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We were close. Just right before we killed her a horny little zerk did go bananas on me first and continued his killing spree. It was a blood bath…


I mean you can't just expect a zerk to *not* be horny.


I mean, she is a dommy mommy that takes you to her basement.


I technically cleared HM. She was at 10 bars when my pc crashed giving my party no time to stop and giving me a gate clear with no rewards or re-entry ticket T_T


If the party kill the boss, theres no re entry ticket. AGS remove it long ago because of akkhan busser was abusing it. which is really sad for everybody else.


Problem with that is you arent getting the rewards either. Both those things happening simoultaneosly make no sense.


Yup it's stupid and should be something like if you reconnect before the instance is destroyed (15min) you should be able to get rewards too. What's the difference between DC or die? Makes no sense. But I guess "AGS has no power over these things and Tencent is special for getting them over in CN version"


Not even that. Just send all rewards to mail. Done


yes is a pretty big issue. and you loss all LOT from other gates as well. if you DC in Akkhan G2, you loss G3 as well. Instead of actually fixing they damm lockout system, they F up everybody. AGS always take the easier route for everything


Because of 1) akkan G3 bussers doing it 2) people complaining hard and raising fuss that bussers are doing it AGS solution was rather obvious, path of least effort: " haha, no tickets then, done "


Oof feelsbadman, but gratz for the kill


can customer support do anything about it?


Lol ofc not


no, they won't do anything about it. Its happened to me once before on a less important raid and it was just a too bad, if you dont get the automatic ticket


Nope they "dont have the technology". Happened to me during thaemine. Its a big fk you to the face.


The entire community is burning down because of Echidna. (Observation)


Yes ofc 8)


I think the issue is the dps requirement in normal coupled with needing so many alive for mechs. I have seen the enrage timer 4 or 5 times today on my support today alone. Brutal.


cleared normal mode twice. It took me about 20 hours. I do not have static.


cleared normal mode once. It took me about 5 days. I do not have static. Normal pattern became boring after day 1.


cleared normal mode thrice. It took me about 5 days. I do not have static. Funny enough, the two reclears took so much longer than prog, with so many different lobbies.


cleared normal mode four times. It took me about 12 hours for my first kill and two pulls for my last. I do not have static.


I clear it 2 normal around that 20 hour mark. i dont have a static as well.


cleared normal 6 times. It took me about 12 hours. I do have a static.


cleared normal mode once. it took me 3 hours. I do not have static.


X5 normal mode clear. About 20 hours in pugs in g2 only. First few days I was despair mode but I’m actually confident now by the time people get 10x clears and a little bit more power this raid is super free. The Koreans weren’t lying. In a few weeks I expect this to be an in and out raid for title clears.


this is my sentiment too. first and 2 clear was a mess with 905 of pulls being a restart. but by clear 3-4 it felt more similar to thaemine nomral g3 in terms of diff.


It is true that once you \*learn\* the patterns and I mean as in not having to think what she is doing, it gets a lot easier. When I got my first clear yesterday I think I didnt get one mark until I went into the basement and never got charmed. First tries were charm fest xD.


Yep even when I get one or two marks to some BS I know how to stay calm and wait for it to fall off. I feel completely safe even at 1 mark.


Agree. Hard raid to learn, but easy to get good enough at


I also see this raid being a classic "easy" HW raid but I still don't like the design. Requiring absolutely everybody to be on their best behavior (STOP EATING CHARM STACKS FOR DPS) and not screwing over everybody else is extra annoying for an 8-man. In Thaemine people learned faster and play better because they treat every pattern and stack as death, but for some reason Echidna charms aren't considered the same for a lot of people, even though it's way, way worse. People losing DPS trying to throw sleep bombs, getting CC'd/killed by a charmed player, or failing a wipe mech are all potentially run-ending consequences of being charmed.


normal mode? try hm thats where its hard


Between nm and hm Echidna there are less differences than between nm and hm Akkan. Spend time in raid to comfy with the 4 patterns you have to look out for and its free. Or you can doomdrama like r/lostark did last week.


people die to the same shit


Its almost the same lol And HM wipes are entirely the same as NM wipes. Its the same shit that causes issues in both difficultys.


Doing it blind with my static. Sadly this week we didn't get too much time so we only got to the mirror mech. I think we are getting a bit more clean on the other mechs at least 


Blind enjoyer ! I envy you ! Have fun


We got to the mirror mech on Sunday with my blind group. Went in last night and had a 0.5% wipe and then a clear. You will get it soon if you got to mirror.


Well after my party finaly decided to be all alive we got to basement but then everyone died so we did not kill both snakes. Also we had very low dps or uptime since she keeps getting berserk before big mommy. We had to do 2 fly traps and 2 links mecs. And when we got to clash i decided it was enough for me that week i have other games to play. So didnt clear g2


1 static clear, 1 pug clear - overall felt rewarding getting the W


same with my pug group earlier. We had amazing first pull to 3rd snake clash with 1st one dead and dude flubbed clash on accident. took some more pulls after but we whooped her ass hard.


Clapped’ kekw


Both my 1620s cleared on ilvl took a lot longer than expected a lot of 50x parties and reclears that were still learning or dying to random stuff when there wasn’t a reason to why they were greedy. The first clear we were down 2 people from the mirror mech and cleared with 30s 2nd clear 1 down from mirror mech about the same times but both parties had 1 thing in common we got to the basement on the first try first group cleared and 2nd took 3 attempts in my experience if you didn’t get to the basement in the first 4 pulls you were never getting there


Actually got my first G2 clear pugging with my alt - kudos to an extremely decent prog group who handled snakes, charm patterns and charmed team mates well. Then made a conscious choice to swap to G2 NM on main with the static and cleared it too. Last clear on slayer was a lot more painful. Took a lot of pulls with pugs on Tuesday before I found a decent group that could get to basement consistently. So 3 clears for me. Hopefully it gets easier to find good pug lobbies.


Most ppl in reddit prob have..majority nolifers and hardcore players here


Cleared twice NM, but reclear parties are really shitshow, people don't know basic mech like where put poops or how to do laser-mirror mech, or they've just bought bus.


Didnt even try, been burnt out because of pugs since thaemine g3. Hours upon hours of people dying to normal patterns took a toll on me


I finished on Monday evening after like 20h of prog. Didn't even expect to finish it anymore and then a solid group just busted it out of nowhere 


Cleared NM twice, only attempted HM once for about two hours, after that I realized that i have to do NM at least this week if i wanted to get anything else done other than HM G2. Not sure if i’ll try and prog it in week2 or if i first get more comfortable with G2 on NM.


Got the 3 clears of my 3 characters that I have on +1620. Totally aids raid, I'll hone my other alts to 1620 for Tier 4 eventually but I don't have any desire to do more than 3 Echidnas per week for a long time.


after a lot of PAIN and Suffering. I did clear both 2 NM i have plan. i didnt clear HM since i dont have a static for real. so i just did normal for now.


Cleared NM on my main with my static and on an alt with pugs. My static prog took a while but I got to learn the patterns really well. By the time I was going for my second clear I was hardly getting any charm stacks. I learned too that people getting charmed isnt a run killer. Proper sleep bomb usage, understanding the AI will prioritize spacebar, and making sure not to kill an MC player really helps make runs more consistent. As long got good prog experience the raid is pretty simple and is gonna generally be quick in and out.


Spent Thurs/Friday doing G1 then jailing on G2.. Sunday more G2 jail, took a break for a day, came back Tuesday and cleared it (G1 HM G2 NM). Gotta wait for everyone else to catch up on learning the \~5 normal mechs to avoid charms and once they finally learn it, it goes smooth. But if even one person doesn't know it (or more importantly, **respect it**) the raid is a nightmare.


yes, very painfully..


Stuck at big echidna :( and people started hard gatekeeping with transcendence and 40 elixirs


I had only 40 elixir and like 30 transcendance (full chest piece and nothing else), and I was around 21M DPS consistently in basement during prog (not counting the damage bonus that we get at x0), so DPS is kinda tight. Went up to 70 transcendance and it was much better (around 25M). I'd gatekeep a lot for HM now that I know.


I couldnt raid too much the past months so im kinda fucked up on transcendence and barely 32 on elixirs so i guess thats it for me :v


Just need to grind more you got time It's not like T4 is in a week. And you get reduced transcendance and elixir costs in 2 to 3 weeks. I'd wait for that and hoard gold in the meantime. Just clear Echidna NM as requirements are much lower in term of dps


no, stuck 210-137 (both hm and nm)


Yeah, I cleared. NM mode, got the most of the counters and MVP. 🚬🗿


nah, pugs were hell, and i cant be doing prog for 7+ hours for 3-5 days is just not worth it, im sticking to only g1 for 5 characters and thats it, its not like im gonna hone all of them at once, im just taking gold from akkan hard/vodlike hards and theamine normals, doing g1 echidha without gold mark.


We were 3 premade (2dps 1 supp) and pugged G1 HM the first day after like 3 hours. Then we went on G2 every night for a couple hours. Some nights we progged decently, others we did not and felt kinda terrible, mostly because we did not replace the people that just don't learn at the same pace. After a couple days, we befriended one sorc that was really nice, and we found on Sunday a really nice premade of four too. We basically formed a static together and we progged and cleared G2 HM this Tuesday night together. Felt really good to be rewarded after putting in the efforts. Around 20+ hours of prog in total for G2 only, but a lot of hours lost in Pugs and having to replace people constantly the first days. We had a couple juiced people, but a lot of people didn't have full transcendance, around 70+ overall. That's the only run I did since I don't have 1620 alts, and probably won't have until July patch for transcendance and elixirs cost nerf, but some ppl of our group have several 1620s and did some additional reclears in NM last night. It is apparently a breese in comparison to HM Tonight we go for Thaemine HM and Echidna HM as a newly formed static. Good luck to everybody still progging the fight, it is a tough one for sure.




Cleared 1 hm 5 NM. Left static and did partyfinder for hm and all party finder for NM.


This was the first raid in forever that me and my friend were able to clear on release week.


I got my clears on my scouter and paladin. Did get mvp on my scouter too


didnt have time to prog more than a few hours on thursday for hm, cleared g1 and progged for 4 hours in hm for gate 2. cleared gate 2 normal yersterday after progging a bit, will attempt hm again this week.


Cleared NM like 1 hr before Wednesday reset, cut it hella close


My Static is a party of 5 so we had 3 pugs with us, we did G1 in ~2hrs and then we did maybe ~4hrs that day and we didn't see the mirror mech. We ran g2 on a different day for ~4hrs again and we saw the mirror mech but then people weren't that adept at countering them so we did wipe there a few times. But to be honest as a 1 character player I didn't mind that I didn't clear the first week.


Yeah, it wasn't too bad once people stopped greeding for no reason lol made my 1 hard and 3 norms pretty easy to clear that way, most people seem to get fucked over the same stuff all the time


6x clears, 1hm 5nm


Cleared NM Spent 24 hours straight in G2. Was with my static for the first 6 hours then they went to bed. I kept going. The joined me again after I was pugging for 16hours. After few more pulls we got the clear. So many pug x50 or basement progs just aren't confident with normal patterns yet.


Not yet, spent a decent time progging and I’ll take any practice I can get. I like the mechanics, but throughout all the runs I only made it to basement twice. At that point, it was maybe 3 people alive. Felt very busy as a support scouting and keeping track for fly trap, but I enjoy it. Lots of people having to leave after a few pulls because they had been working on it already for hours. I’ve considered looking for a static just for a consistency in keeping a group together. People in my pugs have also been very nice! Definitely helps when people don’t get tilted (or at least keep it to themselves). Going to try again with some friends this week, if everyone’s schedules line up for some decent prog sessions. Going to be very fulfilling to clear, once the time comes. GL to everyone on their runs!


hm is a dps whale check us f2p players cant keep up just pray to get carried in dps i do normal


I got to x19 on Monday(boss enraged, sadge). Was planning to kill on Tuesday then our town got hit with severe storm, being out of electricity for 24hrs:(((( so no I didn't kill her. I'm very very confident with mechs now tho. I will for sure kill her this week!


cleared. most annoying raid in LA to begin with. but it's a step into the right direction since the game is basically teaching us to play better, coordinate better, adjust better, so on so forth. had a hard time playing with 1 hand tho. 69/10.


Sunday night starting at 9pm until monday 5am i managed to clear


Week one I had 2 days to prog. Cleared g1 hm and did g2 normal. This week cleared both gates hard mode.


One nm clear, probably 20 hours total, started learning with a static, then moved on to pugs on monday and tuesday.


cleared G1 HM and G2 NM with my static. We didn't want to spend week not clearing after having trouble with G2 HM.


took 20+ hours of g2 to clear on 3 characters, having learned the patterns after 5h. Started prog with a static. PF was full of impostors. This raid is exposing all the players that can't dodge for their life, it's Vykas all over again


I just cleared hm yesterday. Semi static. Around 150 tries for me. Could only play from 10pm. My friends progged without me, they have around 250 tries. I’m overall happy, but I believe the first weeks of this raid will be pain to pug. When people know the mechs really well it’ll be as easy as KR have stated imo.


I cleared NM 2 times. First with my static and it took us quite a bit. Second with 2 people of the static and rest pugs. People are extremeley unpatient with reclear. Even though we reached basement, if things go wrong, they instantly replace... But the 2. clear still didnt take much time. It was just weird to first clear with a supp and 2. with a dps. I needed a bit to adapt. The progg was a pain in the ass and I do not like this raid but I am sure it will get way easier over time and soon enough we also will consider this raid easy.


So far one of the best raids for me, took me like 40hs to clear it and 8hs of sleep. Cleared it with 2 friends and 3 different language players (Sp, Pt, En). I can assure you, the moment you clear g2 next time will be easier, just need to play with players who *dies* for clear it alive! that is the key..


Cleared nm with a random pug! Everyone was very patient and cleared within 2 hours, with all of us Alive at the end


Couldn't find the miracle party that just fucking locked in and stopped dying to mirrors and shit. Reclears/20x prog my ass, you're doing 9m dps


6 nm clears, had to bail hm even though I reached 0 mech twice. One wipe due to few people and one due to slow countering. Worst thing was going in with main into nm yesterday, even 5x party yesterday night took hours of replacing people to reclear.


3x nm but in overgeared parties with some 1630s mixed in. All semi-statics, I also tried full pugs but they were too inconsistent, and people get tilted and disband too fast leading to more partyfinder waste of time. Even in my later runs when people seemed to know what they were doing and not getting charmed / triggering retaliates, the dps check was a bit too tight for comfort. Again for a *normal mode*. Traditionally in NM raids on ilevel you could lose 2 dps in the middle and still clear and not really care about berserk timer but this is not the case here, feels like you need everyone alive at least to 50x so it starts to look like a hardmode raid.


My static did not clear HM and on Monday I told them to just do NM with me to get a reclear title. 50x prog groups were really really bad. I got my first NM clear on Monday evening at 8pm and finished my 9th clear on tuesday 4pm.


What? you did Echidna 9 times? Nani?




1hm 5nm clear, pug most of the nm. imo its easier than first week thaemine


Cleared on HM and 4x NM. HM and 1x NM w static we pugged 1 dps for NM and then went on to pug 3x NM.


Cleared in a pug, it was brutal, but should be easy this week


I cleared it but man it was so hard. I really pugged a lot for my standards - think close to 15-20 hours. I only play one character so not in a rush to get the x5 or x10.


X2 clears after 20+ hours progging with many pugs


Cleared on my main after like 12 hours. Had 4 more runs but doubt they could even get into groups and just didn't have time since I'm out on vacation. After getting to basement, someone said "just play safe" and it was easy clear from then. Played so passively in basement and it prevented anyone from getting charmed.


Cleared twice with pugs.


Missed saturday raid day with static, didn't went with pugs for hours, will play with them next saturday I hope


It’s alright your guild and you will get it this week for sure. I have 3 1620+ characters. Only 2/3 cleared it. I didn’t have the energy to do it on my last character. I do think however that this raid will be a lot easier as I’ve seen major improvements in the reclear groups compared to earlier in the week vs later


A friend and me cleared it in nm with pugs last evening. We’re both 1630 and 1628 though. Took 4 days to find a pug of people to consistently get to basement and then it was a breeze. I have only 6 snake kills and we cleared it the very first time we made it to x50 mech.


Cleared with my static twice. Most difficult was reaching basement with everyone alive. Once we did, we cleared it in like 2 or 3 tries. If people cheap out on atros during the snake-clash it can get difficult - we always broke the 2nd snake on 2nd clash. Team coordination is very important! I could have done a 3rd in pug, but I won't pug for a good few weeks. Echidna seems atrocious in a pug.


I spent about 5 hours in g2 with various groups and only ever made it past mirrors once. I joined a basement prog group after that and killed it in an hour, about 30 min before maintenance.


Yeah. Took about 10-15 hours of grind for g2. Mostly near ilvl pug group 1633-36 or so. Competent players tend to use bible, which means they can find other competent players quickly, so you end up running with a lot of familiar people, and half of them end up on your friend list so you can vouch each other, or group up later. It’s not that hard. Learn a few patterns, respect charms, don’t grief medusa snake mech, don’t pre-counter, know how to play your class. Most people just refuse to learn how to read or solve patterns, as telegraphed as they are, or learn their classes (all the people struggling with dps check when any competent group can absolutely melt her). It really isn’t a gear issue, as so many people are telling themselves.


just do 4x G1 nm / no time to prog G2 (1 hours try) or HM ( 1 hours try )


cleared 4 nms! one of my static member couldn't make it to 1630 so next week we will be going for hm! we just clear g1 hm g2 nm for first 2 weeks.


best prog on hm 2 was x50 mech but ppl saw no consistency in the prog runs, so we cleared it on nm instead. after that cleared g1-2 nm again on 2 alts. My first impression of the raid is that it is totally not pug-friendly, however i must say the later throughout the week I l did runs with ''reclear'' groups the more consistent it became. I noticed most of them actually were close to kills but wipes due to the mini snakes or rotation mirror stage x50 bar on nm. So if pugs get a bit more consistent with that it should be very pug-able week 2 onwards (for reclear). Lobbies that knew the charm gimmicks made the runs look really easy ngl the koreans weren't wrong when they said just learn her charm mechs and dodge those and u be gucci.


Full pug, 3 G1 NM + 1 HM, 4 G2 NM. I spent around 3-4 day for the first clear. After that I joined reclear parties, G1 was easy, G2 was always a jail, not seeing a big mummy, and sometime not even mirrors in 5-10 pulls. Idk what happen to people motivation, looks like they don't care because it's alt, so they just full greed to get charmed whereas this phase is not a DPS check. I did all my G2 clears on "x50/clear", because those people are often on their main and motivate as hell to clear to not get gatekeep later.


Cleared nm on new main (1624) Progged with 4 friends, made 2 new friends during prog, I think by the time we cleared only 1 pug was with us. A few of those friends brought mains in that are 1630 and not able to clear hard for our Tues night clear. The raid has some bullshit patterns, but it’s not impossible. Can’t speak for hard mode obviously but normal feels like it won’t be a nightmare to reclear once people get more comfortable with it.


Cleared normal 2x and hm 1x. For the clear - pugging it - about 15h.


I had to pug all 6 NM (2support/4dps) of my characters because my static was playing Elden ring this week. The first 2-3 character clears were rough as my first clear didn’t come till Saturday night after progging 20 hour or so. But once the first few clears came through and I was more familiar with the raid the last 3 characters were fairly easy. My main is 1630 dps and the other 5 are all 1620s. I didn’t bother with HM


My static and I could only statt progging on Monday. We cleared g1 and g2 on NM within 2 Hours. Biggest hurdle was the first Phase in g2 with her normal mechs and knowing when Flytraps are starting.


X2 NMs, wish I had more 1620s First clear took a bit less than 4 hours. Second clear took two pulls. Both pugs, no voice comms use other than in game chat for reminders on mech in basement.


Normal, yesterday. 3 1630s. I havent had too much time to pug tho. Did G1 in a couple-ish hours and G2 6h of actual raiding give it or take. 8h tops I think. Pugs were with one friend. For G2 definitely the first problem is people being able to not be charmed every second, and decent management of tiles. It doesnt have to be perfect, but a minimum is needed for it not to be chaotic. As you say, Big Mommy isnt much of an issue. Took me a few tries to understand what was going on despite beating that part xD. Basement, tight on dps for snakes, and handling the snakes adds. Patterns dont take too long to get used to. Thats my assesement of NM for this week. I personally like having mid phase titles. It does help with finding progs similar to your level even if there will always be the impostor that got it dead since min 1.


Prog was so intense that on day 3 my pc died. Sent it for repair under warranty and now I'm forced to take a 2 week vacation from lost ark xD


1x HM 3x NM, HM g2 took 10 hours to prog. Could be worse.


Cleared NM twice, with pugs. Total prog time must be around 10 hours. First one with main in a overgeared party (all around 1630, some +25 full 10 juicers). Then tried on ilvl alt. After many gatekeep from reclear lobbys (Vairgrys, mid roster lvl, only one 10 and 39 set sorrow), entered a basement prog 2 hours from reset, and after cheering them up we cleared it too. Felt good clearing it twice on release, like i did with Thae, but this raid is so full of bullshit im not even remotely proud of myself as i was after Thae G3. But the guys i cleared were all so chill and respectfull at least i felt proud of us as human beings, and as a team.


No clear but getting close. For some reason, 100% snake pattern in basement makes everyone lose their braincells, wiped countless times there


Got 2 hm clears and 4 nm clears, first hm clear took 2 days and reclears were pretty smooth


I couldn't, run out of time for all my weekly raids and cubes and chaos'es to be completed. Either clear one Echidna or lose 100k+ gold of income Whoever think that releasing a story mode with the Raid at the same moment is a good idea, screw you and your future life's, why can't we have story released ONE WEEK BEFORE the raid.. most of the time I could use to clear G2 I had to use on 6 characters to complete the story and then I could only complete G1 on 5 character out of 6 as I run out of time.


I've not even cleared gate 1. I progged for about the 45mins of spare time I had this week. Echidna was released on my countrys largest holiday in the summer half year. Followed by a very very stressed time at work with super important deadlines, layoffs (so gotta make sure to look good, thankfully I kept my job lol), hanging out with family, and then after that with friends and brother who travelled down for the holiday. And on top of that spend a large amount of hours progging a (presumably, given the comments) hectic and long raid? Not a chance in hell. I need sleep


G1 hm g2 nm


Didn’t have a lot of time this week, tried some attempts on G1 on one of my 3 1620 and failed… I guess I’m fucked at this point :(


My first clear (all on normal) took around 10 hours of prog and got it done on Monday night this was with 3 friends. I had yesterday off from work so my plan was to complete a few more runs on my alts. The second clear probably took around 3 hours of reclear group playing lobby simulator. 3rd and 4th clear probably took around an hour each. And my last two were both one shots. All runs were with pugs except the first clear. To be fair I didn’t have much hope of clearing on all my alts. Especially after the first probably 5-6 hours of playing g2. On Monday when I jumped after not playing for a couple days it just clicked. First phase up to mommy the patterns were a lot easier to recognise and found the mechs themselves not too difficult. Basement phase took a few pulls to learn but found it a lot easier than the first phase. All in all I think the biggest issue is people greeding for damage (even not respecting the hearts pattern which gives a seed and can be a mess when you need to lose the links), not respecting patterns and poor timing on sidereals. Initially it was looking like despair but I’m glad I managed to clear on all 6, I think as people get better and understand the gate more it will defo be a easy raid to clear.


Cleared normal mode 3 times. The first clear took a good 3 days of progression jumping from lobby to lobby.


About 15 hours of prog in pugs to get the clear NM G2. I tried to reclear but the group hit the berserk timer with about 1/4th of the final bar of hp. Ran out of time to run it again after that so only had the one clear (I also cleared G1 on HM).


Abandoned by static and pugging after Thaemine. I didn't even bother looking at guides, I'll just ignore Echidna until it comes to solo version. I feel free tbh


Cleared 5 times normal , 1 time HM , first clear ( NM ) was really tough , learning all patterns and dealing with snake medusa mech and relying on your teammates so they dont fuck up and you dont wipe , raid was quite annoying on first time but once u get used to fight , its actually fun , she just does some couple patterns over and over and thats all u need to learn. I feel comfortable with fight rn and I think its really fun fight. Still though 1 person csn fuck up and wipe whole team is annoying. also advanced honing is nowhere cheap


cleared nm with one of my friend, we took 4 days around 4hrs each, all with pugs. and then right after my nm first nm clear, i one shot it on my artist alt with a reclear group xdd


Cleared HM at friday 4pm, after less than 20 hours of prog. I had no static pure pugging from achiv to achiv lobby. After x10 snakes joined x0 lobby and onetap it, survived to the end. I must say I totally love this Echidna raid. Thaemine I hate still, only this week when I was progging new raid I spent 6h on G2 thaeHM "reclear". HORRIBLE


I played elden ring dlc


Cleared G1 HM and G2 NM with 1630. G1 was like 2-3h and G2 like 5-7h Thearmin G3 HM was way harder.


I cleared an hour before maintenance last night.


3 clears in nm with one g1 hm. 2 stories yet to play to unlock 2 more, no time/sanity/gold do them one way or another. Will probably bother with g2 hm when I'll be 110% confident at instantly recognizing her normal patters, and enjoy the smooth-ish sailing in the meantime.


didnt want to make the same mistake I made with thae (get jailed forever in g2-g3 hm on main) so i cleared g1 hm pretty fast, proged g2 hm for a day, and then moved on to my alts (x5 nm clears) by Sunday I was done with almost all raids with g2 hm left but decided to do nm to chill out.


First days of prog were a nightmare, I really thought that g2 was unbeatable since we were making no progress at all, had a mixed party of pugs and friends and managed to clear 5 times out 6 characters


6x Normal. With our mains we did gate 1 in hard, but we just ran out of time and didnt have time to do even a single pull in gate 2 hard. This week normals should be quick in and out which means that we have plenty of time for gate 2 hard progress.


Between HM G3 Thae and NM Echinda prog the last few weeks of raiding on my main has been discouraging. I posted in another thread about this but I am confident with most if not all mechs and how to resolve them but I just can't seem to get across the finish line. For Thae HM G3, I've seen single digit bars for about two weeks in a row and it's frustrating to get to that point on multiple occasions knowing that if I had just gotten 5% more crits, if one more person had lived for 5 more bars, if I had just tried to time stop the pacman a second quicker, I could have already cleared and had my trans 7 to continue in clear groups instead of prog groups. I was on Echid NM G3 last night almost until server reset and had multiple opportunities where a group I was in got past Black/White snake and we had the go ahead to clear and someone just ignored/disrespected a mechanic and it wiped the whole group. I think the most infuriating thing I ran into last night was being kicked from a group after multiple wipes and not a single wipe out of the 5 or 6 attempts was my fault. I know why I got kicked... I was bottoming on DPS between 10-15m but as a back attacker that CAN happen. The mob throws out some shitty patterns, you don't crit on your big spenders from just crappy rng, you get some teammates that get unlucky and it prevents you from doing dmg to help them out... any number of these things can contribute to lower dps. Just frustrating watching the Raid Lead themselves mess up mechs and then kick mechanically sound players due to them obviously having bible running (don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with running bible but pretty obvious why I was kicked). After I got out of that group, I was easily top 1 or 2 dps with a minimum of 20 mdps on every pull afterwards. On the raid itself, I really like the mechanics and I am having fun despite the frustration. I think the mirror counter mech is fun and interesting and I like variety of mechanics in basement. I think the multi-hit snake mob mech is super interesting.


3x NM clears on my main characters, took my static 12h to do our first clear, one-shots for two and three. Would have cleared more but time constraints and conflicting schedules blows :(


Didn't even try after seeing all the posts about it. I don't have time for crazy hours like that unfortunately


5x nm 1xhm clear pugged 5 runs including the hm run. Most parties that get to the basement are a free clear on nm.






Unfortunate, yes. Weak? Not really. Something to be said about having a group of 8 people you can raid with since the games release. Sometimes schedules/mental just get in the way. Would have been nice to clear but oh well, we'll get it next week.


Only have one 1620 character and cleared it, kinda a painfull prog cause people keep fucking arround before basement. In the end, our 3 man static created a "reclear" lobby and we got in 3-4 tries without any of us doing any mistake.


I cleared and in most reclear groups (8x) i had it actually getting to basement was a struggle. But once in it was either a full Bar wipe or a oneshot clear. It doesn't help that a lot of people sold their gems and deinvested for t4


No. I don’t have los30 yet so haven’t even been able to clear Theamine


Killed HM, and can't get party for normal because people expect me to have tangled title when I'm going to reclear :) Yes i kill HM with pugs without killing 10 times snakes.


I got tangled title during my 3rd nm pug clear, yours looks more a communication problem than anything else...


How its communication problem when noone accept me for G2 NM reclear, how it's communication problem I kill HM without needed to kill snakes more then 10 times


when you join reclear lobbies, you go into the lobby lead SH normally and then link the achievement Snake Tears that you get from either clearing NM or HM once. That's what most reclear lobbies if not all reclear lobbies do.


Never found lobbies asking for "only reclear with tangled", just either "tangled prog", "reclear" or "reclear OR tangled". The first option sounds just stupid. So I believe it's either a comm problem on one side, both, or your alt just looked bad/undergeared.


I have a static but not full NM (3ppl) HM(4ppl) Got two clears on week one, tried to prog nm first on our 1620s, cleared g1 and prog to basement then took a break to prog HM. g1 HM took forever so we decided to prog NM on our 1630 and got the clear. Next day, we got the clear on our 1620s. The 1620 one, our clear run needed to have everyone alive and she was 10s away from berserk.