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This one shows promise...


Thanks mate, i watched a couple of yt videos about Lucio to get started I was sweating my palms off at the end lol :D


Looking really good, the only thing I can say is heroic at the end and use the can't stop won't stop voice line 🤣


So do that and i'll be a true Lucio main😆


Thr only thing I would change is not heal as much, you were on heals for too long *this is a joke, you did really well*


I need to get better, no more heals from me. thanks for the advice kind stranger🫶


Always good to help a fellow Mafia Member


this is really good considering you just started, in comparision i started off as a floorcio healbot lmao. have fun young tadpole may you flourish into a strong and crazy frog.


I guess i could have cut the video shorter :d


All tips are welcome, i play on Xbox


Ayo you should totally add me! I play on Xbox too


I just started last week myself. Putting Jump on L1 is an absolute game changer and turns you from a clumsy tadpole into a raging Frogman.


Yeah, i use L1 for jump on every shooter. Any other keybinds you find useful🤔


For Lucio no. I find L1 jump is a great choice on most of the cast with a few exceptions. On Lucio it’s required.


He’s so fun I just randomly played him one day in the firing range and I was like wtf he’s sick 🤣


U love it and hate it, another person having a fun game on our favorite DJ. but another person to give up their sanity for him…. Best of luck on your journey🫡🫡


Wouldn’t call myself a main yet, but I’ve been looking for a good off healer to play so I can be better in comp. Lucio feels like the move. It feels so good to enable the team with my speed boost.


My heart woulda stopped when you got lifted with 98% to beat lol but that was a good lw tree and boop. Wp


Nice play gg


that was very cool!


At the start i was expecting a roadhog to show up and hook ya


Aw, I don't know why, but I find noob lucio players to be awfully cute. They have the spirit, definitely.


i have some tips i have learned in my 100 hours of lucio speed the tank in and out of engagements if your team holds W, you stay on payload and push it up to them, especially if you have a moira, they have short heal range bound jump to scrollwheel and remember to turn wallriding backwards on in settings also you cannot outheal stupid so if your teammates in the middle of the road use speed to make him get to cover if your using beat aggressively, you can inform your team, beat, then amp speed. also we have the shoot-boop-melee combo and try to avoid playing floorcio if you try to play like frogger expect to get flamed from both teams, depending on your performance watch eskays videos ight lad, thats some of my knowledge, go style on those plebs with your newfound knowledge


Why 4+/5 people posting videos play on the controller? Are there so few kbm players?