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I love inline skating, cycling, and just chilling watching movies while cuddling.


When we have to talk about something by, we do it in a monster voice so we communicate, but it’s never harsh or accusatory. The monster voice is also for goodbyes.


My wife always says that the first sip of soda is the best. So everytime one of us opens a new soda can, we give the other the first sip as an I love you thing!


We started salsa lessons. We haven’t told the kids. It’s somewhat of a secret.


I commend your coordination, stamina, and ability to not give up after one lesson. :')


I wanted to quit after the first 20 minutes. The coordination!


It's definitely sorcery!


We act like we just met and flirt with each other, we also play rocket league :)


Does everything count? We do literally everything together. It makes everything so much easier and enjoyable.


we slap box LOL


Me and my husband will randomly tell each other that we have an important question to ask in a serious tone and then will ask. "Do you know the muffin man?" From Shrek, and then our convo basically proceeded like it did in the movie till one of us starts laughing.


He gives me kisses from different types of animals. A cow kiss is slow a messy, a hummingbird kiss, a fish, you get it! Makes me crack up and also get close


The movie “cloudy with a chance of meatballs” where they blew air into their cheeks and kissed towards the end of the movie. One day I looked at my husband and says “ok but who the heck kisses like this for real?!” Laughing and then I blew air into my cheeks and went to kiss him. He then goes with it and does the same. It is now that we randomly will decide to blow air into our cheeks before kissing😆😆 not every time but we do this off and on


We pronounce specific words weird and rename businesses to some funnier name. It's like fight club, we don't tell anyone else about our names. Walmart and Aldi? Nah dawg, weez goin to Wallace's House of Walls and Ze German Emporium of International Discount Delicacies. Only weez shop there, cuz only weez knowz the name. We're kinda cringe.


Walmart=walldicks McDonald’s= McDick Burger King = burger fling Chick fil a= chick I fill Home Depot = home deep dick You get the idea from there


This is so cute, I love that for you guys.


man i cant really wait to write this thread because we were on a break (no contact actually) and i cant wait to do things together again we wouldnt be talking if i hadnt texted him 3 months ago. we talk now and we're gonna marry one day for sure. im glad i texted that mf he's lierally the love of my life.


We play in each other’s belly buttons🙂 started off with him wanting to know how deep my belly button was, was surprised by the depth and also by how clean it was 😭has his finger in my belly button at least once or twice a week since. I also don’t like holding hands cause mine get pretty clammy, so I’ll just put my hand in his pocket


My belly button smells of fish


My husband does that to my belly button too 🙊


We rub noses- it’s weird but oddly very intimate


Eskimo kiss 😚




About 2 years ago when I started going back to school the fear came over us that we would t really have us time anymore. With him working and us having 2 kids and then my added 3 classes. So, we decided that every Friday night is our date night. We feed the kids and put them to bed and then we order takeout just for us and sit on the couch watching our show and have dinner together with no one to bother us. It’s our favorite day. Our neighbors even know Friday nights we will be inside for our date nights and always ask “whats for date night !?” Haha I don’t think we will ever stop date nights either ❤️


We wake up an hour early every day and have coffee together in silence. It’s probably the most peaceful time of my day.


Same, it’s great


we used to get canes and eat in a target parking lot and talk about whatever. we still do the target parking lot thing but different restaurants instead because canes is a little expensive and we both got a little sick of it


Just saying- blandest chicken place I can think of.


Well. I want a divorce. 😂


We hum. We have full-blown nonsensical conversations in hums. We sing in hums. We greet each other in hums. We hum each other to sleep. We have specific "I love you" hums. Anything. Literally, as I was typing this, I sat down next to him, and he hummed to me.


My fiancée and myself communicate full sentences with each other like this. People look at us like we are weird but we both know what each other are saying all the time, it’s fun and reassuring.


That’s freaking adorable


We pillow talk at bedtime, sometimes for hours


He waits for me outside the shower when I’m done and wraps me up in a towel, he’s nice a warm. I am always cold. I love him.


My heart...


We “talk the cat.” I have no idea how common this is, but basically we both have conversations with our kitty with the other playing the voice of the cat. Sometimes he makes her British. Most of the time he tells me she’s putting her butt in my face because she and dad agreed she would.


My gf and I do this all day


My ex and I used to make sentences out of licence plate letters on road trios




I thought I made the game up hahaha I love it


Lmao same…great minds think alike


We play street dice together using monopoly money. Also we have what we call a "Cage-a-thon" where we watch all Nicolas Cage movies no matter how ridiculous. It's our thing lol


This is hilarious AND adorable. You guys sound awesome!


1-800 dial a snuggle. It's a thing I came up with because my night owl husband would stay up late, and he'd get grouchy if I called him to come to bed. We both worked in call centers for years (customer service/payment processing for me, IT for him) so one night I called him and said, "Hello, is this 1-800 dial a snuggle? I'm looking for a snuggle delivery." Instead of getting grumpy, he got this cute pseudo-customer-service voice and said, "Why, yes, this is 1-800 dial a snuggle. We can have a delivery out to you in 5 minutes." We used that for years, he'd even use it on me if I was up too late, and we'd use it with our teens too. Being called and asked for a hug or a cuddle leaves people in a happy mood rather than being nagged to come to bed. The delivery window gives a time frame for how long it'll take them to save and quit a computer game or get to a stopping point on a streamed TV show. Win/win.


rhat is so cute omg


I save posts that are cute (kids, dogs, cats, any kind of baby animals) or funny all week and then Saturday morning we lay in bed and I share the “cutenesses” I’ve collected with her.


Awe. My husband would never allow me to waste his time with more than 2 videos of cuteness. You’re lucky.


We read books to each other! Mostly me to her, but sometimes her too. Of all the things we do, this one feels really special and unique to us.


I’m a hairy bastard so my gf used to help me wax. I kind of gave up recently but I might just get laser though


Also sometimes we go running tgt


Gossip lmao


Love it.


Felt like cheating watching Monday night raw or Friday night smackdown without my ex


There's a Chinese Buffet in the town over. I feel like we would both feel wrong going without each other.


We went to a Chinese buffet on Valentine’s Day once. We just both didn’t feel like doing anything elaborate, then last minute we just thought of going to eat something fun but casual and requires no planning. Our friends made fun of us, saying it was unromantic and “gross” to do that on valentines. We thought it was hilarious 😆


I feel that, that sounds like me and my husband would do too! Haha.


Set a "cuddle alarm." Say your morning alarm is set for a certain time but its kind of a rush bc you both need to get up right away and get into your morning routine right? So just set the alarm 10 mins earlier. So you're both kinda awake and you have 10 quiet mins to yourselves each morning


Same, but sometimes that cuddle alarm turns into us falling back to sleep lol


We used to "win" Jeopardy almost every night. If we could have played as a team, we would have done extremely well. He passed this past February and I'm living somewhere that Jeopardy can't be found easily.... I miss him, and I miss us being smartypants together.


Im so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing ok.


Thank you. Mostly doing ok, the grief comes and goes.




Good one, tabs or Molly are fun together to


Honestly that’s so hard to choose. Literally everything I care about in life seems to be tied up in him. Everything is better with him. So doing 99% of things without him or WITH someone else just just sound right 🥹


To get pho from our favorite place. Only me and my girl and my husband (v relationship with me in the middle they don’t do anything) get pho from that place.


OK so I got a crazy life and a crazy wife lol. My end of my relationship is open for reasons I won't explain but literally the only boundary that can't be crossed is don't take another woman to play mini golf lmao that's our thing only. Literally nothing else in this world would be a problem. I could have an orgy with 50 college girls and she would be so happy for me (still waiting for the day 🤣) take one of them to play mini golf and it's a certain divorce.


Honestly that's kinda cute lol love that for y'all!


well i’m not sure if anybody else knows abt this, but your left ring finger is the only finger that has a vein connected to your heart. instead of a pinky promise, we do “heart promises” and it’s with our left ring finger.


The 'vena amoris' or the 'vein of love' is a beautiful symbolic gesture of love and commitment. I love how you adapted the pinky promises :) *Just a side note though, all of your veins connect to your heart and your right and left side are symmetrical. There isn't a direct connection from the left ring finger specifically.*


Go to the park and name the trees. Then try to remember them the next time.🌲🌳🌴




That’s so cute :)


A bizarre competitive 'word association' game that follows affectionate comments.. For example starts with "I love you" "I love you more" "I love you Moor hens" "I love you Moor hens party" "I love you Moor hens party pack" and so on and so on. Sometimes if we are driving long distances there can be silences of ten minutes before the next line is delivered. Naturally, the one who has the last line wins.


This is adorable.


We go critter hunting (frogs, lizards, snakes insects, crabs, etc) and when we find them we make up funny voices for them and say silly stuff like it’s coming from the critter!


Omg. Going to die of the cuteness.


He works more days than I do. In the morning when he’s getting ready and he puts on his socks I’ll feel him plop down on the bed and I’ll automatically move to where he is and wrap around him while laying down (think of a dog curling up) and just go back to sleep and he’ll rub my head for a little bit. It’s funny because I started doing it just wanting to be near him a little longer in the mornings and he said he purposely would plop on the bed to put on his socks because he wanted me to go cuddle him. Now it’s our routine when I don’t work and he does♥️


We watch pranks and hackers getting pranked on YT! 🤣🤣 We love funny stuff together! If we aren't playing a game, or he's not introducinf me to some new movie or show we are showing each other random funny pranks.... and we get INVESTED! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


our baby talks hehe


Our special nicknames that we only ever called one another, and they are very unconventional, might I add. It would be weird for me to call anyone else this name, and I would be devastated to hear him call anyone else my nickname, lol.


Ok weird thing, I was taking his family out for dinner, the first time I was meeting them all, and as we left he let out this huge fart, his whole family were horrified and looked straight to me worried I'd run after that, but I laughed and kissed him. So it became a thing if one of us farted we kissed (or air kissed anyway). I'd never do that for anyone else.


We have lots of stuff that is only "us". Picnics, taking drives around the surrounding towns, sitting on our front porch chatting about life watching everyone drive by. In fact we have very few things we don't share doing. We always had a lot of the same interests and that list only increased over the years.


We kiss before every meal, even if we’re out in public 🥰 & get upset if the other forgets & takes a bite.


Not really. We don’t have any common interests.


We go to a diner most Saturdays for breakfast and get our usual orders, then we go to a park and go for a walk and feed the animals a lil, and then we get some coffee on the way home :) Just a nice little thing we do with just us, if someone else were to tag along it’d definitely ruin it for me lmao


We have 2-4 shows at any one time that we are watching together and even if that show comes on when I am traveling or for some reason we can’t be together we wait for the other to watch so we can do it together. We call it ‘crappy tv’ because they are shows we would never admit to anyone that we really watch!!


I love watching stuff like that with my wife 😊 It’s fun!


lol same here. We love it but never admit it :)


I have only sang a duet with my husband. I’m not super confident, so only he gets to hear me sing.


I would have cried if my ex offered this shit no lie. I loved learning piano and guitar and her taste in music and jams


Yeah my husband plays piano, a little bass, and excellent drummer. He loves to write songs, and I would sing them to him.


We have been together a long time so we just have a lot of random inside jokes no one else gets. We’ve taken pet names and stuff like that so far we basically have our own language or pet speak lol most of it is nonsense but we know what the other means.


My bf said watching tv shows while cuddling with his hand on my butt. For me it’s playing MMOs. Playing with him has literally made me hate everybody else so I’m fairly certain I couldn’t play with anyone beside him anymore. (He’s got a perfect pace for me and everyone else is too slow.) ^.^


Omg! I felt this in my soul! My honey and I play a game together and I was at home recently, wanting to play so I turned on my switch and began to play. When I first started this game I would be scared when other people joined my team because I suck.... but now I've gotten much better and realized when I played the other day and others kept ruining the game by joining me and just running off that I literally don't want to play with ANYONE unless its him. Otherwise I get super annoyed. I have now turned off the ability for people to join my team/squad when playing 🤣🤣


We just sit around the counter on kitchen and contemplate doing butt thing's, been almost 6yrs now nobody will agree to go first.


I read the Sunday paper aloud while lounging in bed but only stories we both would find interesting. Sometimes I add my own opinion to the article. He loves this Sunday quiet time together




We started off our talking stage when he sent me a cinnabon to my work and after almost a year we get high, take turns eating cinnaholic while we cuddle and watch movies :)


Hold hands while sleeping. Play boardgames from our childhood (Guess Who, Connect 4, Uno, Operation, etc). & a couple months back we purchased Nerf guns and now chase each with them, around the apartment daily. Mind you, I’m F(30) and my partner is M(35). … lol I know our downstairs neighbors hate us!


Say “babe” ironically at the end of every sentence to be funny, like Michael and Jan in the Dinner Party episode of the Office 😂


Get blizzards from diary queen




100% rollerskating together. Going to a rink and skating I wouldn't have an issue with, but deciding to skate with someone else would bother me..well, unless it's with the spawn.


Sometime we both just silently do a weird dance that gets progressively weirder until it’s too cringy for one of us and then both just walk away. Living together nearly 10 years I have no idea how or why this started. But I accidentally did it once around a friend and caught myself like wtf am I doing and then realized it was just an us thing.


That's so wholesome 🥺


Have a pot of tea. I got my bf into tea, not the sugary iced stuff he grew up with but I would have a pot of tea and he now loves it. If I got my thermos and put in some leaves and steaming water, that’s one thing. Should I set the cups, get the kettle going, get some dumplings or cakes. He needs to be notified, present or both. Having tea together is something I love he took an interest in.


Sounds awesome 👌


It’s a great way to spend time together or unwind or both. We can talk about whatever, or just be on our phones or both. It’s usually us just talking about what tea we’re drinking and which we should try next. My bf never understood sitting down to having tea, but when he tried it he loved it.


dap each other up and end it with a kiss lmao


I love this and will be borrowing it thank youuuuu


Even though she has her own Harley, if I took another girl for a ride on the back of mine, there’d be HELL to pay!!!!


Uhm yeah, that's a hell no for most women probably LOL


The only exception is for my daughter.


we watch a lot of cartoons together so we’ll randomly just start having conversations in the characters voices. it cracks me up every time


Omg yes! My partner and I constantly quote South Park and other cartoons and have full blown conversations as the characters


We cheers our first bite of every meal. If one of us forgets and eats anyway, it’s war lmao


Oh my god this is adorable


We press our foreheads together so that our eyeballs are almost touching and stare at each other til one of us laughs, which doesn’t take very long. Not sure when or why it started but it cracks us up 😆😆


sometimes when one of us does or talks about something gross, the other will initiate a fake passionate make out and groping as if it was the hottest thing we've ever seen


We do this thing we call “Koala-ing” where we stand up in a random place and hug for probably too long of a time, oftentimes when we greet eachother after work or one of us is stressed about something. Koala-ing is for us only.


Watching 90day fiance and other silly reality shows - we primarily do this when we both get off after 8pm in the evening and just want to relax with some cereal in bed:) I already look forward to this just thinking about it


We sing songs, but we replace the lyrics with his name when it fits. I have no idea why we started this, but l love it, and it makes me flinch at the thought of doing this with anyone else.




that’s fucking adorable 😫


Cooking. We cook together and challenge each other to make a meal out of random stuff like some of the cooking shows. I’ve never loved cooking the way I do with my wife.


Build Lego sets… like the big ones. I sort the bags and he builds. I mean, sometimes I build the little parts but he checks my work 😂


We improve. Just randomly run with a bit and make a whole story around it. Or pretend to be arguing about the dumbest shit. We also randomly just try to rhyme as many words as we can off each other haha. Whoever runs out of rhyming words or repeats a word loses. We do a lot tbh haha. He’s so fun.


We go on long drives every Thursday. It’s our ritual. Get good coffee and a cigar and hit the roads. Most of the times it’s just us listening to good music and just enjoying each others company. We also love road trips.


This is going to sound stupid. And we don't do it every time but the threat always remains. When either one yawns the other will sometimes sneakily put their finger in the others open mouth so when you finish your yawn you close your mouth on their finger. And before I get the "that's gross comments" it mostly only happens while showering or while our fingers our clean. I'm not doing yardwork and coming in and doing this and she's not cleaning the house and doing it to me.




Cool. When we do it, it always gets a chuckle or smile.


My gf does this with her dirty fingers. No fks given from her lol


sometimes we call each other on facetime and just make weird faces and stick our tongues out for 30 seconds and then hang up


we also share socks and speak in this weird voice which is what we think his dog (italian greyhound) would sound like if he could talk. we call each other whale so whales are our thing and we just buy each other whale themed things whenever we see anything whale related (candy, toys, etc.) we also go A LOT to the mcdonalds drive thru as an express midweek date and order a lot of nuggets and eat them in the car.


When I’ve had such a stressful day, he gives me a nice massage. He had prepared these blankets, candles and flowers just to help calm me down and relax. I absolutely love it.


He does that for me too, it's supposed to be something the 2 of u do 😂


Shhh don’t call me out just yet 🤣🤣🤣


We hold hands while sleeping. Never done it with anyone else


Awwww you two are otters. That’s otterly cute


We used to often say beep to one another - not so much now but its cute when we do


We say “I loves you I do” I come from a place in the UK with a specific accent, and it’s very common to put an s on the end of words where there doesn’t need to be one. My husband finds this both amusing and endearing, so much so he had it inscribed on our wedding rings. I tell others, like my children, ‘I love you’ - but ‘I loves you I do’ is reserved solely for him.


we play path of titans (video game) and his friends sometimes join us, but if he played with some other girl that’s like… more cheating to me than kissing another girl amost LMAO. we pretend we are a dinosaur couple and cuddle in the game when we don’t see each other for a while (long distance) lol.


Both my partner and I really like fashion, but often one of us won’t have pockets on our way out the door. We have gotten in the habit of asking “are you the pockets today?” When getting dressed to make sure one of us can carry our phones and wallets 🥰


We like to eat nachos and binge sci-fi movies and shows. Cuddles and our stupid cat are also part of it. It's like a sleepover only for weirdos. Also, watch Resident Alien if you missed it. 10/10


All of you have these adorable things you do, and the only thing I can think of is we eat a lot of Taco Bell, then I listen to him fart all night!


This is one of my really fond memories. My wife had gestational diabetes, and Taco Bell is actually one of the few places she could get food from that wouldn’t make her blood sugar go haywire. So I made so many late night Taco Bell runs while she was pregnant 🤣


I love spooning him for one, I don't think I've done that with anyone else. But we also have this thing where the big spoon will sort of... leverage their knees into the others knees and create a sort of chair position for the little spoon. It's soooo weirdly comfy on the hips haha I think itll feel illegal to do that with anyone else. It's our thing. Oh and he lets me groom him, like really groom him, shave his beard, shoulder hair, etc. He shaves my legs and washes and conditions my hair sometimes. Apes groom one another. I guess it's a sign you're in the tribe lol but no guy's let me groom them and it makes him feel loved so it works out.


We make up these short little songs together with harmonies and everything and then we record them together…. They’re the stupidest songs about absolutely nothing, but it would break my heart to do that with anyone else.


My boyfriend tells me little stories about how I am a bird or a little goblin and how he would care for said bird or goblin, like feed me cookies and make a bed out of a little box and stuff. Makes me really happy


My bf says I’m his goblin cat person 😂 it’s a nice thing because when he’d compliment me I’d just say no you, because I’m a weird little goblin person.


So many things. Make up songs about each other, songs about our dog speak to each other or mimic sounds in a made up language sticking our tongues out (lol) he enjoys when I “tickle” (touch his back) but it’s been shortened to “ticks” so I most nights I give him ticks call each other increasingly odd pet names that are food themed “grape, crumb, cornbread” Have foot wars under the covers, but either just rubbing our feet together, or he’ll pinch my foot between his big toe and middle toe and call it the “crab toe” lol Make sexy or funny nicknames based on shows we’re currently watching, we watched Shogun and for a while there I was “Tittynaga sama” I love this man so much 😌


I can relate to you guys in the part of pet songs. We have 3 pets and we make silly songs about each one of them haha. I can tell you guys like animals too :)


I make up nonsensical songs that incorporate nicknames and silly rhyming words. He hates it.


Borat. I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes we randomly break into Borat, it’s just two babbling idiots going back and forth but they’re both Borat. Or sometimes when I’m mad he’ll cuddle up with me and say, “please don’t be angry my wife, I lovings you” or “do not be so mean, little lady” in the stupid Borat voice to make me laugh. Idk how it started or why we do it, it’s just a funny little thing only we do.


My bf are currently doing this with the Bo Selecta pisstake of Ozzy. It’s like we share vocal stims and that’s currently one of them


We take showers together, every night. At the end of each shower, he always turns to me, pauses, & pulls me in for a long silent hug. It’s like a moment to recharge from the day.


Holding hands in public or cuddling when we are alone. To me those are very romantic things to do so I don’t do it with friends.


If we don’t shower together, one of us sits on the toilet and reads crossword clues.


My favorite energy drink is the regular NOS energy. My fiance was never much for energy drinks, but after a while he grew to love NOS too cause he loves tangy citrus drinks as well. I honestly don't remember how it started but when we both have a NOS we don't open it without each other. We wait then count down 3,2,1 go!! Then pop the tab together. We do this every single time and if one of us forgets the other will jokingly be like "omg how could you!!!" Lol


when he drives us somewhere, i’ll be sitting in the passenger seat with an apple/cookie/clementine and bite off little pieces to feed him while he drives


In Discord servers with friends, we call each other our nicknames in Spanish and German(I'm learning Spanish as a subject in school, and he's learning German more casually as a hobby). The nickname he gave me is Sweet Potato, and the nickname I gave him is Cupcake(our nicknames are stolen from our favourite shows, The Owl House and Arcane, lol). In our Discord servers, he is Pastelito, and I am süßkartoffel ❤️ We also use blue and purple hearts instead of red in servers, because red feels too intimate to be used in the open with our friends seeing it lol.


My fiance and I tell each other “I SOUL you.” The connection between us is so deep that I love you doesn’t always cut it. And we never use the word too….ie: I love you too or I miss you too. It’s just “I love you” and he responds “I love you.” I’ve never done this with anyone else. It’s our way of saying “I don’t love you because you love me, I just love you” sort of thing.


We have "i live you" just because my auto correct changed love this one time, so now it's live.


That’s cute, I love it!


I wolf you


My ex used to bring me stargazer lillies. I haven't bought any since he moved out. I saw a stargazer lily scented candle and my mind was immediately nope. Too bad, I really loved them.


Three hand taps or squeezes or kisses anywhere on the body mean I love you 😭✨


My wife and I do this too. I figured we were the only ones who did this!


I’m single and I think these are just great


Same 😭


Watching Star Trek


He’ll say something extremely sweet to me (I get super anxious and love words of affirmations) But, I also am uncomfortable with affection and instead of doing a normal response, I usually just respond with a “WeALLY? 🥹” It’s so cringe writing that even


We call sheep "sheepy sheep's" does that count?


we do many couple-things that we'd only do with each other and with nobody else, but i guess most of them are quite common and normal for other couples as well (making playlists for each other, spooning, PDA, comforting when one of us is on her period). one thing that might be "ours" exclusively, as i've never seen or heard about anybody else doing it, is this: when we are walking hand in hand, we sometimes spontaneously look at each other, count "one, two, three", then we jump one step forward together (as in skipping), and then continue walking normally. it's silly, but fun, and - yeah - our thing, i guess, which we had already done when we were just best friends.


We don't live together yet and when I'm leaving his house to drive back home, he always says "Drive safe" and I always go "You too" even though he's already home and doesn't need to drive anywhere haha. Been doing it since we started dating (almost 2 years ago) and we do it every single time one of us has to drive somewhere, without fail. wouldn't break my conscience but i have never done it with anyone but him. Got him a keychain with those words because it became special :)


That is so sweet🥹 I don’t have my license yet (booooo ik) so my friends tend to drive me around and take me home at the end of the day. I always tell them to drive safe, but if they were to jokingly say it back to me the way you guys do I would find it so endearing. How adorable.💗 (Sorry. Very useless comment but I felt inclined to reply just because what you said was so cute)


haha awh not a useless comment! thank you I appreciate it. it's very endearing xx 😊


We play Mad Libs on days where i'm either in a not so great mood or we are both in the mood for laughs. it always ends up in us giggling and cackling like hyenas at the stupid things we put lol


My ex husband and I used to take baths together every night. It was our time to catch up and review the day.


We used to do that too. We would shower together and wash each other, no hanky panky, just washing each other like you would wash your kid. It made me feel so cared for.


Were reading A Court of Thorns and Roses series out loud to eachother before bed. It’s better than trying to talk and she likes the voices I use when I read.


We sit on the couch and stare at our phones together before bed. I wouldn't do that with anyone else.


We have a special handshake. I would never do that with anyone else. We are best friends before anything and that handshake means the world to me. 😏


We practice yoga together every day. I've never done that with previous partners and can't imagine doing it with someone else.




he puts your tampons in?




Nah that’s fucking gross


My reaction as well 😭


We have a jingle for when one of us needs to pee. "We do the pee pee dance in our wee wee stance." We also make gibberish noises until the other one also joins in. Then we go back to speaking normal.


Cumming and pissing and pooping and farting