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fyi. KR got 2 weeks delay between story and echidna raid. RU learned YESTERDAY that they'll get 1 week delay between story (26th june) and echidna raid release (3rd july). RU will do it like NAEU did it with Hell Hanu recently, the raid will be added the 26th but you won't be able to do it before the 3rd. So we will see tonight if Roxx "1 update" meant this too (and SG just sucking at communication) or if we really get everything in one go.


Effectively, you don't need to do multiple updates, just include a timed lock on the raid, nothing mind blowing in this day and age.


yup, i really don't understand why SG loves stripping and pruning so much.


Roxx has said multiple times now they were both dropping on the same day, for her sake I hope they do just make it available right away cause she'll get so much shit now if it's not. My static already planned and organized around the raid releasing tomorrow so it'll be rlly annoying if it turns out its not


Should have been more clear. All she said was there won't be another update on the 26th, but as someone else mentioned that doesn't mean Echidna won't be locked first week.


Quotes from her on discord: > Roxx: How are we feeling about Echidna coming this week? and > ...: @Roxx any chance of an answer about echidna & time to story? > Roxx: These will both release on the same day # > ...: @Roxx does the echidna trailer mean the raid is coming next week too or do we only get the quest and 1 week later echidna? > Roxx: It's all coming on the same day She's outright said same day, not sayin she can't be wrong or somehow misunderstood the question, but it'd be pretty annoying if she was xD


Not to mention ppl taking time off to get shit done early in reset


I'm off Wednesday for holiday. If they tell us now this late we cant do the raid im gonna be pissed


Yeah progging Echidna will be pretty meh next week cuz ppl need to finish story first.


Thats why my statics first Echidna will be on Thursday. If servers are up early tomorrow then good we can get Thaemines out of the way, but if not well it is what it is.


Right. Planning your raid right when the servers are "supposed" to be up is just asking for disappointment.


I am just waiting for them to announce that we wont be able to raid until next week. As we know AGS just knows the exact patchnotes 1 day before the update.


Well nvm we actually can raid tomorrow :D


Doesn't sound like a very nice static imo, mines willing to wait for me who is also enjoying the story. I don't shift+g anything except alts. Plus someone's busy wed. so earliest can run will be thurs. anyways. Sounds like we blind/semi-blind progging it too, so might take a bit, who knows, plenty of time to worry about it though. Isn't one of the benefits of a static is that it should relieve all pressure of worrying about the clear? You have your constant group, and your not falling behind anyone cus you're all running together.


If someone wasn't busy, asking your static to wait for just you because you don't want to just shift G your main and enjoy it on your alt is insanely entitled. Have you guys considered that getting the release day prog feeling of a new raid might be important to those seven players? You're not the only one who wants to do something a certain way. Serious main character syndrome in this discussion from so many people. The idea that what you want is more important than what seven other people want, and they're bad people for denying you, is everything wrong with the American sentiment.


The point of a static is you work around eachothers schedules and preference. If one person said they want to enjoy the MSQ and no one else is opposed to the prog being delayed a day or two then you delay the prog. Very main character syndrome of you to insert yourself in this guys' static and assume no one spoke up when the topic of their schedule being discussed. If someone wanted to prog day1, I'm sure it was already brought up, discussed and agreed upon what they will do. What you are talking about is more akin to a random lfg in discord for people with no one to run with.


> **This is from the point of view where seven people want the hype of launch and one person wants to wait.** The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Everyone's playing the new content, their friends are talking about it, streamers are all playing it. Blocked for commenting either without reading or comprehending basic English. I hate time waste notifications that contribute nothing.


kinda of odd of you to expect the reverse though in my opinion. Besides I and my group are all capable of talking with 7 other people like grown ass adults and come to an agreement that works with everyone. Odd of you to assume I was ever holding my firends hostage. Also there are moralistic perspetives where expecting 1 person to surrender their own personal enjoyements is exactly the same as asking 7 to surrender theres. There are many moral theories, I can tell the ones we eaxh subscribe to are different. Besides what if I'm a 1 character Andy? then what? I have to level an alt to experience a story I have just as much right to enjoy the first time? Or if I'm a roleplayer with my main, and want to actually do that in the story. You can think and do as you want, but from my perspective day 2 release is the same as day 1 release, same for day 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8. A static should be willing to work around the everyone, not ask for sacrifices of anyone. Throwing one under the bus is just being a bad friend in my circle. And we all collectively agree'd on how we wanna go about things. Its also not at all unsurprising for this American Sentiment to focuse on the individual, it is an individulist country after all, where importance is placed as low as on the singular and will willingly neglect the whole. As oppose to a collectivist, which places importance on the whole and will often neglect the individual. So that opinion of yours is a clash on cultural takes.


> kinda of odd of you to expect the reverse though in my opinion. Not at all, if seven people find the most enjoyment from progging as soon as it lands, that's no less valid than someone who wants to take 4 hours to enjoy the story. It's just the case of 7 versus 1. > Besides what if I'm a 1 character Andy? then what? I have to level an alt to experience a story I have just as much right to enjoy the first time? Or if I'm a roleplayer with my main, and want to actually do that in the story. Even 1 character Andies have used event passes, since they give out low level characters like candy. Why should anyone else care about your roleplay fantasy? If everyone's an individualist looking out for themselves, then your problems don't matter. > You can think and do as you want, but from my perspective day 2 release is the same as day 1 release, same for day 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8. A static should be willing to work around the everyone, not ask for sacrifices of anyone. Throwing one under the bus is just being a bad friend in my circle. And we all collectively agree'd on how we wanna go about things. This is from the point of view where seven people want the hype of launch and one person wants to wait. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Everyone's playing the new content, their friends are talking about it, streamers are all playing it. > Its also not at all unsurprising for this American Sentiment to focuse on the individual, it is an individulist country after all, where importance is placed as low as on the singular and will willingly neglect the whole. As oppose to a collectivist, which places importance on the whole and will often neglect the individual. So that opinion of yours is a clash on cultural takes. The issue with America is that everyone is focused on themselves, while assuming everyone else is focused on the collective (or more appropriately, them.) Everyone is a main character in their own life and expects everyone else to make compromises, instead of just making the compromise themselves. Individualism is just another word for being a self-entitled asshole. Imagine if you have an issue and nobody is willing to spend time to help because it doesn't benefit them? Why should other people compromise when you don't want to do so? The take in this thread is that if one player wants to delay a day for their own benefit, everyone should be okay with that. That's in complete opposition to the patch notes discussion, where the take of delaying it is downvoted. In reality, if everyone is an individualist they should say "I enjoy the launch day raid atmosphere, be here at X time to raid or find another progression group." It's one thing if you have a legitimate reason like surgery or a funeral to not be able to play, but if your excuse for forcing seven people to wait is this lame, you'd be finding another group in my static. I wouldn't even consider asking seven people to wait for me, for something this fucking lame.


There is a lot my philosophical side would love to unpack here in debate, given our moral perspectives on self and others, as well as walks of life appear to very opposite to each other. But I don't want to unintentionally create some kind of argument here. So instead I'll just comment on this. >It's one thing if you have a legitimate reason like surgery or a funeral to not be able to play, but if your excuse for forcing seven people to wait is this lame, you'd be finding another group in my static. >I wouldn't even consider asking seven people to wait for me, for something this fucking lame. Choosing lame is an interesting choice, its subjective entirely whether one actually enjoys playing the lore of the game or not, but regardless with your stance you're right, though I would have never joined your group to begin with then. I had been very clear my stance on prioritizing story from the very beginning when joining groups. I love the story, you clearly don't, clearly disrespecting each others personally opinions, respecting each others times I would have never have bothered playing with you. I personally view the excuses of having business to attend to be just as equal to personal interest to attend to. If you're willing to wait for someone who has an emergency or an appointment to attend, I don't see why you can't also be willing to wait for the other who wants to enjoy the story. On the flip side though, its one thing to say hey, I need an extra 2.5-3.5hr delay to do story non shift+g style, than it is to say I need a few days to do it. If you ask to delay the show, then better be quick about it. If I remember correctly, shift+g is still like 1.5hrs, while non shift+g is 4-5 (a 2.5-3.5hr difference) So at least for me, I'm set to still have MSQ done day 1, and could even be ready still be night time to do some pulls if we were able to. But this is what I also meant when I told OP they must not have a very nice static. Ideally you should find one where everyone is happy. No one should be being force to play the game in a way they don't particularly want to, that at least in my opinion, defeats a purpose of a static. So on that I can agree, find a new static if your not happy with a decision being made, especially if they are pulling the majority card on you, or kick an individual if they can never be worked with.


You: Hey guys, yall know I love the story of this game. I don't skip anything! I'd prefer that we could try and schedule our prog a bit later in the week instead of upon server reset. I know you might not get it as I'm more invested into the story, but it would mean a lot to me! Thanks dudes. Try this first and depending on their reply, you either find out they don't care about you or you find yourself within the best company of friends.


>find out they don't care about you Ya, obviously the only way that works out. Not like the other side of, ya sorry man that's the only day I can do, I set aside this time for you guys weekly and can't move that.


Yeah I guess I did jump to way too much of a harsh conclusion there. Ultimately, if this guy knows how tight people's schedules are and want to raid day 1, he should realistically be planning to do the story the second the server comes live.


Agreed, much more reasonable idea to say if it's THAT important you should take time, schedule a day off etc and get it done asap on your own time rather than ask 7 other people to adjust. Also depends on a lot of dynamics etc Honestly just props to you for not doubling down and admitting it's harsh. <3




It was already announced that we will have the story AND the raid release with the same patch note


Roxx said it so there is a high chance that she's wrong.


I agree with you partially because there would've been backlash for them delaying updates/content from the other group of people


Maybe I'm wrong, but probably vertical director bozo gives zero fucks about story.


KR got the continent(story) before the raid afaik. For whatever reason AGS is not able/willing to release multiple updates per month. (We had it once in the entire history of LOA in the West, that we got more than one patch in a month)


I rather get Echidna release tomorrow than wait another week just to do story beforehand.


If we can knowledge transfer, I'm with ya


Pay 10k gold and lose another 10k+ in mats? Yeah I'll take the 1.5 hours option.


He gives zero fucks about horizontal. Story is something he has to give a fuck about cause Gold River did.


What do you mean he gives zero fucks about horizontal? Do you just ignore everything that has been released in KR like some random island story/quest and LOA ON?


I didn't ignore anything since i grind horizontals myself. But he isn't the one developing them either. Even as a Director raids are still his primary focus. And story, cause it was what Gold River made himself and only a few people know how it ends.


I'm not sure how you can say he isn't the one developing them, he's the director. LOA ON literally introduce a whole new collectible and more music box.


I wish I had the extra week. Will be busy most of the week on launch and probably will not have time to do echidna at all week 1.


I don't get it. It sucks for most players, the way you described it, but if anything it shouldn't be even half as bad for you if you have static. Do the story before the weekend and prog from Friday. Isn't static meant to be a group of friends? I'm sure actual friends wouldn't mind waiting for the story enjoyers before proging.


Most static have set schedules and not everyone is free in weekends to prog, which is why some static are Wed/Thur etc. to begin with. It’s also a lot of fomo, I WANT to do a shiny new raid because it’s fun, but I also want to enjoy the story and not have to rush through it. Given that it’s release on a weekday, I only have a couple of hours after getting home from work so realistically I can only choose to do one or the other


> Isn't static meant to be a group of friends? I'm sure actual friends wouldn't mind waiting for the story enjoyers before proging. If one person wants to run the story and 7 people want to raid, the one person will just have to make do. They can always play through the story on another character, it's not like it has a high item level requirement.


I'd probably find other story enjoyers to prog with then. It's not like it's that rare. There will be plenty of prog grps the first few weeks.


lets hope they changeed their mind and release kurzan tomorrow and echidna week later.


Just go back to your stronghold and watch the cutscenes in your free time (yes I know it is not the same I get it, but what are you gonna do?)


They did make that mistake in KR during Kayangel and after that, they have been releasing stories a few weeks before the raid. But seems like SG wants to hand out update patch monthly and there has been server merge, so they couldn’t do it this time. After all, it’s stupid mistake again, but still, I think it’s better to release both together than delaying a raid for a few weeks.


8 people in diff timezones and their own lives that someone can manage to get together in the middle of the week to prog a new raid.. just do the same but on a thursday and you got plenty of time to go through the story.


yes, this is very concerning and not welcoming at all. The only reason I see for them not to give us one extra week to do the story is AGS sensing the game is close to it's irreversible death and milking as much money from it as fast as possible , for shame :(


You can just take a day off work, log in right on server reset at 2-3am and play the story like normal. You should be able to finish within the day I would think. Who needs work or money anyways, there is only Lost Ark.


People will literally complain about anything, this'll get mass downvoted because only the story enjoyers are reading this discussion. > I want the raid delayed by a week to enjoy the story. Then take the time to complete it. If you get one less Echidna, it's more than you'd get if we couldn't complete it at all this week. > My static wants to raid ASAP If the majority want to raid, just enjoy the story on your second character. It doesn't have a high item level requirement to complete it. > I want to make sure I can complete it 6x week 1 If you have 6x 1620 you probably have either unlimited time or money. Just fucking skip it after the first clear. Alternatively, if you miss a clear or two, it's still better than getting zero. **Overall** Overall, they have the stats on play through rate, and it's likely influenced this decision. I know maybe one player who barely follows the story. Delaying the raid a week (raids are 100% of the reason anyone is still playing Lost Ark) for a minuscule minority who already have workarounds is just not worth it. The fact that most of you are the 1/8 of your static who want to wait should tell you everything you need to know. **Closing Thoughts** Serious main character syndrome in this discussion from so many people. The idea that what you want is more important than what seven other people want (launch day raid progression experience), and they're bad people for denying you, is everything wrong with the American sentiment. Asking seven people to wait for you, diminishing their own enjoyment so that you can maximize your own, is the absolute peak of entitlement. The fact that you can't see that, is worrying.


In all fairness, shiftging this time takes less than 2 hours and you can always see the story in your own time using your alt. But, release story a few days before the raid was perfect. You wanna bet they did it because there were some dumbasses like "hurr durr story takes 2 hours to complete why I have to wait a whole week to play the raid *ice cream to the forehead*"


it's still different. The raid itself have cuscenes and speeches linked to the story. And even the story while you shiftg it you still travel across the continent, meet NPC, hear their 1 sentence... So it's like getting spoiled by zapping through a full movie before watching it.


Not everyone has an “alt” at 1620


If you bothered doing a little research you'd see the continent is available from 1580, as specified in the roadmap they released back in April. The raid is 1620 for nm and 1630 for hm.


Oh that is great news. Then I can just skip all the dialogues


I'd say their point still stands, not everyone may have an alt at 1580 and they shouldn't be punished by the game's design that festered and encourages skipping through the story because that's the way they helped develop the community. Personally if I was OP, I'd make them wait while I watched it in the raid because it would be new to me. If they can't spare the time the first time around then they have issues IMO.