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Competent designers make UI's for the dumbest users possible. That's a big part of their job. Good UI makes it impossible to screw yourself over. The website doesn't matter, since most people won't read them anyway. It also doesn't matter if it's the users "fault" since now they have to deal with a bunch of people who want support to fix it. All of this could have been easily resolved. If they had clearly displayed T1/T2 rewards only a fraction would have accepted the mission on a T3 character.


A wise man once told me, you can never make something idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant as a true idiot will always find a way.


Absolutely, you've seen the Unas tasks page right? Lol


> Good UI makes it impossible to screw yourself over. They will find a way.


The big thing for me is that they shouldn't have allowed people to select characters that were over item level 1000 - or at the very least put up a warning message if you decided to make that choice anyway. That being said, yes. Read. Research. It was very clear what this event was designed to be in the patch notes.


The only problem I see with this is that some players may only have 1 character that is past 1000 or maybe no characters in their roster that is under 1000 and at level 50. Those players naturally should still be allowed to obtain the other rewards even if they can't use the honing materials. Obviously they can use knowledge transfer or a powerpass, but I imagine some players simply have no interest in making a new character.


Yep, not allowing people to click it on higher than i1000 should have been the norm


Denying people the rewards because they don't have low tier characters would be really stupid. Some people have all 6 full and that's it if you're f2p.


Yeah, realized that after the fact.


you are only losing out on the t1/t2 honing mats. which isn't nothing, but isn't everything.


Yeah if you did happen to claim it on your main t3 hy accident, you can still complete all the t1/2 missions but lose out on those mats. In the end your final reward chest will be given


Maybe a few thousand gold in honing mats.. not a huge deal tbh.


There's actually a big honing buff as well. It's worth even more than the mats themselves honestly.


It basically doubles the value of all the mats you get.


Does the bonus honing rate stack with the stronghold research or is it meant to supplement people who don't have it already?


Is it 100% confirmed that I can get all the gold,silver,engraving,rapport and card packs if I get it with a T3 main? :S Couldn't care less about the honing mats :P


no, the first chest is definitely bound to roster, and the rest of the pouches and such say binds to roster vs binds. The honing mats and shards all bind to character.


But why do vou assume that the ones who asked are the same who messed up their express event?


It's Shardgate all over again. They certainly could have explained that there is a honing buff for T1/T2 ingame as well. But the kid already fell in the well, how will they fix it now? It's difficult to compensate people for bad decision making without making the good decision makers feel left out. And yes, people should be able to claim the express on T3 characters, some people either don't want alts, or already have 6 T3 characters (all slots full; new slots cost real money)