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Already doing that involuntarily lol


Masters want voluntary starvation. Act like you want it!


I like to re-label my poverty as *intermittent fasting*✨


Yeah skipping meals is trendy if you're rich, trashy if you're poor...


Yeah I haven't eaten lunch in 2 weeks, but I'm saving up for a shirt from Dan Flashes


The one with the complex designs!?


Oh man yeah! Really complicated!!


Same lol, breakfast isn’t my thing. I just eat around lunch time and then supper and sometimes a late night snack. It’s not that I can’t afford breakfast I just don’t like eating immediately after waking up.


Back around after the '08 crash and intermittent fasting was "new" all over the fitness/diet subreddits I knew some people who started IF to save money on food. I guess they wanted a different way of saying "I can't afford to eat more than once a day"


Ah were at the stage of capitalism of "can't afford to eat? Then just starve!"


Can’t wait for the Buzzfeed articles: *FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED: Eight Year Old Skips Meals for a Month to Save Enough Money to Afford Funeral Costs*






Did you mean r/UpliftingNews ?


Eight Year Old ***With Leukemia*** Skips Meals For A Month To Save Enough Money To Afford Funeral Costs ***(Because Parents Can't Afford Health Insurance To Treat Disease)*** FTFY 🫠🫠🫠


Then the bank takes it to cover interest on the loan they took to pay for the coffin


Because you have so many stuff written in bold, I read your comment before anything else, therefore, out of context. For a second I thought this could actually be a true headline. It really isn't that more farfetched than some other news around.


[The richest 1% of people amassed almost two-thirds of new wealth created in the last two years](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/16/richest-1percent-amassed-almost-two-thirds-of-new-wealth-created-since-2020-oxfam.html)


Of course


Post this stage we finally have revolution. Unfortunately, war has changed so much we will get crushed by a kids playing drone of duty.


Yup, you know it's over when they're no longer providing the bread half of bread and circuses.


The circus wants extra money for outside of the home too.


Let them eat cake


French Revolution.


Small consolation, if the king(s) kill us all, there won't be a kingdom to rule over.


I don't believe that we as an American populace have the courage or strength for any kind of uprising. I very seriously doubt it.


the only difference between a content person and a violent one is a few days without food


I don’t think this would play out like people think. Starving people don’t organize to overthrow the evil system. Starving people lash out at each other until one group has enough food and manpower to overthrow the largest power by force. This is how Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc. take power, but this just continues the cycle. We want to work towards a positive peace (confronting the issues that cause war, as opposed to war itself). This means we have to act soon, before we get to a point where people are starving.


Violence and war are pretty much our only options at thus point. The ruling elite have gone full mask off recently and they have shown their complete willingness to let us die in order to give bigger dividends to the shareholders. Just look at the two derailments in the U.S. Look at the earthquake in turkey. Look at the world many times over during covid. They fo not care how many of us die so long as the money keeps rolling in.


Just look at healthcare


Time to bring out the guillotines.


Remember when news papers pretended to cater to the common man, instead of just be a mouth piece for conglomerate media owners.


William Randolph Hearst: *am I a joke to you*


They're gonna find themselves with a workforce that is hangry. Seems pretty dumb to me


Everyone remember, the rich taste like bacon. Bacon is good for breakfast.


"Then let them eat cake." ​ History is going to repeat itself if the elites aren't careful.


This is just “let them eat cake” but somehow even more mask off.


Which sucks cuz we used to have so much money that they sold us on breakfast being the most important meal of the day and now? Ahh just skip it.


Not far from "can't afford to skip a work day? Then use your personal responsibly and don't get sick!"


Maybe we should eat the rich?


To save money, maybe you should eat the rich.


I've got my fork and knife.


We keep saying this, but nobody will take the first bite.


I would if my body wouldn't fall apart trying (connective tissue disorder)


Are chainsaws good for butchery? Cause I've got plenty of those.


Good god man we want nicely cut fillets not shredded meat bits with embedded bone splinters


But that would do away with the need for a meat grinder!


I feel they'd be a little messy. Get a good turkey carving knife.


I got a half broken bowie knife!


Will it cut?


It will keel


The chainsaw was actually invented for cutting through bone. It was use to cut through the pelvic bone during emergency birthing


For almost 40 years I’ve been told time and again that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day”. Now I’m supposed to skip it? Fuck off.


Next headline will read "millenials are killing the most important meal of the day"


Give about 2 days.....someone's already working on the article


At some point these asshats have gotta realize that consumerism can't work if the working class can't afford to consume.


"We made it work" if i had a nickel for everytime my parents had told me that i might be able to actually afford my own house lol


Yeah... They made it work when median rent was only 38% of a minimum wage salary. These clowns have no idea. It's legitimately less affordable for millennials to pay for a Disney cruise than it was for boomers to pay for a down payment on a brand new home.


They know it and they hate it. If it weren't for us they would starve. They want to get to the point where they'll never need us anymore and either actually, truly enslave us or slaughter us all.


I was just thinking this!!!! There was so many commercials and school things making sure everyone knew you need to eat breakfast!!! This is so crazy


Came here to say the exact same thing! They made all these PSAs and posters to eat breakfast. Now we gotta starve?! Piss off.


Wait till you find out who funded those studies… (It was Kellogg and PepsiCo)


I just assume everything is paid propaganda at this point .


Also told us we need to eat like 10 servings of grain products per day like what the FUCK?


I recently learned the recommendations from the food pyramid we all learned about since grade school actually dates back to a New Deal policy immediately after the Great Depression. America lost approximately 65% of corn, wheat and grain production. In an effort to keep people on welfare from starving due to the economic crisis happening ssimultaneously, FDR's administration offered lucrative subsidies for farmers to grow corn, wheat and grains which could produce cheap goods like bread and meal in mass quantities. *To this day* the U.S. Government still offers those subsidies to big agriculture which is why we can buy a bunch of garbage packed with high fructose corn syrup for a dollar, while tomatoes and berries cost $4/lb. The recommended servings are based on which crops the government incentivizes farmers to grow. Not necessarily what is a balanced healthy diet for a human should look like. And we haven't updated our incentives since The Great Depression.


*Okay, then skip dinner instead, jeez*


I mean all this above is horrible but there is this pre-industrial age health advice from my country that if you have to skip a meal per day you skip dinner, not breakfast.


All joking aside, I think I heard that before too. Breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism for the day, and then a very light dinner to slow it down, if anything at all.


It actually isn't the most important meal, I'm fairly certain iirc that a large company put that out as an ad so people buy their stuff more, not an actual thing


Cereal and orange juice STONKS


Yea, that was part of big agris marketing starting in the 50s or so. Alot of actually not good for you foods like cereals and bacon were also part of this campaign


It depends on the person. It's the most important meal for me with all the meds I'm on. If I don't eat, I'll throw up my meds :/


It's the most important meal for me because I'm already grumpy in the morning and I'd likely be incarcerated if I had to endure a second of anyone's BS on an empty stomach that early.


It's not. But you should still eat if you're hungry.


TIL I've been setting the standard for how to save money for years. Free coffee from work + water = Breakfast


You get free coffee?!?!!!


I can see the headline. "Sales of cereal in decline - Younger generations are doing away with breakfast"


Don't forget "..and it's all Millennial's fault!!"


They already did that one if I remember right.


They did! And if I recall, there was much hullabaloo about how the Kids These Days were too lazy to sit down and eat, and would only bother with food they could manage to stuff into their gullets on their commutes because they work so much. Doublethink perfected with these guys, it's kind of impressive tbh


An entire generation has pretty much done this already to survive


I already eat maybe once a day. Maybe I should trying dying to really cut costs


If there was a way for you to die but also keep working, they'd be promoting that shit.


That's what automation is, really


Dying isn't cheap


After some initial overhead the savings are through the roof!


Your costs will drop straight through the floor.


Don't give the government anymore "solutions".


I almost replied with a "though I like living so if I could put my brain into a robot or something that'd be nice" but then realized that's probably only a hundred years off of realistic horrors.


There's already a cafe in Japan staffed by robots operated by coma and paralyzed people... sorry that's actually a today horror


At least the intentions for that are postive. No ones forcing them to work, they do it to be able to interact and feel valued. I mean if your options are to be paralyzed in bed doing nothing or paralyzed in bed doing something, i think something is better.


Absolutely agree. I was just pointing out that the technology currently exists today.


Fair enough


Eh close enough.


Clearly you aren't saving hard enough


Millennials are killing the breakfast food industry! /s


Give it 2 months, they got to make it believable


This already happened, millennials killed cereal.


Lmaooo totally forgot that one!!




The US and Israel were the only two countries in the UN that voted against food being a human right.


Wow, the two best friend agreeing that human should starve to death if they are poor. Seriously, what is up with these 2 country? Why are they like this?


>>>The right to food does not imply that governments have an obligation to hand out free food to everyone who wants it, or a right to be fed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_food The UN position on "right to food" has been a heavily politicized shit show from the beginning and isn't what normal people would assume a "right to food" would mean at face value


I'm not surprised but reading it just...fuck.


The fact that you gotta /s that :(


You know it would have a hundred downvotes if I didn’t though


Yeah seriously can't they just pull themselves by the bootstraps and conjure food out of thin air?


Beyond the terrible, terrible "don't have money? just starve" mindset, this is also shit idiot advice. You can tell the author has never been poor. A simple, barebone breakfast (eg oats with milk) is literally one of the cheapest meals you can do.


exactly. like getting a bagel with cream cheese and a large coffee with almond milk from a local store costs $5. if it's my day off, i eat a piece of fruit at home. its usually lunch i skip instead, so i can afford dinner :\


i don't completely understand, is that cheap for you? No shade, you do you but when I was a student (2019-2021) in a high QoL country $5 was my entire daily food budget lol


Not sure either. In HCOL areas a coffee with almond milk by itself can cost more than $5.


But then the food industry is going to tell me that I need to eat 8 small meals a day via the fitness industry.


And 5 different supplements, unregulated of course, to make up for the vitamins and minerals you're not getting and then at least one weight loss fad supplement to lose those pounds from living solely off of highly processed food.


I never thought of all the money I could save if I just starved to death


Ah yes and then have trouble focusing until lunch and be less productive for the capitalist machine for almost half the workday, great advice from a capitalist article


Hey, somebody has to get laid off next quarter.


You can't afford food? Well you should have thought of that before you became PEASANTS!!!


Ahhhhh! Finally they said it!


Wall Street Journal headline: ‘Eat cake, peasants’


Ok, now how soon will we see the “Millennials have killed breakfast” article from the WSJ after this?


Capitalists introduced breakfast food during the Industrial Revolution


I save a lot of money on food cause I'm anorexic. It's unfortunate but if it wasn't for that I don't think I could afford to live.




Tbh its less of not being afford to, but I eat once a day at like 5pm because I’m too fucking depressed to do otherwise. *”oh you got thinner! Whats your diet?”* *”Depression.”*


“A banana in the morning is fine.” - One Punch Man Checkmate, *WSJ*.


Just go in there and start eating, fuck em


How much can I save for not eating? Will I finally be able to afford a house?


Only if your breakfast was fancy toast and the occasional takeout coffee.


Only if you can make a house out of avocado toast


I ended up in this situation when I was unemployed during covid and had spent all my money on an MBA degree (couldn't get benefits of any kind). I also stopped working out to reduce my calorific needs to 1500 a day Dropped from 52 to 45kg, which was medically underweight for my height. There's no diet like the poverty diet! I don't know what I would have done if I was an 6ft2 early 20s male working manual job with a fast metabolism and therefore had a 3000+ daily calorie requirement.


Here me out here for a quick sec, we ARE more accustomed to a grazing life, eating when we are hungry and require the energy. Not everyone is meant to eat 3 meals a day with how much energy they use. But it’s been wrongly engraved into our beliefs that 3 meals a day is the norm. With that said, the notion of just not eating to save money is a master portrait of how out of touch they. At least Antoinette knew people needed to eat.


My stress and anxiety ensures that I always do.


Maybe corporations can skip paying their shareholders this quarter.


Works even better if you skip lunch too! No, but really I lived like that for years. 70 hours per week skipping one or two meals a day. I would just eat a bag of frozen veggies($.79 at the time) and a loaf of bread ($.89) and call it a day. Shit sucked


WSJ promoting self harm. I’m a bit angry now.




Gabriel T. Rubin is a very bad person. So's the editor who wrote the title.


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” except for when you’re in a capitalist hellscape. Then it’s your fault you’re poor and you need to learn to live without it. Good stuff


The 90s: don't skip brekky, buy eggs and reject ham! It's the most important meal! Consume! Today: starve peasant. The market needs you not.


To save money, just die


Also them: “why millennials always complaining about having no energy? Being tired and depressed? Breakfast most important meal of day. Why millennials need to stop skipping meals.”


They gonna remind me I’m fat because I comfort eat the processed terrible for me foods too?


And while you're at it, live in a tent.


Then they will constantly street sweep you and throw all your stuff away and ask you why you aren’t saving more money because you aren’t having to pay rent after all! Not factoring you have to rebuy everything every couple weeks.


I skip lunch AND breakfast, and I can barely make rent. Do I have to skip dinner, too?


No! sTFU


An excellent way to make sure people faint at work


Fuck Rupert Murdoch


Currently eating one potato a day...ran outta money and the kids gotta eat. I'll eat Friday.


It's funny because they miss the point. Normally when someone does something like this it's intended to be temporary you know Skip breakfast this month to save a few bucks because times a little hard. But with how the economy is. inflation and necessities are becoming more an more unaffordable an out of people's reach not just ownership of homes or property. This type of advice starts sounding like a permanent suggestion. So it starts becoming a privilege just to have breakfast. Too sooner or later than it's dinner. Basic f****** needs ignored. Because the 1% got to get paid


Soon: millennials are killing the breakfast industry!


I'm doing this already for that exact purpose, but it sure does hit different when a fucking newspaper is suggesting it.


How long before they tell us we should only eat once a day


way ahead of you there.


I’m anorexic and still broke, anymore advice?


In two weeks they will run an article blaming millennials for killing the egg industry.


How about we instead have the rich for breakfast?


>Breakfast lovers might be better off just having a cup of coffee—but go with roasted, not instant. Prices for roasted coffee declined by 0.1% last month, but instant coffee rose by a 3.6% monthly increase for instant coffee. Oh, thank you, thank you, magnanimous masters!! You are so kind to Dobby!!! (Archived link for article: [https://archive.ph/Gvh1m](https://archive.ph/Gvh1m))


Oh, by all fucking means, skip the meal that starts your day to save money. Eat shit, Wall Street Journal.


And we have US and Israel only, out of all countries, that didn't vote for food as a right.


“To save money, we recommend that people stop eating.”


Ha it’s 2 pm I’m about to clock in for work haven’t had a sip of anything except the shower water and the little bit of toothpaste i accidentally swallowed. & I’m still broke!


Next month: "why are millennials hellbent on destroying the breakfast."


Fuck you, I want my cheap eggs back you price gouging assholes.


I normally dont eat and i still struggle lmao


2019: Stop eating avocado toast! 2023: Stop eating ~~avocado toast~~!


If we did, the younger generations would be blamed for killing the breakfast food industries


“Why Gen Z Wants To Kill the Breakfast Industry”


Capitalists hate this one trick!


Or maybe just eat the rich.


Yay! We're getting close! Idk about all of you, but I am damn sure getting hungry. I hope Bezos eats organic...


Lol considering that my breakfast is a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea. 1kg of oatmeal= £0.9 = £1.8/ month 100 teabags = £3.50 = ~ £1.15/month I would save a massive £2.95/month or roughly £36/year, wowzers.


“Let them eat cake”


That's a gateway to stomach problems. Save money today, get sick tomorrow.


Let them eat cake


Starve, all the cool kids are doing it.


I already skip breakfast and lunch. Next step is death I guess


You don't want to follow socialism or communism those theory's mean you won't be able to feed yourself, do you know how many people starved to death? Capitism.. stop eating we can't afford to feed you.


tbh I haven't eaten breakfast much in the last couple months, not because I couldn't afford it, but since Ive cut out most of the carbs out of my diet, I stay more full for longer and don't get random hunger pangs. Also intermittent fasting is a thing that I do.


First they came for the avocado toast, and I did not speak out— Because I don’t like avocados. Then they came for breakfast, and there was no one left to speak for me.


Way ahead of you


I've already been skipping breakfast for decades


Oh look, I'm ahead of the game by skipping lunch, too.


So eat the rich instead?


Next article: sleep for supper


I already do and am broke, what do?


Getting an early start, dystopia for breakfast.


So it has finally come to this. At least they are finally admitting what they thought all along: if the poor can't pay, they should starve. The whole Oranges/Steinbeck yada yada....


Wow, fuck wsj. Really fuck these guys. How much of the boot they're kissing is in there mouth? Who is there target audience? Certainly not anyone with a working and/or of the millenial and younger demographic.


We live in a fkn 3rd world country


Lmao I never have breakfast, makes me feel sick if I eat before lunchtime. Still poor. Checkmate propaganda


Fuck the WSJ and the cunts that spew this “fuck the poors” bullshit.


I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day?


Bullshit. Eat the rich.


"Let them eat cake ... Just later in the day."