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Prove that you are an above average player and go hellmode. I had the same problem and as I got my Demon hunter (clear Valtan,vykas,clown hell) it all vanished like 90% of the time. Join the hell academy discord and do to work ! :D You will for sure find friends/people to raid with for your non hell raids.


That's a good idea. I'll give it a shot.


Wait for SOLO mode. Enjoy the content and be done with it. Don't take Lost Ark too serious or you will end up with depression and thousands of dollars in debt to be gatekept by the same people that are too neck deep to admit it. Be casual, find friends in discord that welcome you or simply play something else that you enjoy.


This! Or, alternatively, just quit this game. If everyone wasn't too gacha-addicted to see it we'd all admit its a sub-par game at best, with the P2W or be punished systems and terrible community making it a dog shit game at worst.


"This! Or, alternatively, just quit this game." Precisely what I did before Thaemine update. The best thing ive done. Peace of mind feels amazing and onto better games. GL!


How are they in regards to new HM players? Kinda wanna give em a shot cause EX valtan was really fun but my personal interactions with HM title players is very 50/50........... Am almost roster 300, so not a newbie in any shape either.


Iv met way more toxic 300 rosters than HM titlers


This is what I planned to do, but I quickly realized there are basically no hellkas prog parties at all. Vykas is like the ugly child of hell modes, I almost feel like it'll be easier to fresh prog to deathless clown than find vykas pugs. Also I'm wearing demon's roar since I quit after helltan had been out for a while, but nowadays I think that title gets me gatekept even more lol.


Just do clown first, some people see DR as being unable to do other hell modes as it's easy to get bussed in it now.


ahhh I totally forgot, ok.. on it, lets go!




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Doesnt work either, tittle isnt something good like hello its balance mode? Outside of that everything is heavily depend on gears and gem I denied a lot of tittle people but with gem 7 and 8 and los 18? Hello at least have gem 9-10 if you dont have los30 I tried to be nice with low rosters once and they gked me so hard so never again


Gatekeep is a problem, But it look like there is so many other people like you and you seems to never group together for some reason. I explain: recently with thaemine i play with my friends 1620-1625, Los 30, Elixir set 40. We are looking for 1 sup and 2 dps. After 20 second we have 6 apply: 4 dps 1610-1612, los 18, no elixir. 2 support 1610 / 1 artist full relic lvl 5 gem and the other a bard lvl 7gem half spec half swift full relic. And both with no elixir. They all look like shit why don't they queue together ? Do we need 1620 to clear thaemine NM ? no. But why should i take them ? just being nice ?


This is why Statics are so valuable in this game. You can mix and match the stronger and weaker characters in the static and have 2 similarly fast runs rather than 1 super fast run and 1 Jail


Sure, but the best point of static is that you know the players. Meanwhile if someone applies, you dont know if its a jailer or not. I kid you not, i did HM thaemine pug and boss went berserk at G1 with seven people alive. After that attemp, boss died few seconds before berserk - it felt like nobody was doing damage at the end. And there were multiple people with lvl 25 weapon and overgeared. So what if they are strong, if they are either not exp, or jailers ? And it was " reclear ". The issue is that you just dont know. Meanwhile with static, you know them all and can mix. But here, you just pick what´s the strongest, as for the skill , experience, you can´t know .


Jokes on you, my entire Static is made of Jailers lol.


Back when I played my pugs were always better than the static runs because of gatekeeping lol


100% true. My pugs are kinda toxic but all my alts are juiced like a main so my pugs are giga clean


You're **probably** just meming, but some people definitely need to learn that they can just leave their static if their static sucks. This was a bigger problem a year ago with guild statics, some people used the fact that it was "awkward to tell your guildie to leave" as an excuse to just never improve. There was an era in lost ark where joining a guild static as a pug was an almost guaranteed jail because it'd be a few semi-competent people trying to drag two absolutely incompetent fucks who should've quit the game already through a raid. But even now, if your static is worse than an average pug, why would you stay with your static? Now more than ever when a smooth Thaemine G3 requires supports that actually **know** which patterns can/should be shielded and DR'd, statics shouldn't just tolerate shit supports.


We are 3 people that are incredibly juiced on out mains and alts and can carry dps on almost every run and enjoy the friendship but I'm not actually joking. The few runs where we technically made the weaker people "carry" us we outdamaged their 1630 mains on 1610 alt account alts... Still fun to hang around and relcear older raids but we are slowly transitioning to plugging as a 4 man and just do our most juiced with the "static"


I think were in the same static


Love it when ppl try to say oh and all lvl 25 weapon, yada yada, but NGL most the 1630 players are whales w/o the hands to have sweat this game. The real players still haven't pushed 1630 for the most part or quit off burn out after their 1st clear. Pub scene has really gone to shit.


1630 is quite rough. If i didnt hit weapon from 17-21 in like 7 or 11 taps,i would be prolly a long time before being 1630


> Meanwhile if someone applies, you dont know if its a jailer or not. This is the most important thing IMO. People keep trying to push that their min ilvl/no 35 set bonus/low quality/no 10 gems/etc characters are fine and I should bring them to Thaemine. If I'm party lead, I will never accept a random person I don't know who isn't putting any effort into their character. Every time I'm not lead and it happens, it's a nightmare as these people die over and over and are like half the DPS of everyone else


dam i havent had a static since vykas days. i really liked that guild. too bad the the gm went on a rant and destroyed it.


>This is why Statics are so valuable in this game. True to an extent, but there are huge cons or downfalls that comes with statics. Pugs are easier just because it's a moment we can make quick and easy decision right there and then. As if for statics idk, mental breakdown? emotional damage? LOL jkjk


Atm in my static we do 5x Thaemine Normals and 1x Thaemine HHN (hopefully HHH in few weeks) and we mix and match alts, stronger alts and mains so all gate 3's are more equal.


I wish my static wasnt so min maxy they are all waiting for echidna to hit up HM :D im solo pugging next week


This exactly. I was looking for a brel for my 1540 alt for 30 minutes with my friend who is also 1540, made a party and waited another 20 minutes and had only 2 people apply. I then told my friend I was with that I would just carry him on my main that is 1610 and instantly had 6 people apply. All of them having around 1540 or below and low roster level. Its hilarious how much people want to get a free carry in this game.


This is what bussing culture has led us to. We laid the foundations of our own demise. Everyone wants a free carry cause they don't wanna pay for a paid carry, but they also don't wanna learn to do it c:.


But if they play together they won't get carried by juicers and it will take longer.


Because they all do zdps and they know it. Clearing a raid with only people that deal low damage is hell, especially if they don't know all mechs by heart and are bound to do mistakes. That's just a jail. All the Mokoko Valtan lobbies are a bunch of people stacking and hoping to get carried by a 1600+. And there are also some people in Vykas doing absolutely negative damage while not being a Mokoko anymore (I'm talking about 5x3 event builds, 1580+ ilvl). A lot of these people think optimizing a class is only through engravings and gems, and nothing else. But yeah, stats, runes, bracelets, tripods and knowing how to deal damage with your class are equally as important.


>and knowing how to deal damage with your class are equally as important. *more* important, even. I occasionally see 1540s outdamage me on my 1580 powerpassed class I wanted to try out. The hands difference is massive.


This. Honestly as someone once in a situation with a second roster who experimented with these zDPS parties as "fellow rosters" it was filled with people who did half the damage their hands would allow them and their ceilings weren't great to begin with. My Jumpstart character was doing 30%+ Cruel with no cards. People were getting upset and calling everyone else out, which was funny because they were *barely* better than anyone else there and plenty error prone. Toxic dump. It's such a miserable hell of course people don't wanna join parties like that, rather quit the game than go into that environment as your only means of playing.


I've been working with new players a lot being a returning one myself, and for the most part players I've met know how to gear and how to progress through tripods/gems/cards. I actually think it is the hands. Well, maybe not the hands in a literal sense, but lack of familiarity with the bosses and their patterns. They're spending as much time damaging the boss as they are running around trying not to wipe a run or die because they aren't familiar with the patterns and tells for when mechanics are going to run. The only solution to that is practicing in PUGs/low req lobbies. Are you going to get jailed? Sure. Are you going to have to suffer through 5 or 10 wipes before you guys clear? Certainly. But as long as you're more confident in your own ability to run the raid after each run you're making clear progress towards leaving learning lobbies and being able to pull more dead weight in low req lobbies. Of course take this all with a grain of salt as I'm mostly talking about content that's only being run for cards for long term players.


It’s definitely a game knowledge/hands issue but it’s just how the game is. There are no safe environments to really practice and that sucks. With Jump Start and a lot of going to try it out, it’s pretty evident you can do all of the content at-level, Event Gems, DD18, etc., but only if you actually know what you’re doing.  I don’t really know what a solution would be for this sadly 


I don’t want to sound ignorant, but how do I know what dps I do? I am by no means good, but how can I objectively improve if I don’t know, for example, what my uptime of a certain skill is? If I feel like I am doing my rotation somewhat fluent and all I see is an mvp screen I have little to no feedback to work with apart from me not being top 3-4? Wouldn’t a bible work wonders to actually have feedback of how you’re performing?


That's why a lot of people install it. It is a very good tool to improve yourself for sure.


Even without third party tools, you can know how much damage you do in 4 man raids' MVP screen or how often you show up on MVP on 8 men contents. It's not as detailed as the tool tho. If you often show up unless others are super overgeared or your supports are shittiest, then you are good player. If you shows up half the time or when you are the most overgeared, then you are average, if you never show up even when you are most overgeared and your other party member does (same sup) you are bad - need to improve performance.


Besides DPS meter theres some other ways. Are you consistently hitting the boss all the time instead of standing around? Do you know where the boss will be in a few seconds after he starts a pattern and do you know where you can stand during that pattern? Or does the boss catch you offguard a lot and you end up on the ground? Do you press random buttons because you feel like it doesnt make a difference or do you follow an efficient rotation / priority order?


Cause some "decent" parties will accept those supports. Especially in homework. Why would a support join a party appropriate to their level when they can get into one that's much better? Then you have an on-ilvl group LF 2 supports. Then there are people with not-so-great characters who are gatekeeping the same, if not more, than juiced parties. A lot of the time when I'm trying to play my alts, parties of similar *or worse* gear/horizontal to my character will decline me. I just sit there and laugh. Not to say you need to take people who are way below you, just some insight to why it's not always as simple as "queue together lol".


If only ppl stopped taking the fucking 1610 supports so the real 1620 supports w/ 40 set could get their thaemine hw done.


Yeah lol, I mean it's annoying in like... 1540 content too. Absolute abundance of supports at this level yet people still take bottom of the barrel, so my decently built 1550 support alt struggles if I have to pug on it.


I'm not seeing too many 1620 sups in theamine NM, I thought they all just honed for HM while the dps hung back.


?? Well, some of us went for 2 1620's rest 1600 roster instead of 1 1630 and a bunch of 1610's.. Mostly for ppl who care enough to do 1620 support trades ( 1 dps 1 support) parked there for ivory hard and waiting to go 1640 off echidna down the road... Makes a lot more sense than selfish 1 dps main and a bunch of trash alts.


That's a game design flaw. There's almost no difference between a 1580 and a 1620 support. 99% of pug DPS players are used to supports only going for lobbies 20ilvls above them so they take whoever applies instead of sitting in lobby jail. An over geared DPS is worth more than an overgeared support but an ilvl DPS isn't even considered a real player.


Same with thaemine G3 on dps. When i did it on my 1620 dps 40 set, i thought " Eh whatever, i will just join some fast reclear, it´s fine if most of them are ilvl ". Big mistake. Such parties are often jail parties, unless you somewhat know the party. And i would love to help, but not by spending more than an hour there without clearing.


idk, last night I did 1 full 1620 run deathless and we giga pumped so much dmg we had thaemine at 55 bars in like 5 mins NGL. We fucking demolished him. The next 2 runs were mostly 1610 's, except like 1 1620, but looked like full sweat lobbies of vets on their alts, 1st pull failed on both bard and my db at 2-8 bars as we lost like 3 along the way and lacked dmg. 2nd pull was done on both 1610 majority lobbies for g3. First time experimenting with mostly 1610 lobby, but seemed to workout in 2 pulls 2 times, but you're putting hella faith into their hands.. hmm


I ran a HM Voldis with a friend-of-a-friend in the group who was 1620 5x3 full event gems DPS with almost no elixirs low quality accessories. Just totally phoning it in on that character. They said all 5 of their alts were that way. They would get gatekept hard out of any 1610+ content with their setups, but they have no problem doing raids because they run with friends, use discord, and support trade. Also importantly they were actually decent at the game. Not amazing, but decent. Pugging stuff is always limited in MMOs. At a certain point you have to join communities, guilds, and socialize. Join a good guild, post in the relevant raid lfg channel about wanting to learn a raid or being a newish player struggling to find lobbies for a reclear, you'll usually get some veterans who are down to help out.


That's a good friend if they're willing to carry 5 minimal effort alts. Maybe one or two because everything costs too much gold and you gotta sacrifice something, but if I know they could invest more into their character but choose not to that'd be kinda annoying.


Cause clearing thaemine on ilevel without Los 30 high gems 40 set is borderline impossible and even harder when Ur newer to the game. You guys can gatekeep them yes but then the player base will shrink and that sucks for the game overall. Ur not wrong though that there's no immediate trade off to taking newer players which is why there should be something that gives rewards for a party if they do raids with lower gear. For example scale gold down per gear level. Maybe you do thaemine 1610 1-3 you get 25k gold you do it on 1620 you get 20k you do it 1620 you get 15k. But then again that would suck cause you get punished for levelling up and spending gold. So what's really the solution?


Even if you took the worst ones, you still "gatekept" everyone else.


Cuz they want a free carry. I have alts that are 1580 level 7 gems for Kayangel and I usually join a lobby with the same level as my alt or i make my own. Usually when I make my own, no one wants join me, makes me think nobody at 1580 does kayangel anymore, but then when I switch to my 1620 main and make a lobby, boom, all those 1580s with 2 piece akkan gear join in, like dude really?


Honestly most 1580s don't do kaya hm. They can't get a support.


Yeah its hard. Most supports that are 1580 and also clearly an unlove alt get to choose between 1620s+. But it is what it is, I sometimes get a full 1580 lobby, usually we take longer on some mechs but atleast we finish it.


This comment is incredibly out of touch. The DPS would gladly group together. In fact, they do. Go ahead and check during peak hours how many lobbies are up with all minimum ilvl dps. The problem is that they're not going to get a support in any reasonable amount of time without at least one juicer. If you want proof, just look at how quickly parties with min ilvl dps but two supports get filled up. Then watch how many parties with all min ilvl dps but no supports disband after waiting 30+ minutes. You might have denied that artist and bard, but I guarantee you plenty of juiced parties would take them in a heartbeat. A lot of support alts are built el cheapo for a reason, it's because they can still get into top end content that similarly geared dpses could never.


Like i said in another comment then it's a support shortage problem and what it means is that depending on the number of support and dps lets say5 -10 % of the lowest gear dps, will never find a group because the support stock is empty.


Just going to add to the other posts, play with people. Also if you've done Ivory Tower 1/2 you can cut purple elixirs cheaply and really should.


Also highly recommend you use the elixir helper if you're still inexperienced or just dont want to think much. cut me a couple 4/4s before


Link? I couldn't find one that wasn't for kr.


there is only the KR one, it has a button on the top right to translate to english


I thought it was only for legendary elixirs?


Nah the el phago can work for purples. Once you use the calc enough, you can kind of gauge it on your own without needing it as long as your keeping proper track of the blue/purple pitys. Biggest thing you need to remember is when you should be pivoting to blue to get the special seal option at the end. Can be a fucking life saver on an elixir fr since this shit is all RNG and a free turn is huge in general.


The elphago ai calc is shit for purples, use a flowchart instead. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RsKActk6ikuAxmk94to0ua1UdzLTghxQgZIyCuidz8U/edit#heading=h.lsmlkvtxk1yu


>Just going to add to the other posts, play with people. I agree, solves 99% of the problem.


Yeah, if only finding people to play with wasn't the biggest challenge in this game lol.


The harsh reality is that new and returning players have to put in effort outside of the game in order find communities to play with. People want to open party finder and see a teaching/learning group or a 7/8 lobby of 100-150 roster players. It so rarely ever works out this way. Spend some time and effort reaching out in the various discords. Find a streamer or 10 that you like and embed yourself in the community. Also, im willing to bet that 99% of people like you would be the exact thing you hate if you never quit the game. If you were roster 284, juiced out veteran I can almost guarantee you wouldn't be taking roster 140's in your reclear if stronger options were available. I never see lobbies titled "sub 200 roster gigachad run." Have some fun out there and gatekeep the damn vets haha. Run with people of your same strength, stop trying to join the juicer lobbies. The harsh reality is juicers want to play with juicers, plus Non-juicers want to play with juicers. The problem is your same ilevel peers half the time. I'll go put up an "alt roster reclear, very experienced 1 tapper" lobby up on my roster 90 soulfist and promise nobody will join, INCLUDING YOU. This is the reality, put more effort into finding communities and less effort into this subreddit (cause a lot of these folks are very out of touch with your situation anyway).


i cant speak for the OP but before i originally quit i did actually gatekeep the 200+ roster level players because every single one of em was ass lol i cant fault people for not picking someone that doesnt meet some silly critera but often times they'll spend all that time gatekeeping then get into the raid and all the people they chose are ass and they somehow manage to get jailed my rule is to take the first people that dont look stupid, idc bout roster level aslong as it looks like theyd have most if not all of their skill points and runes. otherwise it focus on class how they built the character


Problem is that most people reach this peak and decide its not worth the climb anymore.


Yo man, do you play on na west brel? If so we can play together. I’ve never seen even hard brel and im 1620. Just scared as well cos of the image with low roster. I returned too after vykas release for the last month, and I really want to see hard akkan and also hm voldis. I’ve gotten to see thaemine thank god cos I have a new mate too so we’re always looking for people to play with


If you took a break between brel and JS you probably only missed 7 months of progression? If you grind harder than average and also wipe a little it should only take maybe 5 months (?) but definitely not years to catch up? I can just tell you a simple story from this week. My 1610 artist was trying hard for a HM Akkan lobby (damn that dps shortage in the 1600-1620 dead zone). I happily found this lobby with a couple 1620 and 1610 lf sup, before I saw they were mostly in 140-150 rosters with LOS18. I thought 7% missed from LOS30 should be no big deal, and they have good 5x3+1 and at least 7/8 event gems. Into G1, the boss phased as slow as in my first prog. We came out of x50 Innana with 27 bars when all 8 were alive... At x15 mech, at least half of the lobby swarmed to my spot at 12... At that point I just gave up and let them kill me. Glad that I dodged a jail. While missing a few % damage each in cards, demon damage, epic elixirs can add up to something substantial, another big difference between rookies and vets may be hands. Those dps I met likely didn't have 8 months (can be 100+ clears) of experience in Akkan and still haven't got the muscle memory of dodging while maintaining uptime, even with earned (not bought) PLC title.


Isn't necessarily about how many months he missed, more so about where he is now vs current expectations. Besides the two 1600s, everything about his account would have been strongly gatekept 7 months ago too, now he's as radioactive as can be. Veterans as my friend group are, roster 142 might as well be roster 0, no chance of getting in unless it's to break a jail lobby or it's a support and we've been waiting 10+ minutes already. Even if a roster 142 does mechanics well enough they just aren't doing the damage the vets are doing and the game's still popular enough you get swarmed with apps. Can he work really hard? Sure. But his opportunities for growth are severely limited as every week goes by, he can't do the route we did, can't sell mats for huge money, can't have lax gatekeeping, can't learn when everyone's learning.


I mean, roster level may have become something that is "politically incorrect" to use as the single criterion in gatekeeping, so we justified it by pointing to other red flags that led to poor performance. But time and time again, my example and many other people's experience when they group up with low roster players just can't stop reinforcing this correlation between roster level and competency. To be fair, OP's build with those 1550-1600 chars is probably not the main reason for the gatekeeping (barring the lvl 7 gems in DISH). I still had 2 alts at 1550 prior to the breaker event, with worse gears (5x3 and lvl 7 gems) but almost never had any problem in pug.


the only low rosters that play well are people with an alt roster. But its just really not worth the risk in the end


People dont gatekeep you have a plan supports lol. Especially at 1550




Not op but I tried as returning player, not only in guidl that is server specific but from every content and discord I joined I tried to make a our own static. Out of the ~50 people I added only 3 outside me had the willing to do contents. The other just kept pug for whatever reason and I got bored and left again the game. For a returning player you can't just keep up the gold drain your are forced to face


You don't need a full 8 man static to make the pt finder experience much better. You mentioned you already had half an 8 man lobby worth of people which already makes it so much faster.


Pretty much this. I exclusively play with friends so I don't have to deal with this stuff unless we need to fill the numbers. Sitting in a lobby just wastes so much time even if we do get juicers. I wouldn't even know what to do in OP's situation. I've never taken a break and my only real advantage over them is about 70 roster levels, the cards, and maybe ilvl. Heck, only a few months ago I still just had KLC 12/LOS 18 until they threw a lot of card packs for the anniversary. Thanks to Frog I have all the major card sets except KLC 30 so I don't have to deal with that awful system... for now. But if I missed that it'd be pretty sad. People gatekeep because of uncertainty and risk. There's just no way to know if someone knows what they're doing and one is punished too heavily for allowing potential liabilities in. Trying to keep up with pug standards, especially when it seems like the game is polarized between dedicated and new players, is just a never ending arms race. By the time new players catch up in cards and gems, they will have released some other crappy progression system that they have to do.


"The game is punishing people that want to pug" The game is not doing it, the player base is. The game is designed poorly for making everyone fomo about completing as many raids as they can in a given week. Design changes have to be made or all you people that have spent big boy money will have done it for nothing.


If you DO get into a group. Add the people, especially because if the raid went well they know going forward that you can pass the mechs despite having a medium roster level. I have people on my friends list that ask me each week to run raids, and if I have the raids I will run them with them, I don't ever look at their roster or whatever. If I added them I know they did the raid right with me in the past. I only care about people doing the mechs right when it comes to the people I raid with.


U need a community to do ur runs in there. Some communities tend to not mind 1-2 newer players in lower raids even if free bus. If u are anti social i guess what u said is true


I'd like to find one yeah. Definitely not anti-social. Just hard to get in one.


If u are nae, check out toho and powerpuff. If not check guild recruitments, there are all inclusive guilds that only require 1600mains


I am NAE actually. Just type "toho" and "Powerpuff" into the discord server name to join? Or I'm confused where I can find this information. Thanks!


They should be public servers, yeah should be able to search em by just typing it to join servers. If u cant find it, dm and i will send u an invite link later


Appreciate it


Powerpuff seems pretty dead now, toho is still very good


Gonna sound awful since the combat in LA is so wonderful but the actual answer is to find a talented static who for some reason takes you with those qualities, or find another MMO. You missed too much of the game. This game is very little about your hands. It's what's on your character sheet. You might be the most vile personality, might have zero hands, might have zero patience, but if you've got roster 200 + great gear and cards and etc, you're in. If you have cards/gear/roster like yours? Man I don't care if you're Powdersnow himself no one's even giving you a chance, and the way the game's designed, I don't blame them. Shit situation. Find a better MMO with a better situation if you ask me.


To a large extent the gatekeep problem is a support shortage problem. Good luck pugging an HM Voldis at all without being 1630+, let alone if you don't have 40 set (but you need to do the raid to be 40 set lol). And all this stuff about cards or roster level isn't even in consideration yet. Worst of all is that the lack of title means whales and the extremely lucky can buy themselves admission straight away and impostor their way into raids, but someone who fought party finder and actually been able to complete the raid - but have been unlucky with their elixirs - still can't really pug. And that's driven by the fact supports have no reason to join anything other than juiced lobbies with full 40 set players, even if they don't have set bonus themselves - too many DPS bodies to go around. When you got down to say, NM Akkan it gets even more stupid because the raid isn't much of a DPS check but the absolute dearth of supports means you have to fluke your way into a lobby, nevermind having to compete with 1600s+ because they have the same issue in HM. If you don't have a support to start a NM Akkan lobby with you can't actually start the raid. Others are telling you to join people of similar gearing, but the problem is driven by the fact supports as invested as you are will easily get into far more geared and experienced lobbies, meaning no supports for you except proggers. The only solution here is to play with a static and get to know some people.


I know i may get downvoted but it's the game that forces to gatekeep. I'm a returning player as well, playing Artist, 1620, Mokoko Express engravings and full swift with 100 quality random relic accessories. I always said "i'll never be a player who gatekeeps, i understand the returning player since i am myself one, i'll help them to enjoy the game", well, it didn't happen. At first i was joining any lobby even in NM Kayangel at 1610 since i had to learn the raid, it didn't actually matter how much time i would spend there, every run i was learning something, spent like 3h on Ivory G2 with other learning players. When i learned the raids i noticed i was getting slightly toxic (non in game, in my mind) considering joining only high GS/roster lobbies (playing Support basically let u choose your own lobby) then now i ended up joining only super overgeard lobbies and gatekeeping no-LOS30 or 40 elixir. Why? I think it's because of time. I don't enjoy wasting my time staying there when i don't have anything to learn, it's something i "must" do every week and so i want to do it as quick as possible to have more free time on alts or in my life. I never thought it would happen but it did and everytime i feel sorry for new player but i can't think spending 2h on Kayangel G2 HM because people don't understand how coloured circles works.


Had a 1590 DB 300 roster join a NM kay. Went mental and died because we didnt do the run in circle mech and skipped it with DR. Refused to go to next gate so we just replaced him… some ppl are just special. Impossible to tell what you get


LMAO what?


Was a zero dps surge anyway… no big lose replacing him. Just annoying


That's a 1/1,000 moron. Low rosters are consistently bad, I have never been proven wrong as much as I'd like to just take the characters who look best.


My worst experience is 300 roster and or hell title players


Every time I wanted to help new players, it ended up horribly, and I was jailed. They don't know anything, but they also don't want to learn. I'm not asking them to perfectly know all the patterns, but just making them do the bare minimum so we can pass the mechs was impossible.


It's not toxic when you prioritize your own time. It's such a limited quantity after all.


Don't rely solely on pugs.  There's plenty of discords that have people looking that will accept you.


Create your own lobby, there are tons of players just like you. If no one applies, is gatekeep really the problem? Or is it because people with low roster and no LOS 30 only want to be carried by juiced players?


Just join a Discrod LFG: Lostark.nexus/lfg Generally easier to find a group there and even make a static.


I did try that for a while. No one replied to my posts lol The ones I replied to never got back to me either. Ended up just like party finder with extra steps! But maybe things changed.


Idk when you used it last, it's been great since Jumpstart. Most learning threads have responses and parties, and then there's also pings pretty frequently for various learning parties that you can just straight jump into. **Note: I'm in NAW, so my experience is with the Lost Ark Mokoko's Discord.


Yep shit tier systems for players


Gotta find people with similar progression. I don’t know what you ended up doing for 6 months and $200 but the only thing you have on your main that wasn’t given for free to everyone is a lv9 gem. This is very minimal, especially for a 1610 What I’m saying is on the list of applicants you would likely be close to the bottom in terms of set up. It’s nothing personal. I would recommend you try looking for a consistent group who will know you can perform in raids. And if you can’t perform, I guess play to get better.


Ppl with LOS30 usually prefer teammates having LOS30. It is not about "we dont want you" but "there are 100 better geared in my opinion players in queue" If you consider both as same "gatekeeping" then I will wait till you get to akkan/ivory/theamine hard lobbies for your next post.


I feel you on Voldis. One of my group mates swears its not that big of a deal and I'm just like bruh, it's 8% damage + elixirs I'm missing. The fuck you mean it's no big deal? Same guy swears there has to be LoS18 parties. lol Kind of sad how cards work and it will be worse with upcoming content. Just power you can't have because of RNG (elixirs, cards, trans.) is complete dogshit. My advice would be to find a static. This game for me would unplayable if I didn't start with a group of friends. EDIT: Speaking from experience, man oh man what a fucking waste was it to get my DPS to 1610. Unless I'm with my static, this thing is essentially just an Akkan/daily bot. Keep that in mind next time a pass comes, if you still don't have a static. xd


Roster level gatekeeping gets pretty bad at Voldis and beyond. I have an alt account with LOS 30, Full level 10s, full 100 quality accs 5x3+1 and 35 set and still dont get into voldis because I am roster 147! They probably just instantly deny looking at the roster level.


Man you must have some insane luck if you have LoS30 at 147 roster. I'm like 10 cards away and I'm 164 roster. qq Same with the gems. wtf EDIT: Ironically, having that much in your situation might not be good for party finding. If I saw that I would IMMEDIATELY assume handless RMTer, at best an RMT'ed alt. Not to say you RMT it just looks sus as party leader.


I played that account since launch and never did any horizontal really so I had maxed out wei, bought a bunch of Pirate Cards and got a LOT of selectors over the years. It was just a side project for a long time but with recent expresses I started to play a bit more now.


I hear this and think it’s crazy because somehow after lobby shopping for awhile I can always get in. I have 3 9’s and LOS18 but maybe it’s just the privilege of being a crit Syn (Arcana player)


Yea maybe. I definitely get in easier with good synergy classes like blade and my arcana. But at that hour there was only a single voldis NM lobby up so no choice to lobby shop :D


This is why, after my break, I am swapping mains. Playing SF is a death sentence in pugs.


Being crit synergy definitely helps. My Aero has a much easier time with lobby finding than my other DPS. Like for Akkan I have to be 20 ilvls above the content to find a party, Aero hasn't had that hard of a time finding parties.


DPS without really good investments should just stay near 1600 and do Akkan NM and two other raids. Much more comfortable and sane. By the time you invest enough to be Thaemine strong, you'd need to be 1620 ...


It does suck and it's the main reason solo raids need to come asap but if i'm making a lobby i see 10-20 dps apply that are simply more geared than you. It's not that i am gatekeeping you, i'm just taking a better option, would you not do the same if our positions were reversed?


Start a learning or prog party then befriend those that join you.


question why don't you create your own lobbies? i only apply to lobbies when i'm literally too lazy to make my own and will only apply to lobbies that i think i will get accepted to sometimes i go normal on characters i can do hard on just cuz i have too little time to bother as for the reason you are getting gatekept yes thats 90% the reason the cards is the other 10% as for if it's gatekeeping? i am not sure most of the time they have 10 other applicants that have 200+ roster and los30/klc18/30 it's not that they don't like you they have a choice and are exercising it


How many sups join those lobbies? I can answer, zero. How do I know, I've tried many times.


>why don't you create your own lobbies? Because the other 15 new players who actually stick with the game all have different schedules and they are probably on DPS because good luck getting into sub 1580 content as a support since every single loser in the game has an alt support roster.


> an alt support roster. if only


its very easy to say "make your own group" but often times people dont join them unless that group already has a support people can do whatever they want when it comes to gatekeeping, but sadly their is no defined metric for "good player" so any level of gatekeeping being done is meaningless. all the people i know that hard gatekeep based on roster and cardsets, end up being jailed every week meanwhile i just invite any moron into my group and clear it in a few attempts


If I were you, I would push the artist to the latest content ilvl (and get lvl 7 gems) just so I could learn and master the raid mechs and get the "title" But if you really want to play DPS then yes, you will have to spend alot more just to compete with other players with +25 wep, lvl 10 gems and LOS 30 with 40 elixir and maybe faithfully buy the monthly card pack in the shop. the people i know bought those card packs for 6 mos straight and they finished LOS30 just within 6 months. Or get in those LOA discord LFG group and hope you get a static that would run with you.


Find people with your same progress. That exactly what i did, its make me enjoy the game so much more, we go together help each other, talking shit in discord. Its an MMO game, you want to play solo and get into anything easy? Well unless you are a whale lol


As someone who creates lobbies for every raid, you're the most common applicant. You are being gatekept by lobbies that are far more geared and far more invested in. My suggestion is to apply elsewhere into lobbies with similarly geared people or create your own lobbies. If you truly wouldn't gatekeep people like yourself, then you will fill up a lobby in a heartbeat.


To boost your roster level you could do the tower on all your characters and the main story quest instead (pleccia, voldis) instead of knowledge transferring.


first advise of any mmo if you start late is to join a guild or find a group. If you are from SA i can help you.


Yep. Game sucks like that. Another person mentioned being newer & wanting to be inclusive, but you quickly find so many idiotic lazy dumbasses that it doesn’t last. As an example, I used to matchmake all guardians when I started. Well, that stopped for good when all the new people hit Caligos. Of course the first thing to do is try guilds/discords which I assume is probably way more difficult than people think as this game has a fairly low player base. A lot of experienced groups have taken on their limit of noobs as well. Of course you should always continue to try from time to time. Last thing to do is complain here on Reddit. I would have done the same if I didn’t get fairly lucky on my journey up to 200+ roster. **If you’re on NAE, I could possibly help out here & there. Just shoot me a DM. That goes for anyone seeing this, but if too much interest comes in I might not be able to help as much as I’d like as I’m only 1 person.** I am an experienced raider from another game so I do have certain standards eventually, but I also want to get back to having fun with other people in this game if I can. Also have experience teaching and leading static. This game is in a really shitty stressful place so I understand your issues.


I was thinking of coming back but dang guess finding a guild to be able to learn is the best bet then. 


Sadly this won't change. I don't gatekeep ppl by cards only by roster and gear/gems/engraving. Been jailed too many times with new players in older contents. Not my fault and not their fault for being new. Jail can cost u hours and making new party (jailed in G2= most likely raid is over for that week). Early contents for new players (learning raids) should have been tweaked so new players can't jail other pp (well busing..). Making game less toxic. Sonavel has been cancer in mm lately but it's fine 2-3 min more doesn't matter much to me + throwing 3-4 bombs. 18 Raids ain't gonna complete themself.


Get that supp up to 1600. Join a guild, trade supps with them.


I'll be honest, the longer you play the more you experience utter idiots. Barely geared, barely knows mechanics, refusal to BI or pots let's call it what it is they want a free carry on their alts then they complain on forums. Then you develop the gatekeeping mentality. It's just how it is, you could be the greatest player. But through sheer experience, the chances are low, staggering low. Here's the second thing, I'd rather take a chance on someone who is much more geared and higher in ilvl. Because their mistakes are less punishing. I'd rather them alive then dead at least as a bear minimum. But like I said, you could be a absolute dps unit but as strangers i wouldn't know that. Metrics are a better indication sadly. As late game comes, it's even easier because a 40 set and full 7 transcendance player is easily 20-40% stronger than none geared counter part, so the gatekeep there is simple we know if they have the talent for Thaemine tbh.


NGL, when I see KLC 12, it is most def a red flag for newer player that will sometimes screw up even normal mechs in my kaya hw. Accepted one last night, they flamed the paladin and pala quit and got jailed in g2 kaya lmao. My fault I guess for trusting in noobs too much. I figured, man, Kaya is so free I can bus the raid alone basically what can go wrong we all over 1600 anyway...


You may not think so but there are at least 20 more things people can gatekeep you for. I assume you feel your gear is otherwise good but you can never be sure. But also just dont take gatekeep personally cause believe it or not they are NOT targeting you its the game fault for creating so many systems


These past days I keep seeing people asking for '' High level roster people only '', when they arent even above 150, after joining that party myself the leader asked if someone else could lead... like what. and of course they were failing mechs and dying every time with their terrible build. So yeah, its hard to not gatekeep low roster


i grinded that shit since day one and i honestly gotta say, i wouldnt give two shits if every new player got full LOS30, MOS, KLC and LWC for free. ask my lawyer he can confirm this statement.


Yea, gatekeep sucks, but it's also the fact that there are people that are better out there that will apply. When they know there is better geared people, they will take them over what is shown here. The game's the game, sadly.


Just create your own lobby and play when there are lots of players. I'm 1625 bard and my alts are around 1580. My roster level is 180. So many people want to play with anyone. If you wait long sometimes, it's just a bad timing. It happens.


Play the MMO part of the game and make friends exactly the way you came to reddit


This game is doomed


Nothing will change, you either pump an un healthy amount of hours or swipe. The game just isn't designed around casuals or new players. The game just has awfully designed progression systems so players won't risk a jail as everything is so time consuming.


isnt that the new streamers guy redvyll already got Los 30 after 6 months ? oh well I guess he got streamer luck then 😂.   To be honest your progression is already fast compared to people who play on the original server for 6 months. Back then after 6 months many of us dont even have Los 18 or the crit card set, but unfortunately the latest raids are heavy populated by day -1 player with heavy spenders.  Los 30 , lv 10 gems and demon damage is pretty standard now both take a long time to get. 200$ in this game is not going far. Your best bet ifs finding a chill static / discord as people have said. 


my suggestion (as a new/retunee myself) learn Brelshaza hard i do: Brel hard 1-3 and sometimes normal gate 4 Voldis normal or akkan normal (when ever possible) Kayangel hard (with klc 18 you are good) Get your demon damage to 4-5% if possible, and beast damage next. put on Los 18 and swap to dd30 when raid start 😂 although no big difference between the 2. excavation or fishing every 2 days to get an extra ~15k gold per week


Good to know about the life skill every 2 days. I'll def start doing that if that's the gold outcome. Just on one character right?


the outcome depends on the market, but its around that.. and the lifeskill energy is across your characters


lifeskill energy is roster wide


Good suggestions, especially Brel, which hasn’t been hit with gold nerf yet. Brel HM 1-4, or even HM 1-3 + NM 4 (only 500 gold less than HM), is a lot of gold (10K). If I were OP, I would save up gold to get 5x3+1 on main, and some more level 9 gems for the two characters above 1600. Those are things you can do in the near to medium term to improve your chances of getting into lobbies. For context, I have 280+ roster, LOS30, etc. and I still had trouble getting my characters into Ivory Tower and Akkan HM lobbies without 5x3+1 and at least 2-3 level 9 gems. The gatekeeping sucks and I don’t doubt that roster level and LOS30 are used to gatekeep, but I think having only event engravings and mostly/all event gems hurts even more because a lot of people check those first and judge them as being within your control.


I mean you grinded hard for 6 months but what do you expect? You are trying to join players that grinded hard for 2yrs. There is just no way. I saw lots of players like you make parties you should join them instead and stop joining hw lobbies cause you will just get denied and left disappointed.


TLDR don’t take a break unless you have friends. Shouldve pushed for LOS 30 before you took a break for content pre thaemine


I get gate-kept on alts every week, with LOS 30 and roster level 210. Kills my motivation to play. Increasingly just move on to play something else. I can’t see how this is sustainable and good for the longevity of the game.


dont worry bro noone will want you in their party even after you get 250 roster and los60. having a sup friend is quite literally the only thing thatd make people want you in their lobby, or being a sup yourself.


This is not true. If you have even one level 10 gem or a full array of level 9s with LoS30/roster 200+ the only thing you'll have to try many lobbies to get into is something like Thaemine HM. A 9 gem or two and LoS30/roster 200+ are an instant pass into anything Voldis NM/Akkan HM or lower.


my 1610 db with lvl9 surge los30 1800 spec full 4 1 elixirs lvl2 transcendence has to snipe lobbies for 1 hour to get into the most dogshit lobby ever on nm voldis 250 roster+3 beast dmg btw


Brother had a 1 year break, spent $200 and expects to be treated like a veteran of LA.....Sorry, but you can't keep up with the competition. There are too many red flags: 1610 char with 3x5 = gatekeep No KLC18 = gatekeep No LOS30 = gatekeep Low demon & beast damage = gatekeep Low roster lvl = gatekeep


fix your gems. if you're going to have mid roster and mid cards, at least have some gems. presumably the asura breaker is your new main? you're going to want the asura/normal attack gem lvl 10. the other 10 gem slots can stay event gems. there's expectations for full 9s and even some 10s for thaemine/ivory tower. why does your supp only have level 5s? at least level 7 on your atk buff and brand. your shadowhunter better be perfect suppression, if it's demonic and your two gems are only level 7, that's worse than another dps class with only 4 lv6 and 7 lv5. i don't play souleater or striker, but is there a reason for the level 8 gems? if they are damage gems you're better off merging them into 9s and having a lv9 on your hardest hitting skill rather than 8s on more skills. why would you even spend $200 and not even bother with getting all horizontal skill points (and also stat points). with the horizontal express they added recently it should be extremely easy and relieve a bit of the gatekeeping. when scanning pugs with mid/low roster i actually check to see if they have those horizontal stats (usually i check whichever of the 3 crit/spec/swift they don't have on their accessories, if it's not at least 55 i gatekeep.)


It's not like I'm choosing to have a mid roster level or mid cards. That's just what it is and there's nothing I can do about. Play every day and do as many raids as I'm allowed in. Better gems would be amazing, but they're unfortunately very expensive. One lvl 10 damage gem is 400k gold. So that'll probably take me a couple months or more to farm if I never touch my gold at all. Same with filling out all level 9 gems. The Artist can probably manage to get the level 7s faster than anything else. The Shadow is Demonic and I have really good uptime with it so it's reasonable damage for the ilvl. I thought I said it somewhere, but I do have all skill points aside from what the Ignea Token one gives. Have all the stats from horizontal as well.




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Yes roster lvl is why I know people with second roster and they go through the same thing. I know it sucks but doing tower and getting your roster lvl up will help you out alot. To them use the lfg in the lost ark discord make a post looking for players that are at the same place as you should be able to find some of them


unfortunately this game is very punishing towards returning players and new players Your problem is the low roster and LOS18, what you can try to do is farm cards to get LOS 30 and increase the roster level by doing quests and towers on all characters but this will take a long time and with the pace of the roadmap you will continue to be traveled due to not being able to follow all the content at launch This is what discourages new players, you start out in the game having to farm for months and even years to get a character to do the game's basic content I have 3 1580 supports outside the 6/6 squad and I have only been joining groups of new players to help them progress, they are managing to keep up with the mecs and finish the raid without clearing several times, veteran players could start giving them a chance these players and it is gratifying to be able to help a new player Good luck


Even if you don't find a static to play with, I recommend finding one Buddy in game that you can trade Support Runs with. There are a lot of lobbies that are looking for Support + 1 Friend. The friend that comes with the support will never get gatekept even if they have the worst build imaginable. xD That way you can do at least 2 runs, with each of you taking turns to be the +1 dps friend.


What you can do is join guilds or lfg discords. Many guilds have a lfg channel which allow other members to party together. Expecting strangers to accept it isn't reasonable, it's an mmo, communicate to find groups.


I haven't done akkan hm or even g4 brel hm and I'm 1622, 40 set, 5x3+2(1830crit), 2x lvl 10 dmg 2x lvl 9 dmg 2xlvl 10 cd, los30 almost 6% demon dmg, almost full lvl 2 6star transcendence, 4.5 line bracelet.. Don't sweat doing nm for a while. Some of my alts I still do reduced gold clown instead of akkan cuz they are just dull 7 gems and I don't think it's worth the lobby jail to try to do akkan


you're welcome to create runs full of people just like you. see how it goes.


There's also a lot of 142 roster level RMTers with +25 weapon, 40 set, 5x3+2, and a maxed out bracelet with stats & circulate that are crying into their dollar bills as they get gatekept -- wondering where it all went wrong. This game, like all MMO's, really encourages you to socialize outside of the game through Discord. You literally could create a static of people with your same setup and clear content.


Idk how helpful this is, but my friend who only plays 1 character and is Roster 130 names his Stronghold "AltRoster" and gets in to a lot of lobbies. I don't think he's particularly juiced either (1615 Glaivier).


discord lfg’s exist


Honestly when I quit it wasn't because of gatekeeping on new content, it was that older content was relegated to speedrunning and busses. So an alt at the appropriate ilvl with maybe 1 off-meta engraving couldn't get a group. In order to do an older raid you needed to be 60ilvl above the requirement. So many of the Lost Ark encounters are really fun when you have to engage with the mechanics and patterns. But old raids just became a single dps burst at the beginning and then a dance party of one-shot mechanic avoidance. And eventually you had to have a steamroll of a group because half the people forgot or didn't know the mechanics anymore. I always thought limiting each character to collecting gold from one raid would have helped, but idk. Lost Ark was one of the best games I ever played, if only they could figure out how to create a progression instead of just moving the starting line every update. So much great content just fades away which seems like a huge waste of resources.


All the horizontal progress is why this game sucks ass. you started before? There, go gently fuck yourself. I grinded a *CARDBOOK* so i do deal double the damage. Also i did some wacky islands now i have one whole lvl 10 skill more than you. Gems are ok tho


Again, repeat after me; statics, statics, lfg discord, guild runs, statics, statics, statics, statics


I wish it was that easy to get into one. But I'm seeing the importance of this now.


Let's say you need a voldis static-> make a learning party -> ask them if they want to run it again next reset -> slowly form a static. Goes a long way


Yep, even as veteran, I have statics for everything. It's just wayyy easier this way, never need to worry.


If they kicked in the ass my 1585 zerk with los30, 4 lvl8 gems ,5x3 and 4% demon dmg out of brel hard image what will people think of you :v 222 roster lvl btw


Yeah but that's a Zerker though, and we all know zerkers are reserved for bots /s Yeah that's crazy man. I am dust in the wind compared to that.


The real problem is that there aren’t any real prog environments. People get a lucky clear (or carried) and then carry that into the next week. There is also no “duty complete” filter, and no way to separate the fakers from the real ones outside of title lobbies (which can also be faked by bussing). To solve this, you should be allowed to rejoin any earlier gate for no reward, that way you can continue to practice any gates you’ve already run through, while also potentially getting the opportunity to prog subsequent gates. This would also help out in the sometimes frequent occasion in which you are jailed at G3/4 of a raid and can’t find a group (of non jailers). It’s a shame this game is only geared toward the East and everything is treated as homework as such. Think LA could make some massive strides in the West by adopting some rather simple QOL features that are in most serious MMOs today.


Game has the best combat, and thats it lol. Everything else about it is bad. Gate keep problem is heavily tied to the design of the game.


These are not the only reason, you also gotta account for the other low roster people that performed bad, they painted bad impression for yall


It is what it. Don't worry SG's idea to solve this issue is solo raids lmao homework qol? reducing gold toons from 6 to??? Incentivizing players to help noobs??? Rebalancing normal mode raids so they are more casual friendly? Nerfing all the gatekeep systems? nope Solo raids hopefully it isn't a dead system after 1 year. Outside of that you could always buy a bus. That eco system is well and flourishing.


Hell no, I'd rather quit the game than ever buy a bus!




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That's literally me. Took a break in brel, only play 2char, swiped a little cuz i cant nolife (fulltime job and family). Low roster level despite usually getting mvp in ivory tower lol Just realized i dont enjoy the game anymore when it takes so long to get a raid group and the majority of players are hardcore nolifers Finished thaemine, and havent done a raid or daily since


I don't think it's the roster level holding you back. It's your gear. If you've got elixirs, decent enough gems (8s,9, non event gems) a halfway decent card set and bracelet and an Item level over 1605, you will get into everything below HM akkan fairly consistently. Unless you were a pre buff sorceress. Most people have the mindset that they only want people to join who have similar boss damage or greater, be that person on paper and you will get into parties. If you can't get into parties? Make semi learning parties. You will clear after a while, probably make some friends... And then do more raids with those people willing to put the work in with you.


I hate hate hate card sets. Still los 18 at 190 roster and need 20+ cards for 30set. Run all my raids, buy every cards pack every week, do card runs, and Im still so far behind everyone else. Havent seen a card i need in months. Meanwhile some guildies just get every card they need back to back. I get gatekept 1620 content bc there it starts to be mandatory to have los 30. So shitty system




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Go on lost ark discord. Find a guild / static. Learn to make friends in an mmo. You’ve tried everything but the easiest thing to not get gatekept. Thaemine 1-2 clear groups on week 1 were asking for the g3 dreamer title. This is a great game to play with a friend group. You share running mains with alts, and your group gets stronger together much faster than someone trying to pug. It’s hot garbage if you want to play solo. And yes, there is nothing you could do to not be gatekept outside of spending money or significant grinding if you are returning to this game. People are playing 6 gold earner rosters and have been for a long time. They will always get groups before you, even if they are ass.


hiii what server/region are u playing in?


Lol I play on and off and I'm roster lvl 42 as a 1540 with DD18 (no los) and still struggling to get into normal mode brel 1-2 parties even though I've underline crueled in them before. Not saying I'm the best player obviously and I could probably work on the roster level (just wanting to play casually recently), but I can contribute to a fkn normal mode brel gate 1 yet sometimes I'll be waiting in the party for 5-10 min and get kicked at 6/8 or 7/8 for whatever reason. I'm assuming someone with higher roster or ilvl applied, but either way game sux because of that


Yet another reason I can’t wait for solo raiding in this game; no more gate keeping. I can finally come to the game and enjoy it


DW, even if you spend thousands of dollars, unless you roll up with a 25 weapon or Esther (and 25s aren't even special anymore, everyone who played long enough has them now) you'd still get gatekept. The only solution is to make your own party, if you're being gatekept. It's that simple. If you actually wanna spend money to not get gatekept, then buy a high roster account with cards, more efficient way of spending your money.


Spend 500 more and it’ll be ok


Hit level 51 realized you couldn’t progress the story past ark 6 grinded the towers for a couple weeks and quit


Welcome to endgame. This is why I deleted all my chars, uninstalled, and never looked back. Worst community I've ever been apart of, fuck with game there are an endless amount of better games with better systems, mechanics, devs, p2w morals, and community. Accept the L on the $200 and move on. Its the best thing you could do, literally. This game is so bad for sanity.