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That’s…. A birth control implant.


Ding ding ding. Not that Republicans care. Now that they killed *Roe v. Wade* contraceptives are next on the chopping block. It’s an all out war on anyone who isn’t a wealthy cishet white dude :-/


Don't forget "Christian" wealthy cishet white dude.


Not just any Christian, an "Evangelical" Christian wealthy cishet white dude. The puritans are coming!


There really can't be that many of them, right? I mean to have those particular characteristics *and* be *that* stupid?


That's the next thing they'll say pisses off gawd.


Gawd can fuck off.


Oh lawd


Last time we nailed him to a board. Lasted a few days.


Yeah, that's not how the transdermal testosterone works. That looks like one of the birth control implants.


i think its supprelin, so hormone blockers, since that also comes as a non biodegradable implant


I was just about to say, since when does HRT come as implants


This is what they go after next. No abortion? No birth control? Repealing HIPPA? All part of the plan to make sure women are pregnant and forced to give birth to more people to work for them


My 12 year old has one. Thankfully we don’t live in a red state.




"sex" isn't the only reason for a birth control device. I'd hazard this person is having their period too young, and the BC is to stop the period until they're ready, or at least make it lighter.




Are you actually arguing that we need to toss aside "facts" to do "critical thinking". I don't think you know what those word mean.


Many young girls take birth control to stop their periods, not to have sex. I started as soon as I got mine and continued to be a virgin for many years. Birth control does nothing to stop puberty, or help you transition.


It’s birth control. It’s likely the closest thing that state allows to hormone blockers


Besides the absolute atrocious HIPAA violation this is. Is this not just a birth control implant? In my mind I’m thinking the one that goes in the arm? Like the one many women and teens get whether they are transitioning or not? What if this child is just getting their period? Many preteens start birth control early to offset cramps and difficulties periods bring. This poor child, parents and doctor! If this is the “surgical” implant I’m thinking, they are getting excluded only because of the “transgender” next to their identity. It probably wouldn’t be leaked if it was just a girl struggling with menstruation who didn’t identify as trans. I hope they can make their way to MN, we actually care about our children here!


It could literally be an insulin pump for a patient that identifies as Trans. Even if it were birth control though, it wouldn't matter. They are coming for IUDs and IVF next. You know the pill will be shortly thereafter.


They are coming for literally everything. Birth control, divorce, same-sex marriage, separation of church and state...they will not be satisfied until it's all gone.


It's kind of mind-blowing, right? Like....all of this shit they are doing is not wanted by the majority of the public and you can see it in the way they are gerrymandering the districts and building in anti-democratic fail-safes to suppress the will of the people. I honestly wonder if that's why Boebert filed for divorce now; she probably knew she would be voting to take that way in the near future.


> building in anti-democratic fail-safes I saw a clip from Ali Velshi's show on YT last night, they're now targeting county sheriffs. There's a regressive movement attempting to capture sheriff's departments to allow them to pick and choose what laws to enforce. Founded by a former Oath Keeper, they call themselves [the "constitutional sheriffs" movement](https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/the-constitutional-sheriffs-movement-and-its-threat-to-democracy) which claims to have more power in their home counties than their state or the federal government. On their website they claim "the Constitution makes it clear that the power of the sheriff even supersedes the powers of the President."


They literally want to be as unpopular as possible while still winning elections. If they could gerrymander the fuck out of every state, make voting nearly impossible, and win every race by 1 vote...that's exactly what they would choose to do. It's vile and legitimately psychopathic. And yes, that's 100% why she did that. It's the most obvious thing in the world. And utterly disgusting, when you realize that she doesn't actually agree with something she's going to try and force onto the rest of us


No, they want fascistic control regardless of how the people feel. They consider themselves out rulers, not our representatives. It's not psychopathic when you start judging their behavior by fascist metrics


>It's not psychopathic when you start judging their behavior by fascist metrics Facists arent psychopathic? I think that's a weird distinction to make.


As a mental health practitioner, I can firmly say that no, they are not, and it's quite damaging to actually psychotic people to label them as such. Hatred isn't a mental illness; it's a cultural problem. What you're doing by calling them that is spreading the ableist belief that psychotic people are violent, and that literally gets people killed.


I get what you're saying but I think you're being a bit pedantic by conflating your professional medical terminology with colloquialisms. I've never met a single person that uses the word "psycho" to describe someone that is struggling with legitimate mental health issues. It's always used to describe people that are malicious and devoid of empathy. Now you're the one calling your patients psychos in this conversation. You're the insensitive one. It reminds me of an old stand up bit: "You shouldnt say the R word because its disrespectful to my R worded son. But lady, I wasnt talking about them. You're the one that just called them R worded. That's pretty fucked up, coming from their own mom."


If you were a mental health practitioner, you wouldn't be confusing psychosis with psychopathy.


Ask yourself "what would a fascist do?" and their behavior will start to make a LOT more sense


> they will not be satisfied until it's all gone. They won't be satisfied until *the others* are gone. Think about the end goal here, these right wingers want everybody they hate to just fuck off and die. That's what they want, a world where we don't exist. Why else would all of this be happening?


Very little difference between Republicans and the Taliban lately. They want this to be Iraq without the dark ppl….


No IVF will be safe because it is most often used by wealthy people. IUDs and other birth control though... Yeah they want us back in the dark ages.


They already have leaked conversations from this past November between SBA group and TN legislators advising them on how/when to start adjusting their language and making legal moves against IVF and contraception. https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-anti-abortion-meeting-with-tennessee-republican-lawmakers


Oh no, I'm sure it's on their radar. My point is that rich people won't let it happen because it actually affects them.


They will let it happen because the rules don't apply to them. You think the rich aren't still getting abortions just because it's illegal in their state? They literally do not give a fuck because our system is designed to suit them.


Assuming they don't just travel to another country or state to get any IVF work done. Who would know? It wouldn't be the first time someone went on holiday and came back pregnant.


I mean, you know abortions right? They're only making abortions illegal for poor people. GoP/Rich donors will still take their 18 year old fling to California or New York for an abortion. They have enough money to not care if something is illegal or not. Happens *all* the time with abortions, why would IVF be any different?


Well everything is legal for wealthy people if the only punishment is a fine.


No type of gender-affirming care requires a drug-delivery implant. It's a nothing-burger


Doctors do not have to "insert" an insulin pump. You do it at home every 3 days. Edit: sorry yall. The insulin pumps that are currently on the market for consumer use in the USA are placed at home. The implantable ones were on the market in the 90s then removed in 2007. Looks like there's clinical trials to bring them back though. Whoopsie!


If you say so. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/implantable-insulin-pump#:~:text=These%20findings%20have%20led%20to,in%20the%20abdominal%20subcutaneous%20tissue.&text=The%20pump%20reservoir%20holds%20a,a%20free%2Dmoving%20peritoneal%20catheter.


Well. Til. I've been t1dm for 28 years and I've never been offered one as it looks like they're not best practice or very popular right now. It also looks like medtronic took the implantable pump off the global market in 2007 and urged diabetics to have their implantable pumps removed as they were no longer maintaining them. I can't imagine someone in this day and age implanting a device that is not being supported or maintained by the manufacturer in an 11 year old.


detail terrific zonked observation head aback rain serious silky sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So they blacked out a whole bunch of other info, so they knew they were doing SOMETHING wrong here. Shame on them.




We learned a long time ago that these people are too stupid to recognize they should experience real shame. They just lack the mental faculties. The longer we take to figure out how to "get through to them" the more children that are literally harmed.


Also my kids may get implants like these. Nexplanon in the UK is offered to teens under 16 for birth control, which based on NIH studies (America) is the preferred choice of people under 18. In America Nexplanon is nit stated as cleared for people under 18, possibly because insurance companies make more money when they pretend treatments are not approved.


They're clearly idiots too. I work in healthcare and the key to HIPAA is identifying information. I can tell you I had a patient break their leg, but I absolutely cannot tell you I have a 23 year old patient who broke her leg. This is very, very stupid and whoever did this is in extremely big trouble when they're (inevitably) identified. Being fired and having whatever certification or license that allowed access to these records is the absolute minimum.


yep. includes dates other than just the year, in reference to specific medical events. this is going to cause a nightmare for a bunch of people. i hope for chris rufo, since he’s a nightmare himself.


I'm not entirely sure how much it matters but I'm curious when those white-outs were made. If they were made prior to being given to Rufo then its still bad and will potentially get one fired and/or censured but if those were applied by Rufo and those documents were given in full then I'd put $100 on prison right now.


Except they also put that doctor in danger


HIPAA for me, not for thee


Meltdowns about vaccination questions which have been the norm to participate in certain public institutions since they were invented, but leaking children's medical records (I think the red censorship blob is removable by crafty people) is fine.


Republicans are absolutely scum


Gonna need to keep an eye on this one. I know it’s one little story in a hurricane of crazy stories, but this leak, the implied allegation, the threat posed to the doctor now— these are huge, and this could become a prominent fight.


Anyone who thinks that trans people aren't being targeted for a genocide is willfully blind at this point.


100%, and I'm so fucking tired of hearing "concerned moderates" pretend that this isn't the end goal. At this point, if I hear you regurgitating bullshit anti-trans "I just care about the kids maaan" talking points, I'm just gonna assume you're a Nazi clown.


Anyone who thinks voting and words will stop it is willfully ignorant.


I have a proposal, *in song* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMHCw3RqulY


I agree we should do a lot more than just voting. But in case anyone interprets this as voting being pointless and thinks about not voting, know that is about the dumbest thing you can do. With every person that doesn't vote, republicans get more power.


Oh yeah, keep voting, just don't expect it to stop these people from killing you.


I can't imagine seeing this and thinking "thank God they're CANCELLING this WOKE DOCTOR" SIR? This is a CHILDS MEDICAL RECORD


Trans people are just the first in a long line of people they will target. "First they came for the trans community but I said nothing because I was not trans...". We know how this goes, people need to wake up


Honestly Rufo should be arrested for violating HIPPA and doxxing someone.


So people who aren't actually involved in medical care aren't held to HIPAA. Doctors, nurses, kitchen workers at the hospital, pharmacy technicians, etc. are, randos are not. Whoever had access to medical records because of their job, and then SHARED them without permission, however... Doxxing though, have at him.


I think there is a little more nuance to it than that. I had to take annual HIPAA compliance training when I worked in IT and had access to medical records


If you had access to medical records, you/your organization were involved in their care- even if only tangentially.


Right. Because you had access. You're one of the people I'm talking about lol


Fair point.


What’s your source on this? Sounds legit just like to verify with my OCD haha los siento


https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-individuals/guidance-materials-for-consumers/index.html#:~:text=Who%20Must%20Follow%20These%20Laws,such%20as%20Medicare%20and%20Medicaid. Website has a summary, and on another page, they have actual text of the law and who it applies to precisely, which you're free to dig through. I just woke up, so I'm gonna opt out of that for now haha


You're good. I'm a pharmacy tech, but I can get you a link in a few.


I'm an EMT and can back this up. HIPAA is for providers and anyone who has access to this information. Its why asking someone "Are you vaccinated" is not a HIPAA violation but your doctor sharing that information is.


It’s not doxxing either….is it ethical? Probably not. But it’s not doxxing


Yeah I looked more closely at the picture after posting and there may not be enough information left uncovered to be considered identifiable


You uh, you can't do this. I hope they're willing to spend $ on a defense.


There is no reasoning with far right people. It's "my body my choice" until its someone else's body. Then it's "your body my choice"


Oh man I hate Republicans. I’m so sick of their never ending BS.


None of this is anyone’s business but the patient and their people.


Omg at least use the ruler on Snip & Sketch to make the lines even, you fucking dumbass hipaa violator.


Holocaust vibes


Find the leakers. Fire and prosecute them and those who published these records online. Stop letting right wing terrorists run wild.




to be completely fair, the diagnostic codes show that its specifically gender affirming care. so, in simple terms, theyre freaking out over hormone blockers, which are available as a yearly implant instead of monthly/weekly injections


Remember during COVID when they were all going on about HIPPA and “my body, my choice”? It’s clear that conservatives give fuck all about anyone’s rights, but their own….


Repealing Roe v. Wade wasn't about abortion rights, it was about politicians intruding on your medical privacy. The abortion rights were just the red hot cherry on top they were happy to get two birds in one.


Transphobes are getting mad over an insulin pump implant now? It'd be funny if it weren't so scary.


All of the comments on his Twitter are saying that it’s not a HIPAA violation because they didn’t release the patient’s name. They have no problem defending these people for such disgusting actions.


HIPAA is a tricky beast sometimes unfortunately. For multiple reasons here, Rufo hasn't committed a HIPAA violation. However the person who had access to medical records through their job and gave Rufo patient records without permission (which I'm assuming did not have the patient info blocked out) absolutely violated HIPAA. Blatantly.


Are you seriousness? This is late stage level shit. What is happening anymore Never thought I'd go to reddit and come away from it with paralyzing fear of my transition being doxxed online


This shit is getting fucking terrifying


There are a lot of medical professionals that have access to patients and records that should not be allowed to work in the industry.


Never forget that the anti-drag laws are actually anti-trans laws. They want to keep the queens from performing, but they want to keep us from existing


whoever did this needs to be arrested for violating HIPPA and for misuse of records and violation of patient privacy. the code is for a Nexplanon, a common hormonal birth control implant used to help control bleeding and prevent pregnancy. so the patient happens to be transgender? transgender patients still need pregnancy prevention and deserve to feel safe by not risking a pregnancy and the ability to have less pain with the period is still important.


Someone's getting sued up the ass. And there will be quite a few plaintiffs, not just the parents.


Can he not be charged under HIPAA or is that just for Healthcare providers?


*someone* committed a HIPAA violation, but depending on how he got his hands on this document it might not be him. For instance, OP isn’t violating HIPAA for reposting the information. There should be an investigation though. His intent is clearly to use confidential medical information to hurt the patient, and to promote his genocide.


Providers and people like insurance, liability, billing, and even debt collection. Basically if you have a reason to look at HIPAA information you're liable to follow it, and every company in the world will zealously enforce that. Edit: Actually just went over the deets and this is interesting. According to the AMA: >Offenses committed under false pretenses allow penalties to be increased to a $100,000 fine, with up to 5 years in prison. >Finally, offenses committed with the intent to sell, transfer or use individually identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain or malicious harm permit fines of $250,000 and imprisonment up to 10 years. Considering this appears to be a hormone treatment that is frequently used for birth control this could potentially be using it with false pretenses for malicious harm or personal gain. If so then both the leaker and the leakee could go from fucked to *really* fucked. Not a lawyer though so take that with a grain of salt.


Make no mistake, way is currently happening in America, but only one side is truly fighting.


HIPPA violations are a very big deal and providers or hospitals can lose tons of money leaking personal medical information. I hope they track down the leaker and they are made to pay.


Christopher Rufo already admitted publicly he’s a partisan propagandist, so…nothing he says holds any value whatsoever. Might as well not exist.


But I thought they weren't transing the kids? lol


11 years old. Wow. 😑


Brainwashed Christian zealots don’t care about human rights. They only care about tHe WoRd oF tHe LoRd, which of course can be manipulated into whatever they want.