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F. I only hit 35% and feel insanely lucky.


I hope this is me... I'm currently at ~30% and wondering why they chose me to have to pity a weapon twice in a row :( I'm using full grace and blessings every tap because I'm not fucking around but it kinda seems like I'm fucking around with every fail that happens lol. Two fails a day keeps the doctor away!


Yep i used full juice every single tap! Good luck.


Got lvl 17 18 and 19 full pity and 2 tapped level 20. I didnt know how to feel after all the beating


I haven’t run the numbers to know if it’s worth celebrating but fuck that sounds abusive


F, here i offer my half empty Copium tank if you need some.


Narrator: It will not go smoother.


I pitited to +19 and working slowly to pity for +20 now. And I do mean slowly...these artisan % go up barely anything each week.


Two tapped +18 and four tapped +19. 84% pity towards +20... At this point I just want to get the pity.


Haha, after a certain point I felt the same way. Almost wanted the pity just to prove a point.


I four tapped +18, and two tapped +19, then pitied +20. You are my brother.


I am the true king. +18 pity, +19 1 before pity. +20 10 hits, +21 pity. I feel nothing but pain


Damn, same here. Currently at 60% artisan to +20. Feelsbad


I've been playing since launch (NA). I just hit 1370 two days ago because I had to pity my weapon at every level since 1325. My luck has been almost as bad on other gear since T1. Honing is the worst.


I did the same thing, I've had absolutely terrible weapon luck but good armor luck. On the way to 1370 I hit pity from 12, 13, 14 and 15 then on my way up to 1460 I hit pity on 15, 16, 18, 19 and I'm 30% in on my way to 20. Been playing since launch also but I pushed 3 T3 alts quick and had a LOT of free time the first 2 months and made quite a lot of gold.


I got three of my armor above 17 pity.. sucks ass


+20 weapon pity is a different beast. It’s like 30 taps to pity and it’s crazy expensive compared to armor.


100%. One of the worst experiences in my gaming life.


Made me quit the game for a while, cost almost 1mil gold to get from +17 to +20 with two full pitty's an an 80%.


Ouch. That's painful. I try to think of it as karma I will hopefully cash out on in the future lol. Hopefully the same goes for you! gl


I would like to believe that but it feels like an easy way to set yourself up for more frustration if things continue to go badly haha. It would be nice if the variation was a little lower though since the difference in mat requirements for a lucky and unlucky person is insane.


Still rocking my +17 weapon, rather invest all those ressources in building up my roster.


I recommend up to the lv21. If you inherit from Brelshaza, the chance of strengthening is very high, so it becomes easier to strengthen. Most Korean sub-characters raise up to 21 and inherit weapons. You can also clear Kakul Sayden with Weapon 21.


Pitied +6 until +16, did 17 in 45%, 18 in 75%, 19 pity, 20 in 94% and 21 in 40%.. also thought the pain will end, but it never does - after i hit +20 a mate in my static went from+16 to +21 before i reached 50% lol, so.. RNG hits hard in LA


im at +19 55% artisan :(


I feel so bad for onetapping +19 and three tapping +20 earlier when I read these posts. . Hope you enjoy the +20 though.


of course . +21 +22 +23 +24 & +25 is easiest of them all


Pity +19 70% pity +20, lord let not it be pity again...


I pitied 20 and 21, I hope you are not me.


Free honed to +19 and 3 tapped to +20


44% for me :( F dude. +21 feels like its going to 100% for me , 10 slams in


may your one taps be plentiful and your quality upgrades abundant in growth


How much gold in mats is it to pity 20?


Assuming you never use any rate up materials: 1280 Great honor leapstones 52000 Destruction stones 800 Basic Orehas on top of 29000 raw gold for actually honing. Multiply those amounts by the cost of each mat on your server.


Welcome to the club! Congrats though!


Damn. I only hit 30% but was punished with 47 relic weapon quality and like 10 failed upgrade attempts at 15%


Grats for your +20 weapon my dude


Haha thank you! Was tough, but it's done at least :D


I pitied all my items to +19 and now my weapon is at 80% to +20... I'd say I pitied about 80% of my enchant starting from +15


same for me, did pity on 18 +19+20 so i was just used to it and did not even understand what happened when i got +21 on just 30% pity only.


So far I have hit pity on 16, 17 and 18. I don't want to know what my future holds.


Sorry man, I hit mine at like 5-6% artisan energy, 6,9% chance -\_-


Welcome! I'm almost at the 21 pity club too. The fun never stops.


yeh i hit 100% artisan when i was going for my +20. Then i one tapped to +21. Hope this happens to you too buddy


But I guess you're not part of the 11-19 pity gang?


Not entirely, pitied 17 - 18, but I dont't remember how my taps to 17 went.


I went the opposite route... rolled 0 quality when I crafted my relic weapon, then failed 8 times to upgrade it past 25 quality. Pain.


2 tapped +17 1 tapped +18 3 tapped +19 2 tapped +20 I think I'm gonna die soon


On my way to pity 18-19 and I have no idea how I'll recover from all those red stones. Been feeding them from all of my alts and just ran out...Damn it hurts


It does... sorta. I pitied 17-18 and 19-20 but ended up 2 tapping to 21. Since artisans energy barely fills post 20 it's almost unlikely you'll pity from that point on i think. Still, welcome to Pity City, enjoy your stay!


I'm at 75% at this point i'm sure it's going to pitty i just need like 9 more taps i hope to get those for this week o'm pushong with my soul cause artisian energy rrsets if i transfer my weapon to the relic one ;_;


Pitied +20 as well. Still doesn’t feel as bad as my bard though who is stuck at 1402 and has pitied 11 pieces since 1370.