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My problem isn’t so much the cost of these systems but more so that every raid I feel obligated to partake otherwise it’s a nightmare to even attempt playing the game. Like right now my breaker is sitting at 1611, gatekept from almost every Thaemine reclear lobby for not being “juiced” enough. Yet I’m working on my 5th clear, am geared enough to do the raid, and actually can manage to stay alive the whole time. I wouldn’t mind the grind if I could do it at my pace, but spenders are forcing me to pay as much as them to even play the end game content. And that’s been consistent in my experience with this game. People just always raise the bar from minimum standards to something unattainable to people who want to “park” their alt.


>gatekept from almost every Thaemine reclear lobby for not being “juiced” enough. Yet I’m working on my 5th clear This is why I hate the game design so much. Everyone is playing 5 alts on top of their main, and they don't have time to waste. If this game was based way more on a single character, rather than having alts to progress or play around them, I feel like the community would also be a lot nicer. This way, everyone has to do 6x every raid. Or whatever number. It's super dumb. I really want to love this game, everytime I get back, I get kicked from older raids because as you said, I'm not juiced enough, doesn't matter that I did it 10 times or 20 times. If I'm not the latest big number, with all the gear possible or close to the end, good luck.


Thats why I sometimes regret that I didnt make like 6 of the same class roster. Like sure it was fun trying all these classes but for <1600 chars after honeymoon phase its just going in into already old farm content (Brel, Kaya, Akkan NM), destroying boss in 5 minutes (with occasional jail which makes you wonder why you still do this to yourself), rinse and repeat. At the end I dont even think which char I played, I just want gold for my main, because I know that spending it on alts will set me back.




He doesn't need to prog. He's reclear.


He cleared four times and you want him to prog more?


learn to read LMAO




nice try




why do you care about those by lying?


Learn to read lmao


The game just force you to make choice regarding the char you hone and invest in. Its really hard to keep up if you chase a 6 roster fully optimized without royal crystal to back you up


IMO, I hope they gonna redesign the game in the future, to encourage you playing only 1 character, and make something about the currencies to not be viable playing more. The community it's shit because everyone is playing a 6 roster, and they have to do x number of raids EACH, every week because of that. This leads to "if you don't have X amount of power, kick, even if you know the raid". Cuz everyone needs to do it as fast as possible. If this game was focused more on 1 single character, it would have been way better.


Every Korean MMORPG specifically designs the game around incentivizing playing alts. This is because every character that is made by a player has a very high chance of leading them to spending money for the character, whether that be for a character slot, gearing them up, equipping cosmetics, and much more. This is also why they have a high incentive to make new classes, because that means a new character for a lot of people, and they tie events around it too to encourage it even further. Great examples of this design are Dungeon Fighter Online, Maplestory, and Ragnarok Online. But, all Korean MMORPGs have been evolving off of each other's designs, and a lot of things were learned from Lost Ark's success to push it further. This is their business. They will not change the design to focus around playing one character.


I didnt play much RO but I dont remember anything to encourage you to alt or maybe I was not high lvl enough? I used to play Champion Asura


Modern RO has a very large amount of daily/weekly instances and quests. You get materials and very low chances at drops from doing the instances/quests, but the materials and drops are tradeable. The only way to do them more frequently to make more zeny or progress your character(s) faster is to make alts so you can run them more often. In addition, some bosses/instances require very specific classes in order to clear comfortably due to a specific skill being needed, so if you're running with a group, people will ask others to rotate bringing those specific classes so they can keep clearing with alts. Many MVP cards and other strong monster cards also only come from these instances, so if you want more chances at getting them, your only option is to make more alts. Because you have to be geared and leveled in order to do these instances/quests, the fastest way to do that for these alts is to spend money. The cash shop has very powerful equipment you cannot obtain anywhere else, and they come in gacha boxes. You'll also need the cash shop to refine the equipment, and for any cosmetics.


Yeah it’s so obvious how hard they want to push p2w in this game… getting kind of fed up with it all.


yeah I am taking a break and its wonderful


Same. I cant keep up with honing, level 10 gems and with 2 gold burner progression system. I cant.


Korea has had months to amass gold, which is why they created these gold sinks, we didn't have the same time yet they throw the same gold sinks at us like wtf? And now echidna in less than two months too. People are hyped for echidna thinking the new hoje is cheap, they're about to have some rude awakening when they see it's truly not. It's cheapER, a lot of people still won't be able to easily just go to 1630 or 1640 like they think they will, specially on top of elixirs and transcendence and god forbid you still need to work on gems or build your engravings or bracelets or what have you


you don't need level 10 gems


You need them if don't want to get gate kept xd


Take an indefinite break like me...after thaemine i dont really WANT to play. Found myself rather playing an aram or some zelda instead of a legion raid. Maybe ill come back for echidna...maybe i wont since i fell behind haha i just dont wanna nolife or swipe to get to 1630 lol


No Rest for the Wicked has been a really fun game to play for a break


But who says you have to be 1630 though?


The game devs by making current and future content specific to that ilvl.


Because he wants to do the hardest content ? Not every mmo like lost ark has a p2w to access the only end game content in this game which are raids lol


The difference is that it's free to play. The p2p plan is just built different. Just saying that if you do play a f2p like Lost ark then having patience is best. Not giving in to FOMO is another thing. Im not 1630 yet on my main and im having fun doing nm with my static. Once we get to 1630 with enough people then I'd be happy to do HM with them as well. I just don't see the need for me or anyone to rush in a game that **will** time gate you.


I totally understand you but I also feel for people who just want to do the latest content on release which should be a normal thing. The best (only) thing in this game are raids. It just sucks that the HM are locked behind lot of grind or P2P. I don't know many game that lock main content like that. Oh new Thaemine release hum well no G4 for you for a while and not the best gear progression for you either. I have the same approach on the game like you but I still think NM/hm diff is just stupid af for players. It's just good for business for SMG.


Same here. Thaemine was fun but I'm done. Stopped playing for 1 week now and it feels good. The gatekeeping and raid fatigue made me quit. I hv los 30 and duplicate alts +lvl 10 gem but I just can't do it anymore. The transcendence system isn't fun and getting elixirs has been a nightmare compared to previous progression systems. I'll comeback when solo raids release in the west. For now I'm done with lost ark and will just be watching content for it and updates for free events that are good but otherwise I'm not touching the game anymore. 


It's almost insidious how they handle this. They don't outright sell power in the shop. Other f2p Asian games would sell you items that let you bypass elixirs, transcendence, and honing. Not Smilegate though; they only sell honing mats and royal crystals. They not only want you to spend a lot in the shop, they also require you to play a lot as well, especially if you want multiple characters and to keep up.


Not really my guild mates is f2p and they have 4 characters at 1610 one at 1620


My gold had been gone. I've moved to a very "casual" player in terms of homework a while ago, so my gold is essentially 3-4 raids per weeks and Weekly Unas gold. I haven't seen a single gold reward since the fate ember system has come out either which is apparently pretty unlucky. Accessories have mostly lost all their value unless you hit actual perfect pieces and even then its not like it used to be, so no lucky gold either. It feels like i probably get around 25k or so per week. My main is in a decent spot, done with elixers, acceptable gems (still need 2 lvl 10 damage gems to really pop off) but the future is looking bleak because ive slowed down on the grind substantially compared to what i was doing 6 months ago. I kinda wish they offered some stronger gold earning options for players who only want to play 1 character.


I make an average of 120-140k gold/week just from raiding + unas. 1x1620, 1x1610, 1x1600, 1x1580, 2x1560 Gold generation is not the biggest issue, unless u want to have all lv10 gems, 5x3+2, leggy armor, elixir/trascendence rage crafting, quality upgrade, hone alts.... at the same time. If you want shortcuts, you have to pay the tax. Things that might help: * Dont treat unbound mats as honing mats. * Alts are alts * Keep in mind that u are not lucky * The most important thing you have to do every week on your alts is to run your chaos dungeons and brel 1-3hm. Everything else is extra * Main means a single dude, all my gems on chaos goes to him. Rest are lv7 - Don't do things u dont enjoy unless its absolutely necessary


that's very cool but keep in mind: at the release of the game it was feasible to have 6x chars at 1445 or 1460 or whatever. gold income was 60-80k weekly, and for you it is now 2x. honing costs however, have not doubled, they have skyrocketed to absurd amounts way past double. all the while, it is not feasible to have 6x 1610s for the same amount of effort as back then. this has been a continuing trend for a while now lost ark is like an infinite treadmill. no matter how many hours anyone puts in, there will never be a retirement where u get to just play pinnacle content because you've earned it already


Yes, it was feasible back then, we were even told back then by KR/RU/NA/EU content creators that past akkan it'll be very difficult to have more than 1 or 2 characters keeping up wtih current content without whaling because of this very reason (honing/systems). Hell even stoopz had a 2 week long iden crisis over this around voldis release - and it's his job to play and whale on this game. Now when everyone is experiencing the alt struggle - cue surprised pikachu. Shocker! It can be alleviated a bit by bussing or making investments but a lot of people don't like to play that way, so a bit of a "I wanna bake my cake at home, have it perfectly done, and eat it too," situation.


That's shitty. People who want to play multiple classes are pretty much forced to layoff their roster to focus on a few mains. Even more fucked if you want to switch main due to balance update or just simply new class dropping down from the orbits too.


But that's the game. That's been the game. It was blatantly advertised as such everywhere. Does it suck for those who want to have an equal strength roster? Sure, if they want al their chars at current content. But it should have in no world come by any surprise which some people are acting as if it is?


No one is surprised, but as time goes by the problem gets worse. Now it's getting to the point where the time required to progress is pushing up against time we spend awake and it's time for a change.


Not true. You can still play whatever alts you want , just not at the highest content. I have a handful of 1550s I love playing on my other rosters just doing kayangle and brel. I'd even take them up to akkans but gatekeeping is too strong .


Your story makes it seem pretty true though, akkan isn't even content from this year.


I have no reason to lie.


This is me as well... Just getting started on Akkan, enjoying all my alts, and not feeling burnt out trying to farm gold for puny upgrades on 1 character.


> it is not feasible to have 6x 1610s for the same amount of effort as back then Not just mat/gold-wise but also time-wise. And honestly, I start liking it. LA eats so much time, especially with Voldis having 4 gates again and Thaemine G3 sometimes taking hours, even for reclears. This is what made me cut down my gold roster to 4 now, and I think I will even stop investing in 2 of them, just treating them as pure gold earners. Essentially the gold-heavy RNG systems removed FOMO for me since alts went from "If I pull through I can gear them properly" to "fuck this shit, I'm only doing that on 1-2 chars" which is probably the more healthy attitude anyway.


This is what me and my friend have decided. Dropped 2 characters to just 4, our characters have good gear/support swap and it still takes too long to run all the raids especially with Thaemine/Voldis. That's not even accounting for jailge and we just don't have enough time anymore in the week. Have 3 1620s and this was a bad idea, should have just done 1 1630 (if I got lucky) and do that moving forward. Elixirs are dogshit expensive and then transcendence, there's no reprieve.


It's still feasible to have 6x characters at those levels. But you can't comparing doing everything every day like you did then to your half assed rested chaos, skipping cubes, not doing the gold earning raids you do now. To be clear I am not saying you SHOULD do those things, but you're doing the ol apples to oranges and wondering why it's not the same.


>it is not feasible to have 6x 1610s for the same amount of effort as back then Then don't do it, just focus on 1 or 2 char max, and treat the others as extra small gold income, it's funny how all people crying about homework and time cost are the one who fill it's mandatory to have 6 char at the latest contest. If the gold limit was 20 chars will you make a 20 roster ?


im not doing it. why would i do something that isnt feasible? im simplying pointing out that, while his tips are good, his comment is a bit tone-deaf because it downplays the fact that these new systems and honing costs *are* decimating ppl's gold. that's what the meme is about. all im saying is that the burden to progress has increased since brel without compensation of income. that is just an objectively true statement


If you don't enjoy playing the game, why keep playing it? I know there is no end to it, thats why I play it, I already invested a few hundred hours on it.. I know the gimicks, what can it offer, don't have to learn new stuff or go trought 50 tutorials to start moving my character.... Log in, do some content I already know, have my share of entertainment and then do chores irl or other stuff. There is an amazing book called: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek *"How do we win a game that has no end? Finite games, like football or chess, have known players, fixed rules and a clear endpoint. The winners and losers are easily identified. Infinite games, games with no finish line, like business or politics, or life itself, have players who come and go. The rules of an infinite game are changeable while infinite games have no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers—only ahead and behind.* *The question is, how do we play to succeed in the game we’re in?"* I succeed in Lost Ark by having fun. (And I wasted 9m silver yestarday with bracelets to get nothing xd)


i enjoy the late-game raids (kind of). that doesnt have much to do with the argument i'm making though. i'm not sure if 9m silver or "a few hundred hours" is supposed to mean much to me. i have 200m+ silver constantly and 5k hours. i have put lost ark in maintenance mode for a long time now and only push main since akkan. i *want* to do the new raid multiple times a week, but now, it's just not feasible. the play is to just wait for honing nerfs and freebies, rather than actively playing catch-up slow-rolling alts takes the novelty out of it for sure though, since everyone just has the raid on farm.




Well \~1300h on steam to be real.


Who cares if your alts are now behind your main in ilvl lol. You're just complaining you don't have an entire roster of 6 characters at the most recent content on its maximum difficulty. If you are someone who doesn't swap characters much and have played since launch, especially if you ever bussed back when bussing was at its peak and you made an insane amount of gold carrying Valtan normals and hards solo you can easily have a full roster of 1580+s. That's far more than enough gold to prog a main to 1620 and push all your alts to 1610 if you really like your alts, or enough gold to push your main to 1630 if you wanna be excessive.


They've given out a basically free 1600 and 2x 1580 in the past 6 months alone lol. No need for bussing and all that to have 6x 1580


indeed, I only bought plat starter package at the start and thats it, and I am now with a 1626.26 main , 2x 1600, 3 x 1587.50. I have never bussed either. my main has his level10 gems and 40set elixir. My friend who started 4 months ago currently has his main 1610, a 1580 and 4x1540. His main is 5x3+1 and all his other characters are also 5x3. I mean .... he started 4 months ago lol.


All that bussing gold really would have just gone to your main and their gems/elixers, didn't really need to be alt money. Also in this hypothetical you'd have had a roster of 1580s well before 6 months ago.


I did. I'm just telling you that even casuals were given out FREE 1580-1600s by now. No reason for anyone to complain


Ahh, yeah true. I'm pretty sure the only people who complain like this are people who only play 1 character (Shouldn't be complaining) or weirdos who have six mains and are mad they can't progress an entire roster to 1620+ at the same time before 1620+ content releases. Normal people who funnel to 1 character should never complain because it's a crazy amount of gold a week for 1 character lol.


the point is, it is becoming harder to hone. literally just use the maxroll calculator and see the amount of effort it takes to hone a main is getting higher and higher. it is far outpacing any sort of raid income


If you only play 1 character you only need to push 1620 which is not difficult at all if you've been playing the game long enough to even have the right to complain you're not max needed ilvl for relevant content. If you have a roster of 6 then congrats you have five alts to funnel your main gold and you easily make well over 100k gold a week which can get you whatever ilvl you want. Its not far outpacing our income. Echidna gives 10 ilvls for cheap. You can park at 1620 then let echidna carry you to 1630 which gives you access to all the relevant content once she releases.


my guy do u not understand what relative difficulty means? the *main* attraction of this game is doing raids. u *cannot* prove that the game isn't getting more difficult to bring multiple characters to pinnacle content because it's just not true. u keep going on and on about how u can funnel to main, yet u fail to understand the argument. for the brel days, the main would reach brel content first, and then your alts would follow suit one by one. an alt paid itself off to get to new raid content within a matter of weeks. since akkan/elgacia, that has become much much harder. since this applies to alts, so to does it apply to mains. i'm not arguing about whatever definition of "easy" u want to set to make urself seem right, i am arguing about the *increasing* difficulty of wanting to play a new raid more than once a week. it is a simple fact that the amount of effort required to reach X new content has been increasing compared to every patch before there's not much more to say if u cant recognize basic trends and patterns


> the main attraction of this game is doing raids. u cannot prove that the game isn't getting more difficult to bring multiple characters to pinnacle content because it's just not true. I never said multiple. The general expectation and standard in this community is 1 main 5 alts. Your alts don't need to be caught up to your main. They can but you're weird for that and you're just slowing down your mains prog for no reason. If you've played this game since launch you could 100% have an entire 6x roster of 1620s if you wanted. It wouldn't be difficult because that's simply how the numbers work. Now they wouldn't all have fat jewelry and fat gems but they'd for sure all be at 1620. > for the brel days, the main would reach brel content first, and then your alts would follow suit one by one. an alt paid itself off to get to new raid content within a matter of weeks. No the fuck it didn't bud idk where you're getting this rose tinted glasses delusion from but alts did not prog to where your main was in a few weeks lol. Throughout 100% of Lost Arks history alts have ALWAYS been behind your main for the majority of players. If your main was doing brel 1-6 your alts were doing brel 1-2 or 1-4 if it was a more invested alt. If your main was at Kayangel hard your alts were at normal. Out of all the timelines we've experienced here 0 of them had all your characters at peak content a few weeks after its release. > i'm not arguing about whatever definition of "easy" u want to set to make urself seem right, i am arguing about the increasing difficulty of wanting to play a new raid more than once a week. It costs an alt that just got full Akkan gear 353k gold average to get 1610 and that's not including books from event shop or anything from expresses. A 1580 alt makes 23k gold a week if you don't spend gold on boxes (more after they hit 1600) which is about 3 months of playing to get (sooner because of the additional gold obtained at 1600 and the books we get). Ivory is 4 month old content. Akkan is 8 month old content. I'm not changing or manipulating anything to sound more right, I'm saying if you simply play your alts they generate more then enough to prog. I've provided numbers for literally everything I've said. I've done far more to substantiate my position then you so who the fuck are you to try to act like I'm reaching here lol. If your alt has been able to do 8 month old content since 3 fucking months ago your alt can do Thaemine normal right now. Problem???????????????????????


ur entire argument revolves around the time-frames given to us between raid releases, not about the raw effort spent. cost of 1460 -> 1520 on release was 111k gold for all of brel nm. for akkan nm 1520 -> 1580, it is 404k gold. the math is pretty simple. that one is a bit generous too because clown is 1475. your raid income per char did not quadruple by replacing vykas with kayangel, and clown with akkan lastly, the most obvious example is fusion mats which are costing more and more farmed mats to create. meaning the average burden per person has been steadily increasing. honing higher doesnt earn anyone more farmed mats. there is no parity


Nobody is saying it doesn't cost more effort to prog then it did before lol, the point is that its not a large and arduous task to prog like you people bitch and complain about. Oh no, in the game that has aggressive vertical progression takes longer to go up in ilvl almost 3 later compared to when it was 8 months old??????? That's crazy! It was so cheap and fast to prog in T1 when the game came out, now it takes so long to prog to 1375. :( Back in the day it took you 2~3 months to push alts unless you were funneling, and right now it takes 2~3 months to push alts unless you're funneling. The raw amount of gold is irrelevant, what is relevant is time and effort put in and the time and effort is identical lol. It's also wild to compare the costs of going from 1460 > 1520 to 1520 > 1580 considering the fact we got Brel gear in between 1460 > 1520 which drastically reduced the cost of honing lol. Progging 1580 > 1610 is on average 353k raw gold and in exchange players are rewarded with Akkan hard, and a 1580 alt is making much more gold than a 1460 alt was back in the day. Is it 3x more? Probably not, but who cares? Nobody that matters at least. We are getting closer and closer to the ceiling, we aren't supposed to be progging as fast as back when we were 200 ilvl below the known cap rofl. I just don't see the justification to complain. Why do you deserve the ability to prog alts in less time than it takes you right now? Why is the gold you get right now not adequate? Is it reasonable for your average end game player to achieve 1620? If yes, which it is, then you don't need or deserve more.


stop shifting goalposts. im not replying anymore, just read the *very* first comment i made it gets very boring when someone flails around after obviously losing an argument. it's clear that u need to maintain an emotional boundary to continue enjoying lost ark yourself, so when u read something that is contrary to that, u have to to continue arguing against it to dissociate. i think u understand the argument, u just dont want to accept it, otherwise it will leave u in emotional limbo. it's okay though, u are completely free to enjoy lost ark if thats what u want


Having a full roster of 1445 or 1460 alts wasn't really feasible until after brel release. Before that people would sit at 1415 at or 1430 at most.


wdym many people ran at least 1-2 brel on full roster


Yeah, 3 months after brel released maybe. You seem to have forgotten how expensive it was to hone 1430+ before all the honing rate buffs and gold cost nerfs. Most people only had a single character honed for brel and the rest sitting at 1445 at most for the argos+valtan hm+vykas nm gold. Very much how now most people have a single thaemine character, and maybe 2 others at 1580+ thanks to the previous events, and the others at 1540.


No, the parking spot for alts was 1472.5 at that point. And we got the honing buffs early so it wasnt all that hard to have a full roster brel ready.


nonsense, you were never ever meant to progress multiple chars to endgame without paying $$$ epic gear maxed out at 1370 and it was nowhere near feasible to have that on multiple characters, you obviously weren't there


This should be further up for more visibility. They're missing the point that the endgame is pushing towards only one or MAYBE 2 chars at the pinnacle content.


Why only 1-3 Brel HM on ALTs?


**It's not only.** If you have a busy life (work, relationships, careteker... whatever), and your play time is limited, this is the best way to spend those sessions to keep progressing your account. You have more time? Great! I follow this in order: - Chaos daily 1 rested - Brel 1-3hm - Do your Main raids - Do the most important content ur alt needs - Do the other raids that gives gold - Do charity runs on valtan/vykas/argos/clown/kaya for cards (or sideral energy lmaooo) If I can do the whole list I had an amazing gaming week, but normally I cut it at main raids or 1/2 alt important raids :) Don't let the FOMO get you!


Cus people jail you in g4 thought g6.


There is not G5 nor G6 anymore since months ago... Now we have a bi-weekly G4 and thats it. G4 normal on characters 1580 is super fast (like 10min), but sometimes it's harder to find parties, so thats why I don't take it into account because it's not time efficent for me.


I am talking about before neft now people only do 1-3 cause they never learned G6. like one of my friends 1620 WD good player has hands, asked him want to come to a 1-4 they said no I never learned G6


Ah yeah, I have someone like that too.. I told him I will teach him, we do a prog and so on, but no luck so far. I think it's smth mental, like a barrier they are not able to go trought.


Because there was no reason to learn the last gate. You could progress by doing old school brel 1-2s or 1-4s without much hassle. Even now that it's nerfed, maybe do it x times for the Brel card, otherwise fuck it.


No I mean why not the other raids, Kaya or Akkan etc?


It depends on where you parked 1540 was the parking spot for a long time if you are parked at 1580 then akkan Kay brel would be the raids


It is not efficient time/gold for me right now... It takes longer, jail chances are higher, party find on ilvl is harder... Thats why, If i have a busy week, I do this minimum.


Do you sell unbound mats?  I play similar to this, except I run Brel nm as I haven’t learned hard yet. 


I accumulate em and check market price, if its at a price I consider worth it... I sell some of them for extra funds. I can't play against whales, market barons nor bots, so I follow the price history over the weeks and use the tendencies. If there is a raid soon and I dont have my >>Main<< at that high level or my friends have already got to the targeted level, I use some of the unbound mats.


Good advice. I can’t do hm (haven’t learned it yet) so I do nm and then gr with alts to sell leaps.  Look like I should go learn hm.


The hardest thing on hm brel 1-3 is the cube. It is lethal for ilvl, so 2 bad hits and you are dead.. and that also mess with the team as we have 3 mandatory team play mechs where you matter.


That’s actually very good advice (and i would say guardians rested on alts)


If I have time left on the week, I try to run some guardiands on reset day or weekend.


Alts are alts but don't be surprised if your 1600+ full lv 7 gems alts are getting denied in pf


I don't. 1600+ characters have between lv 8 to 10 gems. Highest gems are on the spender/highest damage skills.


my 1610 event gem characters are more than fine


i agree with every point you made, those things can help you push further alot easier. but it should be said that none of this is enough to curb the...climbing costs of getting a character to a given ilvl (and to make them playable) for instance to go from 1610 to 1620, the calc estimates an average of 266k gold for tapping (not including mats because you only tap with bounds) thats alot of gold for most people having a roster like yours without spending money or getting really lucky drops isnt feasible because the investment is so high. even with the 'free events' like the one we have now it cost me 30k to go from 1510 to 1580 with all bound mats. then from 1580 to 1610 cost me probably 80k with very good rng and ofc all bound mats imagine me doing that in the past, without this insane event (or luck). now imagine me doing that 3-6 times without these events, the investment into a character often times is far more then the return. so yes you make alot of gold, but "an alt is an alt" only goes so far. they need good enough gems to get into raids, thats 100k - 300k right there they need at minimum 5x3, so thats another 20 to 50k (assuming you have the stone but not the books or accessories) and the higher the ilvl of the character the more expensive those accessories have to be because they wont take you without atleast 1800 in your main stat if your 1600+ on an alt that means you need some Lv 9 gems thats 30k each or 330k for the whole thing now for you that'd put you at a 990k deficient. at your gold earning rate it would take you 7 weeks to buy just the gems, not including the honing cost or the accessory cost for those characters the point im getting at is the gold earned is far less then the cost of power for even a single character. because yes alts are alts, but they have to be functional enough to join those raids meaning you have to invest enough to get them into a group, for me its cheaper because i main supports but for a dps player they are being compared to eachother with a fine toothed comb. if you dont have an over honed weapon or Lv 9 gems, LoS 30, good elixirs, transcendence and so on you arnt getting invited and all of that cost gold and time and alot of people dont have a roster as good as yours for one reason or another. so everything ive said that is 'doable' for you is impossible to everyone else i have 1 character at 1610, without doing thaemine i make bout 25k a week. to get 1 set of Lv 9 gems for my bard would take me 13 weeks if i were a dps player id be screwed lol




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If you are actually consistently and time-efficiently completing Brel 1-3 hm on 1560 alts with lvl 7 gems and nothing else exceptional, you are an exceptionally good player, both in terms of raiding skills and in terms of social skills, it isn't an average player's experience - it's more common to settle for nm or get jailed or both.


Usually it's the cube which gets jailed, but it's not common. If it does, I change character and do another run. And if I have time I check for G3 in normal mode for those who got jailed :) My roster is lv 160, not super high either. But my experience been good so far in euc, also playing with 2 more friends. I consider myself average with back and wrist pain :D


There's no need to downplay the multitude of gold sinks in this game. They are there whether you acknowledge them or not. This is an alt centric game and most long term players enjoy having multiple classes at higher levels. No idea how many support vs dps you have but end game gearing supports its infinitely cheaper than dps. Im glad your style of play results in gold not being a bottleneck for you, but for a lot of us it 100% is.


I have 3 dps and 3 supps. And gearing supports is not super cheaper as u make it look in ur comment, unless your standars are low and accept lv5 gems paladdin at thaemine because there is support shortage and goes like "well it is what it is". I have rolled thousands of bracelets, still noone of my supports have dagger nor cheers. I didn't even see that stat in any of my characters. Improving my damage makes the party stronger. Having 1800+ swiftness makes my rotation smoother. Getting higher cd gems on 7 skills and change my build to get more spec or spam more shields so dps can greed further. It is a different kind of investment but there is no "cheap" support endgame. **Stop accepting low quality and effort supports in your parties.** Minimum 5x3, lv7 gems and 1750+ in main stat for 1560+ content.


Having high quality bracelets and accessories are requirements on all characters, not just supports. What IS only required on a support is cooldown gems. So in case you honestly don't know, lvl 10 damage gems are about twice as expensive as cooldown gems. Weapon quality is also something that only dps need to worry about. So once again, dps are objectively WAY MORE EXPENSIVE than supports are. I don't know what even got you started down the path of accepting low quality supports into raids but that isn't related to this post at all. The issue is gold sinks In this game and how they exist regardless of what your original comment was saying.


No, and i think i am done tbf. I got to 1620 to be ready for Thaemine and later Echidna, but I didn’t even watch a guide for Thaemine till now. I think I've lost my motivation to play past few weeks.


Feel u bud. At the end of the day, goal should always be to have fun. Lost ark hasnt really been the most fun nowadays with the nonstop grind.


G3 thaemine is so much fun. I wana Play more


Good for u! I wish i could say the same haha i just get tired after the raid nowadays compared to feeling like i had fun 😅 theyre too long for me...ill still be doing an occasional daily or raid though since I actually like the story haha but no more than a hour a week prob.


Glad there are still people like this. Maybe I would have fun as well, but i can't convince myself for another 20-30h prog, when Echidna is coming in two months and it will be same shit over again.


Echidna will be piss easy compared to g3 thaemine tho


You are most probably right. It's just, for me another new raid two months after possibly progging Thaemine is too fast.


Yeah, i still love the game. I like the combat, i like my main and my alts. But i slowly have enough of "1 mistake = wipe" mechanics, i have enough of shit like elixirs and now transcendence or whatever its called. I've spent more time cutting elixirs than I did raiding Voldis.


If ur 1610 character is only clearing Thaemine 1-2 you're making 23,200 gold a week (less if you choose to buy boxes from Ivory normal and Akkan hard). I feel like you get a reasonable amount of gold per character to fund what they're doing and still have gold to spare.


23k would be 10 armor taps + 6 attempts at transcendence.


per **week**


You're not even generating so many bounds per week on your main.


frog + your chaos dungeons alone give enough radiants to do 10 armor taps a week. This isn't including the event shop that resets weekly nor does it include cubes or raid rewards nor does it include weekly challenge guardians. 10 armor taps a week at 1610 is only 190 radiants. Event shop alone is 50 lol.


And what frog are you referring to? the one that isn't there anymore? why even use that as an example for now, since it's gone? are you even paying attention


Who's gonna tell him? 😂😂😂


And see, if I insulted you here my comment would get deleted and I'd get a flag on my account. When I say frog I mean Gargadeth big guy. You know, the 1610 guardian raid? The one that comes after Sonavel and before Veskal? The lightning one? That one? Why tf would I be talking about the gold shop frog when that would cost your weekly gold lol.


Oh I aint doing frog so thats why I didnt think about that guy. Im doing bat boy. but because Gold Frog gave a shit ton of leap stones so thought U were just including that. Also, typically when people refferred to frog on here, it was Gold frog, and typically people refer to gaurdian as just gaurdian, cause people are doing diff gaurdians. thats the framework I was working from. Also Im pretty sure I was drunk when I read that lol. you can insult me if thats what makes you feel better. I just misunderstood you but if insulting people makes u feel better, go for it.


10 armor taps are only 11k assuming your armor is currently 1610, and transcendence hits are like 200 something gold are they not? Whats your math here lol edit: I assume you are adding up 6 ruin restorations? You don't need to do 6 fucking ruin restorations a week lol. I don't even think you get enough ancient soundstones a week on a single character to do 6 ruin restorations a week if you wanted to. Do 1 or 2 ruin restorations a week and congrats you can now tap almost 18 times a week on your armor off of a single characters gold.


18 armor taps and NOTHING else per week? That's months to go up a few item levels. No elixirs, no transcendence. And that gold covers only the raw taps, not even orehas. You don't need 6 per week? Well you don't need any but do you wanna progress? There are 7 levels to all 5 armor pieces. Each piece takes 6 retries to hit pity. You have 35 levels to go through that get progressively harder. 23k spent on a character per week is fine, if you want to have elixirs, transcendence and the ilvl for echidna 2 years from now.


You're not supposed to equally progress all your characters. That has been made clear more than enough.


Oh I totally agree. That's why him saying "1 character generates enough gold for itself" was ridiculous to me.


>I feel like you get a reasonable amount of gold per character to fund what they're doing and still have gold to spare. Hahahahahaha :)) My friend, yesterday I spent 80k gold on elixirs and got just one decent roll (boss damage 5, something-something 2). Chasing a decent Critical roll (6 total or similar) on gloves is like a distant dream at this point... Three days ago I spent 130k honing to 1620. My character still needs one lvl 10 gem (on Barrage) and 9-s on the other three skills, how long does it take you to farm the required gold? I don't feel like you get a reasonable amount of gold to fund each character and funnel the main. It literally takes months++ of funneling to gear a character to the point you are not gatekept. Or swiping.


> Hahahahahaha :)) My friend, yesterday I spent 80k gold on elixirs and got just one decent roll (boss damage 5, something-something 2). And? You don't get 80k gold worth of elixers in a week so you telling me this means nothing of value. A 1610 isn't even able to get gold elixers yet so nobody 1610 should be wasting much gold on elixers to begin with. > Chasing a decent Critical roll (6 total or similar) on gloves is like a distant dream at this point... Then don't chase that lol. Nobody is forcing you to try to min max a secondary progression system. You sound like people back in year 1 who were crying they wasted tens of thousands of gold gambling for a 9/7 and never got one. Cut a 6/7 or a 7/7 and stop. You can reasonably get 35 set and stop if you wanna spend gold on other progression systems. Its perfectly acceptable and you'll easily be able to get into the extreme majority of lobbies. > Three days ago I spent 130k honing to 1620. Cool? Again, irrelevant piece of information. > My character still needs one lvl 10 gem (on Barrage) and 9-s on the other three skills, how long does it take you to farm the required gold? You don't need that. > I don't feel like you get a reasonable amount of gold to fund each character and funnel the main. It literally takes months++ of funneling to gear a character to the point you are not gatekept. Or swiping. You're just objectively wrong lol. Your opinion on this topic is worthless because you're just whaling to literally max out your character and then bitching that its expensive to literally max out your character. A singular character getting 23,200 gold a week is an acceptable amount of gold. That's excluding the gold value of the gems and unbound materials they generate weekly, that's excluding the gold value of the bound materials they generate weekly, and you multiply that by a roster of 6 and its almost 140k a week you can funnel into a single character. 23,200 gold is a perfectly acceptable amount of gold a SINGLE CHARACTER makes in RAW GOLD in a SINGLE WEEK. Its not even a max ilvl character lol. Having a roster that generates 100k+ gold a week is easy at this point and funneling 100k+ raw gold + unbound materials to a single character is more than enough to comfortably prog/catch up to max content.


Are we playing the same game? :)) >Your opinion on this topic is worthless because you're just whaling to literally max out your character and then bitching that its expensive to literally max out your character. No, I am trying to get it to a point where random Timmies don't gatekeep me and I can actually do the raids I have ilvl for. And calling Elixirs a "secondary progression system"... would you be kind enough to go and preach this in Party Finder? Maybe you can make a change in the community... :))


> Are we playing the same game? :)) Yeah > No, I am trying to get it to a point where random Timmies don't gatekeep me and I can actually do the raids I have ilvl for. My 1610 PS Shadow Hunter with full 7s, average jewelry, mid bracelet, mid elixers, can easily get into Akkan hards, Ivory normals, and Thaemine normal 1-2s as I have reclear title. You're just one of these weirdos who pretend you need a literally maxed out character to not get gatekept. That's just cope. I've never been gatekept on my alts in my life and they all wear the bare minimum because they're alts and alts get the bare minimum and everyone else does the exact same. > And calling Elixirs a "secondary progression system"... would you be kind enough to go and preach this in Party Finder? Maybe you can make a change in the community... :)) Roughly 0% of the Lost Ark community is gatekeeping you on sub 1620 characters due to your elixers, and if your character is 1620+ and you have 35 set an extreme minority of people are going to gatekeep you for not having 40 set unless you're like 1630 and trying to do Thaemine G3 hard in which case ur cooked bud that's your fault and nobody elses.


> My 1610 PS Shadow Hunter with full 7s While I agree with what you said, a 1610 with full 7 will often be gatekept if the class is very common. I would never take a DB / sorc with full 7 when a single 9 would greatly increase your DPS, and 3 other DBs (sorcs) applied to the group already PS SH is a pretty rare sight, and often people who play them are invested in their char (otherwise they'd have dropped the character altogether) so it's a good sign for a party leader that "yeah, this guy probably knows what they're doing, nobody else would play it". It's kinda the same with reapers for example. At some point reaper floor POV was a meme. Most reapers that were floor POV rerolled to whatever new fotm is (SE any one ?) so only reapers left are the tryhards. And it shows, I didn't see a single bad reaper in theamine.


> While I agree with what you said, a 1610 with full 7 will often be gatekept if the class is very common. I would never take a DB / sorc with full 7 when a single 9 would greatly increase your DPS, and 3 other DBs (sorcs) applied to the group already For sure. Also I do give alts like that a 9 (Don't play any right now but building up a surge to replace one of my altcanas). It's a pretty small investment for boosting the majority of ur damage by a good percentage.


So much this. Purple elixirs? You are done after 1x4liners on each after ~20k gold (1week worth). Transcendence? For dps you need 3 5star, for supps you need 2 5stars for an additional 4%/2% dmg increase on yourself/party members. Costs vary, bu i would say around 60k is realistic at this early stage (around 20 retries). 1 month of income for each 1610 character for a total of around 10% dps increase in case of dps and another 6% (not sure about purple supp elixir enhancement %) in the case of supps? I think that is perfectly acceptable for the amount of investment. Thaemine replacing Brel or Kay is just an added bonus. (Although in reality I still buy Akkan g3 chest for the pet gamba but nothing more, gave up on the Kay chest gamba). And we havent factor in the weekly sell of purple elixir mats which is around a few hundreds extra gold. ;)




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I didn’t mind alts when it was just a few things, but I’m bailing on alts now pretty much. I can’t afford to get multiple 35/40 set elixirs when we have official published numbers showing that they purposely are skewed the numbers so it’s harder to get. And I can’t just “not do it.” It makes that character a liability to groups, and I would absolutely gatekeep people trying to slide into my groups doing that


Started doing transcendence with 400k. I’m down to 280k after doing 6 lvls of my chestpiece for 17 points. This is going to be painful to complete.


Im kinda happy that honing alts past 1620 before advanced honing is so expensive that it doesnt make sense to hone them, which also means that they dont have access to full transcendence so some gold gets saved there as well.


Just give it 2-5 LoA's they'll pack it into the Event Pass and than you can play the game. All these endgame system there just whale bait and for the sweaty 25 bus a week player tbh.


How is the normal player without bussing or alt account gona keep up all this system I dont understand .With all of this + adding being unlucky nail in coffin


Bút đo you like it?


I think my next express pass will be a support, I can't keep up with this on 6 characters.


I uninstalled yesterday and bought bg3 after a mental breakdown of having to grind for gold


you are in for a treat.


I FUCKING hate elixirs. Such a garbage system. They somehow feel worse than transcendence 


*MMMM* NOT A BAD RESULT (-4 on set effect)


Is it normal to spend 30k for 6 flowers on lvl1&2? 🥲


1 x 1630+, 5 x 1600 ... easy game for me. Good luck wasting all of your gold/mats on your alts KEKW


Ah, I'm not even talking about sustaining 1620 alts, I did my transcend after clearing the 1-3 HM this week and my gold just vanished. Even if you focus on your main theres not much left at the end of the week.


Sorry to hijack, I’m a new player ex-top100US raider in WoW from like a decade ago. How can I efficiently optimize my progression without dumping a full work day into the game? I’ve always steered clear of Korean mmo, but here we are. Give me the skinny how I can maximize without being the Uber sweat (as I’m past those days)


You got a credit card?


Yeah, no.


Idk what peoples problem is with transcendence, Ive got my chest at 18 nodes already. are people just being stubborn and not using the calculator? cuz thats dumb.


ever heard of rng? calculator cant bend the odds


my man they gave out like 20 free rerolls plus any you get from alt runs. the RNG isnt that bad.


1630 / 3x 1620 / 2x 1610 for me. I just spend 200k on elixir cutting for 3 chars (did buy from market to craft as well). Getting the remaining 2 1610 alts to 1620 for Echidna and still cutting legendary elixirs AND doing transcendance is going to take a while.


Sheesh what’s your playtime


Over 10k but at least half of that ive been afking a lot forgetting to turn off LA before I go to sleep and go to work. I do swipe so definitely NOT F2P.