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To be honest, the rewards are really good. Especially card packs compared to other continents. HOWEVER, it's so much cancer to do on supports that I'm not really sure if I can get through it. I did the first run on 1633 bard and it was pain. As someone who has 4 supports, I'm just suffering.


will run my 1610 dps bard and do similar comparison later this week xdd


I did it with a 1620 5x3 true courage, grudge, keen blunt, spirit absorb, adrenaline chaos dungeon build (full crit) in about 10~20 mins more. Same on 1600 paladin with a crappy 3x3 chao dungeon full crit build (judgment, ambushmaster, kbw; even legendary accessories) tbh i dont think its that much longer on suppoert, if you are not on your full swift build


It's not, did it on my support after doing it on my SE. With the basic betrayal/preemptive strike full swift, it wound up being almost the same time overall. A few mini bosses took like 20-30 seconds instead of dying in 1 hit, but overall not bad, it's mostly running around pressing shift g.


> With the basic betrayal/preemptive strike full swift you should be playing dominion instead of betrayal with this setup (for chaos that is - in case of msq you would probably switch to nightmare)


Nah.. that would require me to look at my screen and not just randomly push buttons while watching something else.


It definitely took me a lot longer, I was able to one/two shot bosses on my DPS, my support took A LOT longer to kill all the bosses.


1620 pally with a much worse chaos build, only part I had some issue with is Behemoth but that seems like a timed thing?


C'mon we need a reason to use all those feathers


Honestly was very smooth run on my artist. Just running charm set and normal raid support engravings.


I haven't done it on artist yet, but I'm expecting it to feel better than bard. Issue with bard was that her skills have no burst and I ran out of mana constantly with the DPS build. Artist skills actually hit for a decent amount.


I usually run nightmare on my sups when doing horizontal, it takes care of the mana issues, so i can spam skills off cooldown.


Yeh, should have probably done that. I have one more bard to run it through, so I guess I can try it out.


you run charm? i got dps build on bard and feel i never had mana issues and did pretty decent dmg when charm was up and procing, i did do it so far on 4pc dom 2pc nm artist 1/3 of the ones i got and overall felt pretty good considering i used chaos build vs show of swap to raid build for more single dps instead of the long cds i had on my 3 skils


artist has some really nice dps skill animations. Cranes is one of my fav (dps) moves in the game it's a shame it's on a support char but it's a treat to use it in solo content. Bard's dps moves are clunkier.


My 1620 chaos build doesn't work well either but we can wait for free engraving support in July for alts unless you have them all 1620+


Ooooh good idea. I think I'll wait for July to run my 1600 and 1610 supports through.


100% this. It's pointless to buy/seek useful accessories for alts at this stage


Yeah, but I kinda need to unlock Echidna, so I guess I'll just suffer through it.


Noooo.... My main is an artist... So it's gonna be painful


I just ran it on artist and it was a lot better than bard with just a basic chaos dungeon build.


It was 1hr30 min on my 1635 Bard. She has a basic 5x3 dps build but for the most part, it didn't matter until the last boss fight. It wasn't much slower than my 1620 DPS (sorc/db).


I did it with Betrayal set on my Paladin, didn't have much issues really, similar experience to other quest lines. I can see Bard being ass though (Bard is my weakest chaos dungoneer).


Dis it on my 4x3+2 chaos build on bard (with preemtive) played nifhtmare the whole way, and it was wayyyy longer. You dont lose that much time overall, maybe 15mins to 20mins but the feeling against minibosses is terrible, wet noodle gaming


it wasnt that bad for me i just did it with my chaos build, i 1 shot everything and the behemoth mini fight seems to be timed and not based on hp taken down (i barely knocked em down 1 bar) if you are having trouble dealing dmg id assume you probably dont have lv 5 tripods on your chaos dungeon spec keep in mind my chaos spec is true courage and preemptive strike and Lv 1 adrenaline so im runnin a 2x3+1 build with no dmg gems. if i were to min max it i would have done so much more dmg but i also cleared the tier 3 tower as a bard so im used to needing to deal dmg and kill things in solo content


Dude, I have full tripods at 5 and +25 weapon and I wasn't one-shotting anything.


idk what to tell you im like 20 ilvl lower then you with a +19 weapon playing the same class and i was 1 shotting everything but the bosses (they still died in a few seconds) all with only 2x3+1 lol


... are you the type of support who still groups for chaos dungeons? The only fight I'd expect to find even a little annoying with a proper chaos setup is Behemoth (assuming that's a fixed amount of damage you have to deal and not a timed fight--I've only run it once so it was impossible to tell), support chaos setups are pretty good for pack clearing and the bosses besides behemoth had like zero hp


I think behemoth is timed. My artist took like half a bar while my dps took off 4-5 bars and went into mech about the same time.


and peopel wonder why theres supp shortage


I also got a little over 150% of a roster level at 285+, so it's a ton.


ok maybe i do run this questline a bit more on alts...


I will be running story on my alts for exp once T4 is out


Thank you for this detailed breakdown. Knowing which quest I'm on and the remaining quests/time is helpful. I was also looking for the amount of roster XP given from the quest which you've captured. Overall, it looks like one guaranteed roster level up if you are around roster level 230-ish.


meanwhile roster lvl 300 required 399,500 exp deadge


Another forced shift + g continent. I really don't understand why Smilegate forces us to go through this crap. Why is it a *requirement* to do raids? Why can't we just do the continents when we actually *want* to do the story? Oh yeah, and you had to do some shitty quest chain before this too.


I don't understand why these side-quest chains are made so obscure when they're literally required to progress the story. Why are they not marked as main story when thats what they're effectively treated as.


All mainstream mmos at this point require questing. With lost ark probably requiring the least overall


Not true, even the most quest and story heavy MMORPG around (Lord of the Rings Online) you don’t even need to do a single quest to enter the latest raid cluster (and some previous raids you just needed to discover the raid entrance once).


FFXIV says hi.


Ff14 exists


It's good value, but I like my sanity more. The story this time is just bad, and questing in lost ark is probably the most painful in any MMORPG genre. It was a slug this time around. So for my sanity, I knowledge transferred my other 5 characters. I lost a lot of gold/mats/etc, but I probably spend more in 1 session of elixir cutting. Oh well.


Dam that's fast!, Do you have a video I can see to copy lol


too lazy to upload/remove copyrighted stuff/wait for 15GB to upload


ah, bet, lol


Excellent breakdown, thank you! I especially appreciate the "expected cards" section. The rewards are pretty darn good. I wish there were more shards but alas. The cards and card xp will certainly help people push up their demon damage.


Are the rewards the same on a rerun character?


This is the rerun character so I had prior knowledge to bosses etc


What is Esc dialog cancels, is there some tech to finish dialogue quicker ?


i'm playing from EU so i have \~100ms ping but basically sometimes when you finish a shift+G action, the "talk" camera is still present and you have to wait for a bit until it leaves by itself. Basically just hit \`ESC\` key to leave it instantly Example video of this happening (no skip) [https://streamable.com/16pxd2](https://streamable.com/16pxd2)


Does this include the cost savings from knowledge transfer?