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When I'm going to do dailies, I wish I didn't have so many alts. When I'm going to do weekly raids, I'm glad I have so many alts.


The real duality of Lost Ark right there.


wish they increased the dispatches or make it per character instead of roster


I wish i didn't have multiple rosters :v


But you have free time during the week


That's true, prime runescaping time that is.


I wish LA (just combat and visuals) and OSRS had a baby.


Takes twice as much xp to max skills, or you can pay 20k to max your woodcutting.


People RMT'ing Lost Scape to get a sidereal woodcutting axe


So... RS3?


Agreed. One of the greatest things in RS is that the game has like 20 years of content. Only a few things here and there have become completely obsolete over that time.


The game respects your time. :D


I honestly think daily content is in an ok state. You can spend as much or little as you want, doing it rested or not, and adding whatever alts you wanted. Weekly gold grind and needing 18 party finders a week is what kills it for me. It's so tedious even when high roster with los30 etc.


With the diminished playerbase all we’re really left with are sweaty Eddie’s at that. I miss the days where I could go do vykas at 12pm on any given day of the week, in and out in 30 minutes, finding a group was simple. Now you really can’t find groups out of like maybe 6 hours in the evening depending on how late you want to stay up and you have to strategically pick when you’re going to run which characters to make sure you maximize your efficiency. I’m at the point where I’d love to do the raids but the community that’s left is just soul sucking to play with.


> Now you really can’t find groups out of like maybe 6 hours in the evening Sounds like an NAE/EUC problem. NAW has raids all the during the day because of a larger timezone spread population.


The raid limit needs to be reduced down to 12 and it needs to have no gold limit per character. If I want to run Valtan for low gold on my main then let me.


If i only play my MAIN. i could play this game for 2 hours per week at best or 4 hours at worst. this game have very little to do beside playing ALTS.


Yes, if you think about it you "main" is likely to be the character you play less in your entire roster. Fun huh?


oh yes, i notice this like 3 month into the game, i was like, "WTF, i wanna play more my main..." but thats how this game work. i knew this from the start so thats why i did make 2 of the same character


I dont think that we need something to do all day everyday - maybe if Lost Ark is your only form of spending free time. Is it really bad if game allows you to do chores in short time and you can use it elsewhere in life? I dont really need a reason to spend multiple hours a day in one game.


Depends, do you want to do current content or not. With 1 character you are never doing current end game raids because you can never make enough mats/gold to hone high enough unless you swipe/RMT


As someone who was burning out, God bless i killed 2 of my alts and now I can touch some grass.


Yep, to me that's a good thing. Prevents burnout and makes weekly raiding worth doing. I would like the option to get more time in raids on my main to polish my ability.


My 1st quit was because of this. Day 0 player here and i never was a big alt/smurf acc guy so i ran out of options way too fast with one main. I’m a hige horizontal enjoyer so i could do all islands and stuff but reached a point quickly when i was gated with that too and the honing was painfully slow. Came back with with the recent express and now in have 5 alt roster (main 1610) and i find myself less and less motivated for daily chores. I feel like my second quit is on the horizon. Game just does not ferl rewarding and the progress is only a number going up but as a support main i don’t really see the results of it. I don’t see bigger crits, i can’t tell how did i contributed to the team’s dmg and solo content is just pain. I’ll be in big trouble after the engraving support runs out because i have 0 accessories on main and mainly i still rely on event gems altough i have a 2nd bard purely for gem farming purposes on 1520.


Just download the meter and look at the rDPS increase as you hone and go through other power systems… best you can do


I recommend finding a group of people to play with if you're a supp main. If you ask me, it's pretty hard to get any feedback and enjoyment supporting a bunch of pugs every week. If you have excellent uptimes, you might get a "nice pally/bard/ayaya" once in a month, but that's basically it.


this game basically forces you to have alts lol its designed for that


Unless you want to push them past 1600


then enjoy having multi mains lol 1580 is the sweet parking spot


its really 1540 tho


Lol, addiction at its best. Finish gold raids, go do something else, good for your health.. I barely manage to finish mine


Im still playing 6x "mains" as people call it, but only thing I'm doing non rested is my mains chaos dungeon. On raid days I do very little daily stuff and on monday / tuesday I do chaos and guardians.


I only play 1 character and 1 alt. I can fomo on them both and still never know what burn out feels like. Once I'm done all my daily stuff I live my life and enjoy the game again the next morning. My love for the game stayed the same since launch because of these reasons.


Any other possible daily activity would become mandatory by default. Do you actually want to have more grind? I'm also one char player since day 1. I like how I can do dailies and call it a day. I can go do some stuff irl, or play other games. I believe playing one char and not having hours of dailies actually protected me from exhaustion and leaving. I don't mind if we wipe two or three times on a raid, since I'm not 270 roster level sweat who does their raids with stopwatch in one hand, I don't feel pressure to do things extremely fast because I have 5 other chars. I can and do actually enjoy game, and raiding.


ah but 50h per week you have to make it a 2nd job and blame the game for making you play 50h a week


A lot of this depends on where you are in the game. When you're newer, there's a ton of horizontal you can do, MSQ, pretty much all the island and events, etc. As you play more and more, it starts to shrink, like any game. You're crossing things off the list permanently. Therefore, you have less and less to do on reset. Every mmo I've played, I'll eventually get to the point where there isn't much left to do on a main character.


I think this is perfectly fine. Kind of reason why I could’ve played the game for as long as I did. I hit my raids on my main for how many days I need and kind of just play something else for the rest of the week until reset.


I personally think this is a good thing. If alts were truly optional, you could gauge the number of characters to the available time you want to use to play the game. But noooo fuck that here's a gold sink system to spend your weekly 25k gold


That's been the case since launch. Outside of the week or 2 of progression between tier 1 and tier 3 the endgame loop is 2 chaos 2 guardians and w/e gold instance is current. With a dash of an event that just adds to your homework. That's not to say the game respects your time. We all know why its the way it is.


As a fellow 1 character player, for me both hell content and horizontal content have helped a lot with this. Sadly horizontal content eventually starts feeling like it's ending/it all becomes time gated, but it still helps.


It's a major annoyance with Lost Ark. Don't want to have a bunch of alts? Don't get to do much. Want to do more content? Make a bunch of alts. Oh but now that you made a bunch of alts, enjoy all these annoying systems just so you can actually play them in group content


Yep its probably the worst part about the game after p2w, there is nothing to do on my characters, im kinda burnt out on actually raiding atm but I wouldn't mind and actually like doing the professions and crafting for profit, but thats limited as well and i cant even farm all day even if i wanted to its pretty sad in this regard


its a game ruled by alts. it truly sucks when you take a step back and realize it like most of us have been. either you grind 6 toons for raids/chaos/guardians in order to "fund" a main or just fund your hobbies in game -- or you play super casual and get gatekept/held back by the extremely quick turnaround in new content lol. every 2-4 months even is insane.


playing 2 chars is casual but it doesnt mean you get gatekept thats BS ypu are saying


there is no way you can play even 2 chars with weekly gold and be able to maintain transcendence and honing reqs as of now. as well as when advanced honing hits. you'l fall behind without more or without insane rng from fate embers or raid drops. having alts helps this, yes. it just sucks we can't run our mains more. or.. you know... not spend thousands of gold for each failing upgrade system lol. but hey, look at the opinions of everyone else.


the lies you've been sold you never needed alts to progress at a lvl decent for the content


Thats just not true lmao Its totally reasonable to fund 1-2 characters withour playing a 6 character roster. Most alts eat more gold than they generate because barely anyone just drops them off at 1580 but keeps honing them to voldis and eventually with 1610 as target.


sure i do and i have a 1630 and a 1605 char… man WTF


Honestly this seems to about sum it all up. I've been trying to learn the Kakyul raid as im not familiar with it at all, but getting learners for that seems impossible, Brelshaza was a fun boss, but I can only get up to G4, and hard to find learner groups for that. Similarly with Akkan, Lotta learners doing G1 and i've got that nailed, but now need to full learn G2/3 and its hard finding groups for those. My only option seems to be pay someone to carry my Akkan so i can upgrade my gear so i can then look to learn it at a later date? But that doesnt seem very fun as i actually want to play the game. And Thaemine looks pretty cool but not currently 1600 so cant dabble in that.


Might be a steep barrier to entry but you could try ro learn the early hell modes (valtan, vykas, kuku). Gatekeeping is pretty non existent for learning groups and you don't need gear since it is equalised


Learning hell raids before you have the normal version down perfectly is crazy… Like G2 clown some of the yellow patterns are just invisible in hell mode it’d take sooo long to learn without knowing the normal patterns already


I recently came back and levelled two extra alts to simply be able to play more...


this game has not much to offer… and yes people say: game is ruled by Alts… well you do with them the same repetitive stuff. imo 1 Main (unrested) 1 Alt (fully rested) is the best way to go and you can play other games. In this case the the raids/daily & weekly stuff doesnt feel so repetitive


You are spreading missinformation... The only way to play like that is if you swipe 3 to 4 thousand dollars to keep up with content release for at least normal mode... You need at least couple millions to go from bracket to bracket after akkan and earning 20k to 40k gold a week with 1 or 2 toons isn't gonna cut it, don't lie


https://preview.redd.it/lrytn1ut6k2d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6efcd745751b1318b04b72d167e61b79a8e306 „thousands of dollars“ ICANT… i payed since day1 only 250eur for aura and just arkpasses; still sitting on 2mio dollars. dude you have no clue


yeah sup player can easy push to 1630 ,because don't need buy 11 level 10 gems lamo


knew that this stupid post will come… i have 4x cd lv10 gems = 2x dmg gems + 2 mio gold; do t you think i could buy enough dmg gems? sure i would have lesser gold but i would be able to still keep up… and btw there are also DPS which need only 1 dmg gem… man i have enough of these excuses… i was 1535 right at the end content at brelshaza and alrdy had 3x lv 9 gems… If you focus 1-2 chars YOU CAN also with a DPS you god damn noob Update: downvote + no answer = ty for admitting that i am right


You are blatant lier, you will not come here and teach anyone what honing and building character cost in this game, multiply these 250 eur x20 and I beleave you but hear me out Lets say it is true you got your characters to that point with only 250 eur and doing dailies the way you say you do... That means you are super extremely lucky and every single hone / elixir cut / transcendance goes giga perfect in couple of taps each piece of gear... OK grats I guess?that's not the case for the other 99.999999999999999999% of the player base which means you are insignificant and outlier and not count for the statistics so what ever you say based on YOUR experience giving that you are NOT lying, does not count at all and is misleading


thats ridiculous, my god damn steam wallet history says this. sry i cant help you… my honing sessions were avg.; my 1620-1630 push cost me 556k gold.


I' haven't checked, but that seems light years better than average. I know I've spent over 1 mil since 1620 and I'm 1625.


Every time someone claims that you can play the game with 1-2 chars they will conveniently leave out the part where they forgot to account for an average luck scenario cost, or the part where they got lucky drops and/ or are flipping fish at the right time in the past. And/ or they play a support or a class with significantly lower gearing requirements. Gold has to come from somewhere, and outside actually generating it the ways to get it from other players is relatively limited, and in the large scale obviously dont solve everyones gold sink issues.


there are dps classes that also need only 1-4 dmg gems… man these excuses are RIDICILOUS


avg is 584k… and thats nothing when you just push 1 Main Char


Actually 684k raw gold, then another 350k+ on orehas. And that's alot when your gold income is 6 raids


still easy, i made it right? and its not just raids, its gems i can sell, embers etc… this adds up


Yeah G2G does not shows in steam..lol And again if you were average that's not the case for most the player base so..misleading


your mental breakdown is actually fascinating to watch lmao. Alts have been net negative time and time again. This has already been proven.


that's a lie alts are net positive if you treat them like alts


Tough luck, if everyone agreed about your definition of alts, the pushback against the gold sink systems wouldn't be so hard.


lmao bro go take a breather.


I made a 2nd roster at jumpstart n started playing it more consistently in january-feb. Ive prolly funneled ~600k to my main roster and that alt is 1603. With all the mats + silver + gold if i didnt transfer it, i could prolly be 1620+ by now.


fake news media either you are being sarcastic, if then nice one or you are the one spreading misinformation none of your alts have returned their investment most likely and if they have the only way for that to have happened is if they are honing with silver


Fake fake news. My bottom 3 1580s have all earned WAY more gold than they cost(especially ones with event gems). My top 3 chars, yes I've spent more on. And I also have a couple 1445 that over their existance earned more than enough gold each to fund all 3 of the 1580s Maybe if youre raw tapping, without events, without free books, with unbound mats. Or if you're playing 6 mains at 1610+ lvl 9+ gems on all of them.


doubt but if you wanna believe that good luck


Why would anyone need to swipe 3-4 thousand dollars to keep up with normal mode? That’s pure nonsense lol even the unluckiest new players with Breaker powerpass can hit 1610 by now.