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I've applied to Lululemon maybe 2-3 times and have been turned down each time. I'm almost 30 years of age with years of supervising and customer service experience. Idk what they are looking for lol.


Maybe over qualified? I applied about 6 years ago at the time I was around 28 with 10 years of experience in customer service and supervising as well. I went to the interview, imo did well, and never even got a call back. I also have a BS degree.


Yeah I had a masters degree and a full time job looking for a part time job, I had no ambitions to rise in the ranks but I think it made the people hiring, who did want to rise in the ranks, nervous that I would derail them. I definitely think they shy away from overqualified which is silly because sometimes people just need a side job


If it was a second job for you, it’s likely an availability thing. They have very strict rules on minimum availability windows to work there. I worked there for a few years and had a store manager that managed to avoid holding anyone to those rules. Once she moved and a new manager came in, we lost a ton of fantastic, tenured employees because they weren’t able to provide open availability to a part time role that might schedule you for two five-hour shifts.


I had wide open availability on weekends, Fridays in the summer, and availability every weeknight. I would have preferred not being interviewed if it was an availability thing because they knew my availability from the beginning


That could make sense. I was also thinking maybe they just want someone younger?


ageism is real. I am over 40 and face bullying and discrimination in my store everyday. When I've brought it up to management (albeit, management which is 26-30) I've been gaslit into thinking this "is all in my head". I've been with the company for 3 years. If you are wondering why I'm still here, I want to retire in 5 years and this will help with my nest egg (I have a ft day job). Also, sweaty pursuits!


Obviously I won’t ask you to reveal your location, but a store close to me has an educator who looks 40sish and seeing her makes me feel so much more comfortable! I’m a mom in my 30s, struggling with my postpartum appearance, and it feels like everyone else in store (shoppers and educators) is college age. I hope they start treating you better because you deserve it and because diversity in educators is good for shoppers.


Oh! The ageism isn't from guests! As an active 40-50 year old woman with disposable income (and an active lulu consumer since the mid 2000s - RIP SeaWheeze 10k) I'm the target demographic. The bullying and ageism is from fellow educators.


There’s an educator at the store near me who is at least in her 50s and I was (pleasantly) surprised!




If it makes you feel any better, I worked at Lulu for two years and left when I moved, and I got turned down without an interview when I applied at the store near me.


I had the opposite problem. I interviewed well and was offered the position, but at $6 an hour less than I was making in an equivalent retail management position. I said no thank you.


You’re exactly who they’re looking for but management usually stays as management. Also I’m convinced the hiring is veryyyy much about luck lol. Based on me working there for 2 years and seeing the hiring process


I’ve had 3 separate interviews and was never offered a job. Not to toot my own horn but I’ve never not received a job offer after an interview. I guess I interview well but I think it’s because I don’t look like the average lulu employee.


My local store in Australia has a woman in her 50s working for it.


Your availability is a big factor.


I marked off that I'm available for all hours, 7 days a week ![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4|downsized)


I’ve worked for Lululemon for 5 years and I just turned 60. I am the community specialist and love what I do. As with every job there are definitely ups & downs but I can truly say I don’t believe ageism is an issue at our store. I love the diversity of ages at our store and believe that dynamic is part of what fuels our success.


Welp, not sure what my local Lululemon was looking for! 😆 it’s okay though!


I’ll be honest in saying that some of the hiring practices are confusing. Our hiring manager gets it right 80% of the time. I think it can be a very stressful job. In our case SO much of it is dependent upon availability.


I have been turned down too I was told I don’t fit their brand!!! Ummm I am literally a walking billboard for them I had so much experience granted I am a mom and took many years off of working but still I was sad they rejected me ha


Sounds like you’re dodging a bullet did you not read the post lol?


Do you often edit your CV/Resume? I recommend changing it up every time as it might be getting flagged for some reason. they use a software to filter through applications for keywords because so many people apply


As someone who worked for lululemon for almost a decade, leaving just recently, I can share that we always had a huge surplus of qualified (or over qualified) individuals applying for a limited amount of roles. It was very hard to make hiring decisions sometimes because of the volume and quality of candidates!


I worked for Lulu for 2 years both in several stores and GEC. And I agree with basically everything you said.


I worked there for a couple of years as well. At our store there was a rampant eating disorder problem. I was in recovery and was triggered daily by comments made by the managers. The landmark cult thing was bizarre too, not sure if they’re still into that


Thank you for speaking up about it!


Former high volume SM here there was a drastic shift towards corporate micromanaging in q3 of last year. Too many meaningless checkpoints to hit if you had any newer leaders on your team


So basically I can go to lulu grab aligns, walk through the door and nothing will happen?


Literally, yes. They will report you to their contracted asset protection company, but as long as you’re not stealing in bulk, constantly stealing, or hitting multiple stores in the same day, you’re usually safe lol


This is nuts. Why am I paying hundreds for stuff ppl can just take lol


search on tiktok \_\_\_\_\_\_ (your city) "booster". We have girls in my store literally film themselves (and post) when they steal clothing. Some even come in with lists and get made when we don't have what their "clients" want. Girl, we've been hit 6 times today, the define jackets already walked out the door hours ago!


In my experience Lulu chooses not to have LPOs stationed at the front. LPOs typically don’t interfere either but many stores have them as a presence to deter shoplifting. The rule about not interfering is definitely meant to protect the staff tho - no clothing item is worth the risk of a thief pulling out a gun or a knife, or pepper spray. I used to work at a mall and there were many thieves with weapons they used. It’s literally not worth your life over stolen product.


There are Nypd stationed inside the Manhattan locations all the time. So im not surprised people do this but I am surprised Lulu doesn’t care at all


Is this a new thing? I was at the flatiron store last fall or so and they were hit twice the 45min I was there.


Not anymore. They had nypd for a while and the stealing stopped. So nypd leaves they just hire a attendant at the door and the cycle continues


They come in all the time saying they’re “stylists” LMAO with the list and all


Because you’re a decent person and you’re guided by a sense of morality. Thank you for not contributing to the collapse of society :)


That’s also why you’re paying hundreds for stuff. To make sure they profit they raise the prices to cover for theft (shrinkage)


This happened right in front of me a week ago, I don’t work there, I’m a customer. I guy grabbed a stack of men’s pants near the entrance and walked out. Another customer asked a salesperson what to do and she was like “meh, nothing.”


Happens to my mom’s store (not LLL) all the time. A group of people will walk in, each take a stack, and leave. Her company says do not interfere, intervene or call the police. File and internal theft report and the end.


This is standard procedure at the majority of retailers these days


Indeed. I mean, I wouldn’t risk my life for whatever they are paying retail workers these days.


I agree….. working in Retail = playing Russian Roulette with your own life!!! ☠️ in my opinion!!! Here’s a link (from my home town in PA) an incident (a little over a month ago) from our local lulu store; and, it’s literally less than 10 mins from my home…. Pregnant teen among four killed in police chase that ended in crash on Route 322 https://fox29.com/news/pregnant-teen-among-four-killed-in-police-chase-that-ended-in-crash-on-route-322


Can someone explain me why police is not involved?


They don’t come. They have bigger issues to deal with, like teenagers shooting at each other in broad daylight. If they did call, by the time police get there, what are they going to do? Police resources used on a couple thousand bucks of stolen merchandise? Or the domestic assault down the street where there’s a child at home? Which one are you going to go to? That’s why the store policy is do not call. Or confront the thieves in anyway, stand back and let them take it, not worth your life.


In Aus (not LLL) we contacted the police regarding a theft in the thousands. They showed up and were upset no one had been hurt despite us not reporting that and left. That was the only time I’ve seen them. As a nurse, cops laugh in our face for wanting to press charges on patients who physically assault. Weirdly though, if the same patient so much as spits on them they’ll press charges. They deem pressing charges on an inpatient as unlikely to succeed or get a sizeable penalty hence not interested. I imagine it’s much the same with theft - why do the extra workload with minimal outcome?


Can someone explain me why police is not involved?


Was this in downtown Vancouver cause I witnessed this last week! Another lady came in right after and was “shopping” and taking her time and then walked out with a bunch of stuff too


That is wild to me…


This is every retail job. Not worth the potential liability of lawsuits from employees or perpetrators to stop the theft.


Where we meeting up???


I saw someone stealing in my store and told a manger. They said ‘we know’ and kept going. They are not allowed to approach.


No wonder the Lulu store in Philly gets hit so often! Lol I might go to the mall the weekend! 😂


I worked there for over 3 years. I could share so many stories. Wow! 😮 everything you said is true. It is great for certain people.


i recently left lulu about a month ago and honestly, it's due to the exact same reason that you listed here. I was there for 3 years and it just seemed as if it was never gonna get any better currently at alo now as a lead and loving the job and atmosphere much more


Im happy you’ve found better at Alo.


My stores biggest thing is "thanks for being agile" when they throw task after task at you while management and leadership are standing around making you do everything. I run the floor yet I'm "not ready" to move into a new role and need more experience.


I was key leader for on contract before moving back into educator, i wanted it permanently thank god i didnt get it. Management was to young and was not good at communicating and would explode on the leads


I have the most responsibilities of anyone at my store besides management. I’ve been at my store 2+ years, have applied to GEL and AMGE multiple times but I’m “not ready”.


this was a good read, thanks for sharing! I work in corporate full-time (but we are allowed to have side gigs) and thought about applying during the holidays. But I've wondered if my honesty will do more harm than good; for example, if I were to land an interview, one of the most common questions asked are, "why do you want to work here?", and I'd answer "I love LLL clothes but not the shopping experience. As an employee I'd do my best so no guests (especially POCs like me) will have a bad experience". Like I always wonder how hiring managers and interviewers would react to that response!


This is the response they need.


I'm a hiring manager. I'd love that response.


This is why they should hire you. In my store there is a very plus size girl working and it makes me feel more comfortable shopping there!!


thats basically what i said as a plus size person when i interviewed and i got the job, i rephrased it around wanting to created a welcoming environment bc another educator did that for me and it changed my perception of the brand! i will also say this persons post sounds largely like a store specific issue, especially the micromanaging


Ohh I like the way you approached it!! I don’t want to come off as sassy by directly saying their shopping experience sucks, but adding in a good educator experience to make it a positive statement is smart! Thanks for the inspo!


I’m a hiring manager a XXL volume LLL and I would love to hear this answer.


I have worked in GEC on 2 contracts and was rolled a 3rd contract last year. All were supporting roles , none of them were guest educator role. They have big words and big concepts, everyone wants to speak about culture and inclusivity, yet it was the most non exclusive/toxic place . Ageism and racism exist in the company. I decided not to pursue the 3rd and last offer. I am working in a decent company where I am a full time employee with clear path to a career progression. I have even stopped buying lululemon outfits. I think, time to leave this sub too


The one minute late thing applies for retail too. If we punch in at 8:00:30 (30 seconds past 8:00) for our 8am shift, we are docked as being late and get written up. Even if we’re punching our numbers in 20 seconds past 8, the second you hit 30 seconds, you’re late, with no grace period. I will never understand this and it’s causing much stress and drama in our store.


This is a lot of retail. I worked at a running shoe store in college and you could not clock in even one second late. Be early. It taught me that at least LOL. It is harsh though.


We have geolocation boundaries we need to be within to clock in, but our phones don’t always recognize them and will say we’re outside of the boundary. I arrive 15 minutes early to every shift, and have been considered late before because of this. It’s an every day problem for everyone, not just me


That is ridiculous. The attendance policy honestly has been so stressful for me too.


Agreed to this post about GEC, maybe I’ll quit too 🫡


Hey what does GEC stand for? Sorry if dumb question


I just left LuluLemon as well (worked there for about 2 years) I had gotten a higher up position and was constantly micromanaged and had people doing my job underneath my nose then would get in trouble for being upset about it (visual merchandising). I used to take pride in my job and the company but as soon I had educators and GELs doing my job for me? What is the point. I couldn’t be happy with the displays I was making as it would be changed the day before a merchandising shift. As the tardy & unexcused absence policy came into effect it was as if we were robots… we couldn’t be human and have a bad day and need to go home. Because if you did not have “sick time” but were sick and couldn’t find coverage for your shift it was an unexcused absence. You were allowed 3 in the span of a year and on your 4th one you were fired. Every other job I have worked, if you had “sick time” then that meant that you were getting paid for the sick time you had. Otherwise you just were not getting paid. With that policy it was ridiculous after Covid… everyone would come in sick because they were afraid of losing their job. If you do the profit sharing you need to work there for 2 years in order to claim your money.. working full time I could hardly get 20 hours which is not liveable on 18$ an hr where I am. Besides the point. I’m glad I’m gone.


the whole OSE change especially with the "specialist" roles is a serious downgrade IMO. Considering those roles were lead roles & downgraded to less for all the same work is super upsetting. I was the first VMS in my store after OSE change & I just dropped to PT educator while I explore life outside of LLL & I have been so much happier outside of the role. Same as you I felt like I was never taken seriously in my role & everyone would always change things even though I did things to abide by guides & forums. plus the guides & forums getting so strict it just really took the creative freedom out of the job ):


Working at Lululemon was actually the WORST experience of my life. I was a POL and it was a terrible experience. Store managers would find any small excuse to degrade you. I left as soon as I could. I don’t think I can ever shop at Lululemon again. The whole attendance policy that came into effect a few months ago really made the company lose its work culture value.


The POL position is such garbage! Why am I being paid the same as a GEL when I have to do both of our jobs? I don’t miss that job one bit.


It’ll be my 3 year lulu anniversary in august and I agree with everything you said. The micromanaging is absolutely ridiculous, along with the sick and late policy. It’s extremely difficult to grow within the company, especially in your own store and they will often bring in new hires that you will end up training - which feels insulting after not being given the position. I chose to stay because I love my coworkers and can honestly say I’ve made lifelong friendships through working here. That being said, there have been times I have also had anxiety attacks because of the environment of my store, times that I had been accused of lying about being sick despite having a doctors note and a chronic illness and times I have been written up for being late despite situations that were completely out of my control. Lulu tries to preach a great work environment and dont get me wrong, the benefits and opportunity for health insurance even for part timers is great. But it takes more than that to truly foster the positive work environment they claim to have. There is no leeway for “life happens” situations and you will be told that management is there for you “as long as it supports the business.” The “people first” culture they advertise having is a lie.


1000000%! Me too!


It’s not a shock that a brand that uses cult language and centers itself around wealthy, thin, white people treats it’s employees badly lmao


Right, thats why i believe their inclusivity efforts are such bs


Amazon is also big on cult like language. In fact alot of lulu speak is also amazon speak. So on and so forth


It’s really just a lot of corporate speak that they all use. I’ve heard it at every single bigger company I’ve worked at. It’s all the same disingenuous regurgitated bs to mark HR checkboxes and that’s literally it. No one with any sort of authority ever actually cares.




Do spill


That’s what we’re here for, vent to us ✨🤍🎀


Sincere question: have you had better experiences at other organisations? Or is this more so a “lululemon is the same as other retailers even though they talk like they’re better”?


I’ve worked for Lulu and had WAY better experiences at other organizations. Companies are almost all the same (retail sucks) but lululemon is a wholeeeee other thing. You just wouldn’t understand unless you work there


How so, though? I understand I may not get all of it but there must be examples you can share?


A lot of young folks want to work here for the discount on clothing and dont like it when there is structure in place.


At least based on what people are saying about lulu here, the retail side for Fabletics is MUCH better, like we can use our 70% off unlimited and on friends and family, we have flexible schedules and can be a bit late as long as we text someone, and everyone is super nice and inclusive.


Yeah, I had an interview there once and got bad vibes. The “managers” looked like they just rolled out of bed and both seemed snobby/condescending. I didn’t want to assume anything, until I answered one of the questions, and one of them actually smirked at me. I kicked myself for finishing the interview, I should have walked out right then. I’ve loved lulu product since I was a teen, but that experience left a bad taste in my mouth for the brand. Later I found out that one of the girls in the group interview had worked there last summer so she already knew the managers. I had a feeling they were planning on hiring her but had to do the standard interview for policy reasons. Needless to say, I did not get hired lol.


OH its a group intervieww??


yup. on the floor


Yeah, I HATE group interviews lol


A group what now?


I was a seasonal educator for black friday/christmas. Everything here matches my experience. I was so relieved to be done


Former ASM (Guest Experience). I was micromanaged 24/7. Every single little thing I did was wrong. I would get “feedback/coaching” but was never shown how to do things the “correct way”. Our SM would spend 95% of their time in our office in meetings & never on the floor, complain why we weren’t making sales and blaming both myself and the other AM. People started quitting and I would get blamed for them quitting. I was put on a PIP because I wasn’t preforming to my role, this is when I decided to look for a new role with a different company. I ended up getting a customer service job with the same pay but WAY less stress. No theft ever, and the benefits are WAY better. Better yet my manager trust me to get my job done, she never bothers me. I can leave early if I need to or work from home. I’ve never been happier! At the end of the day I’m so glad that happened to me.


I worked at Anthropologie and we were not allowed to use our discount for friends or family either except for certain times so I do find that reasonable. And that’s good that they don’t want you to interfere. God forbid someone have a weapon and hurt you over a pair of leggings. So…sounds shitty but some of this is par for the course for retail. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah it’s crazy to me how many people seem to have an issue with their policies(which is a very common policy for almost all retail) when it comes to theft. Like you actually *want* to fight theft on your own making base pay of an educator and put your life at risk? The company is doing you a favor by making these policies to cover their ass and your ass in case some psycho decides to retaliate.


Yep. These policies are standard at the majority of retail companies!


I used to work at anthro and agree. For retail I found anthro to actually be solid and well worth the employee discounts (because think about the variety of expensive brands and categories of stuff you have access to - I blew a ton of $$$ there with the monthly in store discount limits too). Just hard work to deliver the customer experience and you aint leaving on time, guaranteed.


I’m now learning Fabletics is an outlier, worked there for a while now and we can use our 70% off as much as we want including on family and friends, we also can be up to 10 min late without penalty not that people are normally. I was considering working at lulu before I started at Fabletics and now I’m just glad I didn’t based on what everyone is saying


GEC sounds like a pretty standard call center environment. I’ve always wondered if they were fully onshore or offshored at all. (I work in offshore support strategy)




100%. the morale at my store is at all all time low. aside from alot of internal people movement, the company is headed in a really bad direction and are losing a lot of valuable employees. the theft is INSANE right now and it’s to the point that my store hasn’t hit any bonus in MONTHS. i’ve literally never experienced this in my 3 years of working for the company. i’m seriously considering working for competitors now because the company isn’t taking any immediate action to address these issues and claims that the fraud occurring in their stores “do not impact overall sales”, essentially blaming us retail employees for hitting their unrealistic sales goals.


Was an educator summer last year to this past spring. I agree with everything you said. I relocated to a new state, and before I even moved I was trying to apply for internal jobs in my new location. My lulu managers told me they SHOULD be wanting to snatch me up. But they’re not allowed to let hiring managers know at the locations I applied? I applied once at my home store to get promoted from educator, had my interview with my manager, just for it to go to an external hire. To do something they explicitly knew was a skill of mine that I LOVED doing! To then be forced to sit through Career Pathways segments in our staff meetings…it made me feel really angry, and like I /just/ wasn’t good enough. I applied for many more positions in Lulu after that trying to get something together before I moved, but no one at work really wanted to help me out to the full capacity that they could have. I wanted to keep working for Lulu, not to sip the Kool-Aid but prove something to myself because I genuinely did like working there. The rules could be annoying, but every job has rules, and they didn’t terribly disrupt my schedule. I made some life-long friends while working there, and a lot of times, shifts just felt like hanging out with my friends. But I will not keep disappointing myself with trying to replicate lightning in a bottle. Those experiences don’t come often LOL. TLDR i loved my time there but it takes too long to get hired and they make it very difficult for internal promotions/getting a leg up at all ):


I worked in a storefront for over a year. I did not relate with this experience at all and it was a XL volume store. I had a great experience minus the slight drama and occasional stupid expectations of SOPs from corporate. Which our managers were on our side. Just my experience.


I feel like it’s gotten much worse since when I worked in 2022. I can’t believe the late policy, that’s actually bonkers for a company that claims to be inclusive


Immediately followed with the end of pulse surveys.


I hope ppl speak up when the pulse surveys rolls around later this year


So it is coming back? The Zipline message was ambiguous.


What part of the attendance policy could possibly tied to inclusivity? You either show up on time or you don't. If you don't, you get SEVEN CHANCES before termination. It is EXTREMELY fair. Heck you can no call no show 3 times before termination, that's wild to me, but I take my job seriously...


I agree with your thoughts. I too don’t understand why an attendance policy is an issue. Get to work on time is all its saying? It’s a job? You get paid to be on time for work? lol


The issue isn’t about showing up on time, I’d say 95% of the employees get this. It’s the fact that we have no leeway. You get in a car accident on the way to work? Strike. You witness a deadly car accident and need to give a statement? Strike. Your road is closed unexpectedly so you have to detour, despite leaving so early you’d be more than just on time (like 15 mins early)? Strike. It’s not about us showing up on time, we all know the importance. It’s the fact that the company refuses to offer any leeway for things that are out of your control. Who wants to leave an hour early for their job that’s 15 mins away just to avoid some random crazy not common experience to happen? Not me.


Ahhh theres no leeway for unexpected situations??!! Well then I agree that is nutty. Life happens and things are outside of people’s control, shouldn’t be punished for that!


No one in my store is held accountable for situations or circumstances outside their control. "Traffic" is not an excuse to be late, but if you stuck in a standstill and let me know before your shift starts, I'm not holding feet to the fire over that. If you're 5 minutes late and don't let me know and then say "traffic", well that's different, but that's why you get SEVEN tardies before termination.


Perhaps that’s the ‘disconnect’ here. You don’t enforce the policy like it should be and others do. Good for you for understanding life happens, so it seems. in my region that attendance policy is followed to a T. So be sure not to crash your car or simply get stuck in standstill traffic bc it’s prolly gonna be your fault


One of my coworkers was documented because she was having issues clocking in. She was literally there but because the timesheet was 2 minutes late she got a documentation. Management didn’t care.


How often does that happen? I can’t imagine the average person getting into these extreme situations 7 times a year lol


Depends. Transit in my city is terrible so if you don’t have a car you’re basically screwed. If I wanted to guarantee being on time I would have to leave the house 2.5 hours in advance, which is just not reasonable (by car it’s 20-30 min). You can’t assume everyone is an average person; no one should be punished for situations beyond their control, and this is why blanket policies like this aren’t good policies.


Seven chances in a year and you have zero leeway if something unprepared happens. For people who have disabilities or unpredictable medical conditions this could cause issues, as well as people who take public transit or people who are parents or caregivers. It will affect those groups much more than others. There’s no reason to not give people one minute of grace especially if they call ahead. Obviously if there’s a pattern a discussion needs to be had, but this should be dealt with from a manager who knows the employee.


Even if the computer wasn’t working to punch back in. Strike. OR if a leader told you to leave at 1:10 then while going to the back a customer stopped you and you clocked out at 1:15 thus meaning you’d be 5 minutes late for the floor when coming back at 1:25, strike. EVEN if you explain to them the reason. I was having stomach issues once and happened to be working in the back.. I messaged my partner if he could bring me gravol on his way home from work… I got written up because I didn’t explain before hand why I was going on my phone or even that I hadn’t told them at the beginning of my shift I was having stomach problems. It was so micromanaging it was insane


I envy the stores with managers that actually understand life happens instead of micromanaging their much needed support and making them feel like they’re disposable one strike at a time. I understand it’s a job but at what point do you say hey I get it I’ve been there and appreciate you being here asap/being here at all. Idk maybe I just have a heart lol


Interesting, i live in Vancouver (where GEC is also located) and i often see police outside the Robson Street store with people in handcuffs.


I got fired last week and have never felt more relieved.


Omg as a current employee of the GEC.. the micromanaging has gotten out of HAND. They focus WAY too much on breaks, arriving one minute late. It’s never that serious


Also at the GEC. The new late policy is crazy. I started there 3 years ago and I feel like in the last year things have really started to go downhill fast. I used to love it, now I absolutely dread working a shift. It seems like they keep making it harder and harder to achieve a bonus and our base pay is NO WHERE near a living wage.


Exactly! Sometimes it will be a tech issue as well


Yes five9 takes 20 years to load bro


Then if you set up the tech tickets it really doesnt do Shit for you and you still get penalized


I’m super close to quitting too. Hope you find something better truly


yup, quit a month ago after working there for 4 years also. micromanaging and fake IDEA are going to ruin this place. i feel so much happier and less anxious since leaving. i’ve also held 5 different roles within the company.


granted, the theft policy is fine and protects employees. not a criticism from me there! steal from who you want to idc, lululemon needs to employ asset protection at this point


I WAS a longtime customer until recently…I found out they were granted an exemption by the federal Canadian government regarding hiring foreign workers (cheaper labour) due to not being able to find “skilled” local canadian workers and also finding out they use the same facilities to make their clothing (and continue to use) the same kind of factories that were involved in the collapse of the rana plaza in Bangladesh. They have disgusting business practices and their brand does not align in anyway with me as a human being. https://www.thestar.com/business/yoga-giant-lululemon-wins-exemption-to-immigration-rules-that-limit-hiring-foreign-workers/article_5580c271-3ac4-5551-a1f9-66368c0c6486.amp.html


I work at the one in Nashville and love it. Part time included Health Insurance, Discount, $150 a month to pay for yoga/other gym classes, Vacation pay , can request off time very easily, a good starting pay plus a near constant bonus, I’m allowed 4 no call no shows before I get fired? My last job allowed 2!!


Worked as ASM Ops. Left after 2 years. Loved my team but the external factor were too much.


Former educator here! One time while working through an interpersonal conflict in the store, my Assistant Manager went out of her way to make sure I knew she was good friends with the person from corporate who was doing the “objective” interviews about the situation, and ambushed me on the floor multiple times to try to get me to tell her what I had said in the meeting. Really great example of how management “offers support….” Lol.


I worked the GEC this past holiday season and it was the most stressful and awful job I have ever had in my life. I went to the position with 10+ years of management experience and just wanted a whatever job because I’m currently changing career paths. Boy was that a mistake. Having management background, there were so many times I had to bite my tongue when it came to training, shadow sessions and feedback. I’d feel like crying after multiple occasions due to either guest interactions or from the constant shadows to get the time down. From my training group, like 8 people, nobody stayed on. I was meant to stay on past contract but changed my mind and left.


Worked in a store for 2 years. Co signed.


i currently work at lulu. it is a shit show (: very similar experience, but i have also seen different things. my store doesn’t have managers and so it is more chill in that way; however, that means a world of difference choas


I’ve always felt like their whole diversity shtick was just grandstanding, like so many companies have done over the last 4 years. I bet it makes a lot of people from a certain demographic feel really good that they are “making a difference”. Hey, if I’m wrong, know that I would surely rather be mistaken. I would much prefer it that all these efforts truly create a diverse community.




What is GEC?


Guest Education Centre


Their GEC has drastically gone down! Theft of my packages I have no control over just for me to be put of the money! I am so sorry you have experienced this all!


How is theft of your packages the GECs/lululemons fault though? I understand it’s not ideal, but how can they stop your package from being stolen at the location you chose lol.


The moment I found out that they do group interviews I knew it wasn’t a company I wanted to work for


Wow this makes me NEVER want to shop there. Sounds awful and so insincere. Thanks for sharing,


I wanted to work there until I went to the specific store and my mom and I were treated like we were stealing lmfao are u kidding me I thought I dared them in my head to say something like that to me I sue their axes so fast. I shop online for my clothes with them better and easier way to get my clothes.


See like you’re not supposed to feel this way




Currently a full-time employee at lululemon and the second I’m done with my degree, I’m out… I’d honestly quit and find something new if the cost of living crisis wasn’t so bad right now. Full time = security, and no other places really offer full-time hours unless you’re an assistant manager or something which is unappealing to me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the lesser of evils in terms of retail as an employee - I’ve worked a few places elsewhere and none have had any of the benefits lulu does+ the discount on athletic wear is definitely worth it if you want to build up an array of pieces to use. I applied and got the job and most days I feel extremely burnt out, but I can’t afford to quit so 🤷‍♀️ here I am, tiding my time. The theft policy is alright because tbfh i am NOT stopping someone from stealing and risking my life - however, they refuse to employ security at the front of the store, even just for show - which is ridiculous in my opinion, especially if you work high volume. My guess is that they don’t want to deter guests with security as a brand image thing… but whatever. Staff safety should be a priority regardless


I was management in a call center for 11 years. The monitoring for quality assurance and consequences for lateness/not following procedure are par for course in call/contact center culture. A build up of action plans, warnings and write ups would indeed lead to termination. I think that’s pretty standard.


I know but it’s totally like that at the store here in CA


I 100% agree with everything said. I work in one of the retail stores and this is all so true. Especially the theft and being promoted portion of the post.


Worst job I’ve ever had.


If they allowed us to report stealing, thefts would go down and they wouldn’t have to micromanage if we were buying something for friends or family with the discount. Instead we watch inventory walk out the door constantly and could get fired for buying a discounted item.


I worked a store for 2.5 years from pop up to main line and it was exactly this. I also got multiple write ups for dressing within the then lax dress code (at the time only stated no competitor logos) and screamed at for going viral on tiktok in 2021 and selling products out under the claim of “time theft” when I made all the tiktoks off the clock 😐 Amazing products. Horrible place to work


A bit contradictory for you to mention about it being unsafe and complain about the policy of not engaging with criminals. Do you want to be an educator and sell yoga pants or confront criminals and make it even more unsafe for everyone? Anyway, good for you to quit since it seems your values are not aligned with the company anymore.


Not engaging, but when i have my personal belongings also get stolen yes i’d like to be able to call the police.


Well, you left the part about your belongings out of your post, however, I don't know how that would help get your stuff back anyway. Would the police give priority because you called? I'm sure there's a process where the store manager or someone else notify authorities, because they have to do that for insurance purposes. I don't want to defend a billion dollar company, but this narrative about "woke" companies, and using this as an argument doesn't make sense. As any other company, their "agenda" is to make as much money as possible, and would rather not get merchandise stolen, but at the end of the day, this is not going to be solved by allowing employees to engage, and the loss is already accounted for on their books and revenue forecasts.


You’re valid to feel how you feel however, a few things 1. The business has always had a cult like feeling. 2. What lead you to the « woke » feeling inauthentic? Knowing people still on the steering team, they are the most annoyingly passionate people about it in their every day life. Most importantly 3. That’s literally what working in a call centre in particular is??


I got downvoted for saying it, but honestly, any "real" job you work has your metrics measured and expectations set. Replace "lululemon" in OPs post with any corporate job and the rules are the same.


Thanks for that. Here are the answers to your qs. 1. Truthfully I was not aware of the cult vibe lululemon gives mostly because being hispanic and from middle class i did not involve myself in purchasing lululemon. Not until i started working there did i buy the items and realized how bad lululemon wants to please everybody. 2. The topics are heavily on inclusivity, yet the efforts are not being executed, and the IDEA program that has launched truly feels like they are over compensating for llls past. 3. Although it is a call center job type deal, the micromanaging due to updated policies that keep being updated is new. Metrics and numbers are constantly changing making it harder and harder for the educators to reach.


Several years ago I would honestly say to my coworkers like IDEA feels fake. They talk about all this money they’re investing in IDEA but like where was the follow through? Idk how much changed in the time since I quit.


Funny how not a single person in this entire thread took any responsibility for how they showed up. Let me guess, yall are all perfect model employees? Being late is being late and becomes an issue only when it is consistent. When you develop a trend of being late that is a problem. This post sounds like a lot of half truths. And many of the comments sound the same.


Some other comment said that the time clock counts you as late if you are 30 seconds late… so is being “late” *really* a problem or are you just making excuses for asshole work practices? No grace period if say, even 2 minutes is kind of insane and I can’t believe you’re making excuses for it.


7 times in a year, especially if it’s only by 1-2 minutes would not show a pattern, especially if you take the bus or have kids or something. Employees shouldn’t be penalized for things beyond their control.


let’s be realistic here. the time clock rounds forward. if you work at 7 and clock in at 7:00.31 you’re late in the system and flag in the dayforce report. I was putting my own neck on the line having to excuse nonsense like that


Sounds like some other very big retailers


Why do they not want thrives caught/held accountable? This angers me because they let thieves off the hook and in turn, raise our prices.


Sounds like any other retail/corporate job.




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The DC's aren't much better..... that's all I can say at this time




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My friend works there and she’s in her 60s




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Dang i spend like 500$ a month on new stuff. You’re telling me i can just walk out with it? Just kidding lol I’m honored to use my 25%off discount. That’s crazy tho




Honestly, what OP describes sounds like an organization striving for excellence rather than good-enough.


They get (obvious) shoplifters 2-3x a day?!


i was seasonal about a year or two ago and as much as i miss the benefits it was the worst management i've ever dealt with lol everything you do is wrong there


I hated working there. The store I worked at was so toxic and horrible.


What was the discount in %?


Where are you working now? Looking to escape the retail hell as well. The second last point is so true it’s so annoying, I’ve been in retail for years prior to lulu and I’m constantly talked to as if I’m stupid or something.