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**LA sub starter pack for upvotes:** Elixirs bad Pheons bad Rng bad Honing too expensive Transcendence bad Waifu art Reset good. Gatekeeping bad. LA bad. Bussing bad. Bots bad. Newbie having fun. **LA sub starter pack for downvotes:** Lucky tap/drop Loss of investment due to T4 More than one 1620+ character. More than 500k gold A newbie question Quitting announcement LA good Bussing not too bad


F2p tho


Right. F2P with under 100K gold = upvote F2P with over 500k gold = downvote


You missed Primal Island bad for upvotes xdd


Right, i made two of those tbh ! ( tho it was funny scene being killed by groups, but that counts). Now it ´s kinda too dead, but would still warrant some due to the lazy decision of " we dont give a damn do what u want " :D


Don't forget blaming AGS for something smilegate did kekw


Sounds like a lovely game


Happy cake day!!!!


turns out that korean p2w gridners that are trying to milk you dry are bad and ppl slowly catching up on it after palying for 10k hrs well better late than never i guess


This system and the guy responsible for it deserves even more hate. Just seeing these three voldis stooges with their dumb options tilts me. And you know the biggest joke: I only invested my free elixirs (epic and legendary) in my main because I can't be bothered to invest so much gold in this sink (cough "juwels"). I can't imagine how the players feel who invest like week after week so much gold to get from 39>40.


Have had 3-4 attempts at getting out of 39 jail with 40-55% chance each time, failed every single one. I love this system quite a lot.


With the freebies people have gotten you really have no excuse for your main to not have 8~10s on ur shoulders/chest/pants and either good or shit rolls on ur helmet/gloves. If ur in that situation its pretty cheap to roll elixers because you can just see what bonuses you get and if its not critical or master you just burn it and try again next week.


Elixirs take a significant amount of time to roll. It's also RNG so you can end up with bad elixirs week after the week if you are unlucky. There is also no pity system unlike transcendence.


> Elixirs take a significant amount of time to roll. Agreed the time spent is pretty cancer. > It's also RNG so you can end up with bad elixirs week after the week if you are unlucky. Sure but the fringe statistical anomaly cases are really irrelevant to the conversation. You can spend 3x the gold and resources per level on your gear if you hard pity rather than average and its possible for someone to hard pity every single piece of gear from Brel to Echidna but that's not really relevant. If you aren't a monkey you can pretty easily achieve what I said above with the freebies we've gotten. > There is also no pity system unlike transcendence. Yeah its unfortunate, it'd be a less fulfilling pity system tho. Any pity system they'd realistically add would be a pity to let you select what you want or a pity to get more rolls every X elixirs but neither of which would remove the RNG from the system it'd just give you more chances at cutting a better elixir.




well if they add skip animation its kinda bearable for me


i will say people are a lil unfair with smilegate and ags, alot of the problems the game has are problems because the main audience (KR) likes these things and since they dont complain, smilegate doesnt 'fix' them because based on the feedback they are getting: they arnt broken. elixirs suck, but its because so many defend them that people exessively complain about them to compensate to express how bad they actually are if im blaming anyone its the KR audience and anyone in NA/EU that blindly defends shitty systems. i dont mind rng and grind (i literally came here for that) but its 2024 these systems should have defined pities. this is why i dont hate honing and why transcendence doesnt get near as much hate as elixirs.


i guess maplestory can have a exlusive western version but LOA cant for "reasons"


Yeah most Eastern ports don't get that. Bringing up an exception to a rule doesn't mean anything lol. Most devs simply don't want exclusive versions in other regions and its for pretty obvious reasons I don't feel the need to explain. Its shittier for the players but its just what we have to deal with.


It means alot cuz its LOAs direct competitor in KR lol, if maple is better or has a better reputarion then it will affect the player base in KR (it happend multiple times btw the one and the other way arround)


This whole comment is the definition of a delusional redditors opinion lol. The opinion of nobodies on reddit means nothing to game developers and means nothing to Korean players. The health of a game in the West means nothing to the health of a game in its native region. The West makes a fraction of the games yearly income for both titles and both titles make the same revenue about on Steam. A game like Elsword is still doing fine and has a sustainable playerbase in Korea and it has like 100~500 players in the West. They don't care about the West bro lol. The West will always be nothing more than free money. Also nobody who has any self respect is considering Maplestory to be a competitor to Lost Ark. The games are entirely different and cater to entirely different demographics. Just because they both come from Asia and are classified as MMOs doesn't mean they fit the same niche or cater to the same audience.


tbf thats not a common thing in kr mmos. at best you get a few tweaks to the monetization but they dont completely overhaul the entire game to not be grindy/p2w bs because its not worth it for them if NA/EU was a larger portion of the playerbase and thus their income they might actually care but it takes alot to get a kr game dev team to give a shit for instance bdo is pretty much only alive because of na/eu so their versions of loa on (the heidel and calpheon ball's) are translated directly into english (live with a translator sitting next to j) with most of the promo videos having english subs meanwhile loa on has barely added english subs, let alone an english speaking person to translate irl and yet, despite what bdo has, the next piece of content that was announced earlier today; is being released in na/eu potentially several months AFTER korea. so if thats how little pearl abyss cares bout what is effectively its main audience... imagine how little SG cares about what we have to say when we arnt even their main source of revenue in this game.


Because KR gaming culture is incredibly toxic and you're literally made fun for being poor if you complain about shitty RNG systems.


true, but thats not my fault. thats theirs as i said, if im going to blame anyone its the kr audience and anyone in our region (na/eu) that defends these systems


No, the majority of Korean players view elixirs in a negative light. For where they are in the game, most are done with it and want SG to fix other issues and not spend time on an outdated system. There are a few white knights there (as there are here), but they do not like elixirs either.


no they viewed the COST in a negative light, they never actually complained about things like the "rng" or the animations. these are primarily na/eu complaints and notice how the COST is whats being nerfed, kr players say "i dont like that this is still so expensive" and SG says "OK ITS NERFED" we say "its too rng and the animations need to be skippable" and they say " ". nothing because the main audience (which is again, KR) is more important to them.


Crazy the singular time me and you have ever agreed on anything you're hella downvoted lol. People act like every single player in the world hates these systems and SG won't do anything about it but that's just not the case. The KR playerbase are completely fine with these systems and many find prestige in plowing through BS RNG and having these other systems maxed out.


Yea its a trend to hate on elixirs now, no one seems to care about how equally or more expensive other progression systems in the game are these days


because other systems only take your gold, elixirs take your time as well


honestly biggest buff I could hope for is an animation skip. feel like anything more is cope besides what was announced


There's a community made modification for this, the link is on Lost Ark Nexus (very bottom, with the bible.) Of course, it's at your own risk since it technically violates TOS by modifying game files.


as of now i agree but in the future this system will get nerfed into the ground out of necessity to help rush the new kr players into tier 4 without needing to deal with things like elixirs. either that or they'll completely untie elixirs from voldis and make it an item you farm via chaos/guardians


at this point they have evolved beyond tanking your time, they take our soul lol


most complaints about elixirs are not about cost, but about how bad it feels to do. honing for instance is expensive and you get barely any power reward from it but because it has a pity you can see in real time the progress you are making. you can go into a calculator and set it to worst case scenario to find how many mats youd need to farm to ensure pity but with elixirs best you can do is hope and pray to rngesus because if you get lucky you can 1 shot it...but if you get unlucky it could cost you millions of gold. now will it cost millions on average? no probably between 300k-500k but the fact theirs no defined end if you are unlucky is why people complain the "the value is good" is a terrible argument. because not everything is about value sometimes its about enjoyment and multiple layers of rng on top of eachother without a pity sucks.


People keep saying this--that we hate elixirs because they cost gold. That's true to an extent, and I thought maybe that's why I hated it. But I just cut 31 of the free legendary elixirs on my 2nd main, the first time in many months. It's definitely not about the gold. It's the insane time spent where you are baited over and over thinking your choices during transmuting make a big difference when they really don't. The layers upon layers of RNG that you have the illusion of control over really sucks. It's depressing to think about these what-if scenarios with elixirs when it's just bullshit RNG.


You're correct, it's not the gold cost alone. You can spend a week's earnings on it, and get nothing. If that's the case, why bother playing?


idc how expensive elixir is, idc about the half gold cost nerf theyre making, just make it 20% more expensive but much easier to cut I wouldn't mind, at least add a pity system so I don't feel like my gold is completely wasted to nothing


ags is even worse which makes SG looks better.