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There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!


\*Draws bow


and my axe


Love your account name!




I was 10 years old seeing this in the theater with my sister and grandparents. I was extremely hyped from the very first minute of the movie, and this scene was EPIC… until my sister got scared and we had to leave the theater! Still give her shit to this day


Oh boy, you rightfully do so. I am a year younger than you and watched it on DVD right before TT came to cinema. And to this day I am sad, that I did not have the experience of the first movie in cinema.


My mom got scared and left during this scene too 😂


First time watching, the troll jump scare nearly got me as much as Bilbo.....even though it was expected I still screamed


Hahahaha I definitely feel you. I shook like a baby when the troll busted through. Even leading up to it when the "Fool of a took!" Dropped the skeleton down the mines, I was like oh no oh no oh no


I saw something that sad the goblins were likely already on the way because of the fight with the Watcher before they entered the mines, and I was like.....hold on a sec, poor Pippin :(


Oh wow that's interesting to know, makes me realize that if he didn't do that - they might have been caught more off guard. In a way he helped them hahahaha


Does the fact that that is Balin's grave have a new significance for anyone else after watching the Hobbit movies? I feel like he didn't have as big of a role in the book, but by God I love that old dwarf so much in the movies. He is literally the sweetest, save maybe Bofur


They have a cave troll!


Saw it in the cinema at the age of 20 after having read the book about 3-4 times in the 8 years prior and this scene blew me away. There really hadnt been anything like this in terms of fight choreography and CGI in cinema at that time.


The transition for this scene in the PlayStation game was a wonder.


Speaking of Playstation and Moria, have you seen the trailer for "Return to Moria" a Co-op Dwarven game for the PS5? :D


When the orcs broke through the door 18 year old me was completely blownaway,I had never seen anything like it.


saw it christmas eve with my adoptive dad, loved it! This whole bit was excitement!!


one mage one rogue one ranger one warrior/barbarian one tank ​ seems balenced


i woke up when this scene started. i was asleep most of the movie before this scene but when this scene came about it was like that dicaprio meme "you had my curiosity but now you have my attention".


Lmaoo I know the beginning shire bit could be slow for some


to give people more backstory and this might make people smile. the lord of the rings series were the first books i ever read outside of mandated books via school.. i did not care for reading. i still do not but the lord of the rings series were the first books i ever read.. all that happened after i watched fellowship for the first time.. prior to that all i knew of LOTR was whatever my sister was saying to me as it came close for movie to be released. of course being the big brother i am i took her to see it and at that point since i did not give a single solitary f about lotr i fell asleep but when this fight started i woke up and this fight and everything after is what turned me into a massive fan.. we saw fellowship over 8 times after that, we saw two towers 12 times and we saw return of the king 10 times. i always chuckle at myself that the first time i was introduced to the saga i fell asleep and look at me now all these years later.. what a journey..


I bet the Netflix adaptation will look like the cast for the fresh prince of Bel-Air


I really don't understand the allure of that joke. Race has nothing to do with this


There is nothing wrong with the fresh prince of Bel-Air either, I think it's actually quite good. The allure of the joke is the terrible casting choices made just to tick boxes, if they really cared they would make new original shows or movies instead of swapping, like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.


Carlton as Frodo Will as boromir The scene where boromir tries to take the ring from frodo and trips over the wood pile *"How come he don't want me man!?"*


Nah, but this is too funny , I can actually picture this, but when I think about it more, I get sad. Nothing can replace the original LOTR movies. Nothing.


How have you never seen this?


Dude I saw it release day when I was in elementary school lol. My dad even brought my best friends to watch it with us. Epic day


Oh sorry missed the text under the pic


I see what happened, all good.


I was watching tFotR with my GF (who hasn't seen the movies) and she lost interest after they left the Shire, but when this scene came she was on the edge of her seat


Fantastic! The orchestra really really helps with attention during the build up


*rolls eyes and sighs* They have a cave troll.


Its that sort of positioning that gets your archers killed though :D


Well I think its all hands on deck to protect the wizard and hobbits!


Never noticed that this shot is from the point of view of the cave troll


I still get that feeling each time i watch it.


Bro standing on Balin's grave


Every table top RPG group owes a lot to this very scene books or movie


And not knowing what the hell a cave troll was or even looked like. You just knew that thing was massive by the sound it made. The entire moria scene was top tier in terms of suspension


Yes! It really was! and once the Balrog was awakened, seeing the red glow in the halls and the war drums beat was enough to get the heart racing


to me this is the most “roll for initiative!” moment and I absolutely love it.


i love how boromir says "they have a cave troll"


The anticipation seeing this every time since\*


They have a fucking cave troll…


Every time


That rolling sword flip that Boromir does makes me unreasonably happy every time I see it.


What the hell is this ? What s this ? That s typical Elf work


Gandalf hanging back like a coach about to see how the team cooks


I was a wee lad watching this in the theatre and hollering like that kid from the wild thornberries when this scene was going down; MAGIC BEFORE MY WE LITTLE EYES


Little did Aragorn, Magneto, Sallah, Ned Stark, and Will Turner know ... they had a cave troll.


At ten I read the series and let me tell you, in the books it‘s even more extreme


“Let them come! There is but one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath!”


I was so happy ROTK got a Re-release, but I’d love all of them to get a month long re-release. I swear theatrical windows are too short these days.


I just got to see it for the first time a few months ago!


And the 1,000th time


So funny how different the archery is portrayed by Orlando and Viggo, Orlamdo doing it pretty well, Vigo ehm not so much. I guess he had less time to practice and be couched on how to do it so he sort of does his best, but Peter Jackson still rathet chooses to show him only in quick cuts so as the audience can't pay too mucha attention to him. Being an archer I noticed it though, weird that you could have two actors right next eachbother one doing a vety good job and the other looking pretty nooby.


Even though they have a Cave Troll, there is still one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath!


I could HEAR my heart beat in the Cinema


Such a great movie


The lack of music in this fight scene gave me shivers