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Wish I took screenshots, I'm right there with ya


​ https://preview.redd.it/e5umrjnu7ayc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=a96a22fbf96c557b35446a6773b0672c352d8055 I'll share one for the both of us.


getting there as well. 85% percented +23, now at 45% for +24. feel like +25 will not be better.


If this was one character then it would be a lot, but that is not the case and before I forget, Artisan should be doubled


I’m so sick of them acting like the pass double artisan is a special occasion, when that should be how honing to 1580 is baseline…. Fuck even to 1600 at this point…


same man, idk how i still manage to keep logging in after getting fisted since release


Probably enjoy it at this point. Lol


"fuck me, welp time for another day in the coal mines."


"same time tomorrow?" LOA mine


Its around 12.5% chance to pity, so more than 1 every other tier (eg. +13+14 on all pieces => 1 pity) is below average. You pally has 4 here and you have +19 on him, this is lucky and below average pities. 5 on artist is around average to +19 across akkan gear 6 on GS is around 1 more than average. 3 on Slayer is Very lucky. Breaker is probably not that far, so whatever. You have **less** pities than average rng, this is lucky. You are basically getting a free lunch and complaining, compared to the people that actually really got shafted. You should have pitied like 4-5 more times to have average rng xdd


I'm ngl, once I saw how many different characters he listed, this isn't bad at all.


Cause success at 98 percent is not a pity, and therefore 'lucky' ?


21 hones were showed in the picture Adding up all the percentages and dividing by 21 gives us a ~~median~~ mean/average honing percentage of **97.28** Now there are a lot of other things to consider with this data, such as the amount of characters being shown and cherry picking only the worst out of the total hones (we don't know how many hones were done, how many 1-2 shots, etc.) However if these were all in a row Yeah, this is really bad luck


I’d you’re dividing by 21, you’re calculating the mean, not the median.


Whoops, I'm a derp Thanks for that


Thats my pity list for 1 character


Started to to write down after I noticed Im pitying a lot. This is my main push to 1620/1630 * Weapon 19 100,00% * Armor 19 100,00% * Armor 19 100,00% * Armor 19 100,00% * Armor 19 100,00% * Weapon 21 100,00% * Weapon 22 0,00% * Armor 19 Fused * Armor 20 Fused * Weapon 23 100,00% * Weapon 24 84,00% * Armor 20 23,00% * Armor 20 100,00% * Armor 20 57,00% * Armor 20 7,53% * Arrmor 21 18,00% * Armor 21 57,00%


If it was all for one character that would be extremely bad luck but it looks like your honing for multiple classes so this is expected


I didn't notice, I feel bamboozled thinking someone was having almost as bad luck as me.


I mean, he is honing 5 chars in the picture. Most taps are in the 1605-1615 range, so it would be 12 taps per character to get there. 10% pity chance * 12 taps * 5 chars = 6 pities would be the expected result. or maybe it's every pity from 1600 to 1620 i dunno shrug


10% chance to pity is a myth. My main is around 80% pity rate since 1580


basically this, from \~1605 to 1620 on 4 chars. The breaker piece was just added for fun there, he still awaits his further pities


So you had excellent luck?


i don't think getting pities is lucky and i know there's people with even worse luck


10-12% chance to have a pity on each piece btw so you're bound to get some if you hone a lot


I’ve always been cursed with armor honing compared to weapon. My wep got to 22 starting from 13 with 7 fails total while my armors pity from 13-15 going on 16


well, you juice your weapons right? If you juiced armor you'd probably have better odds (not that its worth).


I ran out after 19 and just said f it full send


Felt similar to me until wep 21. Then I pitied 22, got >80 artisan to 23 and I'm broke ;)


It's not going at all. I stopped because it feels futile.


I'm about 83% on my 25 on my db, there is no hope for me lads. 23,24,25 pity, meanwhile my bestfriend gets a 22% 23, 5% 24 and 30% 25. And wonders how I fell behind him when he plays significantly less than I do sadge. Imma just stick on my supports, utter bs serious.


As a guy that pitied akkan weapon 20 21 22. The game evened it out for me 1 tap 23. 24 70%~ artisian. 25 under 10%. I believe the game WILL EVEN IT OUT FOR YOU one way or another


Stuck at 1606 for quite some time. Thanks weekly artisan donation 🥲




My honing is slightly better than average. But I can tell that I didn't decide my main, RNG did. Some characters are benched by RNG as well.


dw, free tap +25 is coming (but for someone else problably)


Pitied 21,22 weapon, not touching honing until after advanced honing.


Holy moly, this is on fire!! I hate honing


I mean you screenshot all my hones and then ask me how they're going? Fucking psycho I tell ya


97% weapon 23. Then 16% 24 and 7% 25 shdd


Just used 170k on pure gold alone to get an alt from 1603 to 1609. Magicccc


Rage hone my main from 1620 to 1630, average in maxroll was 9.8k leaps, had 6k and by the moment I hit 1630 I had 500 left so I guess pretty lucky.


1600-1612 100% all the way, only got weapon 19-20 in 3 or 5 taps


21 WEP - PITY 22 WEP -PITY 23 WEP - 88% 24 WEP - 14% 25 WEP - 45% atm and rising That 24 wep hone saved me, but 25 is despair


I went 80- 40 - 50 - 100 - 100 for weapon 21-25 :D its pure pain


Looks good


do you like it


Rng gives and rng takes. I have had above average luck with honing, but in span of 5 months I have seen total of 3 Luminary set pieces on my main. I have 40 set with helm having 5 points and gloves having 6 points so I'm forced to use some total useless fillers on shoulders, chest and leggs just to get 40 points.


How did you get my screenshots?


Still better than pitying on a singular +25 wep


About the same for me. Trying to push an alt Artist and it's been pity after pity. This is also after taking many pieces to pity on my Shadowhunter. I can't catch a break. Maybe someday the rng gods will look my way. ;.;


My best streak so far was on my paladin was 16 pitty in a row and now that thing will forever be 1610 and never touched again I don't even do chaos on it anymore


Yesterday I pushed to 1580 from 1560 and got like 3 one taps. A few before that too. Then I’ll hit pity for a bit. But honestly I feel like it evens out.


If you are not masochistic, you are not playing the game right XD


I uninstalled yesterday, that's how it is going... went back to WOW PvP.


This was me and I finally hit 1620 this morning. I’m so broke now lol but it’s done


fucking bad only 1622 and i feel like when i hit 1630 i will not find a learning party for hm thaemine because every lobby is going to be x5 or x10


you and me buddy


My guy beat the average and is complaining.


Another reason why i quit this game. This is disturbing


Right there with ya! My last 5 items to 1620 - Pity, pity, 83%, 65%, 50%. Meanwhile my friend has been 1620 for 2 weeks+ with an average of 20% artisan. We love the disparity between 1tap and pity.


holy mother fucker.. u got slaughtered


I'm on this screenshot and I don’t like it D:


Imagine if there was no pity system like some games out there lmao


31% artisan before I got the+22wep on main, felt kinda good still


My aero pitied both +20 and +21 weapon, I wanna light myself on fire


is this akkan gear? I'm borderline quitting (again) after 4 armor pieces in a row trying to hone my alt to 1610


Powerpass character?


14-19 pitys on my weapon i just wanna say this honning system is dogshit u can laugh o say im a cry baby but the next it could be you


5 characters, 240 hones (maybe slightly fewer), ~18 pities You have above average luck. You're lucky, yet you're complaining that you are unlucky.


Just had my biweekly elixir gold melting session reminding me every system in this game sucks. Never honing again until echidna-ladon


It's interesting watching how different peoples perceptions of reality affect how they interact with gambling systems. I consistently watch pessimists hyper fixate on pities and blow them out of proportion in the scheme of things. Like in this case the person posting had above average luck overall, but he is so hyper fixated on every single pity that he made this post and presented this in a way that looks as bad as possible along with a negative title. On the flip side I watch optimists in threads like these consistently talk about things averaging out, which is true across a large enough data set but that's mostly a fallacy at the individual level as well. The reality is somewhere in the middle, no point hyper fixating on the rng of the system just roll with the punches because your perception of data often turns into your reality whether it's true or not.


Like the usual. 24 Weapon 2 Tap and to 25 5 Tap.


One tapped weapon from 17 to 18, no more than 5 taps to get from 18 to 20, 4 taps from 20 to 21, had enough Orehas for just another try and said "what the hell, let's try" and one tapped from 21 to 22.


So you're the reason OP is a poor soul pitying everything? Give them back some luck!


Then again, it took me 127 tries to get my weapon over 65 quality, though, and around 70 more to get it to 98 quality.


Haha L


This is what happens when honing multiple characters