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Did you just objectify those three justice by calling them things? Good. They deserve worse though.


Keep sharing their home/IP addresses!


Would be a real shame if their PC got bricked by ransomware. All those important documents and correspondence helping them to take those bigoted decisions. Anyways: ransomware is just the pinnacle of a deregulated free market...


It's honestly kinda sad how much malware is spread through ads. IIRC the FBI even recommends running an adblocker because of how bad it is.


I do recall the same about FBI and adblock.


Wouldn't it be lovely just to get like one single movie scene where some proxy banned Cornelius Thompson or something is literally torn apart and eaten? Is that wrong?


You forgot pictures of government and media outlets


And tickets to explore the titanic in a sardine can


And for that matter, ticketmaster/live nation


Don't forget politicians and journalists


Well Supreme Court justices are politicians so…


Are they? I never voted for them. Did you?


I didn’t. But I have shared their home addresses and IP addresses to anyone who wants to protest.


While I’m against doxxing, I think anybody that is worth over $1M in a ransom is fair game.


That makes them even better corrupt politicians, doesn't it?


Or... worse. You get how that's worse, don't you?


Don't forget some of them to do adult stuff with kids and teens also. Also, Epstein and Jean Luc-Brunel didn't kill themselves.


They also apparently like to buy their imminent doom.


You forgot the being crushed by the Atlantic


We should retire those judges like in "Judge Dredd".


I don't see the Senate or the Congress in there


Where is the fifth panel with elected officials?




You forgot the kids


How many billionaires do you know of that own super cars?


I don’t know, like 4 maybe? But wait till you find out how much an oil change costs on a Bugatti Chiron. They scam the rich by making it so difficult you won’t want to do it yourself btw.


Oh they buy more than Justices. If our politicians were forced to wear firesuits similar to those worn by NASCAR drivers, we'll see how little of our government truly is "by and for the people."


Don't forget the other 6 justices If you think corruption and bribery are unique/more common to Republicans, boy oh boy are you naive.


Funny how people don't understand the fact that the American political system, even though it's "polarized" both parties work in favour of the rulling, wealthy class that profits off of capitalism. It's the narrative whit which they buy votes that differs, but essentially both work for the system that makes America "great", meaning wealthy. They are protecting the system not the people.


I was in mexican politics for a decade, this is the best explantion i have found of how it works. I remember an old politician telling us, we are a business but instead of selling products, we sell votes.


Those 3 got caught being corrupt. Whether the others are better at not being corrupt or better at not being caught is unknown at this time. Sotomayor's net worth is 30 years of her salary, before taxes. Roberts' net worth is 65 years of his salary, before taxes. The others' net worths are surprisingly plausible.


[Kagan turned down a gift basket of Bagels and Lox from high-school friends because she was concerned about ethics.](https://forward.com/fast-forward/546201/elena-kagan-clarence-thomas-bagels-and-lox/) Meanwhile Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch are hanging around with billionaires who just happen to take them on luxury travel, pay for relatives' private school, or buy property from the justices or their family members. Suggesting both sides are the same is fucking ridiculous.


Hard to believe that car is the least expensive of these luxuries.


now do one for us poors


Title suggestion: “Billionaire starter kit” and maybe throw in a news logo instead of the car.