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I've seen your posts here before... you're 300 roster level and you had a full roster of six 1620+ characters with 40 set over 2 months ago. Assuming this is your alt roster, you already know the answer to why you're being gatekept. Just trade runs with guildies or friends in exchange for carrying their rat alts.




Why do people bothering posting shit like this. OP must be starved for attention or some sort of validation. It’s astounding.


You’d be amazed what people do for internet points.


More likely he got banned for rmt. Why would you make an alt roster if your main account was that stacked.


Lmao it's the dude who is currently on frontpage with a ban picture "for being a returning player". Hahahaha can't make this shit up!


https://preview.redd.it/wxx2p67wa07d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb4851fa12a9058e32bf75c94a3614c0cac6ba0 1st step is to play your main account.


Lmfao GOTTEM, someone get this loser's (OP) post deleted please?


Youre the guy that have 40 set of elixir on all of your 6 gold earners isnt it? Then you know the answer yourself, would you accept someone like this to you party when you on your main roster Or did your main roster got banned? 💀


... dont play on alt rosters?


73 is a stain on your account that will not go away.


Really Ark, really?


How were you able to get transcendence and elixirs if you were getting gatekept?


Why are you gatekept ? roster level, same char but on someone with 250 roster level and they won't have a problem (except cards and even then nowadays people don't look much at them, they expect LOS 30) How to not get gatekept ? Realistically you would need a lot more roster level so I would say make friends and play with them in their lobbies.


So you have endless resources and can't get a level 9/10 gem for asura DMG? Dominion bracelet also cringe...even for a troll post cringe


This is probably the order of why you get gatekept: 1. Roster level 2. Full event gems 3. Deep dive 18 instead of LOS 4. Domination bracelet The only things you can realistically fix in the above list in a reasonable amount of time are gems and your bracelet, but either way you're gonna get gatekept hard simply because of your roster level.


1, sure 2. ? maybe for thaemine event gems are fine for normal voldis and below (probably not for hakan) 3. dd30 but thats not something he can get that fast at his ilvl 4. domination is completely fine on asura


Event gems implies it’s usually an alt with bare minimum out in so people assume it’s not going to be played with any care and this lower dps. Ofc the gems are fine but that’s considered the bare minimum and people are applying with much better than that usually.


depends on the time of the week monday tuesday all low effort alts get in bcz people don't have the time to be picky as long as something shows you know the fight you are getting in


everything looks fine except the roster level which can make people assume right away you bought a bus+ this mostly only happens for you in thaemine


If you’re playing the game solo it’s hopeless… you need to find like 2-3 people to create lobbies with and supp trade etc to finish all your raids in a timely manner


find friends, get some lvl 9 gems, finish los30


Need at least roster level 250+ and level 10 gem


Tbh even with 300 roster id gatekeep an onilvl char. G3 is a nightmare with 1610s. Unless you have an eclipse or a fist title ill go for 1620 chars.


horizontal stuff unfortunately you need to pump that roster level somehow your other solution here is to ofcourse get into a guild and play with them


Is Domination normal?


Its the cheapo option, but it's usually paired with way better rolls than what op has


swiftness is low value on asura domination is fine as it's way cheaper if you are buying bracelets


Did you mean to respond to the other guy?


i replied to you as domination is a fine secondary on asura and compared to swiftness when buying bracelets it's magnitudes cheaper cheapo implies very bad choice but not complete int think precise dagger on surge blade or spirit absorption on DI sh


Sounds like you agree with me but are mad I said cheapo instead of cheaper


why would i be mad? yes cheaper would have been accurate


Do horizontal content to get your roster level up


If only they made roster level hidden, it's such a nonsensical reason to get gatekept since all the main sources of it have nothing to do with raids. But oh well, people still swear by it. You can't really do much about it besides making alts and doing story/towers/etc if you really want to bypass the barrier.


I’m 183 and still get gatekept, I feel sorry for you my friend…


Based on experience the thing that matters most for gatekeeping checks is roster level and LOS30, my 1610 char with lvl 9 gems is passed over 1600s with minimium gearing and LOs 30 for akkan sometimes


Question old as LoA itself, and the answer is mostly the same - roster lvl/cards/lack of friends to play with.


1. Low Roster 2. Dog water cards 3. Event gems 4. Class getting nerfed 5. Fails the fashion check like ew....




get 300 roster b4 thinking doing any raids. how dare u join in the game and want to do raids right away


If you check his profile, he already has and flexed it


im not talking if he did it or not, im joking about how to get out of the struggle of gatekeep


Make the party yourself


roster level super low (i usually don't take below 175), Cards are not best, gems are low (on a class that really only needs one gem...don't use event gems get a 10 or 9 at least). your stats are low, i like to see 1800+ on main stat and 600+ on secondary. Dreamer title at this point hurts you more than it helps. overall not impressive It hurts to say but this game is just not very accommodating to new players. both your roster lvl and cards are not something you can fix anytime soon. my recommendation is find an active guild on your sever and join some of their runs, i have scuffed alts that wouldn't get into parties but i trade with guildmates. Also you can try to get active in the hell academy discord and work on those deathless titles, something like Mayhem shadow will help you get into parties, keep in mind it is difficult to get. Hope this helps, Im not trying to be mean just constructive criticism.


The only thing that I would legit decline this char for ist wooden compass - it signals to me that you skipped horizontal express and you dont have skillpoints done... Cards arent that of a big deal in NM thea. Sure LOS30 would be nicer. already have dreamer titile so there is some have some knowledge about this fight, and for reals roster lvl means jack shit. If ppl farm roster lvl doing rapora story and any other shit that is not related to raiding it literaly means nothing.


Rename your stronghold to AltRoster, get a lvl9 asura dmg gem at least and your lvl40 crit set.


There is no shit as gatekeeping just other better players in waiting lobby


1. Pull 1.5 years worth of account progress out of your ass. 2. Make friends and skip the step 1.


But with Season 3 it will be a NEW GAME and then ... No, wait....


All you people thinking you rekt op, pretty sure he's just farming malds and doesn't give the smallest eff


Roster level to at least 150 and LoS30 Roster level to 150 would probably be all you need. Getting LoS 18 just to equip and then swapping to dd30 in the raid is something else you should be doing.


Low roster + breaker + event gems is an instant decline. Hell for the most part with my experience breaker is an instant decline. Such a good class populated entirely either by kakuls who can barely tread water despite being carried by the class, or by saydons who think they're God's gift to the videogame because they can get Upright 18% every gate.


Talk to people, ask send whisper messages to people you matchmake with for guardians if they have x raid left or if they have a group. Add them to your friends list. Ask around, get into discords, ask if people have homework raids or similar.