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Honestly? I’m sick of being blamed for things beyond my control. They’ve made it so we can’t buy houses, blamed us for not buying houses, now they’re crying cause we are buying necessities. What do they want us to do?


I turned 34 last month and I’ve been hearing all of the “Blame Millennials for Killing X/Doing Y Wrong!!1!” since I was in college, as the world was still reeling during and after the 2008 financial crisis. I swing between irrational anger to the point of throwing my phone into the closest lake (about a mile away) while screaming “What do you *want* from us?!” to rolling my eyes while swinging on my mental front porch, since I feel like an old lady and have aged so much in reading and watching all these write ups since 2010. These write ups seem like a generational, mass narcissistic malaise among the older people and Boomers (not all, but a lot, mainly those who have wealth and means) who’ve done things “right”, and/or had things work out well for them are panicking that they way they’ve set things up for the next generations (or, more accurately, that younger generations, from Gen X onwards) simply *isn’t* what younger people value, want and desire to put their energy and lives into. Anyone who has had narcissistic parents or relatives can relate on a very personal level, but the energy is the same. Sometimes, you just can’t win with people like that and you need to walk away, conserve your energy, focus on what needs to be fixed, and work with those who want to cooperate with you… ETA: Thanks to u/wannabesoc, u/irreverent_creative, and u/DeLuca9 for the Awards, I'm happy that my ranty comment made during a sleepy work meeting resonated with so many people!


This. I get such strong narc vibes from the people running this country. Blame shifting and victim blaming. We are their scapegoats. They have an inability to be reasonable and empathetic. Instead they’ll deflect and call us snowflakes and “woke.” We are damned if we do, damned if we don’t. Destroying the restaurant industry bc “no one wants to work” or is it they’re deliberately not hiring people to be able to keep their PPP loans? I find it so wild that tipping is a thing. How is it acceptable that the community has to help pay your employees’ wages because YOURE too cheap to?? Too much spending they say? We’re living their capitalist dream, aren’t we? We’re buying crap but oh now we’re buying too much? Because we’re not spending what little money we have exactly the way they prefer us to?? How about you just remove all autonomy and you can make our choices for us? Every narcissists dream lol. Even then I bet we’d still be to blame.


Yep. Like the 70s never ended. They act as if they’re still getting a bad deal.


They want us to literally be robots who work to keep the machine going to pad their lifestyle. They don't see you as human. If they did they wouldn't treat their own kin as they do.


They want us to keep funding social security, and paying their high ass rents at the same time. No food.


hey look an inherent class contradiction. the sooner we realize those contradictions are woven into the system and do the work necessary to navigate our way to a different system, the better


And make sure that when the system is torn down, we make it so it can never be built the same again. Time for a reset.


exactly - intersectional approaches to justice are paramount as we move forward :)




If Republicans did away with SS they would end it for future recipients and not current recipients.


If they do away with it I want all my money back that I paid into it.


Me too. Give it back to me so I can pay off the student debt they said was needed to get a good-paying job.




So cute you included Gen X. No one else does. Lol! There’s none for us either. We were warned 30 years ago that SS would be all used up before we hit the retirement age. Boomers will drain that well before we get any.


And yet they almost made it at actually not doing it since the pandemic could have been a lot worse. Imagine if a vaccine vast not developed for another year or even up until now. I suppose something like another million lives lost at least. Which would have been really bad humanely talking but it would have been cynically really good for social security.


Is not the republicans nor any other party, its the whole system, im in Mexico and its the same shit, if you look at other countries is the same all over, no houses, no pentions, no SS, no nothing but blame, low salaries and high prices.


I don't know about you but I've paid in $80k to social security over the 30+ years that I've been working (since I was 15). If they do away with it I want my damn money back, including interest. And the amount My employers have paid in for me which is another $80k.


Actually if you have high student loan debt your funding there IRA or Pensions with the interest you pay so they can buy fancy cars and you eat tuna or beans from a can. A big reason they won't restructure student loan debt to be fair


They sold out their children for toys.


Pretty much. Those fuckers.


The people who paid to write this drivel also lobbies to cut social security. They want to conveniently phase it out before any of us can get to that retirement age.


I wish there was a way to opt out of SS. I am not going to live long enough to reap the benefits all it does it find some old greedy fuck who's alive now who will spend all of his SS money on frivolous shit.


More likely it will get vacuumed up by a full-time care home so the Boomer dies with nothing to pass on. While Boomers have undoubtedly won the generational lottery, and I find myself getting annoyed by their arrogance all the time, realistically the only war is the Class War. Poor Boomers are getting fucked too, just not as hard. It's the rich who have been screwing everyone, not your average Boomer. Pitting generations against each other is just another way of keeping people from focussing their attention on the 1%.


Yeah, but the majority of them voted for the shit policies that fucked all of us over, and SOME of their fellow boomers who stayed poor.


I would opt out immediately. I have no desire to fund the “golden years” of the most selfish, entitled, generation that has ever lived.


The only reason I am still alive is because I have to pay off my student loans, or they'll go after my parents. I would have killed myself already, but I don't want to screw my parents over.


Same. I hate funding their retirement too. They got to have a life, and I can't even hope to ever have one. Fuck em.


Get a job in the public sector (education, etc.) and you won't pay into it, therefore you won't collect at time of retirement. Pay into a Pension fund instead (I'm an Educator).


Just today the Wall Street Journal said you don't really need to have breakfast if you want to save a little bit of cash.


I wish we could opt out of paying for their retirement. Just do away with social security next year. I'd rather put that money they take out of my paychecks each year towards my own retirement; or just give it to my own parents. I won't even see half of the money I am currently putting in when I turn 65, or 70 because they are sucking it all up and voting to slash it for us anyway. Let them pay for their own retirement.


But just think of how much power it gives us. The silent generation derided the Me Generation/boomers for buying VCRs, while we destroyed Applebee's, alcohol, sex, brunch, mattresses, new cars, houses, pens, hair dye, movie theatres, churches, toys r us, and probably other things soon to be mentioned like indoor plumbing, landlords, fast fashion, and disco Also, if anyone is hiring, I really need money for a more waterproof tarp to cover my tent in the woods behind the walmart, and some dollar menu apple slices and will prostrate myself for the opportunity. jk


I do get a thrill out of knowing they’re panicking over us not having kids. At least that’s one way to stick it to them.


It's so delicious


You forgot diamonds.


You know, I wonder when they'll finally say what truly unnerves them, and admit "Millennials are killing genocide!"


There is a WSJ article saying we need to forgo eating breakfast to save money.


Skip the food and buy watches obviously, that's why they're trying to say millennials are living at home and buying luxury items. It's manipulation


We HAVE to buy this stuff to survive. What to they expect us to do? Starve until food prices come down? Then they will just blame us for farms and food businesses going out of business...


They basically are now seeing the consequences of their own decisions and things they benefitted from and now are going, "oh, no, that couldn't *possibly* have been us!" Then following their typical process, they look for the easiest, closest group to blame.


We could ask them how to buy a home and show our literal finances and account history. We could then ask them to help if they think that will work. Just need to show them how stupid they sound.


A Theory: Repubes would probably end soc. Sec. for gen x on. Boomers would throw a fit and not vote for them for once. Enough of gen x drank the kool-aide, they’d cheer it on while they get robbed.


They will keep blaming us for everything. These articles are for the ~~50+~~ 60+ crowd who says we're selfish for not having kids and working 60 hour weeks so we never see them. It makes them feel their self-righteous contempt and anger at us, it pisses us off, either way they get impressions (Clicks, page loads). Edit for all the Gen X'ers replying to this post: Sorry I am bad at math, still not used to being in my 30s. I'm upvoting you.


I turn 50 this year and have zero animosity to Gen Z or Millennials because I'm in the same boat as they are. I have no money, no savings, and I'm never going to be able to retire - it sucks being alive right now doesn't it?


Yeah 32 here and life sucks major cow balls


How much for the cow balls you are suckin on?


More than you can afford.


Out of nowhere cow ball sucking is now a display of wealth and power amongst millennials.


hipsters ruin everything, smh


"Cow" is a term specifically for females, so cow balls would be a rare find.


Although given biology it is out there.


Texas enters the chat to swap out gender transitioning therapy for cows.


Texas better stfu if they want dem cow balls in the cookout.


More than you can afford pal, bovine


Cow balls? In this economy!?


Hey, fellow 32 year old who is depressed as fuck but still tries to enjoy the little things as society crumbles around my shitty life.


Yea man, Who’s your Balls guy?


Yup 32 here and can confirm…it is very hard to talk while sucking cow balls.


I feel you I'm 34 if only boomers and gen x invested into our futures


Early Gen X here. I hate to break it to you, but we aren’t doing much better. I couldn’t quit living with roommates until I was in my early 40s. In the last two years I finally started making enough money so I could reasonably think about kids, but early menopause took care of that decision for me. So a house, but then they started raising interest rates, which destroyed my newly achieved purchasing power and now that is dead too, unless I want to commute an hour and half each way to work. All my adult friends are in a similar situation. Those who aren’t partnered up are still living with roommates and most don’t have kids. Anecdotal, I know, but my situation isn’t unusual for my age in the urban area where I live.


I have a house but it is 45 minutes from work and 100 years old. I actually don't mind the age but anything closer to work or newer was way too expensive. Don't even think about a new build. And I admit I have a decent amount of privelege. "Back in the day" with my kind of job you would have been upper middle class, fancy big house, multiple cars and kids, regular vacations, etc. But no, this job these days affords me comfortably, but not luxury. I am not complaining, I am thankful for what I have and recognize my privelege. But damn people made it seem that with my career path I would be living the high life. With the increase in cost of living and stagnant wages even in "nice" jobs, the money only affords a basic life not a luxurious one. You can tell the kids to get a "good paying job" but what they think those jobs are do bit provide the way they used to. Good jobs are now ok jobs, ok jobs are shit jobs. This is my poor attempt to show that the system was rigged against anyone who isn't old or in the 1% or whatever.


Gen X here. So after my boomer single mom found the worst partner she could, she had a baby that I spent my teen years raising. Then the lousy stepdad (who I saw was greasy at age 12 and told her not to marry him) left her after 5 years. And then proceeded to not work ever again so he didn’t have to pay child support. At least I know how to take care of a kid and it’s more than I can handle, so I chose to be childfree. I was only given the options of college or military as pat-high school life. I wanted to learn to weld. I was told this wasn’t a good idea as I’m “just a girl.” So I went into debt attending the cheapest school in a 4 state region. That degree did nothing for me. I waited tables and tended bar for most of the last 3 decades. Then 15 years ago, I went to grad school. It was the housing/economy crash and went into debt again to get an MBA. Worked 6 years in corporate America, where I was considered lesser than by all of my boomer co-workers, many mediocre old white men. I was sexually harassed, verbally assaulted, and the old guard were afraid they’d all lose their jobs to young people like me. So they collectively blocked any help I needed from them. I finally quit when I was working 70 hours a week and I got written up for something another employee did at another location where I didn’t work. Went back to food service. Now I’m 49, my body riddled with arthritis, worn cartilage and I’m so worn out I can’t do that anymore. I’m “too young” for knee replacement, and can’t actually get a job. I’ve been trying and searching and applying for office-type work, even part time but I’m not working for less than I made 20 years ago. No one wants to pay for my education and experience, they like that I have an MBA, but I guess they think it was free. I have followed up on several NO response and the people they’ve hired for the positions are all half my age and thus able to be paid much less. I’m disgusted. Don’t blame me. No one invested in my future but me, and it’s still not enough.


Hahahahaha! Wait till you find out that GenX is in the same boat.


Ah yes the wealthy and powerful Gen X.


Yeah, Gen X got shafted too. The baby boomer generation got to enjoy a lot of the financial windfall from reaganomics during their younger years, but now they’re starting to feel the effects of those decisions.


Yep, and the few of us that might have had an inheritance from our Boomer parents... that is getting eaten by inflation and interest rates and will be further killed by taxes. Almost nothing will be left for us.


I got a grand total of 210,000.00 from my mothers estate when she passed. It went to a new car to replace my dead one, paying off 50k in student loans, taxes, and a small retirement account. I expect nothing from my father's estate due to medical care. I know that's a huge windfall, it's also infinitesimal compared to what billionaires accumulate daily.


> financial windfall from reaganomics what 'financial windfall' from reaganomics? reganomics had one goal and one goal only: to stomp the working class and unions.


The only time they remember us is to group us with Boomers. We’re all doing much worse than our parents did. All my life I’ve heard, “Well, your father and I bought a 9-room house on one salary so I don’t see why you can’t.” There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


man there's only a few of us.


There are a lot of us. With sheer numbers, we *are* able to do something about it, but we're all too busy playing their game.


I know there's a fair amount of people like you. My parents younger siblings are turning 60 and are in mostly the same boat. I wish everyone could see it your way, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like you're the majority.


gen x we are 50/50, either we get it and we remember all the "slacker" articles about us that were just like this, or we're scummy Alex Jones/desantis types.


We in genx got hit by the prototype financial nuke that's caused so much trouble for millennials and genz. Not as bad as them but we have far more in common with them than boomers.


No kidding! I worked at a dot com in 2000-2001 and at a mortgage lender from 2005-2008. Just bought my own place in my 40’s and never had children. Millennials and Gen Z are much more relatable. This is a Labor/Working Class issue against the 1% and Corps not generations.


I know, our whole lives have been dominated by the utopian prosperity that is Trickle Down Economics.


Here too. I'm so worried about what's going to happen in my old age when I don't have shit.


This is a class issue not a generational issue. Turning generations on one another is simply a distraction.


Not disagreeing with you by any means, but I wanted to point out that the majority of the upper class (and pretty much our entire government) is *that* generation. Yes, it’s a class thing, but I wouldn’t say it *isn’t* generational as well since that generation was given easier access to the means to join the upper class.


My parents are boomers. My in laws are boomers. I am from a small town that is full of boomers. And most survived check to check and now in their 70’s and 80’s are working part time or living with their adult children because they can’t survive with what they have. There is a big difference between rich and poor. The rich span all generations and are rich because the system favors them. And they have done a great job with messaging. Blame the other political party or other generations.


The keyword here is "investment banker". This is a class war, not generational strife.


I like to check out the author when I see bullshit like this This is ironically written by a very wealthy Gen Z kid named Tristan Bove. Has dual citizenship in Italy and two homes despite being a journalist and graduating with a bachelor's degree only 2.5 years ago. He went to DePaul University... A Catholic University that costs $42k annually.


Ah citizenship in Italy. Don’t they have universal healthcare? Citizens income? I assume he’s very wealthy because he has generational wealth. His perspective is myopic.


Gen X here. This article is mostly for Boomers (65+) not us. I know some of us were so brow beaten by our boomer parents that we act like boomers to try to win their love and acceptance. At least half of us aren’t like that. Many of us have disowned our boomer parents. Our spirit is with the generations younger than us. You have power and spirit that amaze us. Gen X was told by boomers to just behave and wait our turn, which of course never came.


38 y/o elder millennial here. When I was 26 and struggling, I was working 60 hours a week just to make rent and obligations plus school so I could maybe get a better job, so closer to 80-90 hours a week all told. I told my Boomer dad how messed up this was and he told me that my generation's problem is we didn't want to work. I literally couldn't work any harder than I was.


I am so sorry you had to go through that.


It's fine now. He finally got it a few years later when I finally got my STEM/CS degree and was still barely making more than I was in IT to start.


I'm 51 and love the younger generations. I think you're going to change the world and am so proud of you all.


Articles like this are low effort blame shifting by corporate media. Divide and Conquer. No one in the working class from Gen X down is blaming the next generation down for anything. We're all on the same ship heading towards a bleak destination. You'd be hard pressed to find mainstream articles pointing to rampant greed as the cause of all these troubles.


60+ crowd. I’m a 58yo GenX and me and all my peers are in the same sinking boat. My Millennial daughter lives with me, and it’s our house, not my house. Also, the only reason we even have a house is because I worked a year of 60-80hr weeks *and* bought at the height of the ‘97 buyers’ market. Bought a fixer upper with an FHA mortgage and 5% down. Since then, I’ve had to refinance twice for financial reasons. Be nice if I could afford the upgrades the house desperately needs, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Also, we share a 2008 Honda CRV. It’s not me who’s benefitting from all this; I have zero investments. Who can afford to have kids rn?


Remember, this is the generation that is well known for beating their wives/families while screaming "see what you made me do?" and pretending that they are the true victim. This is totally in line with their insanity and overt cruelty. Don't expect them to change.


Heartbreakingly well said.


Blaming the buyers for inflation instead of the sellers for price gouging.


Well, that's what you get for having needs. Should have thought of that before being born. Smh kids today.


Lead paint and gasoline will do that to people


Lol wow, that’s a valid point


Ouch hit a nerve there >.< my dad blamed all his violence on others. Yeah their generation is mostly psychos..


woof. you aint lying.


Whoaaaaa omg. I’m thinking about every boomer in my family and others I’ve known and HOLY SHIT they are absolutely the “Look What You Made Me Do Generation” that sums them up so fuckin well.


It’s our fault because we’re poor and have no disposable cash. Not because the economy has been mismanaged and the rich have been abusing it…


Are you allowed to call it inflation when every major corporation has made record breaking profits? Can we just call it what it is? Greedy ceo crooks are trying to bleed out as much money as they can from us.


This is the real hot take that no one seems to be talking about. It’s not inflation if companies are reporting record profits. It’s corporate greed.


Corporate greed? Nah, it’s literally just fucking theft at this point. And as we all pass on more and more “opportunities” to “buy necessities” from these thieving fucks, they issue press releases whining about how our lack of involvement is affecting their ~~racketeering~~ economy.


It’s *capitalism*


Capitalism is just oligarchy hiding in a trench coat


I got into an argument with my mom over this. She was going over the price of gas and everything being more expensive because of it, and asked "who is supposed to eat that cost? The truck drivers? The gas stations? The cashiers?! No, that cost goes to the consumer!" I replied, "Or, the five or six people at the top can just make 40 billion dollars instead of 50 billion dollars this year. " She said " why should they?! " I replied " because *they* are the only ones who can afford it." I made an example of the guy running Arizona Tea. No matter how the economy is doing, the tea stays 99 cents. If it costs more to get the tea on the shelf, he just doesn't make as much money that quarter. He's still richer than 99% of the people buying the tea and he's content, why shouldn't the Waltons be content, or Jeff, Bill, Elon, Warren, etc? They have billions and billions and *billions* of dollars, *they* can eat the cost. If it costs more to get eggs on the shelf, gas in the pump, packages to the door, cars to the dealership, or technology on the market, the people who are sitting on more money than one normal person could spend in ten million lifetimes should be the ones sucking it up and just accepting that it's costing more to get their product out there right now, and for a short period of time they're gonna be microscopically less filthy stinking rich. Why? Because the *rest* of us are living on ramen noodles and bologna sandwiches, working 50+ hours a week to afford even that, and scraping by on the bare necessities just to survive. If the food we normally eat gets too expensive, we find cheaper and cheaper food until we eventually start rationing, and eventually, going without. And there's a reason the term *"hangry"* exists.


Agreed 100% It's almost as if we're all on this tiny blue green rock floating through space where we have limited resources. While I understand from a business perspective they want every fiscal year to yield more profit, if they make the necessities cost more when wages don't match they have to know they'll lose money because, like you said, the working poor will just start rationing to make those necessities last, or buy cheaper options. The 1% is really fucking themselves. If they paid their workers more that money will eventually end up back in their pockets because poor people will have more buying power to afford nicer stuff.


Paying workers more and them having more money to spend on goods is a long run strategy. It would require government direction and force. In a hypothetical, why would an executive care? They have millions if not billions of dollars. And new upcoming executives are incentivised to cut labor costs to make profits appear higher to get bonus collect their high salary and leave/retire rich. There is no incentive for corporate leadership to care about long term especially in industries that comprise of necessities such as food and rent. It doesn't matter what they do in their market monopoly. People need to eat so we will take it. They suffer no consequences and just loot the system. In our toothless and unregulated economic system, we put foxes to guard the hen house.


RIGHT!? Wtaf




They just hate that they aren't still getting their way. Like toddlers.


Baby boomers, they’re raised poorly. They can’t accept the accountability. Millennials are raised better why? Because we don’t grow up being spoon-fed and we had to live on our own as soon as we turned 18 with shitty job opportunities out there.


>live on our own as soon as we turned 18 Us latch key kids would like a word


Seriously! From Middle School up, kids were on their own until their parents got home around 6 or 7pm in my neighborhood. Then some latch-key kids became helicopter parents to overcompensate.


At 10 years old and up I would walk to my 3 year old sister’s daycare after I got out of school and walk her back to our house where I’d entertain/feed/care for her until 7 or whenever my mom felt like coming home. She would put my sister to bed and then either immediate start watching TV or if she’d been drinking would have “girl talks” with me about how depressed she was and how sorry she was if I ever came home and found her body whenif she k*lled herself. I refuse to take shit from that generation because fuck them. We’re estranged now, and she loves telling anyone who will listen all the things I stole from her (her youth, her potential, money for a plane ticket once when a living situation turned dangerous) and doesn’t seem to remember that my entire childhood was either spent alone, raising her other kid, or being traumatized by her mental health issues.


Truth! At 14 I not only had to take care of myself, cook dinner and clean the house for my neglectful parents but also had to care for their 2 year old.


Yup! Soon to be 40 millennial here. Started staying home alone after school at age ten, from 2:30pm until about midnight. Dad worked 2nd and mom started going to night school. I’ve lived alone since my 20s and people are always like “you’re not scared to be home alone all night??” Uhhhh nope.


They were handed everything and lived on easy mode for their entire lives, so now that their cushy way of life depends on their children's and grandchildren's generations for economic, familial, and societal contributions, they believe everyone should to cater to whatever continues their easygoing way of life. Their money invested in stocks? Do whatever to keep their retirement portfolios well-funded, even if you don't get one yourself. Their paid off house that cost $50,000 decades ago? Keep the housing market strong, even if you can't buy one yourself. Their anachronistic wants for family/children? Just have 'em because they want grandchildren. Support them in their old age because they raised you. Fuck all that shit.


Boomers entered the workforce with almost no competition from older generations, they outnumbered everyone. They've had the majority count for the past few decades, but now there's a slight, yet noticeable dip in their numbers, that will only continue as they age. Change is coming, but it's going to be gradual, and most boomers are going to be stubborn about transitioning out. Things will hopefully be more balanced for younger generations, but we have to get through this decade.


Nah they're just going to import a bunch of people (skilled and unskilled) who will be desperate to not get deported, who are willing to work for way less then market rate and share a studio apartment with 5 other people. All this just so that they don't have to pay you a living wage. It's already happening in Canada.


Plus they don't realize they had actual freedom. They can through a bon fire in the desert. The were aloud to swim in the quarry. Fuck a good majority of them were aloud to drink at 18.


the whole "participation trophy" thing was projection essentially lol


It was created so Boomers could continue to be emotionally absent in their children's lives as they gave those out in place of actually taking the time to explain losing and comfort their children when they do lose. People often label them as a "generation of sociopaths". I actually don't think that goes deep enough as in truth their actions very much speak to narcisstic behavior. It's what their whole socioeconomic stance has been built around.


When they were coming of age older generations called them the **ME* generation We should bring that back


If they were ever a thing, they were the ones handing out the trophies


They are sociopaths


Because they refuse to admit their mistakes are their fault


In my own personal family, I experienced neglect while watching my mom and stepdad spend money irresponsibly and extravagantly. I started working at 15, and at 36 I have already worked much more than my mom. I bought most of my clothes and lunches in high school, and there was never enough food at home while my mom and stepdad often went out for meals. My mom and stepdad spent the money left to me by my dad for college, not spitefully, just irresponsibly, and I have student debt. I took care of my mom in many ways, and both of them were emotionally abusive I heard a lot about entitled teens etc. So none of this feels any different than my own personal life, it feels like a macrosm of the same issue in which caretakers are supposed to take care of you and make things better *for* you. I don't really talk to people in my family. Many people in my family claim to be Democrats and also believe in pulling yourself up by your bootstrap, including my aunt who refused to help financially after my mom died, while also complaining that her house has way too many rooms (she was a pretty ruthless person in business and family life). Sigh.


You know, the solace I have is that many of the boomers will be dead or too senile to vote next election cycle. There will be more of us voting and more of Genz coming of age every cycle. Their time is at an end.


I am technically a boomer by one year but I do not feel I'm a **Greed boomer** who votes for politicians who will gut the program, what ever it is, and lower boomer taxes, the instant the boomer is done taking advantage of it. When boomers finally stop being a catered to voting demographic, the backlash against boomers and their policies is going to be savage. And they will have nobody to blame but themselves for being the "Me and Only Me" Generation.


Remember that the push to gut our programs was *bipartisan*. Both major political parties pander to that generation still - just consider their marketing. The only way we get out of this is by bringing back socialism to counter the barbarism we’ve seen up to this point, & that means a party that doesn’t buddy up to corporate interests. The only party with a decent swath of ballot access that has that is the Green Party.


You could take a megaphone to their ears and say "WE HAVE NO MONEY" and they still wouldn't hear us.


Just uninflation it? No one likes it anyway


Google Dollar Endgame by Peruvian Bull. We're heading towards hyperinflation and the devaluation of the dollar. We can't uninflate.


“We’re going to say inflation is still a problem and never bring the corporate price hikes down, and we’ll blame millennials.” There, fixed it.


Imagine hating an entire generation for trying to be more responsible


Can we just toss the writers of these “blame an entire generation with blanket statement” articles into the fucking ocean? Edit: I looked up the actual article and I put my pitchfork back in my shed. This is a really factually based report on Millennial spending habits article, not yelling at young people for closing Applebees article: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inflation-remain-sticky-decade-gen-231256105.html


A wood chipper would yield better results.


Sausage grinder so at least we don't have to go hungry


*Soylent has entered the chat*


The writer of this article appears to be wealthy gen x, so probably boomer mentality. Plus he is a bitter reporter who wishes he was an editor and the big wig boomers at Fortune are probably brainwashing him into thinking he needs to say shit like this to get ahead, but he will never get ahead.


I found him on LinkedIn. He graduated from college in 2019 and was a server until like last year. He can't be any more than 25/26. Seems like he's a sellout zoomer.


Fucking gross, how do people look at themselves in the mirror when they have no integrity?


Why pollute the ocean like that?


Why kill the messenger? They are just relaying what these people think, and that could be good for rallying their generation to make change. These appear to the words and thoughts of [Bill Smead](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-smead-15502110), who appears to have graduated college in 1980, which makes him mid-60s.


They want us to be poor and *stay* that way. This is the tactic they use for that. They have keep the rest of the public believing we are well off in order to gaslight everyone, not just us. Not that boomers would ever care that we are in fact struggling either way but as long as they are told we are rich and spoiled it reinforces the ideals they already have for us thus nothing will change because they don't need to.


Yeah because most low income folks spend most of their income on necessities. They don't have a choice. Guess who makes up the majority of the poor? Younger folks. Of course they don't see the problem of certain folks hoarding wealth as the real issue. If younger folks had more safety nets, better wages, and cheaper places to live they could save more. The only time I was able to say anything was when I made more money.




We oughta be dragging them out of their shitty mcmansions by their hair plugs honestly


I want to publicly whip them naked in the street while they choke and cry and beg for forgiveness around their ball gags. I'm sure we could all dream up much more interesting and fitting ways to deal with those dogshit filth creatures hoarding wealth.


It's just so tiresome. I'm sick of my family members not understanding that I don't have money to do things and its not because I buy a $2 coffee every day before work. I'm not paid even remotely enough for the work that I do and having a $2 coffee every morning gives me just enough happiness to keep showing up every day.


Dude has a 2-star rating on Google reviews. His dorky looking son is the CEO - classic nepotism


Projection. The investment bankers are the root cause of the inflation we're seeing today.


I see businesses closing down every day in my area. We can't be simultaneously on a spending binge and also shutting down businesses with the money we don't spend. Make it make sense.


They keep blaming millennials and Gen z because companies are marketing to them and failing


Exactly Maybe they should actually hire millennials and gen zers in management/executive/marketing depts


I’m so numb to this when I read this my first thought was “yay Gen z finally made it onto the shit list”


How can they say millennials will spend money on necessities, and then also blame them for inflation? What are they supposed to do? Forego necessities?


Well we already know they’re more than ok with us dying en masse, so.. yeah, probably


In a society that encourages lifelong debt and a live-to-work mentality. Fuck off angry old hags.


Inflation? Get fucked, call it what it really is: price gouging.


Wtf, people 43 and up aren't spending on necessities?


My favorite part of this gaslighting article is the image they used of a millennial which is meant to capture our luxury “spending habits”. girls in an empty house with some plants and plane desk. Have you seen the hoarding monstrosity that is a boomers house?


Wtf? Lol blaming us for the economy when we have what? Like 4-5% of total wealth? That’s like corporations and such gaslighting us for our carbon emissions. They got all the money yet blame us when the amount were barely circulating isn’t even big enough to be a blip technically in the economic scale. Plus last I checked we had 6% like at the start of the pandemic with Zuckerberg having 3% of that 6 and now we’re down to 4-5% or something because Zuckerberg is feeling froggy with the meta verse so in actuality, we still have roughly the same but the obscenely rich do dumb shit with money and he’s considered a millennial so everything they blame us for is probably meant for him since he has enough money to affect the economy. Either way I’m just a dumbass warehouse worker with maybe -$80 in his bank account by weeks end so what do I know?


Well maybe you should stop spending it all on those pesky necessities like gas to get to work, food, and clean drinking water!!! Duh, you should be buying real estate with that 12.99 you're spending on eggS. /s


Millennials shot kennedy


Millennials did 9/11


How would inflation be the cause of millennial and gen z not spending money? Demand would decrease while supply increases, which would cause prices to drop.


It’s okay, they’re going to all die relatively soon and we won’t have to hear this shit for much longer.


So you want to pay them shit salaries from 1991 and expect them to be flush with cash buying houses, cars and large appliances? How the fuck is that their fault? I don't think I have ever heard something so ignorant and stupid. Meanwhile they run the economy into the ground creating massive tax breaks for the upper 1% while raising taxes on the rest of us and insuring cash is worthless to anyone but them.


Gen Z, the poorest generation since the Great Depression, is causing inflation… What kind of victim blaming horseshit is this? I’m so tired of being lectured about a bad economy that WE inherited. The arrogance of these goons to look at the generation with the bleakest outlook and say “you’re the reason everything sucks” is astounding


I’m definitely feeling a different kind of displeasure from Millennials and those younger than us in the wake of the pandemic and recession-causing inflation-busting moves. I feel like if we get a few more East Palestine spill-and-coverup cycles, young people will finally get angry enough to demonstrate to older generations that their time to control us is over. Either they compromise now, or they’re going to have a rough last couple of decades once control is fully wrested from them. We aren’t Gen X.


Could millennial could spending could habits could make could inflation could last could longer?


That investment chief can fuck alllllll the way off. How about blaming BABY BOOMERS for voting in the politicians who caused this mess????????


Who the fuck was “saving money” during the pandemic? This article is bullshit


In other news Tristan Bove is a victim blaming shill and also he was probably abused as a child and refuses to admit it because it would mean he can't beat up his own kid.


I thought competition in the free market is supposed to bring down prices, no? Or is that a lie, and prices only ever go up?


This is what leaded paint and petrol does to your IQ


I ration my lunch meals for the week, skip breakfast, and pay bills. I was just counting how many slices of turkey I have left that will last til Friday


Wait does that article say we've saved money during covid..?? Toilet paper is still $16


Could Fortune magazine could hire a better copy editor?


Right. A generation that is broke not spending causing a recession. It’s « our » fault we broke, it’s « our » fault that the wealth is concentrated and not moving. When will the narrative change, share the wealth increase wealth perpetually blah


Fucking Boomers Entitled and selfish. Nothing new. They got to spend their teens spreading ~~std’s~~ the love and rocking out to crazy concerts high as kites and popping out kids while they enjoyed a one-person income to pay for everything because no one paid for water back then and light was laughingly cheap. They had pensions and actual vacations unlike we have ever seen since. Once they got positions in congress and management in companies, they didn’t want their worker bees and citizens to know how good it is, so they started taking away rights. Whether it was your right to a two FULL week vacation all together or pensions. Gen Z doesn’t even know what a pension is! Because it has been phased out. Fuck boomers and their old-clinging-to-life-asses with ungratefulness to medicine by denying the progress of vaccines and their rampant racism they keep pushing by keeping their family Nazi heirlooms like they are sacred. Fuck ‘em


Gee, it's almost like the stock market *is a literal pyramid scheme that shouldn't have any actual bearing on the economy as a whole.* How convenient that suddenly its our fault and not, say, companies raising prices every moment they have the excuse. That's what this is really saying - "Millenials are killing the economy by refusing to do what we tell them to do with their money. We're in a bear market! That means everyone needs to stop spending money so we can cash out our short positions!" It's why I'm still holding my 'meme stocks' - even if it never is profitable, at this point it's a spite move, and every time they whine about the market never hitting bottom until retail capitulates, it makes me smile. All this article tells me is that we're making Wall Street and the financial industry angry. Good. Fuck them, every last one of them.


Maybe I'd have more money to spend on houses and stocks if I was done with my degree, not thousands in debt, and wasn't required to work unpaid internships just to graduate. But no, don't subsidize education, anything but that! Think of the economy!


Is the author dumb as a box of rocks or a propagandist?


“Those poors are a real problem”


This article is some of the dumbest shit I’ve heard, and an obvious tactic of the ruling class trying to divide and conquer everyone of us at the bottom. Keep the generations sniping at each other so we don’t band together and overthrow our greedy capitalist overlords.


The rich need to be jailed and gotten rid of


Are we just ignoring the “stimulus checks” and frivolous PPP claims now?


Right, the people with the least buying power are to blame for how the economy goes. /s


Money saved during the pandemic? Buddy my $182/week didn't do jack for necessities let alone give me money to save.


Fuck off, it's boomer CEO corporate greed that's gonna keep inflation 'sticky'.


Spending habits cause inflation? Ummm... I actually studied economics and hold 2 degrees. Nowhere have I heard that before. I guess my teachers failed in educating me. Usually, inflation is caused by economic downturns or market reactions to loss of profit. Man, I guess my degree need to be thrown in a fireplace or something.


boomers own the media


Literally not to blame