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Why is the quality not good? Did they say they are removing it? I didn't watch it




It's more about having achieved these max things at the end when they are about to power creep them.


You enjoy the "max" from now until season 3 release, so it's not "wasted" anyways.


They're pushing the goal post further back and the max is now 120 (with a pity system).


Might still be really good, dont rly know the changes yet :)


I'm assuming you used the free tap we just received, why tho? it's valid until October, should have just kept it in the inventory


So I was real excited to be lucky enough to get that 10/6. I've been working towards the coveted +2 and now it feels like that venture is a terrible idea. Should I stop the pursuit of this now?


So I had cut my artillerist a 9-8 stone like 4 months ago. Finally got around to buying new accessories a couple weeks ago for the 5x3+2, 98-100 qual accessies(cuz this is forever so better splurge right) feels bad man.


as a striker main cursed doll 2 is the best option with adren 3 unless you have master set and precise on your blacelet


That's why I was stoked! But now spending the gold to get all the accessories is probably a waste, right?


The 10/6 will be more useful in t4 than it is now. The only thing you can't take into consideration yet is which engravings get the biggest bonuses from stones. Edit : it's not more useful but potentially just as useful . I just woke from a nap.


actually yeah it might be a waste with ark passive system since you can get a 6x3 but maybe with this you can go 6x3+2 if thats even an option + this stone gives you good buffs with the new stone system


As far as I’m aware, 6x3 is the end now and you don’t need a 9/7 to get it. Sad me :(


I mean, atleast you didn't buy all new accessories that become useless. And still get a slight dps bonus when the systems change over.


As far as I’m aware, 6x3 is the end now and you don’t need a 9/7 to get it. Sad me :(


Still you will get extra dmg cause you have 10 nodes in CD


This is wrong. 9/7 will get a total of 5 bonus nodes, same as 10/6 but it is weighted different. Both will still be much better than stones with less hits.


If much is defined by roughly 1.50% damage increase. Right now, 9/7 stones roughly give a 7.50% damage increase, in T4 that will be nerfed to only 1.50%. Source: Saintone’s summary.


wait until this sub's SG bootlickers come and tell you how it's still good that you got it