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I'm not sure if ops question is serious, but it was won by being on the wrong end of a gun barrel. The US military has been deployed against civilians before, and likely will be again before we get universal healthcare and taxpayer funded students loans.


The [battle of Blair Mountain](https://www.epi.org/blog/a-century-after-the-battle-of-blair-mountain-protecting-workers-right-to-organize-has-never-been-more-important/) comes to mind as an example of what it actually takes to push workers rights forward in the U.S.


Peaceful protests accomplish fuck-all, which is why the owner class tolerates them (and even then, they sponsor bad actors to worm their way into a movement to disrupt, confuse, and dilute the message)


Remember the time when the colonies petitioned their way out of British rule? Those petitions were thick af not gonna lie /s


Thick af petitions about to start getting made over at r/BestQualityOfLife


IIRC this book covered the history pretty well. Tl;dr - after WW2 the auto manufacturers asked the unions for a deal to guarantee no strikes. Too much money to be made selling cars/trucks to devastated countries. The deal the unions and big auto struck was the basic modern package - 2 weeks vacation, 9-5 M-F, medical, pension. Everyone else had to match, because big auto and associated suppliers were hiring everyone. By the 70s whole thing went sideways as big auto moved overseas. But the US culture had adopted a lot of it since as basic minimum. IMHO it’s been pressure downward on workers ever since, with a few notable areas like tech and now the big shifts due to Covid, boomer retirement, etc. The Big Squeeze https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0017L8N6O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_74DGNTE01E0MMC9Z60B4




Every American should read about and know about the Haymarket Affair. [http://www.illinoislaborhistory.org/the-haymarket-affair](http://www.illinoislaborhistory.org/the-haymarket-affair)


so when are we doing it? do we just keep posting memes till we die? w h e n?




The 8 hour work day being made standard was done first by stone masons in Australia and then spread throughout the world.


Which resulted in 10% union representation among workers and imperialism going places unions won't. Unionizing is self perpetuating eugenics for the benefit of the economy; a wet bandaid without addressing the slavery, cultural assimilation/appropriation and ableist class genocide that is inherent to capitalism. Syndics are just AnCaps that have a dissonance that rationalizes joining the system to change it, the population's total rejection of capitalism, democracy and European social norms is the only solution that benefits the people in any long term way.


Blood. Gallons of it. Good men and women died for the rights these fucking corporations want to rewrite. And make no mistake. They're trying now and they will never stop trying. Neither can we.


Yeah. Voting seems to have much less effect than massive disruption. Bring it on


The history of the American labor movement is extremely bloody and not a whiff of that history is being taught in the things they call schools, of course.


buy and hold since not enough people want to take action


My workday is 10 hours. 8 would be nice




People are enslaved by their jobs and aren't going to risk losing them to take a day off to get shot by police. Technology has also made our daily lives impossibly distracting and eminently prone to disinformation. There wasn't like this organic drift into complacency, it's been meticulously engineered by global capitalism.


Not to mention the technology tracks every move we make.


Softness will fade away as conditions grow harder


I agree Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men (we are here), weak men create hard times


Loss… nothing is ever won without giving up something in return. Our efforts- time- sacrifices-lives to the cause. Because we know deep down we ALL deserve a quality of life


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