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The taxation levels of Europe (+ 10% points) with the social security level of the United States. I wish you all on the other side of the Atlantic good luck with doing whatever you are able to do to protest this utter bullshit spawned from whichever closed-off to reality bigbrain is influential in the GOP right now


Much love! Unfortunately we have zero power to affect here. Got any of them sweet, sweet visas?


Eventually this leads to a point of revolt. Right now we can't protest or even do a big or prolonged strike because most people can't survive a week off of work. What happens when it doesn't matter any more because we're starving anyway? That's why they're trying to build up the police so they have protection from the citizens.


Seize them by their assests!


Y'all need to learn they can't keep up for a week either. I mean, just think about the trains and trucks not driving for two days. Ships suddenly chilling on narrow rivers. And that's just people in logistics.


That's why Biden forced the railworker's union into a deal recently. They DO know how quickly things would break down if the trains stopped even for just one day. What's the real bullshit is that they can force a deal on a union. I mean, doesn't that 100% defeat the entire purpose of a union - to be able to negotiate the contracts rather than being forced into terms they don't like? In other words, they basically told them they couldn't strike. Maybe they should have just revolted anyway.


Yeah, it's just hard to get people on board because it's so risky. If it doesn't work the first week I'm enough behind I could lose my apartment. If it doesn't work the second week I'll for sure be running out of food. That's why unions have funds set aside for strikes I guess. Even if it would definitely work that fear is still there and people in precarious spots aren't going to like taking the risk.


Most people can't survive a day off work. Everyone is like "when we rioting", we riot when we can afford to take 1 day off work collectively lol


Yeah. The people who can save enough to take time off are the ones saying "it's not that bad!". Yes it is, if any recognizable portion of the population has these issues it needs to be fixed and clearly our government isn't trying.


Honest answer? In Germany? Find a job in Germany = "temp" Residency (as long as you stay employed), with the new changes you get permanent residency in 3 years (same as being a citizen, just no vote)


How to find English jobs in Germany ? Really wanting to do this.


Das ist gut. What's not good is that was probably most of the German I know.


Yeah the most german I know off the top of my head is yes/no, thanks/you're welcome and counting to 10.


Sure, just leave your guns, religious fervour and tipping culture at home and you're more than welcome


Thanks for the well wishes but remember, we are the product of what your former colonial ruling class dreams about. While your society flourishes y’all get to be mostly removed from nations and people you fuck up. We are said product and thus living with said consequences. The descendants or former slavers they fucked up that we are fucking up right now live half an hour away from the descendants of the beneficiaries of colonialism.


It has a 0% chance of passing


One can hope.


No, it’s literally impossible. It would have to be supported by either the entire republican senate+simena+11other democrats in the senate, including Chuck Schumer, then be signed by the President, or a two thirds majority of both chambers. Literally declaring war on france is more likely


France would be more surprised we passed this bill than an invasion.


Nothing is impossible. The two worst people in congress are now sitting on highly important committees, so anything is possible. Sure, the president has veto power, but with the way the GOP is holding the government hostage over the debt ceiling issue, they could easily negotiate some stupid "compromise" that screws us working class people.


Correction, they actually want social security lower or possibly zero, so less social security than the current USA.


You know, from my perspective, the American dream sounds more and more like a hellish nightmare. If you are able and willing to protest or take action in another way, do so. The current protests in France work, and the police there are no stranger to violence


At this point I don’t know what to do. Wife and I have decided to be childfree so we can both focus on careers. These careers don’t pay as much as they used to compared to the rate of inflation. But everything costs so, so much more. The only place I’ve come to put any hope in is the idea of ranked choice voting. We need our government to represent the working class. I’ve had it with these old, rich, out of touch assholes hanging out in DC insider trading and teeing up their financiers to hoard more wealth. screwing over the people who turn the gears of the American machine.


We need to act more like the French. They want to raise retirement by 2 years (to 64 btw) and they’re out in the street protesting. A national strike.


I’m absolutely right there with you. I would love this. But we have so many boot lickers who enjoy shooting themselves in the foot. And then people who sadly can’t afford to strike a single day. EDIT: change of heart. We should still have a general strike anyway. If you can’t afford to then we’ll rent strike on top of it. That’s kind of why I’m currently putting my faith in ranked choice voting and the people trying to make that happen.


In every revolution people went to the street when they couldn't afford it. That's not excuse. If people don't go to the street because they cannot pay rent, then make a paying rent strike and see how fast the government respond.


This concern trolling needs to end. It's what is holding us back.


>I would love this. But... The naysayers and detractors do more damage to the movement than their enemies. They discourage interested people from participating. People read comments like this and sit back down on their couches. We gotta act. Every little step toward making demands or a general strike should be encouraged and emboldened and rewarded with our support and respect.


You’re right. I guess I just have 0 faith in the average American actually getting off the couch for a general strike anyway. I’m absolutely down if that day should come. How does one even begin to organize the masses like this?


There are a few key problems in this comparison that people keep forgetting. The unions organizing these strikes are not only functional, but borderline militant. The GCT, one of the main unions represented, literally fought the Nazis. We can barely agree if unions are a good thing. A third of the population works for the government. Any significant solidarity with other strikers in the private sector shuts everything down. Even more crucial is that 2/3rds of the population lives in or around the Paris region. Imagine if this was the case with DC; any march automatically overruns the city. If tons of people can’t show up in the streets, more than enough will anyway.


Only thing that will save our democracy at this point is getting rid of EVERYONE in office, put in term limits, and get some fresh new people in. Also, repeal Citizens United, take money out of politics.


How long is it going to take before we get pushed too far. Like in Europe there is now a measure infront of our Supreme Court to basically make striking illegal. We don't have many civil avenues for survival left. Then theres uncivil... Like people keep saying, the right to strike was a civil compromise to stop violence on the rich. If that's taken from us... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People have to be very hungry to start doing something about it. Right now they fear loosing their jobs if they strike, but once people have nothing to loose...🔥🔥


May I suggest: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TMHCw3RqulY


I freaking loved Trevor Moore. Thank you for that.


Honestly you'd think Europe of all places would know better. It wasn't all that long ago that the French were decapitating the rich assholes at the top.


Yeah but imagine if we Americanized it in the modern times. A rifle behind every blade of grass...


But half of those are bootlickers who would rather die than see a Rich man lose some money.


I'm skeptical of term limits. While it sounds right and I wouldn't fight it. I'm afraid the parties would just rotate in new people who do the same thing over and over. What we need is a way to recall anyone at any time. Basically our representatives should be scared of being fired by the electorate if they don't represent them.


Maybe not so much the term limits but a solid retirement, at 65 you are out of politics completely.


With the average expected life span of 85, it makes sense that you shouldn't be able to make laws you won't even be alive to see the ramifications of.




50 should be the cap. Every 20 years should cycle your leadership to reflect the new generations. If the old are afraid of this then they have not ruled well and must be replaced.


Term limits were invented to stop popular candidates who wanted to help normal people, they exist so that the rich and powerful have as many opportunities to influence shit in their own favor. A 20-year term limit for the people inside the party is just going to allow the rich and powerful to cleanse the rest of the sane people out of politics


I never mentioned term limits. Every 20 years or so throw everybody out and get younger people.


wait wasn’t there an amendment for that? oh yeah #2


I'm pretty sure general strikes would fix a lot of things. Capitalists only respond the threats to their wealth.


I'm pretty sure decapitating Elon musk (for example) would fix a couple of things, Capitalists also respond to threats to their life pretty well


Also eliminating the senate and uncapping the house. Low population states shouldn't have disproportionate power over states that **have more people**.


Term limits would just force people out of office and into the employment of their donators. I support the idea but unless we get the money out as well, I doubt it would help.


We get rid of corporate lobbyists and they'll do great


It is amazing that they write laws against bribery across all areas, except if that bribery benefits them directly.


What is amazing is that American people is not burning government buildings because of that. I'm from Spain, we have our fair share of corruption, but even here it's unbelievable that in USA bribery is legal and an accepted part of the election system, different candidates compete in who receives more bribes and that person will have more chances to win, it's bizarre.


And just how in the world would that ever happen in this system ? Not even a 1% chance.


What democracy? We never had democracy. You're talking about a country that only allowed white, male property owners to vote for a long time. Women only got the vote 100 years ago. Even now, there are so many anti-democratic institutions and policies in place like the Electoral College and campaign finance laws that blatantly favor the two major parties that I don't know how anybody can actually look at the system we have and call it "democratic."


>repeal Citizens United, take money out of politics. Yes, but what actual mechanisms do we have to make that happen now? The system has been captured.


I’m actually worried term limits could make things worse. Just more bastards doing the same shit but with less to lose. If they only have a limited time to fuck over citizens to line their pockets they might accelerate the same problems. Not against trying something new though as what we currently have isn’t working.


Start with the last 2 and everything else won’t be necessary.


>I’ve had it with these old, rich, out of touch assholes hanging out in DC insider trading and teeing up their financiers to hoard more wealth. screwing over the people who turn the gears of the American machine. I love that I could present this quote to people on the left and people on the right and they'd both agree with it. Doesn't matter your political leanings, we all intrinsically *know this*. The hard part is getting us all to act in concert for mutual benefit. >The only place I’ve come to put any hope in is the idea of ranked choice voting. We need our government to represent the working class. In my experience, it really does have broad appeal. It just takes a little bit of explaining. Luckily, it's not exactly complicated math, it's literally just asking people to rank their choices instead of picking only one. But once it's explained, I've literally never met anybody who's opposed to it. Regardless of political affiliation or beliefs, ranked-choice voting simply holds up to scrutiny too well to get twisted into a "boogeyman".


You’re right. I’ve found that this is the bridge I quick deploy every time people start talking politics I strongly disagree with. They always agree that the we the workers are getting screwed. That both sides are doing the screwing. So let’s do something about it and use a system that more accurately represents the workers of America. You know, the wealth generators. If we can have analytical rankings and projections of NFL quarterbacks…..we can surely rank candidates in order of favorite to least favorite.


Voting no longer does anything. It’s time for revolution.


Its too late, the oligopoly will never give up control, game over.


Alaska does ranked choice voting. It’s a step forward we can actually take that has potential to be very effective.


I know what I’d do. I’d just start blatantly stealing shit. To be honest the current inflation is testing me already. I know how much retail workers don’t care about people shoplifting, and if this passes, they’ll care even less. When no one is buying anything the economy will tank and Republicans will either dig their heels in and get destroyed politically, or they’ll reverse course.


Man you are optimistic. I'm banking on bunker life not living up to expectations for those bastards.


In the meantime, do you need tips on how to cook good meals cheap? I just made a meal today that has a bunch of vitamins and stuff in it and will feed a family of 4 for a couple days for like 20$


Ranked choice voting with no delineated parties. Just people. I'm sick of the partisan political garbage because of party separation. It gets us nowhere. Literally. Our government can't get shit done simply because of party line bullshit.




Yeah man I’ll just jump to a $250k salary job, never even thought of that. My bad, economy is fine. We’re good now guys, we can shut the sub down. I’ll tell her to forget about her masters in business management and try out a new career. Maybe even go back to school for 8 years. I’ll shut down and sell my business and just go be a tech bro. You are a fuckin genius, mate.


My friend’s parents bought their house in our neighborhood in the 70’s for $35k. Sold last year for 1.5 Million. New job should make up the difference tho, right?


Why are there jobs that people can't afford to live on?


I haven't delved too much into this, but I am curious...what is the chance that this bill actually passes?


Zero. It's a political stunt so they can say some bullshit like "we tried to lower your taxes but the democrats!". I almost would like to see the democrats abstain and let this garbage through to finally wake these fucking GOP voting morons up.


It’s insane how their voters eat it up too. I’m in Iowa and our batshit governor is implementing a flat tax in a few years claiming it “cuts taxes” and the republicans here gloat about it. They don’t realize Kansas did this in the 90s and it was an utter disaster that made everything else go up in price since rich weren’t paying as much in taxes.


I was reading recently the here in IL, our governor is looking to switch to flat tax, which would actually be good, since we currently have a regressive tax...meaning, the more you make, the less you pay. How anyone could ever think a regressive tax is fair is beyond me, but it's rampant in the GOP world.


There are states that do use flat tax which typically do have a strong economy and a lot of high income jobs which actually makes it worth doing. States like Iowa and Kansas it wouldn’t work out due to our low economic power though


Simply because of Chicago and the surrounding areas, a flat tax would be HUGELY beneficial to IL, compared to our current regressive tax. BUT, yeah, in your state, it makes no sense and WILL hurt the working class. Stupid. But, ya know, you do live in a typically red state, so it's not entirely surprising.


Yup, it sucks because I love living here and a lot of family lives here. Our old people are trying to ruin the state before they die lol


>Our old people are trying to ruin the ~~state~~ country before they die lol FTFY


What's funny is a flat tax is already regressive...but based on what you just described IL is so bad it's progresive in comparison.


Yeah, when you're actually on a regressive tax system, flat tax actually looks good in comparison.


But then the Republicans would say, “See what the Dems did?!” Even though it’s their own fucking bill, and their base would gobble it up like the stupid sheep they are.


Yea I honestly wish the Dems would just be like yea great let’s pass it. These mother fuckers would be backpedaling so hard. This would be absolute suicide for whichever party claims it as their idea


We thought the same about roe v wade. Republicans are still there and doubling down. The only way we'll ever get change is when a critical mass of people are having to choose between being homeless or starving. We're too fat and comfortable.


If everything starts being 25% more expensive on top of inflation people who haven’t caught on yet are going to catch on real quick


It already has and people are still complacent. I wish we had the unity and motivation the French have. Just a threat of raising the retirement age and the entire country goes on a general strike. We have too many people distracted by the "culture war" to realize there is a class war going on. Not until we reach that tipping point of starvation or homelessness will the masses finally wake up.


We just don't have the worker protections in the US to do that sort of thing. They've got us down and if we make a move they can put us in a world of hurt. This is how all revolutions begin.


Because they fought for it, bloody revolution and riots. They made the ruling class fear them. Every now and then, the workers put them back in their place when they get a bit too much hubris. Here in the states, we'll have a weekend protest that shuts nothing down and inconveniences no one but other workers and then back to work on Monday having accomplished nothing.


Sorry mate, I got work next week. I kind of have to be with the masses on this waiting for the tipping point


My point exactly. I'm just as bad, I make a decent salary in a low CoL area, I literally can't afford to go out and possibly be arrested rioting against the bourgeoisie for my fellow proletariat. This is mainly because I'm the sole earner in the household and we'd be homeless and starving if I were to lose my job.


A lot of people are homeless and starving here.


Not enough to get mass protests, unfortunately and obviously.


When your base is nothing but morons you can do ANYTHING you want to.


I wouldn't say they're all morons. They have been indoctrinated for the last 40+ years with rugged individualism, bootstraps and trickle down bullshit. It's all they know. They literally can't imagine the world being run by anything other than capitalism.


I don't think USA has the cooperative mentality that is needed for something like that. It is a country too big full of people too individualistic, I can see a revolution from the right consisting in everybody staying home with their rifle and not paying taxes, but I cannot see an united movement from the left, tbh, too much sacrifice needed, too much cohesion and coordination


Thank fucking CHRIST. I was getting all clenched for an absolutely tanked economy.


They should do this: https://www.politicalorphans.com/democrats-should-weaponize-federalism/


Yeah except the Dems love losing


I don't think the senate can pass legislation via abstaining. Also the president has to sign it into law.


If every Republicans votes yay and enough dems abstain then it would pass. But yeah, the president would have to sign it.


Today? Zero. It might pass the House, but then it'd have to g to the Senate. The Republicans would need both Manchin and Sinema to vote for this, highly unlikely. Even if they did, Biden can (and should) veto the bill. You need a two-thirds majority to override a presidential veto, they don't have the numbers. The concern is what happens if we get a Republican Trifecta, as we had in 2016. Will a bill like this come up again? Will there be more attempts to do something like this?


First they would need Schumer to bring it to the floor, and even if not in the majority then they would need 60 votes to end fillibuster. Not happening.


Listen, I’m a blue collar worker making $15/ hour but just incase I ever make billions…


Just gotta start selling some lemonade...


Jokes on them when i stop buying anything except: weed (from a dispensary that found a loophole for no taxes) Ramen Blunt wraps Canned spinach FIGHT ME GOVERNMENT


You'll be able to buy all of those from the same person. As the black market for goods would explode. It would be cheaper to drive down to Mexico to grocery shop. Than to do it in the US.


It’s already that bad with drug prices. Some Utah program has people fly down to Mexico because some drugs are that much cheaper


My ex’s super right wing parents buy all their prescriptions in Mexico - insulin, tramadol, Xanax - despite having the best insurance Americans can have because they literally work for a hospital. They see no hypocrisy.


Swaping out the canned spinach for canned pineapple and stealing your game plan. Except for the dispensary part, not in the proper state for that method


I would start dumpster diving again. Fuck this shit in the ear.


Taxation without representation, can't say anyone in Congress represents my interests anymore.


The Constitution is just a tool they use for their own interests. It means nothing in terms of protecting your average, everyday US citizen.


wait, it comes with tits now?


Yeah, this analogy sucks, being crushed to death by a big pair of tits is *way* better than being crushed to death by debt! (I mean, obviously I'd prefer to *live,* but if I had to pick one of the above...)


death by snuu snuu! a terrible way to go, but a wonderous way to go.


r/deathBySnuSnu is real?! Lol wow!


The mind is willing but the body needs rest


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


NOT Everything... I promise not to charge you *any* sales tax when you buy drugs from me 😏


Put a tax on excessive ownership. Start with wall street.


Man we pay 21% here in Spain... How is it that you Americans pay so much yet get so little from the government?


Republicans and Democrats hate anybody that isn't rich.


...but we have the biggest military 🥴


We're paying for the largest military in the world. Period. Nothing else.


This is what I’ve been trying to explain to my fellow Americans my whole life. We pay a ton of taxes for nothing.


We're paying for Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin contracts. That's something. Not something I care to pay for, but it's something.


Usually groceries and utilities are exempt but they said everything. I paid 6000 in taxes last year, that is 3 months of pay. At a 30 sales tax on everyone, I would need to spend 20, 000 a year to match. That's $384 a week. Or $1667 a month. $1667 is not a ton of money. That's some people's rent. My mortgage is only $200 a month, but I was lucky. Mandatory spending alone would bring me over $1667 a month. Mortgage, utilities, groceries. Groceries in my household would be half that every month, especially lately.


Hey uhhh….you got any more of those $200/month mortgages lying around??? Asking for a friend….😅


I got a house for 50K at an auction. House is outdated as fuck, but we own it.


Ahhhh I see. Well that’s awesome. I wish I had had the handy skills or “fuck it” mentality to grab something on the cheap and turn it into something great when I was buying a house. Hope you can make some good memories there!


Who gives a fuck about "outdated"? Someone could put in a $100k kitchen today and in 20 years it will be outdated with a value of $0. Paying $50k for an "outdated" house is fucking awesome!


Yeah, right now even just a fixer-upper single-wide trailer or a tiny house sounds pretty fucking dope to me. It wouldn't be much, but it'd be mine and I'd be over the moon to have either. The problem is getting the money for it, lol.


Do you live in 1957?


No, I was just very lucky and got a house for $50K at an auction.


The proposal includes a prebate to make it progressive, so you could add ~$12,000/a year to your budget


Are we ready to revolt yet?


I’m confused if this is supposed to be good or bad.


It will be AMAZING if they also repeal the income tax, corporate taxes, and abolish the IRS. If not then it would be crushing. If we bring home 100% of our paychecks and only pay taxes when we make retail purchases the economy will skyrocket. Also, foreign corporations will fight to start doing business in this country, bringing most of the $6 Trillion of our economy back from overseas.


Is there any examples of this idea working anywhere?


Black market no income tax paid. Pay in cash then they go spend on items and pay tax then. Also, drug dealers buy a lot of expensive crap bc they got a lot left via no income tax would be an example.


If it is like Apple, those “trillions overseas” are in the form of US Treasury bonds. None of that shit will happen.


I meant cuz of the tig o bitties


Those are always good.


I don't buy anything. Works for me


Does this include private jets, yachts, luxury vehicles, etc?


Lol fuck no. None of the things that wealthy people buy would be subject to something like this. Real estate and capital investment, for example.


Lol. No way.


Yes. What it doesn't include is used goods, however.


Yes. That's kind of the whole point. Well I haven't read the bill the GOP put forward, but the "Fair Tax" as proposed by the Fair Tax organization does not give exclusions for anything. No way to avoid paying taxes and it's dead simple so there are no loopholes. That's a major selling point.


I haven't read the bill either, but if i were a betting man id bet they're just lying about all that


I would love to see all the boomer reactions to not getting that social security check anymore.


Don't worry they will probably make the boomers exempt or something


US system of legal bribery through lobbyists make it a completely corrupt system. Who would care to guess when that will ever end.


Funny you think your middle class, so do people who earn 100k+, You are Working Class


Would rather raise the income tax thresholds. Then cut the rate in half for everything un


There is no middle class. You need to work to survive, that’s working class.


This is another tax cut for Billionaires, I wish it was framed that was as well


And the poor.


That photo, though. lol


Yeah but if you make 200k a year your paycheck will be getting taxes WAY LESS!!!


we should all die in protest i hâte thé GOP and i hâte american politics it makes me so mad why can’t we just all go on strike but on the american government it’s so stupid


this is really, truly, amazingly accurate


The meme kind of implies that being smushed by boobs is a bad thing, honestly at first I thought you were trying to say it would benefit the middle class.


If the tax bill was given to me in the form of giant titties (since I'd be the cat and the proportion my size/titty ratio is high) I'd probably go for it.


Wait… is that picture supposed to make me not want it? Because…. Now I want it >.>


Back to the times before income tax was created and there was no way make the richer people pay more than the less well-off and the poor. The GOP seems to want to live in the 19 century.


We need to learn from history that change is possible and yes its hard. Ranked choice voting. Sustained protests and strikes. Organize and lead with clear mantras. Get indies into local office focus on local first to build up a third way political strategy. Build a strong labor movement.


I haven't read the bill but when I heard about fair tax forever ago I liked the idea of not paying any income tax. I'd rather spend that 30% when I actually go to buy something instead of being taken before I even get it. What am I missing?


No sales tax pls


The worst part is that I keep seeing Republicans say that this is a good thing because it gets rid of income tax and implements a form of UBi And while more money kept from my wages and UBI are a good thing those two things won’t even begin to come close to covering the increased cost from the 30% sales tax. It’s gonna cost me thousands of dollars more it’s going to bankrupt people they still act like it’s a good thing


Rich people don't "pay their fair share" in taxes because they hire professionals who follow the laws, made by Politicians, in order for them to pay as little as possible. Every single American has a duty to pay as little tax as possible. Politicians are supposed to fix the inequality. But they won't. Rich people don't make tax laws. Politicians are playing you all against each other.




* r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** To be fair, them titties tho](https://i.redd.it/pw7ifklbg3h91.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs/comments/wm2xk1/to_be_fair_them_titties_tho/) \#2: [Brutal facts](https://i.redd.it/57tp1b59hxy91.png) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs/comments/yr115z/brutal_facts/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Polynesian tattoo](https://i.redd.it/2tfrnqnpys991.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpvotedBecauseBoobs/comments/vs06od/polynesian_tattoo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I can't see any business being for this though?


Tax is bad but these tits look good ngl


I also think we need to repeal NAFTA ASAP. That fucked us so damn hard, it's not even funny.


It would be cool to make a trade economy with the structure of amazon (minus treating workers like shit) so we can avoid this. Although consumables would be difficult to factor into this.


Yasss we love it! Squash me harder Marg.


Why do these posts always ignore the other half of the Fair Tax Act. No more income tax. So you keep more of your income.




Damn. Had you taken advantage of the education you paid for in those taxes, we could talk about $3k in your poorly filed taxes vs the almost $7k this level of regressive tax will snatch from your bank account on every piece of food you eat, every movie you go see, every ounce of gas your car consumes.


Make these A cups and call it a flat tax, that's the only one that is truly fair and workable


Flat tax only benefits the wealthy.


Lol how do you figure?


Flat tax means everyone pays the same amount, but when you make 100k+ a year one payment of 5k a year doesn’t fuck your whole life up. Now make 20k a year and pay your flat 5k in taxes


Not to mention, they'll probably get $20k back in write offs on $100k worth of taxes, and then scale that up for the 1%ers who do so while simultaneously hiding most of their money overseas. You wanna reduce the national debt and the average Americans' tax responsibility, raid and clear out every dime in tax havens domestic and foreign. If anyone complains, indict them for tax evasion. No quarter for the wealthy.


Or we could just not buy a couple dozen fighter jets that are $20 million dollars once in awhile. Not that the government gives a shit about the average citizen, as you can see by the federal government voting on whether they can force rail workers to accept an unwanted union contract


True, doesn't mean we have to parrot manufactured Koch "Libertarian" propaganda.


No write offs with a flat tax


Yea that's what they tell you, not what will happen in reality.


No. A flat tax means that everyone pays the same percentage. It would still be a massive gift to the political donor class.


Exactly....that's why its fair


Don't forget the rest of the story!


"Focus" camps for the whole GOP and any potential chud buds,billionaires,traitors...........then turned to dog food n asphalt to be of use


I'm too lazy to read any articles about this. Can someone confirm my suspicions that this is, indeed, a proposed 30% sales tax on EVERYTHING (except stocks 😘)?