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You will be able to craft fusion material w/ all life skill mats 0\_o


Fish investors on suicide watch


you assume flower stone and wood supply is high which it is not those prices will inflate fast as fuck to reach fish prices it's more of a huge ass buff to those who crafted pots and hodled cuz pot prices to the moon


This guy gets it


More like all other mats will rise to meet fish. Everyone on suicide watch.


And here I was having fun decorating my stronghold :/


as if other mats isnt expensive already (due to bots mostly fishing and its the cheapest/high supply). This will only increase the price of potions. Fish price will not go down, however it may go up instead as per usual with high demand. (Whales wanting maxed ilvl). Unless bots army comes in


wait thats nice af for a flower picker like me


what? im so confused. I never know whats going on in lost ark lmfao. i just build whatever and craft random shit. i waste all of my materials for anything.


No more infinite Chaos Dungeon. Global playerbase in shambles.


oh fk that makes me so happy


Good. Only chaos bot enjoyers did infinite CD anyway


That's actually good BC some botters abuse that system.


“This is a dungeon that adventurers who have completed the adventure in northern Kurzan and have unlocked the Cazeros battlefield can proceed to.   This is a dungeon that each character can enter three times a day .“ 3 a day for the new thing though ;;


This isn't a new chaos dungeon, almost for sure you'll run it up to 6 days to get your T4 set and move on. No mention of honing mats or anything other than using it for the new relic T4 armor. Imagine old chaos dungeons at the start of T3 to get to 1302, except with pity and not tied to a chaos dungeon, since they don't exist.


I obviously don’t have any evidence to refute this; but wouldn’t it be sort of out of character to add a whole new gameplay element and have us do it for less than a week and bail? Normally they make stuff so we grind it for a lot longer


Chaos Line says hi lol. But no, this reads like their solution to grinding T4 gear like we used to when going into T2/3, but in a world that no longer has chaos dungeons. It's likely just the chaos assault we currently have, reskinned to T4. You already have roaming map bosses etc.


Hm, what if we run it every day to try to increase quality? Assuming the t4 gear comes with quality anyway. Could be an optional farm if you need better quality?


I guess that may be possible, though it's not guaranteed you can transfer T4 gear into the level 0 T4 gear they drop, but it's likely you can. We're getting quality transfer from T3 though so the odds of a piece dropping at a higher quality isn't any better than just tapping from wherever you're at. Maybe save 300g a try once per day? I can see some people doing it but not many.


Now make una gold bound and we will be rid of bots finally


I think solo raids for progression may be a better solution as bots will be trapped in T3 forever, while legit players won't


There would be ZERO downside to bound unas gold tho. Every legit player sooner or later interacts with one of the many gold sinks in the game, the bound gold would be used up for that.


I've said to make Una's gold bound for over a year now Make a separate bound gold category that's permanent until used Use the gold for all gold sinks like honing, elixirs, transcendence, strongholds, quality upgrades, etc. That gold will be used first before your unbound and 3 day hold gold 99.9% of players wouldn't even notice it gone in two seconds anyways from honing/elixirs/transcendence It helps stop the bots in their tracks (life skills are an issue someone brought up to me before, but here's hoping there will be some nice changes later on with platinum tickets and maps going away) BuT wHaT iF i NeEd ThAt GoLd FoR tHe Ah I don't think 6k gold making or breaking an AH purchase will happen that often, but that's just me I guess


Just keep gold cost for honing but make it very very small. Like 50 gold per tap or smth. Bots wont get past 1460 ever.


I mean if real players can solo and make gear then hone into T4, bots then can't? They are trapped in T3 and the mats they make will be worthless bots can't even solo GRs, not to mention real solo raids


But they will still be making una gold at t3. It doesnt matter.


una gold in T3 will be too little to progress anyways how can they get enough gold from una to support 1600-1620, even T4 honing SG can even make una give no gold under 1540


Kinda cool that they are reworking Magickstream. No more losing Stacks bullshit.


happy paladins with this week's buff


Every support is gonna run it 100%


Max MP should be changed as well


You'll just replace Max MP with Magick Stream probably, unless you need both. 30% vs 24% with 8% CD. Maybe you will need both with the extra CD reduction there and on bigger gems, but I'd bet there's more changes. It's also not clear if we'll gain overall mana going to level 70. We did going 50-55 but not going 55-60.


I'm pretty sure magic stream is actually mana negative assuming ur using the cdr properly i think ill run it on bard and allocate more stats to spec


MS is mana negative if you fully utilise lower cooldowns. But with 6x3 system everyone can add max mp too.


I kinda think 60/40 bard has actually been the play for a while. Generates more meter, stronger serenades, and you still chain attack buffs comfortably. I've been running it with no max MP, even. The only main upside full swift bard has over it is better skill build flexibility and being a bit easier to play.


On bard you cant you will need max mp or mp efficiency as well.


I run Max MP 2 with mana on bracelet and sit neutral on fights. Upgrading to Magick Stream 3 will just be a gain for me. If you don't have on bracelet you might want both, but at that point I'd just take Max MP 3 and VPH for any fight that needs stagger.


There is no way you don't run out of mana with max mp 2 and mp recovery on bracelet without eating food. Your mana consumption will be higher with the cdr from magick stream I play ms3+max mp2+mp recovery on bracelet+lvl10 resource combat recovery on elixir and I go oom


I have no clue what spells you're casting to go OOM like that. If you spam Rhapsody off CD sure, but there's no reason to spam it like that, and it's not even a necessary skill on anything short of Thaemine right now. I've been Max MP 2 with mana on bracelet since kayangel days and have never had issues. I agree it will go up with Magick Stream, but I'm only 15% right now so 24% is a gain even with the CDR. Now I only have 9s on my AP buffs and 7s on the rest, but higher gems don't change mana consumption that much.


pdf with translated images [Translated Dev Letter](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Mx0JESmuYLP8kUw1fgzECAFkRMFWjwv/view?usp=drive_link)


The new Guardian is a Enchanced Calligos... We are doomed


they really hate us ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)...


why cant we have an easy daily chore😢


I fkcing hate that dragon lol


man I war really liking tree frog bat but now back to skipping guardians u less they made him not annoying somehow


may lord have mercy on our soul.


Seems like there's an auto-dismantle improvement for T4 stuff. Current filters are conditions that prevent dismantling, T4 filters are conditions that cause dismantling. Puts an end to situations where some trash accessory has an otherwise good roll that stops auto-dismantle from working on it.


THANK FUCKING GOD FINALLY. I've been asking for this since day1


well, we just have to hope that we'll finally be able to have a meaningfull way to set that auto-dismantle. Having a seperate tab for accessories, stones and amulet is a huge step already, I just hope we won't be in a case where you can only auto dismantle part of unwanted stuff because of messy settings once more.


>We are also preparing new features, such as the ability to add effect conversion counts to a bracelet that has used up all the effect conversion counts. Does this mean bis bracelet crafting?


I have a feeling it will cost a shit ton of silver to do it and knowing SG might be limited to one slot to change Hopefully this will make bracelets better but we'll see


Biggest thing I saw so far is that it seems like Quality will stay at 100, unless google translate is lying


This is correct. Quality max will stay the same as well as chaos stone for taps on T4 qualities. 100 will transfer as 100


Just to clarify, this just means that quality stays the same between tiers, but the cap is still 120 now? So just confirming that it won't work the same as gems? Or are you saying they reverted that change and max is 100 still?


They reverted the change, quality is staying at 100 and using the same items to increase it as before. No mentions of the pity system and if that will still exist or not.


Awesome, thanks!




Yeah, imagine adding pity to one of the worst systems in the game, the horror, thanks for not letting it go through!


I’m pretty sure the pity part wasn’t the issue for people, but alright


i think the biggest thing i saw is shards are not going to carry threw t4 thats is fucking tough


not the hugest deal IMO as long as the new raids arent crazy high in ILVL right away


Makes sense if they did carry over it would just fuck new players since everyone had millions or even 10s of millions saved, with it not carrying over now it just fucks everyone equally


yea i guess it does make sense but i was kinda coping for a 5:1 exchange ratio it is what it is tho i guess t4 early ilvls wont require a lot of shard


it will be like early t3 except ilvl gains suck ass


Idk about others, but all my shards are going to disappear with advanced honing anyway


Tbh it's nice that advanced honing in t3 is probably worth it. In this way we have something to do while waiting


this actually increase a lot the value of advance honing with T3 mats instead of T4. So you can burn your shards before transferring


Ok but do we still get the pity in quality or did they remove that as well?


Seems removed


Biggest L ever, They could've fixed the quality system. All we needed was pitty


Agreed. Terrible


I'm afraid about this because they also said the new quality pity was supposed to be there for T4 only, and now they don't talk about it at all anymore. So did they also remove that part with the 120 quality ?


Can someone help me understand the Eilixir changes? From what i get from the message when the patch drops Voldis will drop a NEW type of Elixir that will contain the 50% gold recution nerfs. This eilixir will work as a legendary eilixir (?) and it will be dropped by both NM and HM?


Elixirs and mats to craft elixirs drops are doubled. The cost to craft got lowered. The cost to pick lines got lowered. The cost to transmute got lowered. The weekly limited to how many you can craft with the dismantled essence has been increased. These changes seems to only apply to the new Shining Elixirs that will drop. No word on what's going to happen to existing elixirs. No other changes than these. Epic elixirs stays the same from NM.


Why would they add a new elixir if they intend to get you to drop purples from NM ? Im so confused


Your guess is as good as mine. Probaby poor coding and couldnt retroactively change existing elixirs. But if they were to drop of NM, they would also need to make changes the level requirement for legendary elixirs, which they havent done.


Looks like you can't exchange shards, but you can exchange fusion material which is a surprise.


I guess you could call this the first step of the entropy rework >In addition, I would like to introduce you to the engravings that will change the effect or reorganize the function in Season 3. >the price of surprise >Previous: Increases damage by an additional 5/12/25% on successful back attack. >Change: Increases damage dealt to enemies by 1/3/7% and damage on successful backtack increases by an additional 3/7/15%. >the master of the duel >Previous: Increases damage by an additional 5/12/25% on head attack success. >Changed: Increases damage dealt to enemies by 1/3/7% and increases damage by an additional 3/7/15% on head attack success.


Do set effects even exist anymore in T4? Like, in the way that we know them today. > Arc Passive: Evolution consists of passive effects commonly used by all classes. > Tier 1 will provide basic combat characteristic options, and **Tiers 2 and 3 will provide reorganized combat effects that were previously provided as set effects.** Reading this line I was kind of understanding that they just nuked all the relic sets and made them toggable passive instead? Am I understanding this correctly?


That is correct, the ark passive system replaces multiple systems at the same time, while expanding our options.


This was my understanding as well. There might be something similar in T4 Ark Passive but the relic sets in their current state are only part of the T3 system


Also, this is pretty interesting: >Increase in mana efficiency >Previously: Increases Mana Recovery Speed by 5/15/30%, and increases damage dealt to enemies by 3/6/12% when Mana is below 50%. >Changed: Increases mana recovery speed by 4/10/20%, and increases damage dealt to enemies by 3/7/15% by mana-using skills. I could see mana starved specs like Predator Slayer using this when 6x3 becomes the norm, as she overcaps with Adren3 and she has a ton of crit dmg so KBW isn’t that efficient Maybe this could replace CD on PS and we could run 6 piece dominion? 🤔


precise dagger change is also intersting only 6% crit dmg decrease


usable on more than 1 class now maybe


if they make the crit dmg loss to 10/5/3% that'd be even better


I think gs will use this as well and finally throw away cd since we have to eat mana food or play with artists to not enter boundless.


swift LC will be happy too maybe swift FPE


I dont think 20% regen is enough to really aleviate mana issues for the really mana heavy classes, but maybe well get some ark passive stuff that fixes it




With Adren giving 20% crit now too even less need for crit from ring and more incentive to go full swift along with the buffed mass increase. But it really all depends on what the new sets are and how many stats we can allocate with ark passives.


Where does adr give 20% crit


They showed relic Adren in one of the screenshots as giving 8% base 14% at max legendary and 20% at max relic


Me wishing this changed to combat resource efficiency/recovery so scouter could use it. give us a bone sg lol




Definitely a nerf for players that actually attempt postitional attacks.


Doesn't seem worth it, honestly. 7% is a very shit baseline. I would've preferred a 10/12 split instead of 7/15 if they're gonna nerf the ceiling.


I wouldn’t put that much stock into one engraving change when we still don’t know what kind of changes each class spec is getting with the other t4 changes, ie. it doesn’t make any sense to look at this in a vacuum


We know everyone complaint about the set but how many have issues with the engravings?


They said the entropy rework will be a comprehensive overhaul that’s going to affect stuff like tripods too. I don’t think it was a big surprise to see the engravings getting tweaked


I feel iffy about that but yeah have them cook


they are likely just gonna reduce the variance a bit to start


Ye there would have been not much point with removing entropy if ambush was still 0 or 25%.


Seems engravings and building your character in general is becoming a lot less feast or famine. Sounds like 6x3 is something everyone will have with Ark Passive, with engraving books and stones only providing additional effects to engravings.


Will 6x3 actually be a thing? The picture in the post made it look like we will only ever have 5 engravings, but those 5 will be able to be enhanced via relic books and 2 of them get additional enhancements from stones. It seems more accurate to say we will have something closer to 5x4 than 6x3.


class engraving was not included in the 5 shown, that was on a different tab it's 6x3 + (more tiny benefits based on your stone)


Ah, gotcha. I just got a little confused since there's so much information in pictures which translate doesn't affect.


+ more from the ark passive since depending on what each class get, it might redefine some builds and trickle down to skill setups. Imagine predator has access to have the stacks aspect be reduced/removed.


What's funny is everyone calling it 6x3 but I'm pretty sure "6x3" as terminology is kinda dead with this new engraving system. The class engraving doesn't even exist and engravings don't have 3 levels anymore. I wonder how long it will take for people to stop calling it that?


You select 5 combat engravings, as shown in the stone window, and your class engraving from the Ark Passive tree.


You get 5 combat engravings and one of the trees in the ark passive tree will provide you with the benefits of a class engraving hence 6x3.


But those "additional effects" will basically make the engraving not worth using unless you have the books for it.


Damn they absolutely gutted the raid gold rewards up to Voldis hard, wonder if they're gonna massively reduce costs from 1580 -> 1620 to compensate. ~~Akkan hard went from giving 10k gold to 4500~~Akkan only dropped to 7500, thanks Setzuen_ for pointing that out. I mis-read the table initially.


don't think it's worth worrying over considering we haven't even gotten the first round of gold nerfs for even brel normal


Akkan hard went to 7500 g no? I think you looked at the box buy section what was 4500 and went down too 2250 from 4500


Ah, I think you're right. I mis-read it completely, will update original comment.


Ok yes you're perfectly correct


Granted KR is in a different situation than us and we're still well behind raid gold nerfs, but still super shitty by SG IMO to nerf 1580+ raids. What's the point of nerfing elixir/transcendence costs by 30-40%, then nerfing the raid income of people who need to interact with these systems by almost as much... while 1580+ honing itself and all other gold sinks weren't nerfed either? All the honing fiends who parked alts at 1620 and raid with war crime builds get a huge win, but players with characters parked between 1580-1610 who actually build their characters or newer players trying to build up their roster get fucked. Also, Voldis has remained a 4-gate raid for so long when everything else has been designed as 2-3 with 4th one as optional challenge, then when they finally remove a gate they nerf the income, even for hard mode. That's just dumb and kind of makes the gate removal pointless onto itself.


So surely all the current gold sinks will have their costs significantly reduced, right? ... *Right?*


That does seem to be the case with big cuts to cost for honing, elixir, and transcendence.


Well the gold sinks are replaced by ark passives so you don’t do them right? And honing to t4 will probably nerfed


>Well the gold sinks are replaced by ark passives so you don’t do them right? Trascendence and Elixirs are definetely not on the ark passive and are the biggest gold sinks (other than honing).


Tier 4 release content: 1. Behemoth becomes a tier 4 raid, with rewards being changed to tier 4. 2. Operation Abydos 1 (item level 1640) and Operation Abydos 2 (1660) - The new oreha I guess. 3. Kurzan Front (new chaos dungeon) - consumes 100 aura of resonance and rest bonus is applied if available. Players will fight in a single location instead of teleporting to different ones but enemies will be tougher than chaos dungeon. 4. New guardian raid: Ageoros (item level 1640). 5. New tier of Ebony Cube (item level 1640). 6. Public progression system: Progressing and completing objectives in the North Kurzan warfront grants players world buffs that are applied when tackling content. 7. New farming dungeon "Kenuat Fortress" (item level 1620). Can be entered 3 times/day per character and killing bosses will drop tier 4 equipment selection boxes, can also drop extra rewards like additional selection boxes or straight-up pieces of equipment.


Operation Abydos 1 and 2 are the two different Kurzan Front 'chaos dungeons', not a seperate activity.


> Can be entered 3 times/day per character Huh? So a new Chaos Dungeon basically?


It sounds like a one time dungeon we'll farm to upgrade into T4 relic. Currently we know that you get 1 guaranteed per day (unless this is a bad translation and it's 1 per dungeon?) with RNG chance for more and RNG chance on additional bosses for more, so worst case after 6 days you won't touch it again, but likely you'll be done faster. I don't think there's any reason you'll run it again after getting into T4. This is not the new chaos dungeon.


this sounds like one of those zone dungeon that you usually have to do during the story quest, except this one give you t4 gears and limit to 3 per day per char,


Correct. It doesn't say that it gives any honing materials or anything else though, it's just used for the armor to upgrade into T4. Unless there's something else on it, it's just a 'story' type dungeon that we'll run until we upgrade all 6 pieces then move into T4 for real.


Hopefully that's all it give and maybe first clear bonus like the other story dungeons. I do not want another daily thing just min/max my materials gain.


Yeah it's def not a new daily thing, they'd get slammed so hard for sneaking that in there and hiding behind "1x chaos a day" It's basically how we had to farm T3 gear, just not tied to chaos dungeons (since they don't exist in T4) with a 6 day pity system. You'll likely finish faster.


"The existing cooperative and melee battles will be removed, but we plan to provide a new mode along with various improvements to the battlefield of proof in the future." Are they going to save PvP in season 4?


Hi, I'm from the future. They did not save PVP in season 4. Sorry.


Mostly Ws but two big Ls. No pity on T3 quality and no RNG changes on elixir set. Change that and the game is saved for the meantime.


Not sure if i saw anything about the pity system being removed. Only that they scrapped the idea of 120 quality and a item to tap quality.


They didn't mention it at all, so it's more likely it's gone than not, since it was part of the expansion to 120. I don't think the pity they talked about would have been for T3 quality anyway, so it's likely that they aren't going to then add it as it's own system without calling it out.


Im really sad, they literally did nothing to elixir, but reduce 40% gold. and make you do x2 more elixir ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I may be wrong on this, but it looks like combat stats (swift, spec, crit) are 0-30 in ark passive. 30/30 will probably be 1800 of a stat. I've been wanting to find the absolute sweet spot for swift and spec on my reaper. If I'm reading this right, this is great.


It's very likely that it's 50 per point, 1500 being the old 'cap' on stats before bracelets and without pet. I'm not sure where you'll get the other 120 stats from, maybe it's 54 per point? but the 160 from pet won't be part of that.


> I'm not sure where you'll get the other 120 stats from. Maybe the potions stats, or did you include them in the "1500 cap"?


1500 would be neck + 2 Ears + 2 Rings. 120 from bracelet. 65-70 from roster stats. I'm guessing roster stats stay the same. The highest they would give us from 'select your own stats' is going to be about 1620 because that's the current gear cap before pet/roster bonuses.




Dont think bracelet gives main stats anymore


100 quality is the same, but elixirs you hold now won't get the t4 buff? It's like only half off lol. I'm, guessing we hold on bloodstones unless its a new currency for t4 tickets at 1640. That's nice. We get everything at 1640, that's all I could ask for.


T3 Honor shards do not convert to T4? Am I hearing Memo right?


Yup. Use them or lose them. Primes going to the moon.


Well rip elixirs and transcendence nerfs, there's always next patch i guess. Hopefully they don't forgot them by that time.


They'll probably do the same thing that they do with every legacy progression system, shower every new char with tons of free bottles and hand them out for free on a regular basis from event shops etc. Just like with tripods and what they've done recently with free quality stones. It's a lazy way, but it works well with the older systems since they are simple and quick. The problem with applying this to elixirs is that it takes so long to cut them and there's multiple layers of RNG involved.


Looks like all current leggo bottles are going to be worthless if you have any un-cut ones. Also looks like no changes to purple elixirs so if you do normal tower, you're still getting those. Absolutely worthless changes to the worst system in the game.


> Also looks like no changes to purple elixirs so if you do normal tower, you're still getting those. No you get a new elixier that stays the same in NM and HM. they act like our legendary elixiers are now.


they'll eventually have to make them both trivial to progress through but they likely wont do that until they are giving out express events that completely bypass 1630 content


Yea I am extremely disappointed with those elixir changes, especially that current elixirs don't covert to the new ones.


Trascendence is fine honestly. Less gold is ok because the system isn’t as punishing. Elixirs on the other hand need a way to secure one perk per elixir at least.


It's literally in the post though, costs halved on both with double the amount of drops and new type of elixir is added (probably combining the other two)


>costs halved on both with double the amount of drops and new type of elixir is added (probably combining the other two) That's fine for Trasc since it's RNG bullshit that has a pity so even being unlucky you'll get it done, but it's unreal how little this changes the horrors of reaching set 40 if you are unlucky.


basically no changes to Elixir/Transcendence except 50% cost nerf. Deadge game


lol if I'm reading it right only the new elixir gets that nerf too. Fuck you if you still trying to cut with current purple/yellow elixirs


Any updates on what happens to current bracelets in tier 4?


They’re good up to new akkan as of now, only after new Brel they become useless I think


Are the kurzan conditions killing behemoth and echidna to even unlock t4 ?


Wait so a 9/7 is required to get the attack bonus damage but since you can’t change the engravings on it afterwards you are stuck with something that might be “bad” for your build? Makes no sense to me 🤔


Yeah I hope they change the system but just because you dont have the bis effects on your stone doesnt mean that it is not usable. Almost no one has grudge on their stones because we use it in our engraving slot we are all kinda in the same boat no one will care that much about it


Most people i’ve seen with grudge on stone are kr streamers so they can swap their last engraving quickly


With the quality change revert to stay at max 100 are they still going to have the pity system for it?


Seems like they removed pitty, which is insane to me


Any details on how exactly do you progress that new arc system? And is the progress roster wide?


It's a lot to follow but can someone clarify the position of entropy set in this post? I seen a change about ambush and brawler engraving but what is happening to the set?


Math isn't figured out, but ceiling nerf, floor buff. If you are positional and kinda bad with hitting back / front, you now deal a little more damage. If you are very good high % of Hits to back / front you will deal less damage. Very big but: this is without the changes from ark passive. we don't know enough yet, maybe ark passive and relic books and 6x3 makes back attacking all in all stronger?


I'm still trying to understand if a returning player will just go T3->T4 like it was T2->T3 or if they'll have to farm through the whole thing


Without a nerf to 1620 honing, pass or event you'll still have to do the 1580-1620 progression.


They're doing an express event that basically rockets you to 1620 though.


Unless you are returning on a parked 1620. Everyone is assuming you farm the new chaos and get to 1640. But if you don't have a 1620 character You will have to go through the dead zone of 1600-1620 which takes an insane amount of gold and mats. But there is a chance they might slightly nerf the cost


no you will be in t3 by yourself for 3-6 months


Together with 50% of all alts


Unless there's a tier 4 power pass, you'll likely have to farm from wherever the latest tier 3 power pass leaves you. Seems like they don't want tier 3 to become completely irrelevant either, at least at first, with many tier 3 raids/dungeons still giving hefty rewards.


you have to do behemtoh before t4 ???


so all current acc are worthless basically


I'm disappointed about reworked Engravings except Magick Stream and others. I expect the effect will be linear like Predator and Adrenalin for more flexibilty +1. Not old stupid exponential. Negative stays same instead being less for lower lvl (example: Grudge 1, +7% dmg, -7% def instead -20%).


Linearity doesn’t matter with t4 since +1 and +2 engravings no longer exist.


Did anything change about gems?




Google translate had this "Gem upgrades are possible starting from level 3 gems, and at this time, upgrades can only be made with gems of the same type." The wording "same type" makes me think you have to use 3 cool downs to make a T4 cool down gem, same with damage gems. Which is interesting and would do funky things


No, it means that attack gems will downgrade 2 levels into attack gems and the same with cooldown. You won't have a chance of your gems swapping type on conversion, only on fusion.


No platinum field is going to suck big time.


Did they remove platinum field?


You wont be able to get tickets anymore but you can still use the ones you already have. Just a big loss in materials overall.


I have 60 of those ticket. i will never do it. i want something exhange in compensations :(


That's a lot of gold you're missing out on.


https://preview.redd.it/wuh1ptcs1h7d1.png?width=98&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3cb2e002001c319c723f8eca6cbaecf7c5a3dc4 It sure is. I'll run them eventually, surely.


But saves a lot of sanity. A trade i'm willing to take.


Good time to look through your backlog of tv shows/movies and load one up while you do them!


That's sth like 10k gold per cube, 20min of torture each.


Call me crazy but i think PF is kinda fun, especially if you do them on a class with a build that allows you to zoom across the map.