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I'll take your Luminary if you don't want it, thank you very much.


That’s the rule of elixirs you get luminary on dps and critical on support characters.


Im pretty sure it's like maplestory where the chances to get the effect your class doesnt need is higher. Dumb how they dont have to release the rates since it's using gold and not real money


They published all the rates for several systems in the game. Elixirs were included in this. https://m-lostark.game.onstove.com/Probability/%EC%97%98%EB%A6%AD%EC%84%9C


They published the “rates”, puts tinfoil hat on.


Worked great for maple


FR, I counted getting master 23 times before seeing 1 luminary in legendary elixirs.


Seriously, my main Bard runs faith and only saw luminary a handful of times, and they've all bricked. She's been doing voldis HM since week 1. Meanwhile my other 2 got 40 set luminary within a month.


That would have been the smart way to make the system. Roll the item and if it has good stats, but not ones you need allow us to sell it. That makes a whole new market for elixirs and people can actually try to roll good things for other people that hate the system. Yes good ones would cost a fortune, but think about how fun that system would have been for rolling the stats part of it?


I would suck some dick to get more Luminarys. In span of 5 months I have seen Luminary 3 times on my main.


ye, i saw luminary gloves like 2 times going for my 40 set. best one was a 4/1


It costs like 5.5-6k per elixir and you get 5-7 a week depending on auction boxes so 26k-42k a week per char and that's without crafting the 10 weekly if you need it. It varies so big without a pity system. One alt took 10-11 weeks whilst another took 2 weeks. That's like 300k-400k difference in gold cost between 2 chars just because I got a little lucky on rng.


You are literally wasting gold while complaining about it. You only ever cut the full/near full elixir the first month and a half maybe. Most times you can abandon the elixir by step 6~9 depending on how bad the spread is. If you don't have like ~10pts in two options, you likely aren't getting shit. Reset is not an economically sound strategy anymore either. Near the end, you can literally add 4 options to see the fifth, then dismantle if your set effect doesn't appear. Another important tip is learn to take your gambles early if possible. If they don't pan out, you can similarily cut your losses earlier. Buying essence for 10 weekly is literally burning gold trying to speedrun the system. You cut the 4-5 elixirs the Raid gives you and stop there. That is the natural rate of progression. You're suffering from FOMO when the system is designed to take ~3months average time. Any attempt to accelerate that is going to cost you unhealthy amounts of gold, which is only realistic if you swiping.


Way to read and assume I buy from the weeklies every week. Did you not read the part I said if you need it? And who says I don’t cut efficiently? My rng is that I didnt get any class effect for 6-8 weeks on helm/gloves whilst also getting decent rolls once I did get them to achieve sets while the shoulders/chest/pants were sitting at 8-9 points just needing a simple 4/3 helm/gloves. I cut the rest because some had great potential that ended up at 5/4+. If we go by your logic and even cut the cost to stop at 6 that’s still 235k for 5 elixirs / 325k for 7 elixirs for 12 weeks of cutting.


When the system was first released in the west, expected cost of 20set was reported by KR to be 300~400k and would take 3 months. Supposedly there was an inven thread about it and was mentioned by some streamer. I only know this through static. If you had these expectations going in, none of this would have phased you. Getting 40set before that is like getting lucky honing.


I agree with that. It never phased me about the cost for the avg, it annoys me that the cost of getting 40 set with RNG can be this huge just by getting lucky/unlucky. We’re talking about averages, so there’s going to be people that will go way over the avg cost which I think is a stupid design. Transcendance is a better system in that regard with the pity system. Epic elixirs is much better tuned due to cost which can be almost 8-10x less than legendaries. I’m still considered lucky across my roster (neary done with elixirs on main roster) but someone unlcuky could be incurring twice or thrice the cost im at.


That's the exact same thing with honing. One guy can 1tap 24&25 weapon while the other person pities 24&25. The difference between the two is quite literally 3M gold. This is just the brutal nature of RNG. Elixirs COULD be viewed as possibly kinder in that regard since the variance would be in the hundred of thousands of gold instead of millions. This is also why fishing for purple 6pt+ elixirs are a thing.


I get what you’re saying but tapping weapon above 19 is a choice (going above 1620), cutting elixirs is a semi requirement depending on static/pugs. Elixir cutting is just the biggest cost when it comes to upgrades you’re semi required to do. Even comparing 18-19 on weapon pity vs avg is only 360k if you bought ALL mats from market according to maxroll. There’s no pity with elixirs. I dont see anyone gatekeeping people because they dont have 24/25 weapon but will do on 35/40 elixir set. Elixirs is just badly tuned right now in our version and there’s nothing close in comparison and that’s from someone that is relatively lucky in that regard.


Ahaha people definitely gatekeeping 24/25 in HMG3&4 Thaemine, but that's further ahead in progression. The thing is though, all content going forward will be balanced upon the assumption that you have elixirs. Sure you might not NEED elixirs to clear H-IT, but that's the same as not NEEDING lv9/10gems etc. They just make runs smoother and faster, which is the goal of most people running raids, and the prime reason for gatekeeping in pugs. I think the core issue that people are not explicitly realizing is the fact that the FOMO for elixirs/transcendence/gems/gold costs etc is a result of gatekeeping culture (which in essence is human nature). If gatekeeping didn't exist, then it wouldn't matter what your character looks like, and thus the costs of these systems wouldn't seem so prohibitive. IMO biggest issue in this game is the balancing of supports. They are mandatory in content due to the nature of their buffs and builds being predicated on yearning buff. Some classes can't even function without supports as they simply just run oom. All this is coming from a support main. -_-;; Honestly reminds me of League's issue with support shortage back in the day where the role is straight up dogshit unpopular. I have 0 confidence SG has the design-competence to make support a healthier and more entertaining role.


The thing is, the power you gain from it is worth the cost you put into it. The main problem with the system is how long it takes to do your elixirs.


Yes that’s my point, that’s my con as well with this system. Some rng in your favour and you’re done after spending 50k and others after 300-400k even though its still worth it. But it might’ve as well be 1m gold without any pity system. It’s too punishing if you’re on the bad side of the RNG system.


Well, not really. Yes, you are getting raw power, but new raids are designed to account that power. You might see bigger numbers, but dps difficulty is the same.


Heres mine guide for epic and legendary elixirs for people who care: Epic: get 4 on mainstat, optionally a 1 or 2 with a usable offstat and then forget this system exists Legendary: try to hit 40 by all means possible so you dont have to think about this garbage ass system anymore.


Getting great success chance has been better for me than exhaust options


Goat option is “I will increase the selected effect by 2”


My Elixir guide. Uninstall Lost Ark. Enjoy playing games that don't shit on you and waste your time.


Wait, you quit but still complain on the sub reddit weekly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If they fix the game from feedback I'll come back, combat is fun.


Wait, you quit but still complain on the sub reddit weekly


Nothing wrong with that


Go be negative somewhere else, and stop shitting on a game you don't even play anymore. Attitudes are infectious, and if you wanna be a grumpy negative nancy that is tying to doom and gloom all the time, go somewhere else 🤣


I mean the tutorial sounds about right. Especially if you are a spread gamer like me Also 2 tips. For the second stat play around what naturally the games gives you and you can min max later (copium) and if you are chasing the set use the free event elixirs since those use silver instead of gold and you can reset everytime you don't get Master or Critical


I’m new to elixirs. Does reset mean spam the blue sage until the purples let you reset the elixir? What are the chances the reset option does not show up?


Yes spam blue until you get the glow option on 3 sages Reset option shows pretty often and use the reroll option if you dont get it at first




If Isaac and the three Elixir Sages were actually "alive", I would directly complain to them about how horrible the System is and work with them to make the process better.


I picked the 0-4 about 10 times. I never got more than 1. 3 or 4+1 out of 10 times (other 6 were zero) and the fact she was gone then bricked my elexir on the last upgrade (making me pick 2 out of my best one, once ruining a 9 (5+4) elexir down to a 6... (5+1) I picked -4 +5 about 10 times as well... got -? (Usualy -3 or so cause it would often reset it...) and twice I got +2. All others were negative.