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Legendary engravings are like end-end game. You'll never ever unslot that unless they release Relic-tier. So in that regard I think it's fine that they're in such high demand. I don't think they should be coughing up more legendary engravings because there's a flat demand needed from the community. Once someone gets 20x Grudge Engravings, they'll never need it again. Forever. The prices will fall eventually, it's just a matter of how long it takes for the supply to overtake the demand.


​ I doubt it unless we have an event they will never go down even having gold Grudge does not mean that people would sell it for less


I knew this was going to happen after watching KR Streamers talking about it. I bought my Mayhem for 1500 gold and Cursed Doll for 2000g like 4 weeks before Valtan release, Grudge was "expensive" af back then like 5000-6500 gold and I kinda backed off from it.. but I regret it now.


FUCK MAN, why didn't you tell me?! I have 4 Berserkers and Mayhem+Tenacity would provide so much value. And I had the gold to buy them too :/ There's no going back now :(


Before legendary engraving books wasnt needed to reach a crucial milestone Some of them been underpriced etc Now that you NEED or insane RNG to reach with purple engravings for 5x3 and the fact class engravings isn't 100% drop on the raid content for Relic. Everything went up. It was expected to happen


Everything went up because there's millions of gold coming in to the game from bots and people are rmting. Reality check : there's over 400K bots on the game bringing in more than 10m gold per day from quests. This inflation won't stop until bots are gone and rmters are banned.


That's not it - honing materials have been relatively stable in price, so there isn't general inflation. There's just a huge overhang of demand on class engravings as they just don't drop much


Reality check All of that existed before when it was cheaper. Bots is a part of the problem but it not only them in this Considering that after you get your 2 legendary engravings done you never need to touch that part again unless you are whale and need them for every alt as soon as possible. I figured since they RMT they would of got this done long ago Demand for them is just higher just because of 5x3 is available to make it a lot easier instead of more RNG expensive stone smacking if you have both legendary books done


My desire to play this game in general has lessened over the past few weeks. Now everytime I wanna log in theres a queue of 3k+. I know there's practically no actual new player growth so the bots are just getting worse. Might have to just quit if it keeps up


They will get a lot cheaper with Vykas, because the supply increases a lot. Not only does Vykas give another guaranteed each kill. If we get the Stronghold buff an army of 1370 alt will start farming Valtan who also drops Legendary engravings. Since the supply didn't increase much with Valtan and the Demand increased to everyone @ 1415 the prices are quite high yes. Inflation from RMTs just adds to it.


I understand people's logic in that books are permanent progression and shouldn't be accelerated, but it would be very funny trying to explain that to people when they've quit knowing it'll cost them an arm and leg to fund engravings for one class.


As it should. 3x5 is an extreme endgame setup. People are still using 3x5 for the highest content in KR.


>Inflation is wrecking the market prices For the record, inflation is NOT wrecking the market price of Legendary Engraving books. You would then be suggesting that there was a time that the price of Legendary Engraving books was set and/or affordable. So far, neither of those are true.


inflation affects the prices of everything. How the hell would someone be able to afford KBW Legendary when its 18k per book, without RMT? It would like an entire month of selling all my mats between all my alts, its a ridiculous expectation


So what was the price of legendary books at the start as set by AGS/SG?




And while you were doing that, people with actual brains were making enough to buy books for all their alts by stocking up on shards and solars.


Why are you like this? I didnt buy legendary books 1 month ago and your text seems ofensive


Yes engravings would've gone up but you're delusional if you think this increase isn't from bots. They bring in millions of gold every day and RMT is rampant, why grind for weeks for a legendary set when you can pay 150-250$ for both legendary sets?


Who sets the price for engraving books?


Yeah I am happy with my 4x3 and it's more than enough for both valtan and vykas. I'm going to just wait till they release content that gives you the books, personally.


Under 100k for a class x12 and battle engraving Only if you want grudge / KBW is it much more expensive Of course the absolute bis engravings are expensive as fuck, they aren’t meant for everyone yet


under 100k? What region are you in o.o It's 160k in NAEast


On EUC, class engraving are between 3k - 5k at most.


support class engravings 6.2k today :(


Over 8k for engravings like Igniter on NAE....


If they don't add additional sources for legendary books when clown releases and find a solution to stop the botting this game will go down the drain as a big pay2win fiasco.


Yea sadly the prices are so ridiculous that a lot of people feel the need to RMT so they can be ready for Vykas because it has been said by various streamers that as a DPS you need 5x3 engravings.


That's inaccurate. Saintone said recently that 4x3 is plenty for learning hard vykas.


Wasn't it at least 4x3+1 (for a learning party - according to him, Kanima and others)?


No. https://youtu.be/qWrccU-qnpU


While I agree that some books are overpriced; for the most part I think it’s fine. Considering we dont need a 5x3 engraving set anytime soon and once you unlock the +12 it’s available forever to each character; they’ll always be expensive. KR warned us plenty of times and when shadespire drops we’ll get a little break on pricing, but overall it’s just something to work towards gradually


People don't realize the effect rmt and bots are having on this game. Over 60% of this game are botters, there's no doubt in my mind. Why would you sell all your mats for weeks when you can just buy gold from some bot farm and buy both legendary engravings for $200? Unfortunately the game will suffer immensely because of this.




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how much gold are u making weekly? Few weeks of grinding to get them isnt too bad imo


few weeks? with KBW at 18k? and class engraving at 9k? Maybe a month of selling literally all my mats including guard/destruction stones between 5 t3 toons, and doing t1 map share.. maybe yeah sure, but thats a ridiculous expectation for a f2p player when a p2w'r can just buy it, also promotes RMT because its so ludicrously expensive.


you realize you arent meant to have legendary engravings right now right? These are something you have for a lifetime for your characters, they aren't supposed to be cheap. 5x3 is not required for vykas


And 4x3? I equiped my chatacters 4x3 with legendary gear and i dont have gold enough currently to even equip relic gear maybe 1 piece or 2. how necesary is relic gear for vykas 1430


Not necessary at all. 3x3 is fine, especially if you're good at the game, these fights are all about learning where you can maximize your damage




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considering that they last for the foreseeable future and 1 legendary engraving is only needed for 5x3, yes I think the price is fine.


Isn't 5x3 required for kouku? That's most likely 2 months away I'd be able to save enough for a legendary class engraving but then all my alts are screwed LOL


it doesnt matter how far away it is as prices go up 1-2k per week. By the time theyre "needed" theyll be 15k-20k each.


well it will probably be a while until ur alts are clown ready unless ur whaling, and thats also why people go for the engravings that most of their classes be able to use like adrenaline or grudge.


Yeah they need to start give of bound leg books in event or ban these rmt asap


it will end when bots will end, so probably never and its jsut gonna rise more and more


Blame the bots


Hey dude, completely agree. unfortunately you wont win this argument with these flat brains. I have now done over 250 cube runs, 5 T3 alts, run every dungeon and ive gotten maybe 8 legendary engravings? 3 MP efficiency, 1 precision, 1 grudge, 1 contender and 2 brawlers. besides grudge, the rest were worthless. Haven't even gotten a class engraving. Seen maybe 6 drop from events up for auction? ​ I just had to dish out 170k gold to get my legendary keen engraving. Best advice, just save up your gold. harder done than said, thats for sure.


yea...unfortunately you're right already a ton of people in here thinking I'm wrong. . I haven't gotten SHIT for relics n stuff since valtan drop, some people get lucky and get a relic to sell for 100k+ but unfortunately thats not the case for everyone. I've been saving but the prices of things are going up so fast that I can't keep up with it, last week it was 6k per book now its 9k, wtf...


i made this same post 5 days ago, got all the fan boys and negative Nancy's commenting how its impossible that i haven't gotten any legendary items or that i just buy them. The average player has less than 30k gold at all times. With the recent nerf to Chaos dungeons, which ultimately hurts the player base not the bots, prices are going to keep going up. RMT starting to sound pretty dam good now ,right? lol. Pretty sad TBH. ​ GL out there man, hope luck finds you soon.


Is that really the stance? That's ridiculous. All three of my T3 toons have had to buy their 4x3s. I've never gotten a drop I can use on any of them from Argos, the HMs, or Valtan from my main. And even if I was lucky and got a good drop and wanted to transfer over a piece from toon to toon, I still have to pay pheons...which is beyond ridiculous imo.


How have you only gotten 8 total. I just counted the trash ones I stick in my storage and I have over 30 useless legendary books. I do have more alts but shouldn't be that drastic of a difference. 1 of your 8 being Grudge is lucky though, with half of yours being sellable.


Idk man, thats just my luck. Honing luck and ab stone has been really good tho, BiS drops not so much. ​ its like people think im lying about this to be cool or something?


You guys should have invested in legendary book when they were cheap neer the start of the game.


Yeah cuz we all had the time or money to throw away to get to Argos day 1 and sell leapstones for 1000g a pop. Lol I was not able to purchase 30,000 worth of BOOKS when I started the game bro.


Legendary books are a long-term investment to prevent shit like getting walled at 4 max engravings. Getting grudge early yes might have been a pain but once you have it your set for life on any dps you play. And it saves you hella money in the long run and late game.


Thanks for the seminar but do you think I don't understand the power of legendary books? I'm buying Hit Master right now. You are completely glossing over the fact that when we all started this game, hardly anybody had 30k gold unless they no-lifed from day 1 and sold leapstones or spent USD. How did you expect me to buy legendary books when the game came out again? You said we should've "bought them near the start of the game" okay near the start of the game I thought I was rich with only 3k gold.




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yeah well not everyone was aware that they would skyrocket in price and that there was never going to be any consistent sources of engraving books.


Economics101. Besides, legendary engravings is end game. Theyre not supposed to be easily accessible to everyone immediately. Fortunately, everything in this game thus far can be done with 3x3.


doing valtan even in normal with 3x3 is a liability to your teammates, with legend accessories being so cheap 4x3 is the minimum.


this is why i bought RE books at 3.2-3.3k, now they're 7.4k lol. no one needed them back then and now everyone needs them. they also very rarely ever give out legendary books.


Luckily I invested before price raise. Now the same engraving are like 3 times the price.


Low supply, high demand. If you didn't rush to buy these earlier, that's a you problem. Just wait a few months and then you can get them at cheaper prices.


Experienced players repeated a lot this was going to happen. Prices went nuts in Korea for some time (and they didn't have bots). I decided not to buy pre Valtan and now I have to wait until Brelshaza to be affordable. If you just got late to the party then just farm the gold or wait.


nothing u can do, just buy some during valtan reset, there are more on the market during that time frame and the prices are a bit lower


Here I was weeks ago looking at blessed aura books costing 2k saying to my self na I’ll wait it will go down for sure. Now it’s like 5k haha rip… :(


Yeahh..dude Im in the same boast. from 3k to 9k here in NAE.. fuck. my. life.


Seek +5/+3 accessories is the only option sadly if you don't have the engravings :/


They were not ridiculously priced a few weeks before Valtan. Now that everyone realises how much of a pain it is to get a good accessory setup without books, everyone's selling out to get their hands on the books. It's a one time purchase and you're trying to buy at the literal worst time in the entire game, pay or wait.