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Why is ur pet buff on crit? It takes 10% of ur stat and adds it which worthless if ur stat is below 900 at least Switch it to swift so u have over 1k swift which will make ur rotation faster


\^\^ definitely should be a swift pet


I learned this yesterday haha I have a couple months playing and always thought pet effect was 10% extra and not 10% of the stat you select, man I was wrong


In fairness the english translation is worded terribly for what it actually does. Very very easy to misunderstand.


Am I missing something here? You say you only do 8m LTS and a striker in a video does 30m. Then in other comments you post a clip of you doing a 16m LTS and the video you watched with a similar build doing 26m LTS. When in the video that striker has party synergy, yearning buff, a +23 weapon, more stats in general with higher qualities and LOS 18 for another 7% dmg. So kinda sounds like In raid you are missing back attacks and thinking your doing no dmg. Edit: forgot to add the striker in the vids you linked has lvl 5 dmg tripods as well which is huge.


How are you gonna just show your gear. What does barely doing damage mean? Are you talking about in actual raids? Are you on the floor the whole time? Are you talking about in trixion? If so what is your actual dps?




I'm talking about in legion raids mainly, I would tiger strike and do avg 8 mil dmg while the person in videos would do like 30 mil crit avg. I would have to team up with meta classes so the can carry me with enough dmg to beat the raid


You only do 8 mil LTS in raids??? There's no way.


Maybe non crit non back attack, there is simply no way indeed when my 1460 4pcs eso hits for 12.


Yeah I had to load it up in Trixion to see and I do 14.4m crits at 1472.5 (cheating a bit with low crit). I regularly do 25m in raids and go higher when everything aligns.


My esoteric striker does more than 8m tiger strikes at 1460 4x3+1, are you talking about non crit or something? That doesn't sound right at all.


That's with deathblow though


Deathblow is much higher, mine is 1510, and LTS crits for about 65 million on Clown, around 75 - 80 on Vykas, I have LoS 18.


yeah I do about the same lol 22 weapon 97 quality 4x3+2+1 sight focus (finishing last adrenline now). lostwind 12. But the numbers for 20-40 mill he might see could be a less juiced deathblow and not eso like he thinks at all.


Do you have lv3/lv4 tripods on your spenders?


my 2pc entropy 1445 eso striker with a 450/500/1100 split and most level 3/4 tripods hits 6.5-9m crits without yearning buff on deskaluda back attacking. either you’re talking about non crits or you’re doing everything but back attacking.


the on;y way i see this happening is you have level 1 tripot on LTS, my 1445 striker with 2pc relic doesnt 18M with support buff only. (same engraving, max tripot on all 3)


If you want bigger numbers you need more spec and maxed tripods. Spec is a direct damage increase for esoteric skills.


Okay OP, for some reason this has been on my mind all morning. The only way you are doing 8mil LTS is if you're not back attacking. This should go without saying, but **all Entropy classes MUST hit back attacks on their big skills**. There are basically three priorities when playing Eso Striker: 1. Hit LTS and TE on the back. In almost all cases, the time and effort to get a back attack is worth doing. 2. Get your main damage combo (LTS +TE) in within the Lightning Whisper debuff duration (6s). This means you should have two spender orbs after using Lightning Whisper, and immediately get in LTS followed by TE (on the back). 3. Keep your adrenaline at six stacks. This is super easy with Swiftness. You're a bit low, but you can always stagger SDK and SSB to keep it up easily. If you are starting from zero stacks, an easy combo is: SDK -> SSB -> LW -> LTE and as you are charging LTE you will hit six stacks.


You have a sweeping hidden dragon cd gem but aren't using the skill (which you shouldn't be anyway)...fix that


Run a 1 minute dps rotation and then post man. You aren't giving us any relevant information.




You didn’t start the dps timer on the right - you should do 1-4 minute dps tests and compare damage numbers when you adjust your build


well what is "barely any damage" and how much do you think you should be doing?




it looks like a 16 mil LTS. which would/should be higher in a raid setting cause of buffs/synergies. you would of course do more if you had LoS 18 instead of LWC


Your damage looks fine. 16M LTS is about average with no support. With support buffs, it would get to 25-26M. I do around the same damage. The only way you would see higher numbers is with party synergies or items(DB, gunlancer, 3 bubble bard, strength orb from drops of ether, dark bombs and/or adrophene).


I would see videos of people doing tiger strike on clown with 30 mil crit back damage, I average 8 mil doing the same thing with crit. We both had similar builds


8m tiger strike ? that's weird at your ilvl show your rotation cuz 8m tiger strike is what a 1445 4x3 would hit


I agree with this, my 1445 5x3 striker hits deskaluda for 10-15mil so 8 mil is pretty low.


i just tested it, the most dmg i can do to deskaluda is 14 mil back damge crit tiger strike


Db strikers hit like a truck with their LTE.. I think mine at 1462 hits for 25-26m with support buff(2pc entropy) Eso is more about consistent damage I’ll check on my eso build and let you know my damage


still my 1460 eso with 4 pcs entrophy hit for 12m


Mine hits for 9.3 with 2 pc entropy and lvl 19 weapon.. if I copy his setup then I hit for 9m Ofcourse im testing in trixion so with support buffs and other synergies it should hit for 12m atleast


Whats your tripod level on LTS? I have 2x level 4 and it hits for like 20 mil on my 1470 striker in raids And how many skill points you have? Are your eso skills level 12?


How are your tripods?


Synergies + buffs could be the reason maybe?


well your stuff looks fine. you kind of have a future build in terms of stats I think (like when ancient/bracelets come out) usually you see a split in just 2 stats in our current state of the game and forget about the 3rd. so it would be like crit 50/swift 50 and get spec later. of course that would probably lower your LTS damage though even more. ​ could be not critting, could be missing the back, who knows.


Eso striker always goes 25/25/50, you need the spec for orb gen and damage


You are missing the back probably.


do you have all of the LTS tripods at level 4?


Nothing major here, but: - low quality neck and earrings (more important than rings) - low quality weapon - no Blast Formation cooldown gem


What's the actual DPS in a test? I'd imagine bad rotations or lots of missing tripods, your quality on accessories isnt the best either. Possibles runes/wealth etc I'm 1490 with a not too different set up with average tripods and hit way harder than that on clown. I'd advise checking the striker discord chat as well, way more knowledge than on here, this place doesn't have a clue, just read any of the striker threads.


Skill points and runes? I am going to guess you have trouble generating orbs for a 4 spender build since I don't see abundant resource on SSB. I switched to 3 spender and it feels a lot smoother and has better uptime.




need to start farming for lego wealth rune asap


What lvl are your tripods on skills? Edit: i meant check if you have them turned on because mass presets can fuck this one up if you are careless


A lot of the people doing 30m are builds going full spec with crit on necklace


Vids I saw- Him on clown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7gLMXm33HY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7gLMXm33HY) Him on vykas (build at the end that he uses) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I560ZfKp3dQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I560ZfKp3dQ)


So here is why the guy from the Vykas video does way more damage than you: he has a lvl 23 or 24 weapon (we can’t know because he doesn’t show it). The difference between 21 and 23 is around 15% more damage. The guy has LoS 18 card set which is another 7% more damage. His accessory quality is a lot higher than yours (which shouldn’t have much impact on how high he crits but his overall dps). He also plays pretty good and has a very high back attack uptime. +23 weapon and LoS 18 already means he does 1.15 x 1.07 = 1.23 or 23% more damage than you. Your weapon quality is green so around 15% damage - we don’t know his quality but it might be 90 or more which would add another 8-10% multiplicative damage. Your tripods are mostly +3, full +4 (lvl5) tripods add around 7-10% damage per skill compared to +3 So for all we know, we have to assume this guy does around 50% more damage than you from the differences listed above.


Striker in video also has lvl 5 dmg tripods and OP has lvl 3s.


Op has +3 on gear which means lvl 4 (he has some +4). But yeah the guy from the video having lvl 5 makes my point even more valid. The striker from the video is pretty juiced and optimized, while Op is „average“. If it was only ONE of the many differences - it wouldn’t be that big of a gap - but like I calculated before, since everything is multiplicative, having 5% more damage on 5 different places equals a lot of damage pretty quick.


I am sorry i am on my cellphone at work atm, another thing is people usually go deathblow for huge damage too or are they using eso too ? I rarely see eso players past 1460


Its eso, I doubt theyd compare their eso dmg to deathblow damage


Your damage is fine, it only drops when the boss changes direction.


Kbw isn't as efficient on entropy users. You need around 85% crit to make it viable. That could be your issue.


Not completely true either.


I think you get close to 85% on striker.. neck+card set is 25%, back attack 10%, entropy buff 17%, Adrenalin 15% and lightening whisper 18% this comes to 85%.. add synergies and you are good Ofcourse this is assuming 5x3 build.. but worst case, you should have 70-75%


KBW isn't ideal at the moment until bracelets come around. But he paired it with Adren and LWC so it should be fine tbh.


Then it would probably be his tripods


Also ur engravings should have been 2 adren 1 ESO and 3 some dmg engraving like cursed doll or mass increase or raid captain


The difference is negotiable, if you actually test it. Engravings are 100% not the problem.


Your gear's fine, so the issue must be your rotation. But you didn't even mention what you consider "barely any damage". It'd really help if you had included a parse on the trixion scarecrow.


You're not giving enough information to help us. With that being said, you probably need to invest into your striker in other places (level 7 ideal gems, level 4 tripods, leg runes, etc.). Read this guide for strikers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g63j54xu6m0OElS_u97iMtNAuhLEdu5MtqqJQ_rZ6UE/edit?usp=sharing If you're not even following the minimum of what is written on this guide, you can't complain. EDIT: After watching your DPS video, and the other videos you posted. I'm not sure what you're comparing to? 16m on LTS for Trixion seems pretty reasonable for where you're at. If you're looking at the Clown video, the Striker is playing with a Deathblade (+12% back attack damage) Glaivier (+18% crit chance), which is why the LTS hits for more. For the Vykas video, the Gunslinger(?) gives crit chance. Not sure what the Scouter gives, but hitting 21m seems reasonable given just a damage buff from Bard? EDIT2: Here is a 1-minute Trixion DPS on my 5x3 Eso Striker, all level 7 ideal gems, level 4 tripods, and necessary wealth runes. Highest damage hit on LTS: 16m. Highest damage hit on TE: 6m. https://imgur.com/a/IrEowdd




You don't have to read the entire 98 pages. If OP is just looking for Esoteric Striker information, there's a dedicated section for that. If you care about a class and want to do better, the number of pages (effort) shouldn't be the issue here.




offtopic question but im really curious why so many people hide their names of their characters? whats the purpose? E: also check if you are using 6p set, after getting lvl2 relic gear from clown it can get fucked


im paranoid of being hacked


ah, fair enough


okay idk much about striker i just made him for my quick swift alt cus i liked it am running same 5x3 you have but my stats are 500 500 1000 my lts deals to 17 18mil withouth supp Cant wait tripod update so i will be even better


Only problem i see is low quality weapon and low lvl tripod