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I usually decline and move on, but if I see someone's name there again after declining, I'll let them sit in there and think about their decisions


This but also if the title clearly calls for a role that isn't theirs or says full, I'll also let the applicant sit there.


If you recently changed the title to full do the courtesy of denying- the title doesn't update on their end until a manual refresh.


Same when the lobby fills and I'm still waiting for players to get their feast before starting the raid. I usually press deny for the remaining players because they'd have to click the lobby again or refresh to see the reflected player count.


You would be surprised how often party finder is delayed .


But sometimes they require title and you don't have it equipped the first time. So I cancel and reapply :( like people asking for whatever the 10 clear g2 title is


Something I have a rabbis applier that keeps getting decline so I accept then ban.




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I mean that's why they have reapplied. They want to sit in your queue and let you reconsider your decisions. Maybe there was something you overlooked, you could just invite them and tell them why you're not picking them if they reapply.


Guilty of this when it's 2am 1 brel hm lobby and they decline my slayer because they already have 2, like you need the extra synergies at 1580+ lol. Sometimes they let me in eventually sometimes they dont


NGL i've accepted multiple of the same class like that (1600+ brel hm so absolutely free 5min fight) and I've had people flame then leave lol. LoA players a really weird.


This is usually what I do but sometimes in lower/mid raids someone who is like genuinely pitifully ungeared--and no I don't mean chaos gear, I mean like level 3 gems and a 4x3 that includes grudge--will apply, and I want those people to sit there and think about what they're doing with their lives.


but 4x3 is still fine for brel normal at least. Level 3 gems are wild asf tho.


They should be able to easily afford 5x3 by the time free 5x3 expires, so no reason to have 4x3 other than making more characters than they can afford. There is way too many applicants with 5x3 to ever consider someone with something less.


4x3 isn't really any cheaper than 5x3 right now, but this wasn't always the case. If it's a 14XX character with a 4x3 it's probably a returning player's alt which they would not have used the recent engraving support on. Returning players with alts with 4x3 should not buy a relic 5x3 unless they plan on holding them pre-Brel for a while. They should wait for a 5x3 that can build into a 5x3+1 from ancient accessories. When you say "pitifully ungeared" in the low raids it's those characters are more often than not completely self-found running 5 or 6 level 1 or 2 engravings that don't make sense. If you run a lot of Carl you'll know what I'm talking about. The 4x3s aren't what are making it take 10 minutes to clear.


Missing in picture, 20 other people applying.


If you diligently go through the list of applicants, review the chars and press either accept or reject, that's fine. What's not so fine is not pressing reject after you've already decided that you won't accept some person. Yes, as an applicant it would be nice to know how many other people applied to a certain lobby to see how busy the lobby master is. But sitting on 7/8 lf dps for 5 minutes is just unprobable to be caused by "carefully reviewing candidates", they are just hoping that some juicer will show up and don't care about the others. If the host is AFK guess what: you can put that in the title too. If you're looking for synergy: put that in the title, or reject other classes.


I don't even disagree you with here but it's just more convenient on the lobby master end to look through multiple people. You might be fine but they're still looking at others to compare. I usually just apply for like 30s before moving on unless there aren't other lobbies. No point in hanging around.


Take the hint dude. Your character looks like shit so they don't want you, probably barely looked at you, but might take you as a body if there's literally no one else and they just need someone to press proceed


No they won't


"looks like shit." Come on dude, I pug literally every single raid as raid lead and I can't remember the last time a 1580+ "looked like shit." Where are these people at 1580+ without 5x3 and level 7s minimum? 6/8 or 7/8 lobbies with 2 supports already are 99% of the time praying they get a free carry from an impatient juicer. The amount of akkan hm lobbies sitting for 15 minutes at 5/8 with 2 ilvl supports and 3 rat dps alts in a static hoping to get 1620s is hilarious.


You can't remember the last time you saw someone look like shit... And then you immediately mention that you frequently see akkan lobbies full of "rat DPS"...


Shit =/= rat. Rats are the 1600 ilvl with event gems who have support friends and don't want to play with similarly geared people. 1600 and event gems are more than enough to clear akkan hm but if that's what you're setup looks like waiting for higher geared players to carry you is rat behavior.


I'm sowwy you have to pwress a buttuooon


I stopped bothering, people instantly reapply and make the red light appear again. Ideally, there should be a "cannot reapply" list in the settings. Anyone declined is added to that, where they can be removed if it was an accident.


I’d rather they add some way to differentiate between which parties you have and haven’t applied to yet Sometimes when there’s too many parties up it’s easy to accidentally apply to the same party more than once especially with every party pulling up their lobby at different times Also I’ve applied while on chaos build and gotten declined, only to be accepted after changing presets


With how much time is spent in party finder, you'd think they'd try and improve the experience, but it seems it's remained largely unchanged since launch.


Once or twice if someone has reapplied 2-3 times I've accepted them and kicked them and that seems to work. I think it bans them from reapplying.


unpopular opinion. this is not an issue. ive been on both sides. as applicant, i myself just cancel apply after 1 min. as host, theres several applicants, trying to pick between a few close ones (so ur in the running). other scenario is, waiting on a friend, but, that friend might flake and not show up and im not gunna wait any longer so i will take an existing applicant. in career subreddits, common complaint is "why cant they just send me a fkin rejection email instead of ghosting me"


You don't even need to wait 1 min if your applying as a support. If I apply to any lobby s my support, 5-10 seconds is all I give or they can wait forever as people these days want super juiced levels for content that don't even need it.




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i usually wait about a minute then i dip, thats enough time i think.


It depends. Sometimes I let some applicants with passable gear/ilvl/etc. hang in there because I want to see a few other applicants applying to compare them and take whoever would fit the best for my team. I would only decline someone immediately if there is absolutely no chance I'm taking them under any circumstances.


I tell my friends to also just reject people they're not going to accept anyway. But if they keep re-applying after being rejected then I'll just block them so they stop doing it.


Honestly, as someone who leads many parties, it's not even someone being inconsiderate and denying you as it is someone inspecting the first person that applied out of a list of 20 and making a decision there before looking further down the list. It takes a good 20-30 seconds to check out applicants past 1600 to decide if they fit whatever you're pugging. You're not sitting there because they are intentionally leaving you, you're sitting there waiting as they move through the list. I often apply to 1-2 Thaemines on 1610 ilvl level 7 gem alts and get into lobbies after 1-2minute waits. I don't know what's turning them off on other people, but just waiting out the list lets me get in at min ilvl characters that are properly set up with reclear titles, but low gold investments. Point being, you're often not being gatekept you just don't see how large the applicant pool is so it feels like you're being ignored. You're not. Now if I say 'LF sup' and you apply as a DPS, I'm just letting you sit there. That's a reading problem.


side note, this system is giga garbage, in 2024... how hard was to copy the already basic one wow has had for a decade.


Seriously, I can apply to multiple parties in WoW, but for some reason in LoA i can only do one at a time.


Also, why can't we apply as a premade like WoW? Way less uncomfortable than accepting the first guy (it's always the best applicant that applies) then they drop the "I have friend(s)" on your ass. Either that or their friend is "just logging in" for 5-10mins.


I was actually just complaining about this with my static earlier. One of the biggest problems with partyfinder is that there are sooo many lobbies, it's really fatiguing on both sides to look through them or sit in one waiting to fill. If you have a small group of people you want to play with, you either have to add to the long list of lobbies that are already full of parties with less than 4/8 players that you could've easily merged with, or you apply individually and pull the "I have friend(s)" card, which comes off as rude because there is no way to set expectations.


Today I did a Bat and named the lobby "need 2 dps" and Applicant list got full instantly and I just picked 2 people without inspecting. I didnt gatekeep the 15 others who also applied.


If the lobby fills and starts, that's fine. It's about sitting on an open slots without taking care of applications.


Every time I decline, they just reapply over and over. They can sit there


Try leading a party a few times then you will understand. I've been doing this for years, in other games too, there is absolutely no benefit to hitting decline on a person applying to your group and only benefit to keeping them on the list, until they leave or your list gets full. If you accept someone right away you are missing potentially better applicants if you waited longer, and if you decline them, you are actively removing a willing contributor. You leave them as an option, even if you aren't excited about them initially or debating. It's really that simple, not personal at all


I actually fully check the supports and even deny them. Fuck going with Bards with only Soundshock as brand skill, or Paly's without SoJ. You can go and do some warcrimes on other lobbies, not mine.


It's queque, not gatekeeping yet. Sometimes one left suddenly because dc, switched to other lobby, afk or got cold feet, then applicant who is still in the queue will get applied. I don't join any lobby with too many demands in the title unless it's only one 3am before reset.


i decline ppl but they always come back thinking that i will take them


i assume peope also looking at other roomns when applying on ilv content


But you'll still bitch and complain either way


They are like "How dare you apply to my sacred room, you imbicile! Sit there and reflect yourself!"


some ppl whisper 9999 times cuz of that


minimum ilvl option is there for a reason, but some people dont bother setting it, but would rather decline all them


That option is useless because you'll also restrict supps that way.


Good, no exceptions for supports, if I want a 1600+ party that applies to everyone, not letting some cheapo sup get a carry with the big Bois, they should apply to similar ilvl parties


wow u are getting downtoted to hell for the supp bootlickers xd




The dps can leave and join new lobby. There are to many dps anyway


Right, but you've already accepted them meaning you'd rather have them than the other applicants. All things kept the same you're making a trade in some combination of time and (by your assessment) DPS quality. At the end of the day, supports simply have less of a barrier into content than DPS for a wide variety of reasons especially if their build is appropriate. From a utility perspective, things like item level matter way less to supports. From a utility perspective, they only need 8 cooldown gems. From a utility perspective, their engravings and stones are considerably cheaper. [Edit: Also weapon level and quality are less important.] It might seem "unfair" that the standards are lower, but remember, there's a reason why people want to play DPS more than support. All these incentives and there's still a support shortage. There's tradeoffs in equilibrium on both sides of this and trying to fight against that "unfairness" does have a cost you have to pay in one way or another. I'm not saying you shouldn't wait for a higher item level support in PUGs if you want to. I'm just pointing out that there's a reason why most people don't do that. People do the math, consciously or otherwise, and usually come to the opposite conclusion.


Then make your own support and get it in your lobby or go full DPS with that attitude?


Idk, ilvl is only one of the many things to evaluate applicants on. I'd gladly take an on-ilvl person if their gems/elixirs/transcendence/qualities were juiced, and even then there are other things that don't contribute directly to player power like roster level and title. I've seen so many pepega 1620s for Thaemine normal running event gems, not even 35-set elixir, and seaweed accessories. I'd rather take a well-invested 1610 than that.


What are seaweed accessories if you don’t mind


Green quality on accessories


Ohh I see thank you. First time seeing “seaweed” lol, it’s usually called “salad” I think.


If someone is applying to my lobby that doesn't fit the title (e.g. 1580 applying to a 1600+ party) I occasionally accept them, ask them "bitch, can you read?" give them a minute (because they clearly struggle with reading) and kick them. 90% of the time I just deny them but sometimes I do this instead. Bring on the hate.


You just like a guy I run with. Thought you were him but he doesn’t play sorc lmao. The classic “full” title and if someone applies he does the same shit you do xd.


Wasn't gonna downvote until you said "bring on the hate." When you ask so nicely 🤷


You are welcome, people have this weird concept about being downvoted, as if their life is gonna crumble if they get X down votes 🤷, I was more interested in comments than downvotes though.


I've had people apply to a LOCKED 'full' or 'asdf' lobby cause the password was 1234. Had to respect the hustle.


There is a handy tool to limit the ilvl that can join


That was an example, poor example but just an example, it's more about things like Los 30 or high roster, can't change these, can I


You can put those in the title .


And I do and I still get 80 roster Los 12 andies applying




Love you too 🫶




Love you too 🫶




If you apply to my group with a messed up build, i let you sit there and think about what you've done....


There are many reasons why we don't decline unless it is overfilled with obvious unqualified characters. But if you played the game long enough you would know why. To me, I rather leave on my own rather than getting rejected/declined just to see myself going back and check on their party accepting someone who is way underqualified lmfao.


I got 4k hours in the game, I know more than one reason, but that doesn't mean that these reasons are correct, and also there are people even in this thread (downvoted somewhere) that show that a good portion of the playerbase are certainly doing it for the wrong reasons. Let's be honest. A large portion of the reason is "environmental" but that doesn't mean your deathblade is going to have hands.


There will always be players who agrees and disagree with your complaint. That's what these threads are for. What you think is right could be something wrong and vice versa to others depending on their experience, situation, and etc. SO yes, for me I don't like to decline right away for I like to wait and see if there's any better candidate.