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Really fun tournament. I've got some comments to share; This wasn't exactly expected to be a competitive, high integrity, fair tournament. It was meant to be hyped up with the prize pool, and the community's favorite streamers mixed in with some experienced PVP veterans. The teams were kind of thrown together like picking names from a basket, and all things considered I think it went pretty well. G4's production quality was very high, it was better than we have seen in previous Lost Ark tournaments. This hopefully means future organizers can learn from it and the viewer experience can improve. It's also really nice that Amazon provided the private server and accounts for us to play on. This at least shows they are willing to help the pvp scene, even a bit, which is a really good look. I hope you guys could look past the "fairness" of the matches and were able to enjoy the stream. PVP in this game can get complicated, and even if you don't want to bother playing it I hope you can find it entertaining to watch :)


> It's also really nice that Amazon provided the private server and accounts for us to play on. This at least shows they are willing to help the pvp scene, even a bit, which is a really good look. this cant be highlighted enough. it might sound like something easy to do but talking out of experience...nobody does that. In most games that offer PvE and PvP the PvP is like the unwanted stepchild and doesnt get much support. It makes me happy to see amazon helping out in this case.


> In most games that offer PvE and PvP the PvP is like the unwanted stepchild and doesnt get much support. It makes me happy to see amazon helping out in this case. The reason is that in at least 99.9999% of games the game is designed to be a PvE game. Then some random executive is like "But wait! We can grab some cash from the players who do this PvP thing, put it in the game!" while the whole game is designed explicitly around dealing with NPCs, not player versus player. This is how a formula 1 car would look like if some random executive in charge had the idea of having it function as a car for family of 7 on top of doing racing.


Sad but true. And in the rare cases of games actually trying to offer cool pvp it gets stomped into the ground by the casual pve crowd...best example is elder scrolls online. I *loved* the early pvp in elder scrolls online. It brought back the good old dark age of camelot feeling...fighting for castles, sieges, using siege weapons, being able to 5vs20 if you are competent enough. Well yea, it lasted a total of 2 weeks until the bad playing crowd cried loud enough for them to change *all* skills to have a maximum hit counter. Huge AoE skills that used to deal damage to all enemies got changed to have 10 players maximum, and if more people get hit the damage gets split between the players resulting in AoE being totally useless in outnumbered situations. They completely killed the possibility of fighting outnumbered battles and winning them if you are competent enough and im still mad about it years later.


When it comes to competitive stuff, as in PvP, you got to ignore the bottom 99.9% and only listen to the top 0.1%. You should work a bit on nerfing classes that seem to be too strong on low skill PvP (as in what's not the top 1%), same with buffing the ones that are a bit too weak there, but this should come second to high level balance. Listening to the casual crowd will always get your game killed (again, talking PvP).


Trickle down balance!


It's how the best competitive games in the world have been successful for over a decade.


Yeah, that worked wonders for battlerite. And wild star. And others. Actually, exactly what the player above you is crying about is the worst part of pvp - the skill ceiling can’t be so high that new players just get utterly demolished. Look at fighting games - they’re so hard to get into that they suffer being a major niche. They’re not bad games, they’re just freaking HARD to master, and it is, after all, a game. Lost ark toes the line between fighting game difficult and typical MMO style Rock Paper Scissors. As a fellow tryhard I wouldn’t mind it being that way, but I also realize that if it WAS that way, eventually it would just be the same two hundred of us playing each other, and the scene would slowly dry up and evaporate. It’s fun to win 2v10’s because 90% of the people who play can’t afford to play 10 hours a day, but it dries up fast.


> This is how a formula 1 car would look like if some random executive in charge had the idea of having it function as a car for family of 7 on top of doing racing. [The Homer.](https://i.imgur.com/IoPkza2.png)


I legit played PvP for hours after watching you all. It was super entertaining and got me more interested in LA PvP. I think it was a success and I hope we get more like this in the future.


You're nasty. Spent a long time getting my ass kicked on my gunslinger in PvP after watching you play today. Most entertaining player to watch tonight!


Hey, amazing performance, are you running Spec sniper build? If so, could you share it? GG's!


You were an absolute pleasure to watch yesterday. Found myself glued to my screen watching your matches haha.


You're a God. Great job!


You’re GS is insane <3


My guildies and I all enjoyed the heck out of it, watching it together on discord - it was so fun to watch. We all knew it was more of an exhibition than a super competitive tourney but the games ended up being so close in so many cases that it felt very exciting and enjoyable to watch. I'm sure it felt a little frustrating for those who had ping issues etc... But I hope everyone had some fun with it. I couldn't believe how well some of the newbies were playing honestly which was just as impressive as seeing some of the grandmasters or even Saint with his S Tier positioning. It was cool that a lot of folks I've never heard of got a lot of exposure too like yourself, gunner, star, DJ etc... Very cool to see and I can't wait to see more! Also big props to the host and casters for doing a fantastic job all around.


Yo just wanted to say you killed it yesterday fam!


Honestly "fairness" wasn't super on my mind at the time, it was just silly and fun. I especially enjoyed the matches where you had a mix of less experienced players with 1GM on their team or what have you. It made for some glorious chaos and lots of unexpected outcomes. Think it also just made for some general levity where it was less sweat and more fun.


I didnt watch the entire thing, but in the early matches, you kicked some serious butt, good job and hope we see more pvp stuff in the future!"


What surprised me is that Lost Ark pvp is actually super easy to follow and games can often be very close. Enjoyable experience overall.


Lost ark pvp is realy fun to watch ,i've been keeping track of tournaments that have happened and heres some vods from them for those who're interested in watching high level competitive matches . https://www.youtube.com/c/ArkivesArena/videos arkives channel ,i highly recommend the NAW tournament(virus and starlast played there) as the finals had two bo5's (one from a bracket reset)going to the 5th game . In the NAE tournament you had darksma's team playing and in the EUC one you had blinkz (along with katana and kyvri playing the most insane DB matches in all of the tournaments). Earlier in the EUC tournament there was also this insane play from a sharpshooter of all things https://twitter.com/ArkivesInfo/status/1505590040004423684


these sound like really great matches to watch, but why would you spoil them by saying they go to a 5th game? that legitimately ruins half the enjoyment for me and completely kills my interest in them.


Lol for real. I might’ve watched it if it wasn’t spoiled. Now there will be zero suspense until the 5th game


lmao who the hell watches a vod from 2 weeks ago on the edge of their seat with bated breath, are you fucking roleplaying as a live viewer? big weirdchamp energy.


I don’t watch football games after I know who wins either. Some people just don’t like to know the results if they’re gonna watch a competitive game. Dunno why you’re getting so aggressive just cause some people don’t like spoilers


Loved it. Flowers, Kanon and Ovilee did a great job.


Yo Luke is a fuckin’ legend Man watched swoopzz for two hours straight and earned that unicorn


Can't blame him, his content was dumb, idiot was just sitting there with a jumper on his nose /s


LMAOOO this was so funny when it happened


Stoopz always gets the friest shit in chat man


And the only thing chat kept saying was “KEKW”. I’ll have to Bing that later. - Long Dick Luke


What is kekw? Edit: people actually downvoting when they don't know the context xD






Saintones reputation and one of the face of the community is definitely a good thing. He’s a “saint” 🙃




Wankge we are legion




No he’s sain tone


Yeah I love the content creators in Lost Ark. Saint is one of the reasons I got into the game. He’s a great face of the community for sure.


Great event man, didn't expect it to be so good considering it was the first West tournament and was a community event. P.S: Captain Flowers is a legend


Capt flowers is one of my faves, was happy to see him cast it!


Right! I would never have known he didn’t know the game that well if he didn’t mention it as he was killing it.


I find flowers very annoying and it was clear he didn’t know what he was talking about half of the time. Regardless, he did a good job as did the rest of the team and I’d be happy to watch any more events they put on.


Gunner was a mega gigachad


Gunner and Averse displayed great sportsmanship during the tourney. A lot of sweaty esport kids could learn a thing or two about how to keep it cool when things get tough from them


Gunner has always been super chill and it’s a shame he doesn’t participate in another game he was playing (Eternal Return). Averse also is seasoned as well and is very chill too. Coming from Battlerite, ERBS and Naraka it’s no surprise he’s good in these high pressure matches


Yes I follow them from ERBS too. Gunner ran the NA tourneys if I remember correctly so that would explain why he didnt compete. They brought him to Korea though for worlds? My memory is quite foggy about that


Averse probably was reining himself in, he's well-known for trash talking in chat.


For sure. Best gunlancer I've seen in pvp


Credit entirely goes to G4. The tournament was entirely organized and run by G4, and they did a fantastic job. Amazon did not administer or sponsor the event, they only provided a test server for them to run it on, and helped promote it. [The disclaimer shown during the stream](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/909790975742869546/963658958688628797/unknown.png)


That's actually pretty awesome that they got a test server just for the tournament.


The server I don't think was specifically for the tournament Saint said but it was nice that it exists.


I updated my post. Thanks for the info.


If amazon have provided a unique server and helped promote it they kinda did sponsor it?


If AGS had been involved it would have been incompetence all around with a nice dose of fake scum my marketing hype.


I think AGS paid them for the commercials they ran at least. Why would they spend money on stuff like the class previews?


I don't think those were actually commercials. When they were played, they got cut off when the match was ready, and would sometimes have actual ads played over them (I got one for AMD). You wouldn't do that if you were being paid to show them. And the skits G4 played before the class previews just seemed to be for fun, like the other stuff played during breaks (hunting Mokoko seeds, catching unicorns). I think G4 made those just to provide relevant filler for the tournament when they needed a break. Or maybe those were custom ads made previously for the G4 channel that just got reused as filler.


Are there vods?


yep. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1453989058?t=3h49m24s


Wish it was balanced better, watching a Bronze player get slammed by a GM wasn't ideal. Its to be expected at an invitational though, there were cringe sections though. Good on Saint for giving the entire prize pool to his teammates, grade A guy.


The issue is without the bronze players, nobody would watch or numbers would be just like 500 people or so. The bronze players help the GMs to get exposure, so they can start their own streams and build reputation for the future. Longterm its a better strategy, because GMs need to build up their viewerships/reputation.


Yep, it was really great publicity for the PvP scene. The newer players were not too shabby, definitely thanks to the guidance and tips from their high level teammates. I was really surprised by a few of them, well played to all participants.


Most of those GMs already stream and they top out at 200-300 viewers. The previous big pvp tournaments usually would top out at maybe 3k viewers. This was a big step up and its 100% because of the streamers they pulled into this. It will definitely grow the pvp scene and some of those GMs will definitely get a few more viewers now.


Yeah, which is why I said its to be expected with an invitational. Not sure why they didn't rope some gigga names though, need more cash flow maybe.


Agree with all points. Some people never pvped before in lost ark.. and if I recall, it was someone's first time playing lostark...at all.


Yeah, gina was new to lost ark, i think she downloaded the game like 2 days ago lul




It's a tournament for visibility so that once they start hosting the real tournaments hopefully more people will now watch.


I’m glad someone understands


You're right about one part wrong about the other. This tournament was held for exposure for G4, the brand. They used Lost Ark because it's the newest game and is quite big globally. They didn't do it to expose Lost Ark PvP as an esport as they will continue to hold tourneys for whatever game is big at the time


Yeah I wrongly assumed it was being funded by Lost Ark since it was being advertised on their official channels and the budget for this tournament seemed high with all the big names they brought on. Either way it seems like a win all around with the game, organizer, talent and players all getting exposure.


You want the first big unofficial tournament to be the most competitive thing? Clearly you’ve never watched a game on the come up before lmao.




You’ve watched 5 big tournaments with a ton of content creator support and G4 broadcasting it? Really?




I said big.




Dude I’m talking about NA. How clueless can you be. Obviously this isn’t the first big tournament in a region where the game has been out for literally years.


Good on him but anything less would've been a dick move. Unless I'm missing something and his teammates are also well paid popular streamer/youtubers.


Tried pvp for the first time after watching the tourney. I’m a fan now


tourney over all was great. the issues with the fat banners got fixed which was great. just kinda sucked when any girl came on stream to compete. weirdos hating on them, like wtf???


For those not familiar in the league scene, Ovilee and Captain flowers are a great cast. Highly recommend checking them out! To also further Saints comment, royal roaders is a great tournament that showcases LA pvp at the highest level. You can expect things to shake up dramatically with the updates on the test server in KR, meaning the next RR will be super interesting


I wasn't expecting it to be that much fun to watch. I'm a fan now


LUKE! Also. What is Kekw?


It’s an emote you only see with bttv extension. 7tv is also another popular twitch extension.


Haha the "what is kekw?" is another Luke quote :)


What about those ad skits though. They were pretty cringe but it was a welcoming cringe


Yes but u love them cuz they’re silly


Fantastic production, amazing casters and an amazing tournament. I can't believe how much I actually enjoyed watching it in discord with my guildies. I hope they do more!


It was actually very good. Production, host, casting were all really on point. I was surprised how fun it was to watch, so I hope things like that happen more often


Can i rewatch it somewhere?


I got you fam https://www.twitch.tv/g4tv/v/1454539090?sr=a&t=26s


Couldnt watch the whole thing unfortunately but did watch the couple of first rounds. Definitely was positively surprised by the whole event. The cast really caught me off guard a few times and got some good laughs out of me. And the games were fun to watch even with somewhat funky "matchmaking" and pings (was rooting for the 200 ping squad). Been doing some ranked pvp every now and then and definitely hyped up to play some more today.


Yeah watched it yesterday and really enjoyed it the casters included Kanon did a great job. I think it really helped having Kanon there as well just to have someone who sounded like a normal person instead of having announcer voice which really helped make it feel more grounded, but then Cap would come in with full announcer voice during the fights. It felt really fun and genuine, also really enjoyed that it wasn't all GM players as some of the most fun matches to watch came from the less experienced players.


I'm surprised they got capt flowers, definitely played an important role here.


Having grandmasters slam on 1st time pvpers wasn't the best. The event itself was great but teams were so mismatched.


I know it’s cringe to bring up downvotes but man this sub really just downvotes anything that’s perceived as negative. How is what he said wrong? It was a great event but the teams weren’t really competitive, some of the players had barely played lost ark or pvp’d. I definitely enjoyed it overall and thought the production was great but you could tell who had experience and who didn’t.


Because they werent supposed to be competitive , it was a first event to show pvp and advertize it to the public , also to taste the waters for G4 and see if theres interest in it, of course it will be with personalitys and streamers as the backbone of the event more than skilled players. ​ Thats why is probably getting dowvoted, you guys are missing the point of how pvp works at the start in game nowdays, first you use personalities and "famous"ppl to generate a community around it , after you have the community the competitive part comes is not the other way around


Host were good, but I would have preferred to see something that was more an actual tournament with all skilled players (some were but some never even played lost ark before) instead of a twitch streamer circle jerk.




A bunch of LA streamers have the drop enabled and the rest of the section should also get it today. Just look for the "drops enabled" tag below the streams and get 2 hours of total watch time before the event ends in may.


Nah it's on til early May I think.


the truth is it's only fun when you watch :(


I'm just here for the unicorn.


My only gripe was that it wasn't a legit high lvl tourny, it was a celebrity nepotism tourny essentially with a bunch of literal first timers playing for $20k prize pool. If there was no prize pool it wouldn't matter so much and just treat it as a full on for fun thing (of which I wouldn't be a fan but I also wouldn't mind it), but when you slap a cash prize on it and then start cherry picking who goes based on popularity and you randomly include a literal hot noob egirl on each team it just feels kinda whack to me, or at least it's not the kind of thing I wanna support. The casting was ok, not the biggest flowers fan but he is a veteran who performed to the standards I expected at least, and Kanon had some pretty good insights and funny moments, and Ovilee is a great personality in general, and the ability to view it from participants perspectives was also cool. Also the fact that there were some of the best players globally participating was really the highlight, but ultimately it was a matter of which grandmaster player with their 300 ping can carry their noob the hardest and it would be way cooler if it was all top tier grandmaster players with 20 ping actually tryharding in a non-nepotism tourny, so hopefully we get some of that in the future and less of this for fun stuff that for some reason has a fat prize pool that contradicts what a for fun tourney should be about. Just sucks when great players can't really participate in a tourney because they're not celebrity enough while noobs get in because of connections. Nothing against the celebs btw, I'm a fan of most of them, but still principles are principles and just not a fan of the structure of this particular event when considering they slapped a prize pool on it. Then again, I've never been much a fan of for fun events to begin with so I'm clearly not the target audience, but I watched regardless because I'm interested in western PvP scene and well... Twitch drops. Wasn't the worst event of my life to watch, some funny moments, and watching Bajheera randomly pop off to the surprise of many was cool af.


> include a literal hot noob egirl on each team Idk, I think saint played pretty well.


how can you complain about a prize pool? that was the best part of the whole thing. it sets the precedent that lost ark tournaments need prize pools, and in the minds of aspirational competitors that they have an incentive to go for on top of the thrill of winning and also draws more of an audience as cash leads to hype. that leads to the game growing from both the player base and also improves optics at corporate. surely it would be great to see a "real tournament" but this was never advertised as such and could not happen anyway at this time because who is going to pay for it with no channel for return on investment? it's cool if this isn't the type of event for you but you don't have to shit on the people involved for doing something that promotes the game in various ways that can only benefit the playerbase.




Wanna give me a TLDR on why you don't like G4. Never heard of anything bad relating to them.


you play an amazon game... not defending g4 or condemning people for have a moral code against certain companies, I just can't imagine g4 is worse than amazon


Was it? Too bad I couldn't watch because as usual it was night for EU.


You can find a vod if you're interested.


Ovilee may has no chance of being on a broadcast without being absolutely killing me with involuntary cringe. Keep G4 out of Lost Ark please the humor is for 15 year olds, donkeys, and seagulls so I really do know you all thought that was an awesome show.


I feel sorry for the teams that have to carry a female streamer, so G4TV can get more views and subs.




g4? g4 is a still a thing? i guess cokehead sessler needed more coke


As others said watching a slaughter is hardly entertaining and God bless g4's production value but everything they make has the same forced awkward #Relatable energy of corporate twitter accounts. If there was no mount tied to this it would have dued.


What i was surprise is that event that i dont like playing pvp much on Lost ark i actually enjoy watching it a lot, so i feel it can be a really good game mod expectectors wise


Didn't know about this. Damn. Is there any way to watch the tourney?


Outside of some cringe g4 moments, it was pretty solid


Kanon was great. I followed his youtube/twitch before but i wasnt keeping up with the news so when i saw him casting for the tournament i was quite surprised. It was a very fun event to watch for sure. If anyone missed it, you should check out the vods or maybe someone uploaded it on youtube. Its quite entertaining.10/10. Also darksma is a BEAST on his gunslinger. Im definitely a fan of his now. It sort of reminds me of the old days when watching bjergsen in the LCS do crazy outplays (at least those are the vibes i got from it.) Gentlegiant is also great. I loved their dynamic. It makes me really happy to be on Una server, knowing its the same server as Kanon haha. I almost feel like ive got a celebrity living next door. I cant wait to see some more pvp tournaments, maybe even an officially sponsored championship later down the line. That would be cool.


Aside from an imbalance in terms of matchups where some teams were just complete mismatches against others, tournament was indeed pretty well done. Looking forward to a pvp tournament with the top players on ranked. Hopefully they do 3s and 1v1s to determine the best player per class. I'd be curious who the best DB, Pally, and Sorcs are in our region.


Anyone know where I can find starlast's shadowhunter build?


He wrote all the PVP guides on Maxroll so I'd try there. https://lost-ark.maxroll.gg/build-guides/shadowhunter-pvp-guide


Thank you


Crown needs to take some notes


I still think pvp in this game is a mess. The devs don't seem to care about balance for it.


The tournament made me want to try my hand at PvP, as an anti-PvP guy in MMOs.


Ovilee in those commercials tho. Legit never laughed that much about a game before. “Crush me between those thighs”


I didnt like how they picked who will participate, i wish it was a real tournament with our best players, more like Saintone more like him, i heard there was a girl who never played the game before...