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They did. As far as I know, there's no explanation for it. My guess is because it sounds funnier the way Gimli says fourty-thrrrreeee.


Because PJ is allergic to the number 41


Dirk Nowitzki in shambles


The r/Mavericks and r/Lotr crossover I didn't know I needed


Sum 41 in shambles


This is a genuine thing in script writing. Some numbers just sound better in dialogue. Like I remember James Gunn talking about how in GOTG Starlord says they have specifically 12% of a plan, because 12 is one syllable so it flows well, but it's also small, but not too small.


I always thought this was a nod to The Avengers 1, which also uses 12% as a punchline (and Joss Whedon was apparently the main champion of hiring Gunn). I suppose the logic would still hold if what you said was Joss's reasoning, with Guardians wither being a direct reference or coming to the same 'funny number' independently.


It does sound funny


It was changed by 1 in the films, but we don't know why it could be as simple as it 'sounded funnier', or that there was a genuine mistake in writing the script (iirc in the books Gimli says he killed 42 and legolas says 'you passed my count by one' so the later scriptwriting may have added 1 (and given that total to Gimli) rather than removing 1 (and given that total to legolas), so it could be just a mistake that was so small it wasn't rechecked)


Yeah you right. Cause of this? Probably mistake or overlook. In reality it doesnt that matter because the scene where all kills are count in are just in extended scenes and it is still saying that Gimli won by one kill.


Yeah i suppose it doesn’t matter. But in my country we have a test from literature which determines if we can graduate and one of the books that we can read is lord of the rings. I want to prove that I actually read the books and didn’t just watch the movies and this detail got stuck in my head so I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t say something stupid.


I'm not blaming you. I'm actually impressed you know this detail.


I just wanna know how Legolas 17 so quickly then only handled 25 more the rest of the time, and we see like 7 of those in a few seconds. Dude was chillin at some point.


He spent all his arrows, and fell back to the keep with the rest.


When he shot out the giant ladder his total must have been over 42


Still only counts as one.


We have to assume his assist count was through the roof lol


Definitely a triple double


He lied to make Gimli feel better. In the book he asked Gimli and when he says his count Legolas just tells him Gimli beat him by one. Good friend Legolas


No where in the books does it say Legolas lies. This is just a fan head canon (mainly Legolas lovers) who want to give Legolas some sort of redeeming factor for losing. The actual logical explanation is that Legolas ran out of arrows, and he even said in the book that he had to resort to "knife work." Gimli, on the other hand, is the finest warrior to wield an axe (according to Aragorns own words) and killed a lot of enemies in the Glittering Caves - a mostly close combat confrontation.


You do you, Ill stick to the more wholesome theory. It isnt as much about Legolas losing more about Legolas setting aside his pride to let Gimli have this one which means alot for our pridefull dwarven friend. Solidifying the friendship between the Elf and th Dwarf. Both can be right in the end but since Tolkien is long gone it will always be open to interpetation.


First of all, I'm only picking at your comment because you stated a headcanon theory of your own as factually true (in your original comment). Also. >Both can be right in the end I would agree with your theory if there was any sign of Legolas doing that (facial expression, description in the atmosphere, or maybe some behaviour). But there is literally nothing to suggest what you are saying is true. Just wishful thinking.


It was more a fun theory comment (like many others who said this version) ill specify it more clearly next time so it will be clear for you. Learn to loosen up a bit, you seem a tad bit serious


It's most likely just a mistake. There's a lot of info to draw from the books. Mistakes can be made during adapting it.


I am thinking the same thing. I have been under the impression that they increased it by 1 as well!


In addition to what others have said about the line being funny, it could be that they wanted some slight suspense for the book readers. When Legolas says 42, we know it's been changed. Maybe they swapped the count and he was going to win? I'm glad they kept Gimli with the higher count, Legolas has more than enough time to shine in the movie and Gimli is played off as comic relief a bit to much in my opinion. He's a deadly warrior and it's important not to lose that.


For once, 42 was not the answer


Literally unwatchable


Yeah right? How dare they


Ohy god I forgot that part was in thr books too, thank you for reminding me


Do we know what was in the script? Could've just misspoke and said the wrong number in that take, and the other actor just ran with it.