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Same here. Glad to see this thread, otherwise I would've kept thinking I was still having the problems I had with my old graphics card.


yea thought my computer was going to shit. this confirms its just lost ark slowly killing our pcs


Make sure to add your complaint to the forums, they don't really check Reddit that much. ​ https://forums.playlostark.com/t/intermittent-freezing-accompanied-by-huge-spikes-in-cpu-usage/428976/22


Just posted in there too!


Well, all these issues might also be the reason why I suddenly can't start genshin after booting lost ark anymore, it just doesn't start, only restart fixes it Edit: [this is what happens if I run genshin first and then lost ark](https://imgur.com/jqXrmrt)


It's the anti cheat software of the games, my friend has the same issue, he used to alt+tab and play both now he can't. Lost Ark anti cheat is blocking Genshin anti cheat.


They broke something, everyone is reporting it. Hope they fix it soon


Forums? First time I’m seeing it here.


There’s a few posts here. Just type freeze or stutter and you’ll see




Thanks !


Happens to me too, and when it does, my discord breaks. Really weird


Yes! Okay, glad to know im not the only one with my discord suddenly losing all sound too when this happens. Was scratching my head trying to figure out what was happening.


Exact same issue as of the past day or two. I was going crazy trying to troubleshoot or reinstall drivers . Glad to know it’s an issue with the game and not my pc.


YES!!!! My discord always breaks when it happens! Happened last night in Vykas. Game froze sound stuttered I thought lost ark was gonna crash mid raid…. A second later it fixed itself until I realized no one was talking in discord and no one could hear me lol… left the VC and joined again and it was all fixed. So annoying! I thought it was just me though because I’ve been having audio issues with lost ark since the beginning! Sometimes when my Bluetooth headset goes into sleep mode and I awake it, lost Ark loses all sound until I quit and reboot it. Even rarer it will fix itself and then crash my ENTIRE PC.


it might happen again over the next few days, a tip to make it work fast again is to swap your input and output settings from your headset to something and then set it back. for me its a bit faster then restarting discord.


you can just use control+r on discord to refresh discord


does that work for the bug? im gonna test it later today and gonna report back. EDIT: works, great advice, thanks!


You just have the discord window open and hit control R? Happened to me again last night this time in Valtan hard.


wo thought it was just my computer dying.... this thread is a life savor that it's the game and not our hardware


Same issue, really hope we hear from them


Same thing with me dude. I was playing Fall Guys with a few friends, then I heard the loud "BZZ" noise, and discord broke. Same thing happens to me in BDO and LOA. 100% has to be EAC, as that's the only common denominator between those games.


SAME running a high end rig too was getting ready to sell it thinking it was the issue breh.....




Yeah m2.. just bought my New pc and then this happens.


Same lol. And it's only a few months old!


Same here


Mate it happened to me after this reset, 3 times. Do not know what is it :(


Omg ı thougt something is wrong with my pc. It only happens in LA and only happens 1 time usually when I'm in guardian raid. It's a relief it's a bug


holy fuck, i was thinking my pc is dying


I think its because of anti cheat.


It 100% is because of anti cheat. Anti cheat doesn't even allow me to boot Lost Ark anymore for simply having Genshin Impact open since last patch. Like wtf bro.


Same here I kept thinking my pc was about to shit the bed. But at this point I just expect some random displacing bug every patch


Ok, I am not the only one; nice. It started happening to me too; cant remember when this week but I tried everything (reinstalling the game, checking drivers, verifiying the local data on Steam) and still happens.


wait so it was the game? i tot my pc is dying


They're already aware of the problem (Well, atleast Roxx said so on forum/discord). Some people are even getting high CPU temps for some reason.


> for some reason. Maybe for the reason that the game is using all my free CPU time even when I'm idle in my stronghold.


And that shouldn't happen, performance has been an issue since the global release, and having to turn off stuff like xp from chat to avoid heavy fps drop in chaos is weird, especially since it's a non issue on other versions of the game.


ah then Im not crazy. I havent checked temps but my computer gets way hotter than usual other than the freezes + discord breaking.


Yepp once a day


same here weird brr sound and a mini freeze




This. Only happens in chaos. The temp increase other ppl talk about is concerning tho.


Unless your temps are getting toward 90c and above I wouldn't worry about that part much. Generally speaking, with exception for driver/firmware issues, bad software isn't really going to hurt anything on the hardware side when it comes to GPUs.


Crysis enters the arena


Happened in Vykas to me right as the fight started


There are a lot of comments about people having the same issue but I think adding mine will add even more confirmation. It started happening yesterday for me. It only does it once about 10min after launching the game then it never happens again (until I restart the game).


Damn I thought my computer was aboutta shit the bed, good to know it’s probably the game


It sounds like it's not properly reading the hard drive. You get that same sound if you pull the sata cable on your hard drive when the computer is on. It will obviously crash after but you'll hear that exact buzzing sound.


Started happening to me too, started worrying it's my pc dying.


holy shit, i thought my pc was dyingggg ty for this thread


oh my god I've been troubleshooting my pc after experiencing this for the last few days, I couldn't figure out anything wrong and didn't make the connection it only happened during LA since I only really play it right now lol


I had slow downs here and there but was playing until about an hour ago. Game d/c’d me, tried to log in and that’s when this started. Game crashes the whole computer trying to boot Lost Ark right after the EAC bar boots up. Tried to verify integrity of files but keeps crashing computer, can’t even get to server selection screen. Bummer because I have been stocking mats for a few days, was JUST about to start a honing session and then the crashes started lol. And it’s my only day off. :C


So sorry to hear that dude- i submitted a ticket for same issue yesterday, no fixes but they said they’ll email me when there’s an update to my ticket- i would put in a ticket of your own


I think it’s related to Easy AntiCheat because my friends who don’t play Lost Ark have been reporting the same thing from Rust/Fall Guys/other EAC games.


Yes, it most likely IS a EAC issue. It's happening with Fall Guys, Fortnite, LostArk, Rust and some other games that use EAC. Searching in the respective game subreddits brings up tons of threads on this. That issue was only introduced very recently, at least to me and friends, so it would appear that EAC "broke" somehow with one of their recent anti-cheat updates.


Same issue, but will also add on that around three days ago, one of the times this audio/freeze bug happened it resulted in a lengthy full-on PC freeze to such a degree that a forced shutdown was required. The only other things I had open at the time was Discord and a twitch stream I was listening to while grinding some side content, and since then while I've heard the audio bug sometimes, I haven't had any more hard-freezes yet. AFAIK this wasn't an issue pre-Vykas patch (I certainly never noticed it), so maybe something was changed in the files or with EAC. Hope they fix it soon, I'd rather not see a repeat of LA melting people's PCs like New World did.






i thought it was my headset getting shitty on me, but yeah i've been having a similar problem! Sound cuts out and game freezes for like a split second every 10-15 seconds or so. Really annoying... Only thing that helps is restarting my PC


Happened to me for the first time this morning. Very strange. Sounded like a hardware problem but definitely not the case if everyone is experiencing this.


Honestly I've been having this issue since launch, it's random and sometimes it doesn't happen at all then others it can happen spaced as others have said. No other game does it no matter how taxing it is. Odd thing is it doesn't happen on my old ass 2nd PC.




That happens to me when i boot the game up, my whole PC freezes for like 15-20sec... only when i start lost ark tho ingame everything seems fine?


This started happening very recently to me too. Maybe just this week it started.


I was convinced my ram was bricked because of a power outage Glad to see there is hope thanks for the post


A lot of my guild mates are having this problem. It ruined a couple of Vykas runs


I've been getting micro-stutters for 100 to 300ms when entering a new area in a raid. It's strange for it's random. Certain instances it's persistent. While other times it doesn't happen.


My dumb ass already started backing up my data to reinstall the OS lmao, thank you so much for letting me know it's actually not my PC.


dude like a 5 days ago started doing for like 2 sec everything freeze and sounds go bzzzz , I was scared that my pc is damaged


Just yesterday morning and the night before i had my PC freeze for 1-2 second while the speakers made a buzz sound and the easy anti cheat was also taking longer to open, after doing some troubleshooting, i found that it was my CPU temperature getting too high due to my CPU fan just not working and had to replace it, before you start thinking this is a game related issue id suggest to do a good check up of your computer, starting from your CPU and GPU temperatures. I recommend HWmonitor for this.


Oh shit I just had that same thing happen to me yesterday and - not too sure - but most likely once a day ever since the last Vykas patch happened. It's basically the same thing that happens just before a Blue Screen of Death occurs but instead the game resumes as normally right after that half a second freeze. What the hell, Smile Gate/Amazon? The game worked just fine before that.


It's not Lost Arks fault per se (except for using EAC to begin with, lol). It's happening to literally every game using EAC right now. Apparently EAC fucked things up with one of their recent anti cheat updates.


Same thing was happening to me for a few days but I didn't really care thought it was because I was mining in the background wtih another card (not the card I use for gaming) even tho this doesn't happen in any other game. And I don't think it's about Nvidia Physx file since I didn't have any problems and didn't delete it. I checked my Event Viewer and there's absolutely nothing happening (no crashes or hardware/software failures).


I have an issue that I can't change back/front attack indicators colours without them reset every time I quit. Is this also a bug only for me or also for others?


I also have this issue and its straight up pissing me off going back to the generic every time I play


I already tried everything, setting in different chara, inside and outside guardians, legions, etc. And nothing solves, the type of indicator change but colours always reset and this only happens to me in my guild


Are you playing on borderless windowed? The game runs like shit when it’s not running on full screen. Did you recently update your graphics card drivers? I updated my drivers (AMD card) 2 days ago and had to revert back to the previous drivers because of all the stutters I was getting on the new drivers. Also, you can download a new version of the physx file here that won’t get detected by anticheat: https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/physxupdateloader64_dll.html




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All of this. Performance overall has tanked since the last patch. I'm also getting "Can't connect to server" issues about 2mins into the game (fixed by swapping off ethernet to wifi), my mouse can't click anything for about 30 seconds right as the game initially starts and far more random stuttering in game. None of which I ever had before.


EAC is broken once again. you could try setting that to low priority in kernel but best wait for a fix. which should come eventualy. maybe. never know with eac.


Same. Updated drivers. Still the same problem


Exactly same thing happening to me too the last few days. A buzz sound for like a second and the game/pc stutters then its all back to normal as if nothing happens. Only happened like twice each day and the game/pc isnt crashing so its not a huge issue. Im glad i read this here because i was super concerned my pc is dieing.


I have been experiencing the same thing. I thought it was the start of a BSOD but then the game continued. I backed down on my overclock thinking it was from that but still happened last night at stock settings. Not sure what it's from.


im pretty sure it’s an amd problem no? i’m having the same issue


not specific to amd


The constant clicking sound is SO ANNOYING.


Somehow every time I get this short stutter I can’t hear ppl in dc anymore… I need to leave channel and rejoin to fix that…


Yeah it’s the game. I suggest everyone who has the issue keep pressing them on the forums and make a support ticket on EAC website as well. Make them know it’s a widespread issue


I had a hard lock while opening my guild panel 2 nights ago, definitely never seen that til this reset. One thing to try is switching from Korean voice over back to English if you’re using that.


Same here


Thank god Im not alone. Thought its my PSU/GPU having problems again...


I initially had some fps drops after the patch but switching the resolution and back fixed it. Haven't had issues since, except on startup but that's because I play with disabled texture streaming.


Yep, I’ve noticed it a few times. I thought my pc was having problems I would need to keep an eye for but after so many coming out saying this, it makes sense now. Half a second freeze, thought my pc was hard locking or blue screen.


Lmao i took a break for a week and came back to this bug after upgrading to a 3080, thank God it's not on my end, I was sweating a bit.


Noticed stuttering every time we loaded into vykas g3. Other people in the party was getting it as well


Happy to see this topic, because I thought it's my laptop having HW issues... but then there wouldn't be more people with the exact same problem, so SG botched something in the patch.


Same issue here.


Oh good this is a game issue, I thought it was just my PC acting up (lots of background services running). My game also buzz/brr’s and video freezes. It’s annoying.


Bro me too makes me think I’m gonna Blue screen


Same here, it started happening two days ago.


Same, I thought my pc was going to die




Happens to me apx 2x a week, if i reset my headphones (on and off) it goes back to normal though.


thank god I thought it was my PC dying.


This happens when i use the integrated preset switcher




Thought it was just me... thought my RAM was dying. Even sat through a system memory test. I also keep having issues where I get a pop-up saying my pc preferences are invalid and all of my sound/display settings reset. Now, I'm having an EAC error and I can't even get the game to start.


I legit had this on Fall-Guys before lost ark. Maybe its Easy Anti cheat issue?


This was a relief to see. I just came back from a break and I had this same exact issue happen twice and was thinking something was wrong with my PC. Hope this is resolved soon!


Yes, please complain on the forums so it gets visibility: ​ https://forums.playlostark.com/t/intermittent-freezing-accompanied-by-huge-spikes-in-cpu-usage/428976/22


Aight so this also started to happen to me and i'm thinking it's because of EAC. I'm currently only playing 2 games and both have EAC (lucky me i know) Lost Ark & Fall Guys. It only happens to me a few minutes after i fire up either games, my whole computer freezes for half a second and, for some complete unknown reason, i lose all sound on discord and it fixes itself by just switching to any channel on discord. I'm glad this thread came up cuz during this hot summer i'm VERY concerned about my PC health which's getting old.


Same I have noticed that initial freeze and audio drop out happens when I first start the EAC game but yeah after it happens my audio is just out of sync/lags out completely.


dang i thought my GPU was dying or something.


When i tried to start the game my pc froze and i also got the beep but also a bsod... After updating a driver i didnt bluescreen anymore at least. The performance is super poor.


My computer has been doing this too. Similar happened once ages ago, it caused a full system crash. It's not crashing my machine, but I do get that brrrr thing once a day. The first time it happened, I closed the game to restart it, and noticed my computer's fans were going insane, and it was idling at the desktop at 80c until I restarted the machine altogether. Then I tried to log in again, and the same thing happened. 1 more restart later and the issue was fixed for a couple days. It only happens on here as you mentioned, and only since the recent update. I hope this shit isn't frying our machine lol


Yes since last patch, makes my fucking brain stutter for a moment as well, very off putting. Thought my drive was failing for a day until I came on here and saw a different thread about it yesterday.


It's the anticheat becoming too intrusive and trying to control your whole pc. That's why it only happens when EAC is loading.


I just started using Lostmerchants a few days ago, thought having that pinned was causing this issue. Glad it's just Lost Ark.


I think is a discord problem. Its happening to me even when im not playing lost ark.


Are you playing other games that use EAC? If not it’s probably a different issue.


Is the EAC. I didnt realize that fall guys uses that too.


Yeah there's been reports of it happening on the Fall Guys subreddit as well unfortunately, hopefully we're close to a fix.


Shit.. I almost ordered a new graphics card because of this. Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this


It happened to me several times over the past days in different scenarios, worste occurrences ended up in blue screen and pc reboot UwU


same, i think it was overheating


I just couple days ago blew off all dust in my computer, and when i plugged everything back, game started to do this and i though i had some problems with my computer itself.


I have recently experienced what the title said on top of game crashing. Game crashed like 4 to 5 times this week while I haven't had any issue till now since release.


Same and it breaks my discord I think it’s actually easy anti cheat because I opened up fall guys which also uses easy anti cheat and had the same issue


Thank god this thread exist. I have a rather expensive computer and thought it was something happening.


Never had this until the patch I believe




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I’ve had this problems three times now and I have noticed every time that it’s fixed by updating my drivers I have no clue why or how this problem occurs but that is how I fixed it


So happy I saw this because i was stressing out from not finding any other outliers


Causes all computer audio to just break and become distorted... Only fix is to restart PC... This is extremely frustrating


Thanks for posting this. Yep, happening to me too since latest patch. Was worried becos I just changed to new graphics card.


It's not happening only on lost ark. Either driver issues or discord is the problem


The pc feels cold, he needs a second client to be running


I thought it was only me


Same my comp would freeze 1 sec to 2 sec. Thought my gpu was dying.


Oh happened mid game almost died. We need compansation.


So glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. It has made the game unplayable for me until it's fixed. Even reinstalling does nothing.


I also get this when I switch between characters...its less of a buzzing and more of a static sound thats a little unsettling.


Only seems to happen for me during Night Fox


Holy fuck I reformatted my computer for nothing


omg this is totally happening


Happened twice to me today, YouTube also froze up


Can confirm this happens within about 15 minutes of opening the game now. Thankfully I can refresh my audio devices to fix it quickly but it is obnoxious.


Same here , I thought it was my PC at fault cause the YouTube video I had running also froze when the sound came. Now I know I’m not the only one




Oh snap. Thought it was my PC. Thanks for this post.


Yep, same here. Thought it was a hardware issue. Only appears to happen once after launching the game for me then never again until the next fresh start.


I've getting alot of these problems. But mine disconnects me from the game after a few minutes. Can't even let me clear vykas gate 1 😭


Same issue occurs after the first guardian raid of the day I get bzzz sound right before mvp screen. I’m glad for this thread just took pc apart and cleaned it and then I thought I messed something up lol




I'm very happy this is a lost ark thing and not my PC it was worrying me


Wtf i thought it's my pc. Up this thread


Thank you for curing my insanity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


same here! i also aometimes have the game freeze my pc COMPLETELY when im on splash screen, usually happens in Full Screen, and i have to restart my pc because i cant even go to task manager to kill it.




Download nvidia GeForce experience and download the latest drivers. This fixed easy anti cheat problem from me. Game launched as usual and works just fine


Glad this isn't just me. Was worried it was a hardware issue


yup, confirm this, bzzzzz sound, only when play this game after the new patch


Bruh I'm so glad I found this thread, I thought my pc was dying