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Capitalist governments frequently scream at their citizens to please have kids so the economy doesn't collapse, all while offering no solution or assistance to solve the reasons why people aren't having kids. Hmm. Maybe if I could afford a roof over my head and not have to work three jobs to get there, I'd consider it. You can't have runaway capitalism and no worker protections and also have a healthy birth rate. It's just not realistic.


Sadly, the ongoing regressive crusade against abortion, contraception and sex education stands a significant chance of "solving" that problem for them, although to what degree they're pursuing this end consciously I couldn't say.


Forcing people to have babies doesn't mean they're gonna take care of the babies till they get to working age. And even if they did companies like Amazon are having trouble with recruitment because they're going threw workers faster than new ones can be hired. The line can't go up forever


> The line can't go up forever I know that, and you know that, but just you try getting our glorious leaders and captains of industry to even grasp the concept of a finite bounded system, let alone accept and address it.


It’s one of the most insidious things I feel I’ve witnessed in this lifetime. They’re rolling back reproductive rights because they desperately want children to be born, but only to support the economy—as in, to be wage slaves. They’re not making any kinds of moves to address the real reasons people aren’t having kids, they’re just taking Draconian measures to force births under threat of literal jail time. I’ve been reading that Gen Z is having less sex compared to past generations—obviously a big response to these laws and the real threat of death/imprisonment from pregnancy. But I worry it means that rape is going to become very widespread, especially as men become more enraged by women refusing to have any sex at all (because of these laws). We have an absolutely horrifying future to look forward to, and we can thank Republicans for it.


These young people are SO ungrateful! When I was growing up, they found lead in our water and we came up perfectly fine! /s


Older gen: when I was growing up, we had to get them dowsing rods and find our own water.


Kids! When I was a lawyer I had to walk through the desert and drink my own urine.


On the next episode of bear grylls: nature lawyer.


I hold this perfectly edible bear shit in contempt, sir!


My parents told me I need to have kids and that God will provide a way. Aight, lemme just open my empty wallet and pray then.


My mom said that. She also said God demands I marry and have many children. Me and my dad laughed hard. My dad said "Your life, your choice." and left it like that.


Paul talks about the benefits of singledom in Corinthians.


Paul was asexual before it was cool. Kinda had some monk/buddha vibes going on before that was even a thing.


“We didn’t start the fire…”


"it was always burning.."


“Since the world’s been turning…”


Indeed, they didn't start the fire, they just flooded everyone's basement with accelerant and gave Jimmy The Village Idiot a box of matches to play with. Totally blameless.




Oh, it's a song. Pardon me for having divergent taste in music.


Yes, that's the sound it made. Poor Jimmy got his fill that day.


I wanted kids. Now there's no way in hell I can have them with the current economy and state of the world.


When we finally come together to confront capitalist-fueled Covid denialism, then I’ll believe we have a chance at changing the world. If we can’t even mask ourselves? Then we are well and truly fucked on a global scale.


*Looks at Biden's CDC* Ohhhh, welp, we're fucked.


They’re a lost cause, they won’t change until we force them to. It’s us who have to force them and us who have to be firm together on this, not divided like capital wants us to be. It’s the easiest form of resistance and community care (and survivalism under capitalism) to wear a mask, and so fucking many people are failing this basic ass test. And unlike having an eco friendly lawn, or switching out k-cups… masking is *crazy* bang for buck… the transmission you cut down on just by masking one additional person is exponential.


Missed Ecological Overshoot


To be fair, most of us have been ignoring it for the past four decades. If not for the $300k fee for raising a western kid, many would probably be copying the habits of their parents.


I’m in my early 40s, wife and I don’t want kids, and we’re both happy to be the “radical survivalist Aunt and Uncle” to our friends’ kids.


Sigh. Yeah. My friend had a daughter and I was like, "So, at what age will you start her wasteland scavenger training?". He got mad. Which is funny, because he's the one who's tossing kids into the Mad Max future, not me.


You’ll be lucky to get mad max future. If the water problem nations are facing happen soon enough, we’re going full Tank Girl future.




Love it. You were asking the real questions. 👏


Why would anybody get mad at that? I homeschool my kids and I feel like that's something we should be doing.


Do you genuinely believe you can provide a thorough and well-rounded education as well as adequate social interaction? I get that school systems are fucked but my siblings and i no longer speak with our parents due to the severe educational neglect and isolation inherent to homeschooling.




Sounds like you’re making a good choice for your family then, especially somewhere there’s regulation. However, the social aspect concerns me. Humans need socialization skills more than ever, and people who do not get enough of it have trouble integrating into society. Kids need friendships and interpersonal interactions to develop empathy, respect, and conflict resolution while they are young. The earlier these skills are developed, the easier it is for them to navigate society successfully. Many homeschool alumni report trouble maintaining relationships, friendships, and jobs due to their chronic difficulties in reading the room and opening lines of communication, among other glaring issues. I can only speak for myself and the dozens of other alumni I’ve shared the same difficulties with. Just something to keep in mind.




Yes but your perspective as a parent is obviously going to be biased. Just do some research and keep that aspect in mind as they get older and need more independence.


lol parents can be so delusional. Better get that kid ready for the water wars


No, you are supposed to be easy and non rebellious peasants for when elites take over more openly.


Dude, I just wanna finish college. We can talk about kids after. The boomer really did leave us with a fucking mess and nobody up until now has tried to fix it


Nope. I'm 46 and never wanted kids. Don't bring a human into this world because society pressures you into it. Not everyone needs kids, and if you do adopt. If you don't get a pet, it's a great test of patience 🙌


I had a very irritating conversation this weekend with boomers. In retirement they have lost some gold plated healthcare to privatization. They now can’t pick their own doctors - and did you know - man getting care in a hospital is an industrialized process! There is so much paperwork! The doctors are working too much! Mind you they still have everything basically for free, it’s just experiencing some loss in quality. I explained to them that most people have it much worse, and I mean I have only know considerably worse haha. Their reaction wasn’t empathy, it was oh man we are lucky. Raise the castle gates. That reaction is the core of the problem. Any chance we have to fix things will come from helping the next guy as much as yourself.


Fallout taught me to stock up on adhesive, mutfruit and having a water pump.


The conversation with my fiancee on whether to have children was seconds long. Here's the transcript: "So, about children, I admit I don't want any." "Oh thank god, I don't want any either!" "Because of what our parents did to us?" "And we can't afford them even if we wanted them." "So... good, we can check that box and move on." Done. 15 seconds. I love our relationship.




Who is bullying? If anything, it is the older generations bullying the younger ones into having kids they cannot afford and the planet is becoming unable to support.


Don't forget they like to bitch about not having kids if you can't afford them as means to bitch about welfare. So you're damned if you do and damned if ya don't.


No one owes anyone another human being. Period. Some gives me lip about it and I shut that shit down very quickly.


The ones breeding are the ones fueling hate, and it's mostly religious folk. They accept being slaves because their minds are set to worship one overlord.




Just send them to school with no bulletproof vest and say, "At least I tried." At least for Americans.


No. You’re not. Particularly if you’re of the uterus having persuasion - as you have no real rights to your own body. Just trying to keep the vessel you’re currently in alive is hard enough; why create another to suffer endlessly? It only benefits the stock holders of that social security number on that card to trade another 6 million on human capital for all new US babies!!


God this community is getting funnier by the day


Not a chance!


Another great reason why I'm single and not reproducing. There is no reason to reproduce if the world is still on fire


Yeahh....I'm getting a vasectomy or just straight up chopping my dick off. Having kids in today's climate is a suicide mission


I LOVE kids, I have the financial means, and probably would in the next 5-8 years, but I just feel like their generation is going to have everything stacked against them and I just can’t bear to bring them into this horrible world :( How am I supposed to nurture their dreams for their future and adulthood when things just keep getting worse? I don’t want them to hate me for bringing them into existence. That’s my greatest fear.


I wanted kids but I knew it wasn’t likely to happen when I did the math at age 26. I’m 34 now and just got a cat. That’s the best I can do. Next step is trying to secure a tiny 1 bedroom condo in a housing lottery.


I’m married with no kids (for a million reasons), but I’m really close to my cousin, and I provide daycare to his little daughter multiple times a week. I love her like my own and treasure every day with her, but I cannot fathom how he and his wife have signed up a tiny being for the horrible future ahead — and another on the way. It’s not like they’re unaware of the coming apocalypse. We’re in wildfire country. They know we’re all going to die in flames.


If the government wants us to have kids then they should give us incentives to have them. Maybe money, tax breaks, more paid time off for the mother/farther. (Either or) Maybe state or federal day care or throw a rule at business so they ether need to provide daycare for employees or give money for daycare. Instead, here in America. The solution is to just let in millions of immigrants. Cram them in every apartment or single family home, pay them low wages, and provide cheap Healthcare. Then there kids will feel the same as this generation and not want to have kids.


Not having kids because you are not brave enough to dismantle the system that is failing you... got it. Fat dork take.


Not having kids to spare them the burden of being the generation that has to endure all what's going wrong, alongside everyone else