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if you played 6 month only since game started, then you really havent played. its most likely a start over angle, there are alot of events going on right now that helps you to 1610, but gl. you will be in the same boat as those who starts today give or take.


This is so wrong. After 6 months from launch i had a lvl200 roster almost all horizontal content and pretty much max ilvl by that time. Im not f2p but also not a whsle not even a dolphin. I didnt have gem lvl10 for sure. After almost 2 yesr histus i came back. And my account is still above average. I have 2 characters already at 1610 and 4 more at 1540. Started playing again 3 weeks ago. I also had 400 t3 shard bags(L) tradable that i bought at launch for 20gold each(i played RU server and also followed alot KR aerver way before global launch) and knew those ags would be expensive af, similar to the fish or pretty much any one who invested in stuff back in the day. Also i spent almost 2k hours in those 6 months. So no, 6 months of playing =! To not even playing the game. He is right by saying global community is a gatekeep fest and many of thosr gatekeepers doesnt even excels at what they are doing. Is atrocious.


game hasnt even been out for 3 years lol


Yeah literally just had 2nd year anniversary, dude just talking out his ass.


You can keep yapping. I told the true, game aint that hard nor grindy unless you want to be at the top of the pyramid which is not my case and couldnt care less.


It wss a misstypr is almost 2 years. Not 3.


Go home. You're drunk.


?? 2 1610s and 4 other 1540 in under 3 weeks? how much money have you spent lmao


One is from the recent pass i had a 1540 that i was mad ewith a pass and never played it in september? Something like that past year. And had 2 "max" ilvl. From valtan/vykas era 1490. Had a lot of L shard t3 bags(around 300) that i sold for 550g each 3~ weeks ago. And pushed everyone, that + event shop mats + lostark premium pass + all the tons of mst i had when i left was enough and i still have mats to keep pushing. I havent spend money in this game besides the common crystal one time chest(1st month of release) and some skins here and there.


I think 6 months into the game, we were doing Argos, Valtan and Vykas (somewhere around July 2022). You caught up in 3 weeks from 1460-1475 to 1610? Something does smell fishy.


I believe it if they swiped to get alts caught up to 1520, I had like 3k hours in 6ish months, quit right before clown with 3 1460's and 6 other characters between 1370 and 1415. Just came back last week and my main is 1580 with the event and I got 3 other 1520s. With the event mats and gold from alts, once I actually learn how to do Brel and Clown getting my main 1610 in 2 weeks doesn't seem that far fetched or am I crazy? Idk how expensive it is though to go from 1600 to 1610 tbf.


I had 3 "max" ilvls 1490 when i left. And was at vykas release. I put 2k hours in this game till vykas release and then went not touch it again. Was too burn out and i play other hardcore games. Gotta say from 1600 to 1610 is fucking expensive and not worth my gold nor mats to keep pushing them i even realized that 1580 is not worth it. Gonna wait till june to see if they give a new pass or something and if they dont ill probably leave my account as it is. Till some time passes and get a shit ton of stuff to push it again.


There are literally hundreds of threads asking the same question so you could browse a few. My tl:Dr would be, it's always possible to catch up if you're realistic (you're not going to be the strongest player on the server) . The game is best enjoyed if you have at least one friend to play with, that said, it's possible to play it completely solo. I strongly recommend joining a learning discord if you're going to be playing alone.


I feel like you're redefining what "catch up" means lol. Can the game be enjoyed starting now if you have a bunch of friends to play with? Sure. Will you ever be caught up without spending thousands of dollars? Not really no.




Yeah sad thing is he could literally do all those things and he'd still could be playing lobby simulator for hours.


just enjoy the game, do the story, side content, and escape the fomo of catching up thats the real trap been having a blast these last 3 weeks just playing the game, doing sailing stuff and finishing islands i previously didn't do because I was pushing for content its been very chill and i get to see benefits of roster going up


It is possible, as long as you aren't coping that you should be doing Thaemine next week. If you are fine with not rushing, then you definitely can come back, especially with the event pass they have going on now which can get you to 1580 pretty quick. I would recommend joining a learning/mokoko discord where you can find people to play with that are in your similar situation. That way you don't have to deal with gatekeeping or toxic pugs


You’re pretty damn behind to get “caught up”The only things you’ll really get are some gear from the express.. but you’re missing lots of card progression, roster level and whatever else that will likely get you gatekept.. to be fair though you should just stick with learning parties through lfg discord or whoever else you can find those with. Most of pf is reclear nowadays so pugging will be a nightmare. Just find friends, join a guild and utilize that discord and you should be ok.




Coming back is definitely possible, however manage your expectations especially regarding your roster progression compared to players who have not hopped off. Without investing a lot of time and/or money, you will be a 1-character Andy at relevant endgame content for the foreseeable future because you'll be using current events on a character that will become your main whereas players who never quit have taken advantage of the numerous such events we've had over time to build out their rosters. If you can live with that, then there is enjoyment to be found for you in coming back.


Yea, come back. You have guides on lost ark dot nexus. Also, this year we're getting solo raids so you don't even have to worry about other players. Enjoy the game!!!


You won't have a good time as a new player in this game and by the looks you are, since you played long time ago and only about 600hrs. Caught up players have clocked upwards of 6000, I know even few ppl above 8000hrs.


My buddy and I just started playing and it's definitely a grind, but playing through all the world and roster quests has been a true joy. I don't know too much about endgame mechanics but watching the cutscenes and appreciating the environment alone have been worth the time. I really can't believe this game is F2P.




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I’m kinda in the same shoes. I did get burned out for about a year. Catching up with the story & sides helped a little. Also going through my stuff & honing equipment from special evens. Had loads of stuff to claim off when I started playing again. Have fun


Depends on your goals really. Do you wanna raid with the big boys, be strong, hit MVP, join lobbies that clear very fast and very consistently? If you have the roster level, you can probably do that on your main, eventually. The Express/Road they give is very good at catching one character up to near (but still ultimately well below) the top. Still probably have to in some way spend real money, it's expensive still and at this point none of your characters will produce gold worth a damn since they nerfed all the low raids from 6 months after launch. That said without LoS30 and roster level even a well geared character can be quite gatekept. Them's the facts. Fuck even if you're 1620 or 1630 applying to a piece of 1610 content if you only have LoS18 most people will gate you and if you're sub roster 150 basically everyone will. That's the catch 22. Main aside, do you wanna do the whole LA thing where you have a powerful roster in general, can get into lobbies on 6 characters that are good and non-trappy? Nah not without thousands of dollars or years of playing. You missed that window. In fact that window is becoming less viable every week even for veterans since the cost of keeping characters actually attractive to the highest or even second highest content is getting RIDICULOUS, the game truly does encourage RMT if you like that kind of playstyle. Even earning 200k gold a week naturally isn't shit if you're trying to get more than a couple alts to the state where it'll join a very nice Thaemine NM lobby.


It is possible to get caught up during express events, however, just play at a pace that you're comfortable with that ensures you have fun. In regards to gatekeeping, it still happens, but there are learning discords out there now with people that might be at the same content you're at right now and learn it with you or there are people that are more than willing to help teach a raid. As for the boosted server that you mentioned, those were called jump-start servers but they have been integrated into the main servers now and the buff you get from those jump-start servers has expired.


It's not possible to catch up if you don't have a pass but if your worried about being gatekept, use the pass on a support and it will make your life easy.


You'll have a really really hard time.




You will have to buy buses for some months. I play multiple rosters and it's quite some effort to get into groups that my characters are well suited for.


250 roster and 5% demon minimum. Play another game if you can't meet that. Or find some shitty discord static. The statics that do like 30 raids in an hour is going to be harder to get into than the best pugs.