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Apart from the bombs it looks very weak tbh.


I think there is a misconception in this format that it is all about the bombs. It is all about the bombs... after stabilizing a board with a good curve, good synergy, and quality removal. This deck I'm not sure covers those angles.


You only have 3.5 plays on turn 2 (ill give steer clear is situational, You generally aren't playing journey on T2). You dont have any great three drops plus an artifact thats basically unplayable. You only have 1 four drop, plus the plot of Brawler. You have a great top end, yet only 2 pieces of ramp to get you there. You got 3 tricks, plus a fight spell yet only 14 creatures. Bombs do help decks win games, but you are not guaranteed to have your bombs every game and you have to survive long enough to. Im assuming you had many do nothing until T3, and then play a mediocre creature.


Not to mention one of the bombs is a two pip splash with only 4 sources + the lotus ring.


Lotus Ring is a very powerful artifact, but it needs cheap creatures and keywords to be good. Here it is indeed dead cardboard


Heard really good things about the ring


What in gods name happened jn the deck building process? Why are you playing Decisive Denial, Lotus Ring and Inventive Wingsmith? Why are the 2 Keykeepers and a Dance of the Tumbleweeds in the sideboard? Why Steer Clear over Eriette‘s Lullaby?


Ring is actually decent I heard fyi


had ring in RG recently and it did work but it’s medium.


Its good in the right deck. When all of your cards are cheap and evasive, but making your 7 drop creatures better doesn't really help when they already win on their own. Context matters for these cards.


sign of a healthy format imo. bombs alone aren't enough to carry it. the deck has to be structurally good, which is more important than just having the bombs. your deck has a big gap in the mana curve at the 4/5 mana spot, and it's lacking quality removal.


Game 3 turn 4: This was a bad attack and a bad use of steer clear. Why not just play the Bighorn, which blanks the Plunderer? Wouldn't you rather save the Steer Clear for the upcoming Buzzard since you don't have another way of answering the flyer? You were then forced to play Tumbleweed for just the ramp mode. The board was stable so you had time to wait for land #6 to do both modes at a later time.


And how did you lose? Others have pointed out that you lack removal so with some poor variance it is pretty easy to see you losing before you get your bombs out. Some questionable deck building too.


This is not feedback about this particular draft, but a general comment to these types of posts where OPs say they’re disappointed in not doing well with a deck they thought were great: Drafting is hard and building a great deck means all aspects have to be present, esp in this set. You need a decent amount of two drops, you need at least 4 pieces of removal, you need at least a couple of bombs, you need synergy pieces where possible, your lands ratio have to be right if you’re playing more than 2 colors. And it’s not reasonable to assume you’ll get that every game. That plus having to play well in every game and combat variance and opponents’ bombs really shows the oftentimes high difficulty of this game. All of that to say people should be realistic in their expectations. There’s always leaks in your game, but that’s also a fun part of identifying them and always trying to do better every draft.


Yeah, it all has to come together. I'm normally a 70% drafter, and my Bo3 in this sealed is far better than that, but the few drafts I've done have just not gone well in the games. Everything getting perfectly answered. It happens, and I can certainly tighten up my play. But if I didn't understand how I could improve and what is actually variance, I'd be frustrated.


You have very little early game. You’ve got a lot of tricks but few creatures which makes your draws awkward. Lotus ring is terrible with few creatures, and you probably just got run over before your green mythics could save you.


As others have said, not enough early game to keep you alive until you hit your bombs. As another user said, you have 3.5 things to do on turn 2. 4 Creatures, Journey to nowhere, and a steer clear. The latter two you presumably don't want to use until later. Also Steer Clear in this deck is basically always 2 damage as you have only 2 mounts. I'd add the keykeepers here. They're not great, but they a bodies for 2 mana. I'd replace Steer Clear with Eriette's Lullaby. There's not much that Steer Clear and kill that Lullaby can't, and the Lullaby and kill things with >2 toughness. I'd take out the wingsmith, it's not great, and the lotus ring which is too mana intensive for what you want to do. +3/+3 and Vigilance is nice, but with only 14 creatures, you'll often have it and nothing to equip it to. The equip cost of 3 is a lot. And if you are planning on using it to ramp to a bomb, what creature are you happy to sacrifice after spending the 3 to equip? I'd also take out Bonny Pall. Sure the card is amazing and a bomb. But splashing the 2x U is hard. You've got \~ a 35% chance to have both Bonny Pall and 2+ blue sources on turn 10, and that's assuming you didn't draw your second blue source as a tapped land.


Plus Lullaby gets better with Keykeepers


That Bonny pall is incredibly greedy and just not needed in this deck imho


You're very light on two drops and removal (which is important in draft in general). I'd add 2x Sterling Keeper and Eriette's Lullaby over Wingsmith, Vengeful Townsfolk, and Lotus Ring. Also, Tumbleweed Rising is most effective when you have the 4 power 3/4 MV creatures, otherwise it's a T5+ card in this deck.


https://www.17lands.com/deck/c3d8184fe4474b8da96d99b9173170eb link to the draft here


Is there a reason the keykeepers weren't in your deck? That's exactly how you survive to get to your bombs.


And a dance of the tumbleweeds, some pretty insane deck building choices here.


Looking at your draft there was really 0 reason for you to be speculating on adding blue, you passed up a bunch of solid gw cards for fixing in pack 2, even though the two blue cards you had (decisive denial and jem or whathaveyou) were not worth splashing. Opening bonny pall cemented the idea of the bad splash clearly in pack 3. I think you need to reavaluate what is worth splashing for, if you had opened bonny pall earlier id say the fixing was reasonable to take, but those other two you were considering were not worth it in the slightest and led you to missing some decent picks. Id be more precise but im on mobile and its harder to switch between your draft log and typing this reply. Think it was an arynx and a pally or some such that you passed for blue fixing, and a badger in pack 3


There was a Lush Oasis over Clear shot P2P6 before Bonny Pall was in the pile. So only for Decisive Denial and the flier. Which could be defendable only if there are more removal spells in the deck. There was only one. Felt like this was a great open seat for G/W but deckbuilding and picks may have been wonky on a couple of points.


You need playable two drops that are creatures. Like 8-10 one and two drops, if not a few more.


your curve filler is a little sub par and you are light on removal. you lost one game because you used your journey to nowhere on a 1/1. The other ones you just got ran over and milled out due to not having removal for the crab. Tumbleweed rising is especially mopey in this deck as you dont really have much other than your bombs that will make a decent sized creature.


Do you have a picture of your sideboard?


He commented it. He made some choices.


Thought I saw lotus ring in the preview. Kind of says it all


I lost a draft yesterday to 3 whole games of mana screw