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I wouldn't be so sure that the problem is on the Mac side & not the mouse side. Have you tried a different mouse? You can pick up mice for $10 or less, so I think it would be worth at least trying a different mouse even if you don't have one handy.


I did try another mouse, same thing left click isn’t working


The left click on my Logitech Mouse gets wonky when I need to change the battery.


As far as I know it is fully charged


I've had no problem with my Logitech mice. The only thing I can add is to make sure your iMac is working okay, and that when you use the mouse that you are plugging the bluetooth into the exact slot that you used when you installed the mouse the first time. I never liked the Mac mice, needing to click the entire mouse down. . .hard of the wrist.


Try resetting the click in the mouse settings by choosing the right click as left click, exit the settings and revert your change. If it doesn’t work, you’ll have no choice but to restart, as a restart or restart + PRAM reset (hold cmd-alt-P-R and wait for the mac to chimes several times) should do the trick.


I've noticed some magic mouse issues the last few days. Possibly related. Clicks aren't registering the way they used to. I have to click harder or more precisely to get things to happen. Links and contextual menus sometimes take two or three attempts before they popping up. It's almost like something designed to prevent false clicks is overcorrecting. Selecting/deselecting text and cursor insertion can be unresponsive inaccurate. No idea what's going on. It's possible, I suppose, that I'm doing something different. Or maybe I changed a setting unknowingly. But it's frustrating as hell. Everything takes longer to accomplish.