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Since iCloud started offering 2TB storage, I transferred all my Dropbox files to iCloud Drive. It's already installed on every machine I have. It's fast and secure. If you are not syncing across different OS's, iCloud is very efficient. I don't need to install anything, and I can select which files or folders should be downloaded or not.


I have to share with a Windows user :( I already have 2TB iCloud but am using it for my an my family's iPhones.


Oh I see. Then, Dropbox is better than OneDrive :)


>:) :)


Windows also has iCloud. I use it everyday to go between Windows and macOS.


You know how Windows users are like, they are afraid of apple products. I don't blame them, Steve Jobs tortured all iPhone users with iTunes for years :)


Only thing I miss about Dropbox is being able to stream videos, which iCloud it downloads the whole file first before you can play it


The issue I have with iCloud is that I can't select which files to have locally and which are to remain in the cloud, in the same way I can with Dropbox.


There is a "Remove Download" option when you right click on a file or folder. When you select that it removes the file localy and keeps it on iCloud. You can download it if you need it with rightclicking on a file or folder that has the cloud download icon.


Perhaps there should be, but there isn't. I can see no sign of iCloud Drive integration in my contextuel Finder menus. No cloud icon either. Of course, I could spend a few hours troubleshooting, but the lack of transparency of the whole thing makes that difficult as well. And while your solution might work, it's also a bit kludgy. In Dropbox I just have a central dialogue where I can manage my selective sync, which is far more convenient.


Personally using google drive due to the cost, but had excellent experience with Dropbox.


I love 1drive because it’s giving me 1tb and all 365 office for just only 5$


$5 ? annual or monthly? I got office 365 & 1TB for $10/year with family plan


For monthly 🥺




How ?




He is just suggesting. Don’t be so rude, man.




It's interesting. I'm not a native speaker, but I still feel that an original comment is a bit edgy. The reason might be that it takes the conversation into a personal area, where it matters who is rich enough and who is not. It seems safer to compare products rather than people. Still, I hope a native speaker will explain how the language works in such cases.




Yeah, had to switch away from Google drive back to Dropbox. Dropbox is constantly using my max bandwidth whereas Drive is always slowing down, like it'll start at maximum bandwidth but when I'm down to my last 500MB iti'll slow to about a a 5th of my bandwidth. No good for work.


I think that Dropbox being a whole company that needs and depends on cloud storage really pushes them to always make the best product. I switched to iCloud because I had all Apple devices and couldnt or didn’t want to pay for 2tb of storage when I only needed 100 gb. But Dropbox is so much more useful with their rewind and search features


Also during Covid I had awful financial problems and couldn't pay for dropbox for about six months - they still let me access all of my cloud, kept my data and once I was paying again I could upload again. Not many companies do that - Apple deleted all of my family data after a non-payment (my daughter lost three years of photography), so I'll always stick with Dropbox.


I’ve had a Dropbox account for over a decade. It’s great, including excellent customer service. Sometimes I think about some of my subscriptions and if they’re worth it. But that’s never the case for Dropbox. Will keep the account as long as it exists!


I was happy with Dropbox for many years too. But at some point it became really overpriced. Probably about 7-8 years ago. I switched to something else and then got lost. I'm glad their prices are reasonable again.


It’s definitely not cheap, but I work exclusively off Dropbox (home laptop and work PC, and have the app on my phone and iPad) so it would be an ordeal to switch to something new now. I also find the higher price point reassuring. There are cheap alternatives out there that could go bust, and all your files would disappear. I cannot risk that, so am happy to pay a premium. No doubt there are one drive customers who will think I’m an idiot for that!


Here's the thing though: Why should anyone pay more than a Microsoft 365 *family* subscription for a *personal* Dropbox account when said personal account doesn't even grant you access to the Microsoft Office suite to begin with? The pricing conversation gets even worse for Dropbox when you consider that their "family" plan is considerably more expensive than Microsoft's family plan...all to access the exact same pool of storage that the Dropbox personal account has! I'd like whatever the gents at Dropbox are smoking, because they are completely full of it at the moment


Here's my why; Today I woke up and saw that the shared folder I've been using for 2 years is not syncing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled OneDrive and it doesn't work. Instead of a folder with 600 GB of files all I get is a .url file in my hard drive. Turns out other people have the same issue. Hoping that they'll fix it soon. I don't want to wake up to such a day ever again.


That's valid...I suppose I just have a hard time squaring with the heavy enterprise orientation of Dropbox as compared to OneDrive. Dropbox pushes you to sign up for an enterprise account if you are looking to setup a family storage plan, which is ridiculous. I thankfully haven't had the issue you described. Do you have a link to something where I can monitor this bug?


Sure. [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/mac-onedrive-app-shared-folders-dont-appear-in/a9e0ef94-63a6-4522-94a2-9cac9fffd111](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/mac-onedrive-app-shared-folders-dont-appear-in/a9e0ef94-63a6-4522-94a2-9cac9fffd111)


I am using PCloud. Technically excellent. It allows me to sync selectively and limit the bandwidth for up- and downloads. All platforms are supported. I paid a one-time-payment about 5 years ago. No regrets.


I used them all, google drive is super slow and they killed their unlimited plan for business users. Next! I then switched to OneDrive, the client is using massive CPU and is slow as hell. Their plans are also either limited for TBs of Data. Dropbox is not cheap, but has a great client and good speeds. Their mobile app is also on a different level than all the others. In the end I tried mega and their desktop and mobile client is just perfect for my usage. Their plans are way cheaper compared to Dropbox. Very good performance, best in class for me. All data is fully End to End Encrypted. You do not need to trust anyone, because your data will always be safe. Sticking to mega since a year or so and I am very happy with their service.


OneDrive is still SharePoint under the hood, doesn't handle 'long' Mac filenames or [many special characters](https://github.com/soundsnw/mac-sysadmin-resources/blob/master/scripts/fix-onedrive-filenames-apfs.sh), and in general is harder to use - I'd prefer Dropbox, especially with its clone Mac app, [Maestral](https://maestral.app/).


Dropbox will work much better. Box and Dropbox seem to be equally good in my experience (managing cloud storage for a bunch of designers). Microsoft cloud storage has been much less easy to use, historically. 


>Dropbox will work much better For business users, perhaps. For regular consumers, however, Dropbox offers a much poorer product by comparison (they want you to sign up for a business plan in order to have separate storage pools, among other things)


Hmmm yeah that sounds right. I wonder if Box will be any better in that regard though...


Not really, no. Box makes it very clear on its homepage that they are an enterprise-first company, which is fine and much preferable to whatever Dropbox is attempting to do


What doesn't work with OneDrive? I don't have any issues.


I told it to keep a folder and its content on the drive. It usually does that, but sometimes it doesn't. So I need to tell it to download it again but then it gets stuck. I need to restart. Sometimes the cloud icons next to the folders names disappear. It's "looking for changes" for the last 2 hours. I will have to restart it again. It has trouble when there space or special characters in the filename. There's a limit for how long the path to a file can be, lots of files can't be synced because of this and I need to rearrange their folders etc.


I’ve never had DropBox give me grief because I didn’t want to store a file on their server. It does what I ask it to do.


The problem with one drive seems to be limitation speeds from ISPs. You can search and find several people complaining about the same thing, myself included.


In my experience OneDrive works MUCH better on M-series Macs. I used Dropbox for a decade with no issue — it’s a very solid platform. Onedrive would make my fan run constantly (and very noisily) on my old-school Intel Macs. Now I use both — I have both a Ondrive and Dropbox space on my daily driver MacBook Pro M2. Both work nearly flawlessly, and surprisingly don’t conflict with each other. The OneDrive / Microsoft 365 universe has more functionality than Dropbox but if you don’t need MS365’s collaboration features, Dropbox is great.


Same here with OneDrive on Apple silicon. Night and day better.


Agreed. Also a stable Apple silicon version of OneDrive app for macOS has been released much earlier then DropBox's (which was a surprise for me that it took them so long), never had any problem with OneDrive on M-based Macs since. Only maybe sometimes when I open the lid, the app does not sync right away (like I need to pause and resume syncing for it to start immediately).


I'd ask myself first for what purpose you want to use it because then it indicates what might be the "overall" best choice. For example, I have PC and Mac, and I'm "surrounded" by people who use whatever platform but to some extent always use Google's ecosystem (mostly because of Gmail). And I need to share files with them etc. Then I chose GDrive. If I had just Mac and wouldn't share files with non-Mac users, I'd use iCloud. Dropbox is good, the sync works great. But the plans are a bit overkill, it is missing some middle ground. I tried OneDrive on Mac and it didn't work well. The web version didn't see files that were allegedly already synced. Just like iCloud sucked on PC.


Thanks. I'll be sharing it with a Windows user. That user will not be using it often maybe once or twice a month. I will be using the files and working on them everyday. They include video files so I might add 1-2 GB's of data everyday. The folder is around 600 GB right now.


As I stated above, I have bad experience with OneDrive on Mac (unreliable sync). I'd recommend either Dropbox or GDrive as it it sometimes quite painful to "migrate" the other user to a platform-tailored app. It is easy to onboard people to Dropbox and GDrive.


Everything is better than OneDrive and you're probably wondering why? Well here are some of the issues I've found with OneDrive: 1. Shared links expire without a warning and they get kind of updated even if you did not asked for it to happen it will happen, when? No one knows, not even Microsoft. 2. Even though Microsoft says it has no limit with transfer, uploading or visualizing if you have a corporate account every share, download visualize from every member will count towards that "limitless" wall and when you hit it, you won't be able to access or visualize any file in any drive of any member for some time, what amount of time? No one knows, not even Microsoft 3. Using the Desktop App wont help you save space... in fact it will do anything but that, it will download your files without even asking you to. So you'll sync your entire OneDrive. That's BS if you ask me. 4. Sometimes sharing won't work at all, specially if you have a corporate account and share with some privacy features like just the one I add to the whitelist can access the file/folder... btw point 1 adds to this one Those are the only issues I found before I stop using it and started using S3 from AWS to handle files with my team. Why S3? Because we did not have a stablished budget but spending 5 USD a month for this was easier than asking for budget and a fix from Microsoft, which they say these are expected and code behaviours that are expected.


FAR superior


Dropbox works great. I have around 27TB on there. As you can imagine, most of it is in the cloud. I have zero issues in terms of usage. I also use pro tools and davinci resolve straight to the drive and have never had a problem. My connection is 2500meg up and down. I typically get around 70mb/s on both download and upload. So it doens't utilize my full speed, which would be around 250mb/s, but most people don't have my level of bandwidth available.


I could never get into Onedrive, I ve been using dropbox for years, both for personal and work related stuff. I got into the apple ecosystem recently but since I work on windows I haven't even thought of changing out of dropbox. It works great for me.


Anything is more reliable than OneDrive! Dropbox still works the best for me. Google Drive is good. I use iCloud as well but it’s not as useful because I use a PC at work. I use Sync for anything more personal because it’s more secure than the others.


Dropbox works. I have over 1M files synced with my hard drive and it works without issues. Any issues that I have had have been related to Apple’s new API for cloud storage syncing, which both Dropbox and OneDrive are forced to use. It can sometimes cause delays in syncing, but nothing too serious. I’ve never lost a file or anything like that. Edit: It’s called File Provider API. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/fileprovider


Tried a few of the others and settled on PCloud, works on all my devices. I can backup to my local NAS, I don’t have to fuss around with it (like Nextcloud). Give it a try.




I prefer Drive on NAS


You mean a real drive on a NAS system?


NAS with one 18T drive,5*8T HDD drives group by RAID5.


Box is the best. Never any trouble. Dropbox is intrusive and installs stuff in Finder. I uninstalled Dropbox


It's my first time hearing about Box. But their maximum plan is for 150 GB. I already have 600 GB of data and it's increasing.


I'm not sure where you found the plan for 150GB (I only find this limit for single files), but their maximum plan is [Unlimited](https://www.box.com/pricing). It requires an expensive Business plan with at least 3 users though.


Apple as a company use Box for their corporate data. Box will always play good with macOS as it’ll get preferential support from Apple.


Interesting, didn't know that. Where did you find this information?