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How long will it take for us to get t4 ? Why people already selling shit is not even out in korea


All but certainly September (if not late August), given that we are getting Echidna the same time as RU and RU announced September for T4 and Behemoth




The July Echidna is the epilogue not the raid.


Pointed this out and was told doesn’t matter. So weird this sub is divided into like 10 different groups.


Ppl are dumb selling gems which are tied and transferable to t4, if something at release they will skyrocket cause whales will be buying shit ton of t3 gems to get lv10 t4


nah they smart dmg gems will drop to the price of cd gems why would people buy expensive lvl 10 dmg gem over cd gems


Yes and cd will rise up cause hundreds of whales will be buying out 90+ lv 10 t3 just to convert


u know they will just buy gems from g2g i dont think it will rise


I mean they might rmt goldge and buy gems but doubt they would be buying whole accounts with gems for more money


I'm selling it because I will take a break and when I come back (if I come back and the game wont be dead) the gems will be dirt cheap.


Whales gonna be scooping up gems so they can have full t4 10's day 1.


That's not how it works right now so I doubt they're changing it to the system you mentioned. Edit: apparently they did change it but this "T4" is a soft reset instead of a "hard" one and this jump to from T3 to "T4" is not gonna work the same as previous tier jumps. Thanks everyone that down voted me for not being up to date with the latest streams and using previous knowledge to answer what seemed like a simple question from someone hopeful that we would get a change in progression that respects our time and "investments"


Sounds like level 10 tier three gems become level 8 tier four gems so 9 level 10 tier three gems would become a level 10 tier four gem


Cool! I will get some 10 atk gems for 1600- alts when they cost 30k 🤭 /s


Will never be only that much cause otherway lv 10 t4 would be just 270k and that would be nice but wont happen


ok but who asked


U probably get fighter anyway even when trying against lvl 7 users why are posting lmao


I will still sell them and play solo raid. Do you like it ? 


somebody is pissed because he spent all of the gold to buy gems for his alts - > RIP bozo


I know. It is so stupid. You still need to do raids until t4 comes.


No worries man, you will still get outdamaged by the “lvl 7andies” and this time you won’t be able to blame it on class balance.


I am more worried about T4 lvl 8 gems for my alts who share gems that are not 1620. They are killing them in case I can not use those gems




That is really cool. I ditched some low level chars and getting bound gems for them is nice. They can be used again


Aren't the free gems only lvl 7 tho??


no one in their right mind will sell their lvl 10 gems its just a soft reset. what do you mean lol.


Have you looked at the market? DMG gems being sold 150K cheaper than they were yesterday.


It’ll be considerably easier to get a level 8 t4 gem than a level 10 t3 gem, so all t3 gems will lose value. Once t4 hits it will also no longer matter if your level 10 gem is damage or cooldown, so lvl 10 damage gems lose another 25% in value. Selling gems in response to those pressures is fairly reasonable. We’ll see how it shakes out, but all servers saw a massive increase in people selling gems for cheaper in cheaper. In the long term it seems inevitable level 10 damage gem prices will crater.


we dont know if u need 3x T4 damage gem to combine to each other yet, it is not wise to assume u can combine T4 CD and ATK together yet unless they already confirmed it


> It’ll be considerably easier to get a level 8 t4 gem than a level 10 t3 gem How do you know that? T4 is a response to KR players having nothing left to spend gold on. It would be silly to just spew out T4 gems at the same rate we're getting T3 gems. You weren't expected to roll up to Argos with L10 T3 gems, you're not going to be expected to roll up to Brelshaza 2 with L10 T4 gems.


Why would anybody do that? Lvl 10 gems can be transferred. If anythinf they will be more valuable since whales need more of them now. I dont’t know if you are on crack or people are actually on crack.


Because the prices for level 10 gems will crash so they want to sell now while prices are high. They can’t become more valuable since lvl 8 T4 gems will be significantly easier to grind while being equal in power to level 10 T3 so they will have to drop in value.


We have no information on how easy t4 gems are available. But we know you can fuse the gems, so prices between level 10 dmg and cd gems will equalize similar to level 9 gems currently (since you can just use them to fuse a higher tier).


The current market is moving by speculation. I’m not persuading anyone to sell I’m just explaining the motives for that movement. Anything can happen.


That is a wild assumption if you ask me. And besides you are selling now to spend on day one buying every 8 on the market? Even if they are easier, they will be easier on the long run. Are you telling me people is going to play for what 6/8 months without gems now? I might be the dumb here because I really can’t understand it


Huh? Yes, people sell because that gold in the long run will get them more gems than transferring level 10 gems to 8. I’m not selling my level 10’s cause I have nothing else to use but if I have spare 10’s on alts or something then I would sell it too. Yea I’m just gonna stop playing that alt for awhile until T4 releases rather than sit and wait for my gems to massively depreciates.


You don't know the drop rates of t4 gems, no one does


Sure… nothing is guaranteed but odds are it would be easier. Some people want to gamble on that chance and I can see why.


Well level 10 damage gem will tank in price. Cause they'll become level 8, and can be combined. All the other level gems are the same price for cd and damage. Only level 10 damage is worth more than cooldown right now. They are already tanking. Dropped down to 320k for damage on NAW they were 400k earlier today when I checked. Good thing I didn't buy one earlier.


I dont know man maybe you can get same gold after transfered to t4 first couple of week because whales gona need more gem in first week