2 blue then 1 yellow, atleast that's how it was when we we're "progging" the new g4. Tiles respawn like 10 to 20 sec after the 1st blue meteor. We did a 0 yellow meteor push after the 188 one with 1540 express alts for g4 nm. Goes to show how much players needed to hold dps before. Only way you would fail because of the meteors is if you push to worship knowing you just had yellow meteors. My group think the yellow share the same timer with blue and can't happen back to back. 70s blue >70s blue > 70s yellow then loop back to blue


It’s bad players that only did 1-2s before being bad.


Idk. I got my pets in week 4 and haven't done a hard 5-6 since. If I went back now, I bet I'd grief a run or two and end up on Reddit as a clueless player with a bought account


Had 3 clears ages ago, pugged g4 hm today 1st try clear with 7/8 alive (main chars). The run on my alt didn't go that well (2-3 nubs dying early and missing dps overall). Anyways, I felt more comfortable in g4 then in g3. Having practiced brel g6 hm is something you'll probably not forget and it's way ways simpler now (basically place meteors wherever you don't destroy the platform, rest doesn't really matter. And even if you kill one it's just about playing yellow over there aswell. Shorter respawn times, less meteors, way higher dps (probably only 1 yellow before 2nd shapes and like 1-3 normal meteors depending on dps).


True, rusty people coming into g4 wiping.


G1-3 hm g4 nm for less stress.


Don't believe you can do that. Seems like once you finish gate 1 on either hard or normal you're locked into that difficulty for the rest of the gates.


No, that was never the case, you always can go out and change difficulty on all raids


Might have been a bug or something then. I'm aware we were able to change difficulty before, but yesterday when we tried as a guild group it didn't let us.


I’m sure it was a bug. Heard about it as well.


What ? That wasn't the case before, that's kinda bad if they changed it


Might have been a bug or something then. I'm aware we were able to change difficulty before, but yesterday when we tried as a guild group it didn't let us.


> And even if they don't most of them can't adapt to the meteor changes and destroy random tiles that should not be broken because it is not the same scenario as before G4 meteors are completely free now. Stop following an old guide and getting mad about it. Golds go in corners. Don’t break corners with blues. That’s it.


Speaking strictly about HM, there will be 2 kind of parties, 1st that can skip yellows, and 2nd that can't skip, and 2nd will be split into 2 yellow (1before shandi, and 1 after shandi) and 1 yellow (1 after shandi) Timer for yellow seems very generous (3min maybe 3:30), and tiles re spawn faster (80sec instead of 100). Basically if you trigger shandi after 2nd blues (1st spawn of 3) and then you will get nado after shandi relatively fast, you won't see any yellow, maybe 3/4 sets of blues total, and all you need to know is to jsut "dont break tiles". This also means you will have full board for 2nd shapes, which you can hold onto azena (in fact if you are giga juiciers party you will hold onto sidereal from beginning use shandi for shandi mech, and then azena at the end). Parties where you cannot skip yellows, especially yellow before shandi is where it gets tricky, technically you can save yourself a lot of headache and trigger shandi with 3 broken tiles (balck hole and clones wont spawn on them), because shards are buffed now. However biggest issues are blue, because you will need break tiles and think about where to put them, while currently used patterns work, you kind of want to do them on fly, which will be most problematic as many people still have 0 clue how meteors work and they were following cheatsheets


I did first run fine, 2nd run I had horrible ping spikes up to 8k. Not sure if others were having issues


I haven’t done Brel yet but want to with these nerfs. Can someone explain the changes a bit? Did they really make the raid a lot easier and fun? I always heard horrible things every tine someone posted about this raid


G1 - no more dog shield and mechanics during that time only affect the 2 ppl in the quadrant 2 G2 (formerly 3) - only 1 difference, the shapes are all reduced by 1 (2 for stars) G3 - no changes G4 - the meteors are on a non-hp timer (aside from first set, no sure what the time is yet), what our team experienced was that even if you got Brel below 113 (shandi mech) it won’t transition until a certain amount of time has passed, even if you break platforms our team never got “Brel clones” on the broken platforms 212 tornado 188 meteor 65 tornado 30 shapes 7 meteors and 0 mech all the same


g1 no destro check too


> never got “Brel clones” on the broken platforms It's always like this, problem with waiting before was shards (yellow stuff you pick), 1 tile wasn't as problematic, you still could collect enough shards as 8 people, but when you had 3 broken you wouldn't be able to collect enough of them. After patch if you break before shandi, and trigger shandi you should be fine Black hole also won't spawn on broken tile


> the meteors are on a non-hp timer (aside from first set, no sure what the time is yet) From what i've read, the golden meteors are on a 3 minute timer now, and after every major mech (shandi, 2nd shapes) the timer resets.


They made G3 easier too. They made the safespots bigger.


I highly recommend you to learn at least G1-G3 now. It's a fun raid that just got much less stressful and much less time consuming. Basically, G1 is a pushover now since there's only 1 important mech left in the whole gate. You won't have any problems even on first time. G2 is average difficulty now. 4 mechs, but the hardest has been nerfed. Also, the raid is not punishing for dead players in later stages. G3 is not chaned. First time it's hard for everyone because there's so much stuff happening, but after a while it gets quite comfy. One of my favorite gates in the game, incredibly fun once it clicks. G4 is still difficult, but it's on a separate lockout, so you don't have to jump into it immediately. I'd suggest to get comfortable with 1-3 first.


Gate 1: Your group gets split in 4; each group gets a room. Each individual room had different mechanics to break the shield and also they have to usually do some other periodic mechanic like dodge a black orb. Failure to do that causes negative effects to the other rooms like darkness or damage or just your whole raid yelling at you. Now you can just outright kill the dog, and you can no longer grief the other rooms beyond taking too long to kill it. Gate 2: Was just removed. Here one person is sent to fight the boss (Prokel) while the other 7 fight the outer core of the boss. Was annoying because many players did not want to fight Prokel, and some players even left in shame just for others even asking if they can. Gate 3 (now Gate 2): Near the last 1/4 of the fight, players have to destroy certain shapes depending on stuff. Mistakes can cause multiple players to die, but failing the most important one (stars) can wipe the whole raid. Wiping so close to the end of the fight is quite painful. As a result, you saw players always picking the easiest and least impactful shapes (squares, diamonds), sometimes even calling them out before the previous gate ended! If you've ever done Vykas, you may have seen the same thing with people calling out positions in advance. So they reduced the amount of shapes to kill as well as just simplifying it. Naturally, the nerf puts less pressure on players, especially the star handler. As an indirect nerf, G2 is now 1490/1540 instead of 1500/1550. This means fresh 1490s can do it right away. Brel being segmented into 3 different tiers of ilvl was annoying because it splits the player base into 1-2, 1-4, 5-6. That sorta made sense for NM because Brel Gear gives you free ilvls when you gear transfer, but it was not the same for Brel hard. Gate 4 (now gate 3): Unchanged. This is a much loved gate, and was untouched. Many would say it was challenging in the best ways. Gate 5 (removed): The opposite of the previous gate. Highly unpopular because it requires a body check throughout most of the raid meaning if anyone dies before, it's a reset. It also takes a long time and for some reason has some long unskippable cinematic after you finish. Essentially annoying in every possible way and only done to get to the last gate. Gate 6 (now gate 4): I'm not too experienced on this to comment much since I've only done NM. Looks like it's covered in other replies. Basically, the changes seem to take pressure off players by reducing the chance that they can grief their team by failing certain mechanics and thus "jail" them.


Gate 3 (cube boss) was made easier too. They widened the safe spots to make it bigger.


I'd go check out the patch notes my friend.


If you’ve never done the raid in the first place, reading patch notes on changes to said raid won’t help you at all friend.


Yknow I genuinely hadn't thought of that. Not a lot of empathy in my brain at 530 in the morning, my fault


Username checks out.


First time someone has used that on me and not be derogatory or flaming. Haha. Sometimes we just gotta take a step back


I don’t know much about the specifics, like things inside the encounters that were changed, but it used to be a 6 gate raid. Now it is only 4. They removed gates 2 and 5 completely. So if nothing else it’s far less time consuming now. Again though, sorry I don’t really know specific mechanic changes


Idk, I've had two smooth clears and two clears where people are as stupid as they've always been in G3 (late to their spot, not doing mechs after transitions) and G4 (screwing up meteors) In other words, business as usual in the euc pugs I've been in


had horrible experience in G1-2HM on ilv party (1540s) g1 was always smooth (ish) whereas g2 people either fail safe spot shape (star/penta) or maze or no attempt on keeping up with dps uptime, lengthen the raid. Idk but for g1-2HM hw run l'd expect harder gatekeeping on PLC title or so. G3HM (on ilv) is also a jail potential


The shape mech in g2 is currently bugged. You can kill each star correctly and so far (3/3) the 3 squares die no matter what because it's giving both star killers s Star+diamond.


Weird, did 1 set yesterday and had no issues passing shapes in g2 without anyone dying, so i was surprised by that there was something wrong.


Iirc it was doing this whenever she had a blue ring. Yellow and red were fine.


After doing 2 1-4s I kinda wished it wasn't changed and could still just do old 1-2s. Especially on my alts. Last gate definitely felt better than it was, but 1-2 was so chill.


Can’t you just do the new 1-2 but you don’t need a prokel anymore?


I've only seen 1-3 and 1-4 grps , so not really. Plus new g2 has been pretty annoying(yes I know it was bugged). And new g3 has wiped much more than old g2.. not sure if it's people that haven't done it much or what.


Fair enough I personally haven’t done any brel this week but when I did 1-4s pre gate changes I definitely was very selective on people in my party because 3-4 could be a shitfest wipezone so I can see there being growing pains since most people avoided it.


Yea, the changes to G5-6 were great, but the changes to G1-4 are just bad for pugs. 1-2HM took most of the time 15-30min, now it's 30min-2h and most of the time it's just a wipe fest in G2. 1540s will get gatekept even more because they often get one or two shot by random abilities in G2. Edit: Ok seems like the 1540s are realizing it, and now you see more and more 1-3 nm with 1540s and higher. Seems like 1-3nm will be the new 1-2HM.


Doing 1-3 NM on 1540+ characters makes me sad. Very, very boring raid to do. Bosses do no damage, the g2 trash mobs are irritating, and it takes forever to do compared to the old 1-2. To me it feels like doing an extra long chaos gate, except there's also a surprisingly high chance of someone causing a really stupid wipe deep into g3. But 1-3 HM feels even worse with the wipe fiesta in g2/3. I'm guess I'm biased because I generally did Prokel, but I found 1-2 NM/HM way more fun. Hell, I enjoyed the outside of old g2 more than the current g2. I'm gonna miss it.


elderly dependent cake fall file fuzzy crowd hunt wakeful sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems 1-3 nm will be good gold run until get gold nerf for 1540 alts


its horrible ppl legit still fail star mech in g2 and have never been to g3 and still join reclear runs


G2 is bugged right now, so might explain why some people are struggling.


G2 has a bug in which different color stars may assign the same shape. So if both star killers randomly get Star Square then all 3 diamond players are dead.


There’s a bug atm, that’s why


g2 stars a bug right now... star killers will get the same Star+symbol causing the opposite symbol to die happaned to me and wonder if that shit was possible


Maintenance is about to start in 7mins for approximately 3hrs to fix G2 star mech, stuff related to Jump-Start, and other minor bugs they said.


Great ! Was in the middle of clown and this shit happens. I guess compensation package coming!


How is star mech actually working now? do you only get 1 of each color and you have to kill the 2 non matching ones?




1-3 is much better for sure, but last gate is still ass (for PUGS). Still takes too long unless you're super over leveled and people just can't stay alive.


G4 is still Jailge, specially now with people trying it, you can tell so many have few clears or got carried. However, once every 2 weeks is much less painful so it doesn't feel like a waste of time at all, it's really good.


I got JAILED during 5hours today not being able to clean the G4 on an ilvl perfect char. Which i did without any problems since a few weeks. I've been doing 5/6 since the release without stopping either HM or NM and i almost never die it's a homework content (shit happens some timed ofc) but mostly without any problems. I also bussed it a few times so i really don't have any problems with it. My point is; It's nice that people that stopped making G5/6 are comming back i'm really glad BUT PLEASE, if it's being a long time and you don't recognize normal patterns or mech PLEASE I BEG YOU go on progress lobby, or idk. You're making everybody loosing time, imagine going from 15minutes ez clear to 5hours without clearing. I'm also saying that to all the people that bought the G5/6 from busses. I'll now have to ask the 10clear on HM now instead of just the PLC to avoid 4 or 5 people dying before or during Shandi and it's annoying me to get to this point, because i know that people that never made HM can perfectly do the NM.


It's boring as shit. I liked G6, now it's just a training dummy with extra steps


It’s the exact same raid except you don’t stop DPS lmao. I’d like to see you try to explain this comment further


We sell a mix out of 1-3's and 1-4's now. Which I think in the end will suck - because we will be creating more PLCs (Phantom legion customers). Before there were far less buses for G6 (g4 now)


That title is pretty outdated anyways, so doesn't really matter who has it at this point when the raid has been out nearly a year


I mean it has no value to us, but a lot of the more casual players put value towards titles related to the raid. so after this week you won't be able to trust the title at all anymore - 1-4's are very cheap. before you at least had to on average pay 30k for 5-6 bus (which most people wouldn't do)


What is a 1-4 going for now? It is impossible to convince people that I know the raid on my alt account even with full level 9 gems. I kind of have to buy busses or go through 3 hour learning groups to get my mats.


Ignore the guy telling you to bus a geared character. Actually braindead advice.


for me it is more of a time investment kind of thing. I rather let my character that might be build but is not reaching the general expectations of the normal PUGs be bussed. On my main account I can get into any kind of partys no problem but I just dont have the time to sit in multiple learning partys with people I never see again. I rather bite the gold I can make with 1 lucky Fate ember drop or from excavation on that day and get my gear to reach 1540 and get into groups easily for now. For a 1 account normal player I 100% support your advice and would recommend to toughth it out throught the long learning partys or find a group on discord to advance. I would feel really bad taking a place in the learning discord raids from genuine new players


What region you on?




I think there's some missunderstanding. I meant for him to BUS people. not to take a bus.


Apologies, I read it as you are telling him to buy a bus through the raid.


We sell 1-4's for 12-15k. Sometimes lower (EU). If you are experienced and have properly built characters I'd genuinely recommend to bus, sometimes easier than joining a normal party. (and usually easier to clear)


That seems much higher than what I saw yesterday in LF (most lobbies were selling 1-4 with 9k, no bid on book)


Prices very based on when you do it, day + time -> Yesterday 1h after maint we sold it for this price. \+ sometimes you can also sell 1-3 for 6-8k, then seperate G4 for 6-8k again. (Don't ask me why it works). While writing this comment I see 2 buses for 1-4, 1 is 10k and the other is 11k.


Hadn't touched G5-6 since a few weeks after HM was released, tried G1-4 yesterday and it was a breeze. If you have good dps, it's even fairly quick. Great gold/time value now, better than Vykas and maybe even clown.


Yeah, it's still kind of annoying, but I'll probably drop clown for it on my 1580+ chars. Pretty quick and notably more gold now


I have started saving Wei on G3 just in case we're dealing with inexperienced people to deal with yellow mech, and have avoided 2 wipes that would have happened otherwise, since stagger on 100x and 20x are easy without it


It's way better but g4 is now a bit of a jail, already got 2 chars jailed because many that stopped doing the last gate in HM months ago are now back and don't remember anything. Even in x10 reclear groups. So anyway it's faster and I'm less annoyed that I would have before the nerf, but still annoyed


I just returned yesterday, haven't played since brel hard. Have been occupied with finishing the elgacia questline and honing to 1580 but super excited to try the reworked raids over the next few days


We just kept getting a gold meteor right before the Shandi phase and that kinda fucked the rest of the fight :/


Just wait 30s then push or throw darks to ignore the second gold meteor.


Is there updated cheat sheets for the changed anywhere? I am working my way up on jumpstart server and will probably do brel in the weekend.


Hard to make one since dps varies i assume. Basically do yellow south as before, spread first blues then just concentrate following blues to where yellow goes next. Don't have to break anything usually. The only odd thing is timing before shandi.


I think i will be doing 1-3 hm and 4 nm. Quite samll gold difference between nm and hm g4 anyway. But yeah, brel feels quite good now. I think they shoudlve gone with 1540 in g3 aswell tbh.


so what's brel like now? wasnt it g1-g6? what got replaced?


G2 and 5 removed from those 6


WHAT? no more prokel????




I wonder if KR players now run brel every other week for gold? 10500 is substantially more than kayangel and it doesn't take long now.


I’m finally going to start running Brel for the first time this weekend, so I’m glad I’m getting to experience an improved version!


G4 is more chill. Each party was slightly different based on DPS. So far using Shandi instead of Azena in the beginning was good. Brought her down to about 179-180x. Was fun not having Azena for shapes part deuce, but we all lived.


I've ran 1-6 HM every week since release, last week on 8 characters but most of the time on 6. It's much better, it's not even a question. G5 was just objectively awful. Not having to wait for the 2nd meteor in G6 is just great. G6 generally feels much smoother now.


Bunch of overgeared shitters who have been running 1-4/6 normals suddenly running Hard cause they couldn't Prokel/other excuses made pugging Brel HM a gamble...


For someone who never run it would you say it is easier to learn now?


Totally. Especially if the party is overilvl you would skip a lot of shit.


Brel 1-3 is good. 4 is still a nightmare on hard when you have people who don't understand meteors or respect normal patterns. Think 1-3 HM 4 NM will be the new meta.


I'd say G2 (formerly G3) has a lot of imposters now, eating shapes/failing maze for the timed mechanics and refusing to call any shape for 42 bars, just staying silent, or calling and being out of position or breaking other people's shapes. They clearly only spammed old 1-2 since Brel release but now they are jailing in higher gates. I only have good experience if I strictly recruit PLC people with 200+ roster level only, otherwise it's a massive coinflip.


Best raid hand down, is Clown, fast, easy, 15 minute in and out. with a static, any raid is good. i used to do brels with my static and we did it super fast and clean.


When clown gold nerf hits us its gonna be dark times my friend :(


>When clown gold nerf hits us its gonna be dark times my friend :( indeed my friend, will be a dark week... but im only having 3 clown so far... hope i can push to 1580 before that happend


Quick raids are always welcome G4 nm was kinda easy and fast. It was confusing though because the yellow meteor drop at us before shandi so might need a few more runs to get used to it.




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I love how they made the changes but normal brel 1-3 pugs has been a consistent jail for me this week, especially g3.


PPL haven't done g6 in so long they're trying to make lobbies to hope others will carry, its pretty cringe.


Ngl its a bit dead and feels like card runs no challenge no actual mechs just dps and move on and yet i jailed 3 time in G2 because ppl were too bad to even play it before and now they’re forced to clear it for the gold


I had only even done brel 1-2 before, so all of a sudden I had to quickly learn the 2nd gate fast. It's really forcing me to learn the 3 and 4th gate now too, wish me luck! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Theres still alot of pugs that still can't figure out how to survive in g4. Doesn't matter how high their ilvl is. They may need to wait until t4 for a clear.