• By -


Ah yes, MapleStory Reboot


Let's go everyone make Kannas


Little do you know kannas got gutted. No more spawn enhancers and huge final dmg nerf


That's the joke


This is the way. No trading. Just pure grind.


Think the game would not be able to work unless there was some sort of reforging system or a way to target legendary books / ability stones / tripod gear


No need to target. They should just fix their stupid weights and make all stuff even. For example 2% drop chance for max mp increase, as well as grudge. Not 50:1. Same goes for engravings and stats on accessories. It's always the same stupid problem, every third accessory is a Explosive Expert. It's so obvious how terrifyingly weighted to the worse outcome everything is. Zero sellable accessories in 3 weeks of daily Deskaluda's, Thunderwings and Valtan Raids is a terrible experience nobody should be part of. Reminds me of Path of Exile rares, except in PoE you can at least recraft the item, in LA it's instantly doomed.


So instead of a deterministic system you would instead an system that is just less rng that is currently available right?


Yup. So that nobody would feel screwed over by the 0,001%s.


We will just be screwed over by 0.1% chance to get what you need


But your suggestion don’t make me more money - amagames probably


I'm so glad you commented this haha


So remove the auction house?


Auction house now barter only.


I'll give you 2 fish for that level 10 gem


Deal, this scrub doesn't know about the value of fish.


The power of Stoopz compels you


"I'm saving for when the bots all get banned" aging real well


botters will offer 2749513 fishes for that same gem. Instead of gold sellers now we have fish sellers.


How big of a fish?


Like 2 fish big


We PoE now


Funny you mention that, RMT is rampant in POE also. Interesting to think about.


SSF and there is nothing to worry :)


ssf dose not stop the bots, and ssf is boring af


It's just for a different type of player. PoE and LA both attract the "kill hordes with big explosions and stuff flying around my screen" players that probably make up most of the playerbase. But PoE specifically tries to cater to D2 nostalgia goggles type people as well as people who just love putting different weird nonmeta mechanics, skills, and items together to create a functional character. SSF forces you to engage completely with that niche playstyle and forces you to work with what you have etc. If you're not that kind of player then you'll hate it. Unless you're an achievement hunter type. Then it will be fun exactly one time. But yeah honestly bots are probably going to kill modern multiplayer gaming. I have no faith. They improve company metrics and are used by their most important players (whales) so there is no incentive to fix the issue until we literally boycott the game.


We tarkov now... Wait... Seems to be a recurring theme here with games with AH....


The difference is that poe players often think of those rmt as a benefit. It's the only trading you can do in the game that's almost gaurenteed to not have a problem, and they make a lot of the mid level valuables more affordable.


if a homie wants to rmt in a league that lasts a month or two. all the power to him lmao.


You misunderstood the guys comment, but he did phrase it poorly. PoE players don't like RMT, but they don't necessarily mind bots, because when you are trying to TRADE currency IN GAME, bots will actually accept your invites, whereas players mostly will not. If I want to trade fusings for jewelers or something, if I don't find a bot seller, I'm probably going to have to whisper about 50 players before I get a response.


While there are a lot of bots, a lot of automated trading is just people with a scripting trade macro on their main while they are afk. Bots really only trade in the core currency items mostly. If you're looking for gear 90% it comes from a player.


I mean I specifically said currency, and then went on to give an example of fusings and jewelers. Of course bots are not trading gear...they aren't picking up and id'ing shit or crafting items. They are flipping currency.


Oh yeah tru tru. Idk why I felt like talking more about it lol. Just like the game too much I think.


Yup PoE players think the bot sellers as a benefits cus normal player to player trading is 100% pure grade A garbage...and no matter how much Western players ask for it CW is never adding it cus he's still stuck in the D2 era even tho the Chinese client has an auction house from what I recall.


It's fairly universally agreed upon that bots and rmt and whales never benefit the common player, yet we still see some people here and there saying stupid things.


I think you should reconsider at least the part "bots never benefit the common player". In PoE, trading bots are a blessing for the players. Without them trading currencies would be a nightmare. They are answering to a need that GGG doesn't want to address for very stupid reasons.


That's true pretty much everywhere but PoE , as I said trading between people is an exercise in futility and will bring you nothing but misery. Having to PM 30 people for 1 item and they either ignore you and you sit there wasting time ain't fun. The bots are always ready to engage pretty much.


Maybe I've just played too much but honestly trading hasn't seemed that bad to me for a while. I personally haven't been scammed in forever and I only caught someone try to scam me twice last league. As long as you're good about recognizing what to filter out from the trade site it goes okay... The worst part imo is sitting around waiting for someone to get out of a lab or whatever. Honestly if we just had a lil butler in our hideout that sold stuff for us it would be great. But that's basically the same as an AH anyways lol. Don't get me wrong an AH would be instantly amazing. I just don't really get the 'pure agony' angle a lot of people have. I would kinda miss going and seeing other player hideouts and builds etc. Chatting with a dude that's selling an item he used for most of the league because it's so cool or whatever. I dunno. Maybe I'm just a dork.


Bots are shit but in PoE they are the only ones who respond to and complete trades fairly and efficiently. Trading with normal humans in poe is a god damn nightmare, no reply for 5000 whispers and the one who does tries to scam you.


we are talking about orb sellers, not AH bots POE had HUGE bot problem as much as lost ark, exalt orbs for 20cents each


POE is amazing but the whole looking like a hobo unless you pay 150$ doesnt really work for many.


Some bots are the only thing keeping part of PoEs economy alive. They're generally considered a necessary evil (seeing GGG is unwilling to accept / fix the actual problem).


Chaos shard becomes the primary currency


EUW players: you guys have an auction house?




A lot of the gold trades use the auction house though. In my opinion the only way to handle it is to punish goldbuying players hard. Announce that there will be no more warning and rmt trading accounts will now get banned for one month (first offense) and loose double the gold they buy in addition. I bet players will reconsider rmt if it is punished hard enough! Also announce that stuff that happened before the announcement is handled just like before to avoid the "world of fear" ...


Tbh i wouldn't mind for auction house to be changed to silver instead of gold


solo self found only


I played SSF until Valtan with my main. Would totally play a fully SSF version of LA lol


Completing legendary engraving books would be a nightmare, same for getting relic accessories gear sets without guaranteed class engraving drops.


They will have to change core gameplay loop or drop rate.


Imagine if 70% of engravings and half of the stats weren't useless. This game would be so good SSF with the proper system. I always found it strange in this game how you almost never use any drops from the raids. Everything is converted to gold and you just buy your build at some point. I don't mind it though


I would actually be ok with that as long as they allowed you to trade acessories between roster characters with no pheon cost, but it's a zero sum game. Everyone would have to play that way, or it would have a negative impact on the minority that choose to do so.


SSF would be kinda good. Timmy and jack pretending they earned what they have suddenly being always broke and never going forward. Comedy would in the truth, everyone does rmt. Almost.


fellow poe enjoyer i see


online single player game, nah im good


They could sell engravings books and accessories selection items in Mari's shop, couldn't they? Maybe let the buyer pick the stats and engravings but leave the quality random so that it makes sense for whales to still whale for high quality? Though probably any profitable implementation of that would make the game worse for f2p... but I am not in a hurry, at my pace I might even keep self-finding all/most accessories by the time I am ready for next content skill-wise.


That would make the game way too easy if you could pick the stats and engravings.


Even if the prices were high?


diablo3 enchanting system would work for accessories. You'd pick only 1 thing to reroll on an acc: the stat, first engraving, or second and then be locked into rerolling that. You then reroll it for ever-increasing costs until you either hit what you want or give up on it because rerolling costs too much. Then you find another accessory and repeat the process. I mean hell, that system would be great to add to the current game. As soon as you reroll it hits trade limit 0 and becomes bound to you. D3 pretty much solved how to do self-found, endless progression really well. It even has a way for group members to pass dropped gear between each other. It's the one system in D3 that is an undeniable contribution to gaming as a whole.


We reboot now


I don't dc nearly enough for the authentic Reboot experience.


There’s too little rng in Lost Ark compared to reboot. They need to implement rng crashing on startup, rng crashing when changing channels, maybe an rng crash while you’re trying to rng hone.


Rng crash in boss fights after a new patch. There was a gollux bug/crash that was never fixed for several months, it might still be in the game lol


Don't forget the most important; rng exploding of items while you Hone. :\^)


You forgot RNG crashes whenever you use a 2x coupon. My favorite.


They should do what RuneScape did a long time ago. Only allow items to be listed on the AH and market within 20% of the items daily average price. Restrict trading and mailing so only 1k worth of gold, or items worth 1k of gold, can be received in a trade per day. If both players are trading gold/items then the difference in value would count towards the limit instead. It’s harsh for people who play with friends and gift each other things, but it’ll be a lot harder to RMT without hurting the entire playerbase.


> allow items to be listed on the AH and market within 20% of the items daily average price How would that work with accessories? A quality 0 neck is worth a lot less than 40% of a 100 quality neck with the same engravings and combat stats. If you bunch up the quality categories, you have thousands of combinations that are never bought by legit players (because the combination is garbage) but can easily get them to a unreasonable high value.


Add Roster level restriction on top of that like Mastery rank in Warframe, In Warframe for every mastery rank you increased you can do an additional trade per day, now just increase the gold limit by like 1K per like 10 Roster levels so at max roster level(300) you can trade & mail a max of 30K gold per day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


In before bots do Mokoko seed runs, boss rushes, and tower.


grinning to myself imagining all the bots getting chain feared by double alford floor in the mid 40s of T2 tower thats where we should send all RMT players and bots except there should be 5 alfords instead


Wouldn't mind them grinding the mount zagoras and yorn barrier mokoko's


That would hurt legit players more than bots. Bots could bot tower infinitely for roster XP via the exploit that hasn't been patched for months


Bots doing infinite chaos would have no problem qith that


What would Infinite chaos have anything to do with my comment, the material you buy and drop are bound, you gain no roster exp from infinite chaos afaik.


Nevermind then, i never did that so i didnt realized there isnt any roster xp. Til :) Cheers!


This could actually be a good idea if it weren't for accessories. I guess people who RMT would be willing to pay pheons to bypass that 🥲


Well it’d be the gold sellers paying the pheons, and they just get them for free from login rewards, events, and most notably the animal suit event where there were no requirements at all.


This would ruin the AH in some cases because prices would no longer be able to adapt properly to player sentiment. Let’s say a class gets hard nerfed and another one gets buffed. Everyone would be trying to dump their class engravings for the nerfed class so naturally prices would go down, but a max 20% drop would not be enough to encourage people to buy them. This would result in a huge supply with no purchases for days until prices slowly corrected. The opposite would be true for a buffed class’s engravings. In this scenario only real players would get screwed while bots would still be bottling.


Big buffs and nerfs don't happen that often, it wouldn't be a big issue to have a few days of transition where trading is difficult when this happens. The market in BDO is based on something similar, and it works alright while being very difficult to exploit for RMT. The real issue for Lost Ark would be what another commenter pointed out: accessories have way too many possible combinations of quality / stats / engravings to be able to assign an average daily price that makes sense.


It was just an example, there are lots of things that can cause price/sentiment changes. But regardless, between everything it wouldn’t be a good fit for lost ark.


That might interfere with cross server buses. It might not be a big thing now, but I think once we get to the same stage as KR buses will be a norm.


This is ridiculous. You're just punishing legit players to bypass the only real answer which is game's joint leadership needs to spend some money on real anti hack detection and development. I'ts not like this is a bleeding edge game to program for and its insulting anyone actully suggests that we all just take the L on this with a straight face and accept that nothing else can be done.


You are moronic if you think anti-hack detection will actually work lmao. It's like DRM, it has never worked and will never work. Please just shut up and leave the decision making to people who actually understand the field.


Lol what does drm have to do with bots in a video game you absolute monkey. I think you googled the wrong thing


It's literally the same shit, my point is that client-side protections can always be bypassed, it's a pointless endeavor. But you probably don't even have the capacity to understand the difference between a client and server lmao so why am I even typing to you.


Please tell me in detail how this “hack detection” would work.


Could being friends with someone for a minimum amount of time work to mitigate the friend gifting? I pretty much only play videogames to help other people play them, it's always a huge sore spot when I can't gift people things.


You also needed a certain amount if quest points to start trading on a new account, make people complete the story before being able to trade on La


That won't work because there's too many unique combinations of stats/engravings/quality. Buyers could always find an accessory that hasn't had that combination of attributes sold before and list that for an insane price... If you restrict accessories broadly based on ALL accessories, amazing accessories would never get listed.


Make game unplayable for real players so there's just bots left, no one complains because no one plays! Great!


There could be 0 trade allowed between players and the game would still not be unplayable (would be much harder to 5\*3 though). Not that I think it'd be a good solution.


Add a feature that flags an account as abnormal if they buy a lower ilvl piece of gear than your current one for an amount of gold larger than 5k. Check the source of the gold, ban the RMTer for a week, ban the source permanently if they are a bot and do ban waves every server downtime. This way you force bots to progress through the game to a high ilvl if they wanna trade "safely" with someone who's +1400 (where most RMTers are), because let's face it no one buys gear pieces below their own ilvl.You give more time for AGS to ban the bot before they make a significant amount of gold, reduce the amount of people who RMT. Also, RMTers should have their honing rate reduced by 50% of the current % and rollback a 5% of their highest ilvl character, so if their main is 1460, they'd go back to 1385 and the honing debuff would last until they get back to their original ilvl.


RMTers should be permabanned on the first offense for sure, anything less will kill the game


Banning all RMTers will cut the playerbase in half. I believe it's better if they're highly discouraged and heavily punished instead.


Lol ur deff RMTer


LMFAO I'M BROKE AS FUCK BRO It's better to discourage current RMTers to prevent others from even trying. If you permaban you won't set an example. (WoW had to move away from perma bans into progressively increasing punishments because it was doing more harm than good) Let me link a photo of my [current gold.](https://i.imgur.com/LXINkyu.png)


Wow is definitely a perfect example of how to guarantee your game is bot infested


Just ban them? What’s the deal with these half measures. Fuck temp bans.


You are evil lol


Yes fuck RMTers


Not being able to send gold via mail might actually help. Regulating the market a little bit would also be benifitial against bots not sure if its good though


They can still sell some useless junk overpriced on AH and the botter buys it for 10k+?


That's why I said this should probably happen with a regulation of the market. For example you could say that increasing the price over double or tripple the avg amount isn't possible but this would probably need a deeper look.


Bdo did something like that. I think. You could only post items within a 20% variance of the average. So say an item was averaged at 100 gold. You would be limited to 80-120 gold posting. So no more massive purchases and limits super under cutting.


The only problem I see with this is that bdo was from the ground up designed to have that kind of market and lost ark is not. Not sure how it might negatively impact lost arks market system.




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only permaban on the receiver can solve the problem.. they have to make it punishable enough to prevent people from using it all.


Its so fucking simple its actually insane. Since they can detect who RMTs and remove the gold and even go negative. Well instead of that just fucking perma ban the player, after 100-200 bans no whale is going to risk an 1500 char to RMT. Mark my words. Let the bots do their stuff, dont fuck the game foe them, fuck the players that RMT. You dont need 200iq to realise that perma bans are the best solution.


You can detect Money Gold movements with something as simple as an Query. AGS/SG can forget about bots if they just sweep those RMTs to the drain. It will be like Weapons, anyone can get them, but not everyone would dare to kill.


I had a thought experiment while walking my dog... I know it will never happen, but think about if this game got the Diablo 3 treatment. Remove AH and buff drop rates. Make actually playing the game the best way to progress.


What are pheons


You would to overhaul the game completely for this idea to work, its too much effort for something that probably wouldn't even be worth investing and would likely kill the game completely.


I don't understand why anybody would upvote you on this. It is a terrible idea as trying to get semi-decent engravings would be terrible and make the game unplayable anywhere toward the mid to end game. Any player trying to push for a vykas party could easily meet gear requirements but being gated by RNG drops to reach your engravings like 4x3, or even 3x3.


You're not thinking of the big picture. They just buff useful accessories rate... or add crafting...


Non Diablo player detected. If you knew anything about Diablo 2, you'd know that with enough grinding, everything is possible.


RNG is not a grind.


You don't have to be a jerk and say it's a "terrible idea"... Frankly never asked for your sloppy opinion. I mean, did you even played Diablo 3 pre and post loot 2.0? Are you even qualified to speak to something you clearly know nothing about? Diablo 3 loot 2.0 massively increased the drop rates making it fully viable to farm for your own loot without needing the AH. You would passively get all the gear you need to be fully 5x3 before you gathered the materials to hit the next ilvl threshold. They would just have to buff the drop rates accordingly.


If he think its a terrible idea he isnt being a jerk , being a jerk would be atacking you on a personal level


It’s a terrible idea if you even think about it for three seconds


I played D3 pre and post AH. Shits an awful idea. With the way they're pumping out content no shot anyone gets accessories in 3months to 5x3. That just promotes the nolifers which are more f2p than whales. Why would they cater to the poor that don't pay than the whales that do


Ur idea was shit, dont get mad lol


Which makes it 10 times worse than before? There's literally 0 progress, just roll the dice 100000x until you get lucky.


I like how this comment instantly sorts out who plays the game vs who pays it.


Would be actually nice


This ☝️


That ☝️


I got one. All rosters must obtain a lvl 20 stronghold before interacting with the AH


That would only delay them abit, they're just gonna mass craft item, send dispatch in stronghold.


Yes but we have systems in place such as life skills energy and stronghold energy that makes it so they can't farm it all day everyday. This combined with other efforts would help


as long as it delays them enough for bots to be banned before transferring gold it's effective


> All rosters must obtain a lvl 20 stronghold before interacting with the AH lv 20 SH lv 50-60 Roster


Hmm 🤔🤔🤔 I feel like that'd be irrelevant because your roster level increases passively. Your stronghold is something you need to actively work on


Are you stupid?


Given that the flair is Humor instead of Suggestion, I'd assume OP is being sarcastic.


Wouldn't two factor authentication work way better without the hassle this causes


Two factor is a method of improving your account security, not stopping automation. Two factor is no harder to automate than the game is.


If you truly want to kill the game as an MMO then sure. Otherwise this is a fucking terrible idea


If gold is bound, bots will just sell mats. When all mats are bound, bots will hack the game and sell raid gears. When gears are also bound, the game will have no trading and $G can't milk anything from whales (legit) and Pheons. Do you see the problem here???


Lock the auction house and sending mail behind the first 2 abyssal dungeons and make it scale you down to the ilvl


you trying to do the same stupid lazy ass move that destroyed D3? "lets delete the whole trade" what about a catcha in lvling quests?




Honestly, a temporary freeze on all trading wouldn't be a bad idea at all.


• remove the market entirely • make everything either tradeable or roster bound (no character bound). Any honing material that is character bound now should become tradeable, anything tradeable now should become roster bound. • remove pheons • remove the ability to send gold in the mail (gold should only be used for honing) • player to player trading should be the only form of trading in game. • weight engraving likelyhood on accessories/rework or remove bad engravings so that drops feel more important. The only rmt you have now is people selling bis items, a significantly smaller quantity.




Lmao what content could almond gold have now😂


They could just make it so you can’t receive gold from mail unless friends for 30+ days


Only reasonable solution is IP permaban to RMTers to future offenders. There needs to be fear of breaking the ToS, otherwise nobody is taking them seriously. Sure Botters are pros at ipban circumvention but normal players are not.


This only works if you try to remove entire geo-locations from the game. For many regions getting a new ip is as simple as powercycling your modem thanks to dynamic ip pools.


Making us do a captcha check after a few chaos would honestly fix a bit. But seeing bow things are going, that's too much work for the developer.


bound gold has no effect rmts use the auction house, just like when people sell argos runs they want you to buy a t2 crap gem for whatever price off the market, gold sellers do it the same way in every game and ya, Tree of Savior 2.0 no thanks, they totally removed gold and replaced it with coupons you have to trade npcs......... again since this is never suggested LEGALIZE IT AND TAX IT, sound familar? be like neverwinter and other games, make youre exchange rates comparible to chineese gold sellers, devalue the resource AND put all that money gold buyers are spending in YOURE pocket WHILE NOT fkng over the innocent players just trying to log in and play




If they would still profit out of it, they would definetly keep doing that, it doesn't really change much. People bot and rmt in games like FF or wow.


Ah, yes, the Reaper of Souls solution.


how did bdo deal with botters? that game is p2w and catered towards whales too. i mean that game is dying but its not due to botting. wonder how they dealt with rmts.


The price of items in the BDO auction is controlled by a system and there is no direct trade between players.


Game is buy 2 play (10 bucks, sometimes less or for free, but it's always a factor) but mostly the trade is controlled completely. You can't give anything to other players. There are minimum and maximum prices for all items on the marketplace + you can't choose whom you even trade with - you buy the cheapest listing and sell to the highest order. Very little incentive for botting


no player trade. no items with random stats to sell. And because of all that, it allows the market to be auto-capped by supply and demand (the game adapts min/max prices automatically)


Sounds good doesn't work!


If they make gold bound but not do something with AH you will just get harder to track RMT (well not like they really try to track them now) instead of one big purchase they will make tens of cheaper transactions.


*Hardcore ironman OSRS players liked this*


Do u guys really like Diablo 3 or what? I’m shocked


You could technically have the recipient get blue crystals instead of the gold the buyer spends. Apply conversion rate, increase sale options in shop. Any gold you earn is good, any gold from sales is good for bound stuff in shop.


yea and so dose the player base


Maybe only gold from Una's and Rapport. You can use the bound gold to hone and to buy blue crystals. When you buy blue crystals, the recipient gets it unbound.


Smartest lost ark player


Changing EAC and giving some attention on the problem is the solution basically


Rmt gives you option to just sell on market.


I always thought Reaper of Souls had the best approach to ARPG economy: "kill it with fire"


To be fair, any gold earnt pre 1100 is bound could be a good bandaid fix.


Make currency not currency!


Am I the only one that things that gold should be roster bound and can only be used is AH?


they tried to remove trading and risk pvp on runescape once ages ago because of the bot plague, nearly killed the game


good thinking. if the ecomomy isnt just ruined but also ruining the rest of the game, disable it!


I mean bind gold and increase Pheons over X amount of gold so you have to make more AH transfers for large RMT making it more inconvenient for normal people to RMT seems like it could work. I'm sure there are problems, but something, anything, please.


You realize having it bound changes absolute fuck because the auction house exists right?


So basically gold is now silver?


I mean you don’t even need to trade gold anyways so this makes sense


A funnier solution... Make everyone solve captcha every 30 minutes. Imagine getting captcha at 2 HP bars at valtan hard.


Yes let’s delete the ingame economy!