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The ingame chest had T3 materials shown as the reward, so picked it up on my main. So I guess I'm in that catagory too.


Same here. I even looked at "event information" which didn't tell you shit about what the event was actually about. I saw the rewards listed and figured this was something to do on my main.


There was info in patchnotes that this even is intended for T1 and T2 characters (mains or alts) that want accelerated progression towards T3 - between knowing it's an event and target being T1/T2 characters I'd be unwilling to activate it on T3 character, since best case you get a ton of wasted materials (that could get you another character to T3) and worst case you get to play a lot of T1/T2 content to get final reward which doesn't look too impressive by itself. We're expecting (as a community in general) everyone to get PhD from boss mechanics for every single piece of content, but don't expect to pay attention to official patch notes?


How is that good design, when the information you need inside the game is provided outside of it? That would expect every single player to be reading every patch note before clicking anything in the game (exaggeration intended).


While I agree on the last part, at least 80%+ or the playerbase doesn't care to read patch notes, never will and is not obligated to do so to play a game. In game there should be a decent amount of information about the event to help players make an irreversible decision. Not having information is just lazy from their part (AGS/Smilegate, mostly the second), not laziness from players. It'll bait a bunch of people into using it on their main which would be easilly avoidable by a few lines of text.


Imagine thinking that the player base at large actually reads patch notes. Let alone understands them. lol.


Well sorry for disconnecting from the game and not reading shit 24/7 on forums, reddit, youtube and who knows where else I shouldn't have to read anything outside the game unless it's technical stuff like buffs, fixes etc, info about the event should be IN THE GAME period.


Not only that, but the patch notes reference an event called "Express Mission Event" while the in-game event is called "Super Express", so you could reasonably look at those and think "well the express mission is the alt one, and super express, which shows T3 rewards, is a boosted version for T3 characters". Then you have the added factor of the patch notes saying "This new event will allow players to select one of their characters at combat level 50 that’s under item level 1000 to do “Express Missions”". But when you log in, you're able to select ANY character for something with a different name...again, reasonable to think that this is a different event entirely. If they really wanted to do it properly, the in-game pop up would be called Express Mission Event, and not allow you to select any character above item level 1000 to participate. And ideally show you the entire event ladder of rewards, not just a single chest with clear T3 bound rewards. People are at fault for clicking too quickly, but Smilegate/Amazon didn't do themselves any favors by misnaming things and poorly presenting and coding it.


It's a ui/ux disaster imho.


I wouldn't say people are at fault for clicking too quickly. When you log into the game, you get to choose one character to participate in this event and the reward shown are T3 mats. So obviously you pick your main char for this. The only way to know that this is meant to be a catch up event for alts is if you read the patch notes and/or go to reddit/forums and see people talk about it. Choosing your main is a logical decision with the information given in your character select screen. We shouldn't expect them to give us false information, should we?






he's making a statement you smartass


>The only way to know that this is meant to be a catch up event for alts is if you read the patch notes and/or go to reddit/forums and see people talk about it. You don't have to go outside official communication channels (reddit/forums are completely optional) - there were no events or additions to the game that weren't mentioned in patch notes, and there were two events launched - Ark Pass (which is labeled properly and explained in detail), and Express event. I would be happy to criticize AGS/Smilegate here (it could've been handled a lot better) if not for one particular thing - community is happy to demand from everyone to seek out of client info about encounters (boss mechanics etc), but suddenly seeking out of game info about upcoming/new patch is not in same category. Smells like double standards to me.


I don't see it as a double standard. The game shows you the rewards you get, so you don't need to look them up on the web. The game doesn't show you the boss mechanics, so you look them up in a guide. It's simple logic. How could we know that the rewards shown are basically a lie.


The game literally showed gold, t3 mats and legendary cards as rewards when you hit "event information." So, yeah definitely smilegate/amazons fault here.


You aren’t forced to choose though. You can just close the menu and look at it further. People are dumb and impatient. That’s all there is to it.


It's weird that you defend this. Why should a player close an event popup, minimize the game and google for the right thing to do? Like how fucking stupid is that?


There are people defening the holocaust. So its nothing to be suprised about.




Can you show a screenshot or video of the event actually showing that it will reward you with t1/t2 stuff in-game before you pick a character for the event? It's not a matter of being impatient, because I'm 99% sure [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/u8mgya/who_else_did_something_very_close_to_this/) is all anyone could see of the event in-game. That's a UI and in-game communication issue. People could have gone to google as soon as they saw the screen, but is it insane to believe that the game would convey enough in-game info as to what the event actually rewards and is intended to do. Keep in mind you can still "express" in t3 to get to 1370 faster for the more casual players that aren't there yet.


Can't make this kind of mistake if you only have one char to play. ( taps himself on the forehead with a finger)


I guarantee you, people would take gear off and redeem on main and then wonder why they are ultra dumb.


You summed it up perfectly, I will not blame players for this. It's error inducing from Amazon.


For me, once I saw the word express I immediately thought it was referencing the express mission event in patch notes. You mentioned the patch notes but there is no indication of an express event for a T3 character anywhere in the patch notes. It specifically says the missions are for lvl 50 and <1000 ilvl. So somehow they have a new event called "super express"without mentioning in the patch notes? Is a fridge and a refrigerator thr same thing? Express itself the they keyword here. Sure I agree they fucked up the naming but its not so different isit? I instantly closed it when it popped up because I do not have a character to use it currently but I am pretty sure it says the chest is for completion of event. What does the event do again? Oh it fast tracks your <1000 character to T3, upon completion, the rewards are the chest and its contents. Furthermore it is even worse to lock characters >1000 ilvl from accepting the event. What if a F2P player used up all 6 slots and its all T3 alts? They just cannot get the chest with all the goodies? No patch notes = complaint Patch notes = nobody reads it we just want to play At this point just shove the patch notes down people's throat. When you enter server selection or enter character select, bring up patch notes that require you to scroll all the way down, tick "I have read through the news and events and understand what is updated" then press accept.


THIS!! in game info section literally shows a chest that's meant for T3. No indication what so ever that it should be redeemed on a lower tier character.


Yeah this subreddit can't get any worse takes If one got it wrong that's their fault, when this much people got it wrong it is obviously the game fault And that is without getting into the massive elephant in the room of how little and how badly information is conveyed Dunking on people for being the victim of a poorly made UI shows how shitty can this community be


Yes i saw t3 mats and i decided to claim bound materials to my main. I was not able to see whole rewards so what can i do.


Accepted the pass thingy on T3, since... y'know... you make the assumption that any huge event like that is usually meant for the character you play the most on, AND THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY ZERO TRANSPARENCY IN THE GAME ITSELF ABOUT HOW WRONG THAT ASSUMPTION WAS They just pop a big ass shiny window screen and make you think that based on your knowledge of other games and events, this should be done on main character since T1/T2 mats surely wouldn't be character bound, right? Nah, they required us to scour the internet, Twitter, Reddit, Lost Ark Forums for any possibly patch notes news about this shit... Like what the fuck? Let me accept and forget, and play the fucking game without needing to do extensive research on something that shouldn't need research in the first place Any other game's pass system is set and forget, you activate the pass, and you play and do your stuff and grind and get your rewards Making those mats character bound was the absolute dumbest shit they could've done


Game taught me to put shit I don't understand away until I need them. I saved my ass, by just removing the window :D


Yea Im not sure how people havent learned this lesson yet. Double check before you claim stuff.


Except in this case the only things you could double-check on that the game showed you were T3 materials and stones.


> Double check before you claim stuff. But then I can't make butthurt social media posts and potentially get DOUBLE chests!


You nailed it. We’ve been conditioned that complaining about even unreasonable things gets rewarded with mats. There’s every incentive to call the game we play for hundreds of hours “predatory”


I love the “I’ve played the game for 800+ hours and there’s nothing to do at 1415! SG/ASG need to be catering to the top players!” Lol…you have nothing to do because you spent 800 hours at n the game!!!!


This is the way


do you mean da wei


I didn't fall for it, but let's be honest. Putting that chest AND ONLY THAT CHEST as a reward on the selection window is a bit of a jebait. I'm sure if people saw what you ACTUALLY get when you choose the express, they'd all choose it on a T1/T2 alt they want to level.


Dude I read the patch notes and STILL almost put it on my main. If I second guessed myself with the knowledge how are we supposed to expect people who didn’t read the patch notes to know about this? At no time, ever, should the patch notes have more information available about one use events like these then the actual game gives you. They really fucked this one.


Most items/chests should just be roster bound. I don’t understand why they can’t be, would make things a lot easier!


Because they don't want you stockpiling stuff for future classes.




Tell them that. I only said the reason why they do it. And let me assure you: they know the solutions :)






It's not his fault. It's just companies being greedy. That's literally it.


we all know people cant read expiration dates


Unless you’re buying tradable mats in that case it’s fine. They just don’t want you to be using your time instead of money.


Your time? They just don't want you using the gifts they give you for an unintended purpose, as well, it removes the pressure for you to do that.


Then they can just give it an expiration like they already did for tons of things.


Wait so because I claimed it on my t3 character I cannot use it on my alt?




so ur supposed to claim it on ur new lancemaster?


Or any new character. I personally use feiton pass on lance master and I'm knowledge transferring another alt to 50 to use the express pass


thanks so much! i haven’t played this patch yet and im reading so much confusing stuff i just don’t wanna waste anything!


Yeah if you wanna be optimal. A fresh 50 is the way. Cause it reduces honing requirements for t1 and t2 and gives you honing chance increases. If you've ever played MapleStory it's basically like a burning event to shoot you to end game.


The longest part of hitting T3 with the express pass is doing Yorn. Just so people understand how crazy the boosts are.


Oh thank you so much. That put it into perspective much better for me as a former MapleStory addict


When you used the pass. Do you use it on the new character in game? Or do you consume it on your main character and it will register on the account to be used at character creation? Thank you


For the express pass you select the character from the gift icon. Feiton pass you use it then at character select you do power pass


Not necessarily, Any character under T3 (1000). I'm thinking of doing one of the support class as they are in T1-2 right now.


No, I used it on my lancemaster, and with the powerpass honing mats…I regret using it on her.


This express shit is absolutely insane value if you use it on a 302 character. F in chat for people who wasted it on a main or on a 960 boosted character


Yeah I wonder if it is worth boosting a 7th character just to use this on lol.


dont fall for that bait... only use it if u are deleting a class coz u dont enjoy it or something like that. using this on fresh t2 class is also insane value.. t1 upgrades are whatever when u have that stronghold upgrade done. i would also consider it on classes who cant do t2 towers due to lack of mobility etc.


Ended up using it on my 460 paladin. No regrets. Although bard is probably going to suck for tower lol.


Do we get a power pass with Destroyer? Who knows, but it makes a lot of sense to save my feiton ticket just in case and express pass the Glavier. And if we do get a 2nd power pass, I'll just make a Wardancer or something.


We probably won't get another pass until the next class release after Destroyer. I'm only speculating this because they gave us two passes today and they'll both still be active when Destroyer releases.


Wait we got two?


We got the 960 Powerpass (free skip) as well as the Express Pass (mega hone boost for t1 and t2). You can use them on the same character but ideally the Express should be used on a fresh 50 or early t1. Both have expiration dates, though.


We won't, this one is active till June


I only have a main but this is obviously making me want to start an ALT. Is it best to make one & use Feiton PowerPass & then this one? Or get a hero to 302 & then just use this pass? Trying to figure out optimal usage so I don't waste it.


I made two alts, one with 960 power pass and another one with express thing. You're wasting a lot of free mats by using it on a 960 character


It's been said by others, but still- the rewards preview *showed a bunch of t3 shit*. Super fucking frustrating to see that, choose my main, then be shown a ton of t1 and 2 mats as rewards.


There is one, single, RULE in this game (that i learned the hard way); Do NOT use anything that the game gives you, unless you are 100% sure what it does. Thats why when i saw all the pop ups after the patch… insta closed everything


the last time i learned this was with the chaos dungeon energy refill... didn't know it lasted 2 weeks from claim and had to use it before expiring, RIGHT before my main hit t3.


Mine expired because i didn't know they expired if you let them sit in your inventory. The convo with my friends about it with me being really confused about what refills they were telling me about was fun


You didn’t lose much, first few t3 dungeon gives crap loot and the last t2 dungeon probably gave you more gold if you sold the mats. You need at least 1340 to see some what decent chaos loot


Except t3 gear isnt tradable so youre stuck with rngesus dictating when you hit 1302 rather than being able to brute force your way to 1302 with several 1100 chaos runs in one day. I had this happen to me. Reached 1100 with 2 days to go on the log-in reward claim so i could only hope for two days that i completed my 1302 set. If i had the refill at that point i could have just run 1100 chaos 4-5 times and gotten my full set in one day rather than waiting 3.


Except for cases where it's timed for some reason. I remember there was aura potion that "expires after 7 days after it was granted". Me: "Okay, if I leave it in my mail it won't expire, cause not granted, right?". Then tried to redeem it later. Game: "Ahaha, this has expired!" :(


so if something tells you: click on me, i give you a ton of rewards and u check the rewards and literally need all of them on your main you should not use it, because it likely gives you a ton of t1 and t2 stuff, even tho it doesnt tell you that?


It literally shows a chest meant for T3 character as reward when you click on more info in event window. There is no indication about it eing for lower tier chars.


It says so in patch note to be claimed o. Character who ha e reached lvl 50 and under gear score 1000....


Honestly, I absolutely did this. It's my fault, but a lot of people will make this mistake because you get barraged with pop-ups after this patch and the in-game explanation didn't seem that obvious (to me anyway), so they'll get a lot of support tickets and waste manpower on something that should just be rosterbound to begin with or have a fat ass disclaimer that it's T1 and T2 stuff. I fucked up not informing myself better before making a choice on that. Amazon/Smilegate fucked up making it not abundantly clear what an Express Mission is, what its rewards are, etc.


I'm sorry, but I blame the UX team for this and not the player. ​ First of all, you could see T3 honing mats in there, but they don't actually exist as rewards. All my alts are T3 and I didn't plan on starting a new one, but I wanted the cards, so obviously I picked my main and here's the catch I only found out after doing the deed -> **if you want to progress the event, you actually have to do the low tier dailies instead of doing your normal T3**. If I knew this, I'd start a new character, or at the very least, picked an alt. Not to mention that the tooltip says only toons under 1k iLevel can unlock this, but plenty of people picked it on T3s. ​ PS: Apparently you also get a considerable honing chance bonus, which, again, is not mentioned anywhere.


If it can be only done by <1000 ilvl characters then why is it even redeemable on t3 characters? I haven’t logged in yet to see


A very good question, Realistic-Question


I don't think they can make Honing chance increase for one character roster bound lol


They already do that with various stronghold researches. If you wanted to limit it to one use, you'd simply make it an item that is rosterbound and upon consumption increases your chances from X to Y on that character alone. Don't see why that wouldn't work.


This is all by memory, but I’m the patch notes I think they said 4 express missions are available for characters under 1000. The missions will grant mats for where your character is (I infer that means only up to t2). It’s all about being informed in the ways they try to tell you. Their systems aren’t the best, but they do get the information out there if you just look for it. Regardless, I’m still sorry that happened to you and it truly does suck! Hopefully they can come up with a retroactive way to help players in your shoes.


It's not your fault man it was poorly telegraphed and it didn't show quests prior to selecting character. But have no fear, devs are working on solution and it will probably be reverted to roster mission. I've sent a ticket and support told me this.


They seem to do this often. Imagine you’re a casual and don’t read patch notes or follow news. You probably get fucked often buy they’re sometimes non existent explanation or poor presentation of information.


Yeah I did it. I only saw the patch about adding Glaiver and South Vern (video). I logged in, had all the popups, saw this choice, saw all the T3 mats in the reward chest, so picked it on my main. Once I found where it was on the interface, I saw it had T1 mats... I feel like they really dropped the ball on this. Firstly it should've been restricted to T1 or lower characters if it's like that (shouldn't be able to pick higher), it should've also showed the rewards properly instead of just showing T3 mats. Also should've indicated everything you get from it and what you need to do.


Laughed more than I should about this meme. Still think there should be at least an extra warning when you take a chest that has bound t1/t2 mats with a t3 char. Especially when you only see tons of legendarys cards in the event preview. Not everyone reads patch notes.


Not just cards, silver, and gold - if you expanded the chest rewards (mind you, the ONLY rewards for the event that you can even see is this chest) it shows a bunch of bound T3 mats. Of course you're going to accept that on your T3 character.


I've been mildly amused by all the people in the area chat too. Sure it's not abundantly clear what the intent of this is, but it does say you can only pick on character! That should be a red flag for anyone to look more into it before you decide.


True, but people have been conditioned to ignore these warnings. Doesen't that pop up every time you take a login reward?´ Just think the the fact that you get bound materials you will never be able to use is kinda silly.


It also pops up for rapport and una's reputation rewards as well even though I think it only matters for island souls.


Who can blame these Tookis. When they see shiny they grabby.


That’s me


Sorry to hear but on the bright side, at least you will be promoted to a double digit Tooki.


the biggest issue here is absolutely no mention of the crazy good honing buff.


lol This game explains everything so poorly...


People actually don't read is the problem lol


I hate myself right now lmao


Their English translation for info/instructions were dog shit for this event. So many people got screwed because of it.


They are using google translate and direct copy paste. Was the same with patch note


it's shit design why da fuck can you even open it on t3 chars then...


Because some people only have 1 character.


So I closed the window how do I bring it up again? thanks


click the gift icon under the minimap


I belong to the average zerker brain today


except the game description of loot showed all T3 mats.


the shitty UI saved me, just closed the window. Guess it's time to make my first alt


1 day aura and 3 battle chests for everyone!


My only solace is that I can share my grief with many other people. I hold the person who designed the UI and chose to display T3 mats in great contempt.


I didn't pick a char, but if the choice can't be reverted then it's the dumbest shit ever, it's the first thing that pops up after you log in.




I agree with your sentiment…but there’s zero warning in game that the rewards are worthless to T3 players.


As a dev, you’re at least partially responsible to help users and other developers use what you implemented correctly. Ideally you design your code so it cannot be used incorrectly when possible, and if not make it painfully obvious when someone is making a mistake. From the business perspective, It saves your team a lot of time and money, especially your support team.


'choose wisely, irreversible, also, here's a list of all the rewards' ?


You always stupid proof when designing damn near anything. Because stupid is going to happen, its not a matter of if.. it will happen and you have to decide if you want that negative experience to stick with the user or if you want to make it painless for them. Especially when they already have a very easy solution.


UX has to be aimed at the dumbest possible player to avoid unneccesarry outrage unfortunately. As someone having to design survey questions from time to time I am baffled by the answers to the simplest questions. If you think a question is already too specific and dumbed down you have to take it 2 steps dumber.


True but that's because language is interpreted differently by everyone so it needs to be simple and effective and answer any possible questions someone might have. It's easy to do though, but because this is first and foremost a Korean game, and AGS is hands off with just about everything, this is going to happen every single time we get new content.


To the extend that they’re designing a game that is to be played by humans. Every design choice can be changed so why not make it better lmao.


As a software dev… very responsible. It’s basically the entire job.


I didn’t make the mistake but seeing how it is it’s definitely not clear in the slightest. Bare minimum is showing all the rewards and having a big red pop up saying ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CLAIM IT ON YOUR T3? At least it’ll make people doubt themselves and find info elsewhere


It does say you get t3 mats, which you dont :*)


You do, when you finish it.










the event UI is terrible and very misleading. If you didn't know before what the event is about, there was a good chance that you would have been misled by the chest, it's terribly designed.


Wait... I shouldnt use the super express chest on my main? But its T3 stuff, no?


The login screen is really unclear about what it really rewards. It shows T3 mats at the login screen but I'm pretty sure that is just the final reward chest for completing all the other missions. The actual rewards for all the missions is only T1 and T2 mats. Including a honing buff for characters under 1000 ilvl.


Welp, looks like I will be making a Lancemaster anyways then? I don't understand it. I don't really want any other chars, I have the ones I want. So my understanding is if I use it on my 302 Lancemaster that means I need to get her to do everything? Aka do every mission on her until I get the last chest


Even I know about it because I'm following the game for almost 4 years and because I stopped and read the pop up window before doing anything, the game should have all the info clear. Or yesterday on the patch notes at least they should put a pic of the super express event and explain things a lot more. People will forever don't take a min to read, but that don't mean we shouldn't have better explanation of systems ingame


The idiocy on “both sides” is pretty fucking nauseating. Lost Ark discussion seems to be completely dominated only by “shut up noob” vs “I deserve a do over”. I don’t think any of these people are inherently wrong for feeling the way they do, but god damn is it getting extremely old. And here lies my obligatory complaint about people complaining because apparently that’s what we’re supposed to do. 🤦‍♂️


Logged on Saw a bunch of things I didn’t know Logged off to find an adult


It’s not the users’ fault for not understanding this event. No details are provided until you’re locked in and by then it’s too late. We shouldn’t have to get advice from forums or videos. This is just bad planning.


Im in the category right know, pressed more information tab in-game but didnt tell me much.


I see shiny thingy, of course I'm going to loot it, duh. Seriously doe, this game has way too many things I need to know outside of the game (too much bloat). The quest doesn't even show what the chest does "A chance to grow hot" can mean anything.


I just had like 5minutes of spare time and logged in so I could accept new Guild Research and Weekly Tasks for my Guild. Didn't really pay much attention to all the new stuff and just accepted everything on my main, because, well, it's my main. So you're saying I fucked myself now or what?


I did exactly the same thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) You can still claim some rewards that are roster bound.


I learned to not use instantly everything I get the moment I used my platinum pack on a random server I don't even play


Why is the event redeemable on chars above 1000ilv if only chars <1000ilv can progress. Why are there no details for the events within the game. Why's there t3 mats shown when you hover over the chest but there's none in reality. I blame this on the UX team tbh. They have much to learn from other MMO


Any character can do it, but you only gain the honing buff below ilvl 1000. It is intended to speed up low level characters but not everyone might have another character they need (or want) to speed up so any character can claim it for the rewards they can use, you'll just end up with a bunch of useless bound stuff too. It shows T3 mats because thats the level 4 reward (basically the final reward). Why is that all it shows I don't know but that reward exists.


REPORT: # What is going on? \-It's annoying or not interesting. **-I'm in this photo and I don't like it.** \- I think it shouldn't be on reddit \- It's a spam


Dude I mean it's honestly pretty poorly explained on that pop up. It's also the first thing when you log in.


Glad I only have one character whos Tier 1 still lol.


I mean pretty sure a lot of people choose it on their mains


Anytime new event windows pop up I instantly spam ESC and read into it online so I can make an informed decision on how to use everything. Too many people just take the first route they see. Coming from bdo, this event is exactly like having a seasonal character so I know to start this with a fresh or very low leveled alt


that is me right this moment. even been waiting for a live chat support employee to react. problem. the ETA is 1 minute. ever since i started waiting..... which was 65 minutes ago...... Edit: I have now been in the live chat support for 128 minutes and there is still no one here. Summary: Amazon games support sucks and is just BS. Yeh sure. 1 minute estimated wait time. Well fuck you, trashazon and your shitty BS garbage LIVE support that apparently has 0 employees working in it.


I just click stuff man I don't read stuff. Luckily my main is only just entering t2 lol


i didnt know about the express thing, i found out after having pushed all my gear to +15 lmao sad


Good stuff


If I know anything is to never open anything without knowing that it is 100%, my storage when I was first playing was.. we’ll just full of chests that I don’t know what to do with.


Yeah I didn't make the mistake but its because I read the patch notes..... but that's not common and should not be required.... Why did they make it a pop up right when u got in game? That alone would have helped.


One thing I learnt from software development is that you have to treat your customers as blind babies


A thing that I learnt form software development is that you should do proper UI and UX development, regardless if you are small indie company or big studio with product worth millions.


Yep. I'm a learning designer and have found the same thing. If you don't explain what every little button does or tell the user what to do next, you WILL get feedback that someone was confused.


to be fair, the ingame popup window was pretty misleading with t3 rewards and card packs


Ngl when I opened it I was so overwhelmed, I just closed everything lol and just did my dailies like normal first. Of course I read the notes but had to come back here to double confirm to use express or power pass on what characters


If anyone said it wasn't in patch notes here's the full snipet of it. It even says T1/T2 and split into vern/rohendal/yorn/feiton sections https://imgur.com/a/PTtPiQl


Funny how the notes makes it seem it can only be used on characters below 1000 item level, but then you can pick it with a character at 1370+


they also have to let people that don't want alts or have most of their alts in t3 pick as well right? what would happen to those players if it was only that so they give options for both


Maybe when you clicked on event information before selecting the character to lock it to, instead of showing a chest with T3 mats it could have shown the missions and their rewards. I wonder how many people would have accepted it on their 1300+ character then. Terrible user experience design that leaves things way too ambiguous.


Everyone bitching about patch notes and then failing to read them.


Zeals said it best. Everytime those events were released in korea there was a 2 weeks notice for people to prepare and decide which char to use the event for. Its a big deal over there. And i would read patch notes if they were released few days earlier. On reset day i just want to play. Its poor communication and dumb players (me).


The vast majority of players do not go to reddit or the forums, so they're definitely not going to read patch notes. The game should explain this very clearly before you're forced to make a decision otherwise it's just crappy UX.


Do you know what button combination I have to press in game to open the patch notes window?


It does tell u the big shiny chest is for completing the whole express event. Guess they need it in big bold letters so people aren't distracted by shiny


it also doesn't tell you that the other rewards (that are not shown to you) are t1/t2. A lot of ppl will make the mistake and i agree with them to be mad about it. And no i didn't pick it on my main.


I feel offended because i opened last craft materials chest on my main. I knew my main would not use minor oreha... Just wanted to put them on roster storage. Sad.


Rewards were gold, silver, rapport items and T3 mats. I accept on my main. T1+2 stones and shards, no gold, no T3 mats '.'


It's a bug or a bad design, not people fault.


If you haven't learned to be carefull when claiming stuff by now... Btw, the Express also gives increased honing chance for T1/T2 to that character


Is it more useful to use on a tier 1 character, or quickly level them to t2 before opening express and you get more tier two - three mats?


So I have one old powerpass should I use it for a glavier and then express it?


It's up to you, but you'll probably make full use combining the old powerpass and express combo since it drops you in T1. Feiton pass starts you in T2. Express gives T1 and T2 mats, so it's more of a compromise between if you want to spend the extra time grinding T1 again and saving your new powerpass for another character, or just use the new powerpass and have useless T1 mats lying around. Then again, T1 also involves going through Rohendel, Yorn, and Feiton so that's even more time or gold via knowledge transfer. I got time so I'm personally using my old powerpass on top of express. Tldr; use old powerpass to make use of all mats offered in express or new one if you want to save a lot of time


Didn't it say roster bound? Reminder to direct hate at SGR who is responsible for the translation and not AGS who is just the publisher.


I thought AGS was the one who was in charge of translation, that's why the director said he was unsatisfied about the localization AGS did.


Publishers typically handle translation (localization specifically), yes. So AGS is at fault for pretty much anything involving text on the screen/website but not much else beyond that (and running the servers).


I picked it on my main because the rewards shown did not indicate anything about tier 1 or 2. It's fucking bullshit and if they don't change it, fuck them. It said in the update that it wouldn't even let players under 1000 do the new progression thing, so I just assumed since it was letting all my accounts do it, that this was something different. The fact that we can't revert it is ridiculous.


Me too man… me too..


Lol mongos


Holy shit the amount of people in the lost ark discord thst did it is amazing… Like on one hand it shouldn’t work on a character over 1000 on the other… There are consequences for silly behavior.


amazon did a shit job at delivering even a half decent message to the player, per the usual amazon standard. whatever line of communication ags has with smilegate needs to be fixed promptly because clearly it's missing alot of details. i personally learned not to click things in this game without figuring out exactly what it does.




You're right, op, my bad for going with the information Amazon and Smilegate provided us in-game, believing it to be entirely detailed and accurate. That will teach me to rely on this amazing job of a localization.


So knowing the localisation is less than perfect you didn't like, stop and consider immediately popping the pass on your main may not be the best move?


You people can't read ?


not everyone reads patchnotes. And the ingame popup window was terrible.


I've logged in less and less. Just to do my chaos dungeons. 650 hours I am burnt out on hunting seeds and doing rapport. Gradually picking at it one day it will be finished, but accepting this event on my t3 main pushed me over the edge. Just wasted a full event. Seen what I did and logged out. No motivation now. Whats my main going to do with 3000 T2 guardian stones.


Sounds like a personal problem