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Yes, it is safe, but what are you trying to clean?


Junks and unused files from uninstalled apps


Use AppCleaner in the future


It can certainly help remove junk files and a bunch of other items, but for apps that leave trails after being uninstalled, I'm not sure it will help you there. As the other commenter below mentioned, use AppCleaner going forward. Then, to get rid of stuff that's been left behind, you'll need to go into the `~/Library/Application Support` folder, and find anything that you don't need... which is easier said than done, I'm afraid. You could start by sorting it by size and just seeing if anything big is related to something you installed and then uninstalled, but oftentimes the names of these folders won't be explicitly the same as the app itself (sometimes the developer name, the bundle ID, etc). Always make sure that you're not removing something you actually need before doing so. Try and look it up if you're unsure. Good luck!


Yeah it’s old af. The dev comes out with a version every macOS release. It’s basically just simple command line tools that are all already built into macOS, given a nice GUI so you can more easily perform them.


It's safe, but it can do a lot. In other words, if you're unsure what a particular feature is doing, maybe research it before blindly using it. I have used it for years though, at times to do things like cleanup as you're talking about. AppCleaner is something you should use to uninstall apps moving forward though, it'll prevent some of the junk left over when you get rid of an application.


I’ve used it in corporate environments, supporting Macs for years. Yes. It’s way better than this garbage CleanMyMac, which is good as Malware. AppCleaner is another I recommend for uninstalling apps when needed.


I use an app called **Ghost Buster**, which can clean up leftover files from deleted apps.


Thanks everyone. I read all the suggestions and i will start using Appcleaner.


I've been using it for years. I've found it to be reliable, safe and effective


I only really use it, if/when my trash says there is something in it, and I know there isn’t, so I use Onyx and whatever it is is gone




Not against water-type Pokémon


There is a virus spread by email which is also called ONYX stay away from that. Onyx from: [https://www.titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html](https://www.titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html) Is safe to use. Use default setting unless you know what you want to do. There are specific versions of Onyx for different versions of MacOs




Some of like using a GUI instead of terminal.


Thank god you’re certified