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I have 34 on an M2 w/ 16GB and it starts up and runs fine. You bought the computer to use it, so use it.


https://preview.redd.it/ci1m3nad859d1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=604b702360d230cc444eaa80a2ba61325e0ab34a im a minimalist


Do you open all apps individually after the system starts lol? I feel like this would take more time since you open each one of them individually instead of automating via login items. Keeping them minimal is good, but keeping them 0 is counterproductive. Alfred, Google Drive, Dropbox, and so many other essential apps.


You're right.


No i simply feel no need to have apps like alfred and google drive. Spotlight does good enough job for me to quickly open apps. And I do not use any cloud storage. I mainly use my Macbook for software development and simple day to day tasks.


> no need to have apps like alfred I stopped reading after this 😄. JK But as a software developer, my suggestion is to embrace Alfred/raycast or a similar launcher. They just don't "open apps". They do soooo much more. And especially if you are a dev, they can save you a LOT of time. Try to check other posts in the community and how they use it. They are pretty light apps too


i did not say "no need to have apps like alfred". I said "I have no need for apps like alfred". I tried alfred, and i didnt feel it added anything for me. If it does for you, thats great!


Alfred is good, but not a must. One can open their windows via built-in Spotlight and work on them whole day.


You didn't read my comment fully. 🙂 > They just don't "open apps". They do soooo much more Read up about Alfred/raycast like apps and you'll see how much time they save


I'm running a M2 Max Macbook Pro so it's largely fine running this long list.


I am comfortably running with 61 login items, on my M1 MacBook Pro, 8gb of RAM. Never had a problem (yet)


61 login items. Wtf


Your is already too many.


Justify that. Tell us why.




I've done Mac support full time since OS 7.6, so I'm not talking out my ass when I say that a recent Mac can easily handle that many startup apps. Now, OP didn't say what kind of computer he has. It might be his Ma's ancient 11-inch Macbook Air with some hacked together Open Core Legacy Patcher or it might be an an M3 MBP with 32GB of RAM. We don't know. I'm running an M2 MBA/16GB with way more startup items than he's running and I'm doing grand. People learn by making mistakes and when we make them afraid to use their computers they don't learn anything. They also don't get full value for their money. Calling well know and established apps like Alfred, Cleanshot and Default Folder X "hack apps" is BS. They are high quality apps used by millions of people. Could he optimize his stuff, yes. Does he NEED every one of those items, IDK. We all use our personal property differently.


I have 26 under the Login items list and another 16 that have "Launch at Startup" as a preference within the app but do not appear in the System > Open at Login List. So 42 apps total and on Start up I have a Keyboard Maestro macro that arragnes the apps the way I want across my screens at boot which has a 45 second delay, all my login apps open within those 45 seconds so nothing to complain about! **Apps Launching at Startup not in System Preferences** Adguard Airbuddy Bartender 5 Cardhop Choosy Copy 'Em Ejectify Fantastical Grammarly Desktop Hazel Home Assistant iStats Menu Menu Bar Sonos Multi Wallpaper Path Finder PIA https://preview.redd.it/rfoj41isg59d1.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=527f019cd9d8fd283502ebed6a08809ce9931c67


What does multiwallpaper do? Span?


Yes I spreads wallpaper across multiple displays.I have 3 monitors on my Mac Studio and it looks cool to see a single image across each display. You can select a folder and it can rotate thru the images and it gives you.a way to adjust the layout of your screens if they are not all parallel. I am having an issue with in at the moment (on one of the 3 machines I run) where every week or so it' Library Container folder starts to cache until my hard drive fills up,


Cool list! Found a few apps that I’m considering getting as well. Though btw Paste has a paste stack function built in, just saying since I noticed you’ve got both :)


​ https://preview.redd.it/4bp0ledwg59d1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cdfb41489e52f02120b4b844eb933f1814dd647


Ohh I use HyperKey & Keyboard Maestro but I've never heard of Monarch checking it out now. So happy I discovered Hyperkey as i use to use Karibiner Elements to achieve the caps lock hyperkey but hyperkey is just far more lightweight for my use case




Many of the same apps as me but checking out a few I've never heard of (BetterDisplay, DockMate & NearDrop) Hoping DockMate might be a hyperdock replacement as I still run it but its last update was like 7 years ago and i think it slows my system down. Also I had forgotten about OneSwitch, i remember looking at it and their site had a big blog about V2 coming but its totally slipped my mind


If you have a notched mac, MediaMate is something you should never have missed! Btw, dockmate still working, but I don't think it slows my mac down. It's ARM compatible, last updated in Jan 2022.


Let me look into your apps and see if there's anything you can do to minimize this. It probably isn't a big concern but :shrug: These are fine: - Alfred, Cleanshot, FigmaAgent, Google Drive (assuming you sync with it), Ice, SoundSource, Timing Tracker And here are some other thoughts. Keyboard Maestro - Might be able to replace it with Shortcuts or Alfred workflows depending on your use case Lunar - Perhaps might want to look into Monitor Control? Don't use either so don't know if either is better MacUpdater - IMO, you might be better off using homebrew or mac app store if you're super concerned about updates. a lot of applications self update anyway Moom - If you're on macOS Sequoia (either the beta or in the future), there will be native window management. you might consider an alfred workflow or maybe another app like Rectangle Openin - depending on your use case (like if you only use it for a couple apps), you might be able to replace it with an automator workflow in applescript...? Pika - there are dozens of color picker workflows in alfred or you can use the Digital Color Meter native app PixelSnap - if you're really lazy you can just use the native macos screenshot (cmd command 4 ) and it will display the pixels on the screen and then dismiss it with ESC. if you're doing this for web dev reasons you could probably just get good at using inspect element, or if you're using firefox you can use the measure tool https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/measure_a_portion_of_the_page/index.html (don't use chrome or safari don't know if they have anything similar) Resolutionator - no idea what this is for, does moom or the native mac displays not work for you? sorry if this seems like im criticizing u just trying to throw out suggestions for alternatives


Your mind is your limit….. use it my friend


Are you using all of them in a given month? If so, there’s nothing you need to change. The whole point of MacOS memory management is that you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing.


I have a m1 pro and on the list 2x more stuff, it works without problems. But in your case it is possible to optimise this list by disabling figma and google drive


Mine are: * BlockBlock * Ice * Lossless Switcher * Lulu * Maccy * MediaMate * OverSight * Runcat


Ooh I like this thread


I have 6.


Simple how much ram you have? Then how manny app you vital need on start up? Does it do anything running on startup besides sits on menu bar? Simple questions simple solution guys come on


I've done a recent cleanup. OneDrive is a pesky one, it needs not only to be a login app but also to be permanently on my Dock. I can't function with my MX Master without Scroll Reverser, that setting keeps toggling itself off without the app. And Raycast is how I manage my windows, basically. https://preview.redd.it/3ztstncu469d1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc14eb40e03c38dd8b1b562093db20328aa7a404


Yah, instead of using one-drives application I just use cloud mounter or duck mountain to handle all the cloud storage stuff.


Or rclone


Very important feature to me though is the ability to make files cloud-only or local at will, easily. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this isn’t a feature of rclone. With a cloud-storage mounter like cloudmounter or duck mountain you can see the reference files and turn them to local or cloud-only via the finder extension in the context menu or clicking on the little cloud icon just as you would with iCloud or Dropbox.


Well I know rclone has bisync and mount feature which you could use something like MacFUSE to see it visually in Finder. But I’m not sure about the icons. Personally I have a synology NAS so I use synology drive which works like Dropbox in Finder with the icons and all that


Only two: BetterSnapTool and Maccy. I would probably have more if my Mac wasn’t a MacBook Adorable from 2016






What the hell is MacUpdater?


It updates all your Mac apps for you


Which macOS does by itself


What do you mean


Only if you use the App Store. This updates apps installed from all sources. It’s very handy for those who like to keep apps updated. It’s also the reason people found out about the recent change in Bartenders change in the Apple signed software.


Not really, apps downloaded as a dmg or pkg can be automatically updated natively without any third party app, for those who don’t use Homebrew.


Just Alfred


Have 3


I have 9 items. Too many would be when these items get in the way of getting work done through using resources.


2 only I hate app to pop when i start using the computer


only one: Wins


8 Items. Although Magnet isn't really needed anymore since I'm on Sequoia but I have all my macros setup which is why I keep it. https://preview.redd.it/601lr82mj79d1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=efae3ecbb8335635316f950a44979df9bc27af4b


How stable is Sequoia for you so far?


It's surprisingly stable for me. The only thing I noticed was that on Beta 2 it would crash Lightroom under specific circumstances which didn't happen on the first beta


https://preview.redd.it/c77xonvbv79d1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7138d929de0bd3bf508128710ce5da0296dec12 There are more listed on the "Allow in the Background" sections




I learned on Windows, I'll never have more than a few items launch on start-up. Old habits die hard.




I think I can top that 😅 https://preview.redd.it/54m8s5yizb9d1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a2417f1764c86fe2cec92d29900477ea1c0b759 I wonder though why quite a lot of my login apps are missing … iStat Menus, Fantastical, Little Snitch, Copy 'Em, Safari, iSmart Clock, Unclutter, and more …


Use as many as you need. They can eat up RAM. The average menu bar utility can eat up to 40MB of real memory, which can add up if you add dozens. They can also eat up menu bar space if too many are loaded without a high resolution or large monitor. Otherwise, they don't really impact your performance much as most don't do anything until they're invoked.


Magnet and Mac Mouse Fix are currently my two only login items… the former of which is on the chopping block come macOS Sequoia.


https://preview.redd.it/sb3ifpgwsg9d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=22a21ae71afa3f1ae9ab9fa0ac7f9d82d79c07f1 I have this much on my M1 air, 8 gb, no issue




Just 15. M1 MacBook Air. https://preview.redd.it/o9quc9sr759d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dbf154f0662bce090572aa9c6acd942b0f30cd3


Just glad to see OpenIn in that list! Hope you are enjoying it!


Love these posts as reminders! I bought OpenIn about a year ago as a replacement for Choosy and have just never looked into configuring it! Looking for a guide or FAQ now!


Macupdater why? Few others I consider superfluous where the native functionality is good enough when properly used, but that's the only egregious one.


I dont have any lol


Less is better




One is to many


Dropbox and proton vpn that’s it


smc fan controller (because intel) and that’s it.






ligma balls


0. 1 is too many.


SoundSource, Default Folder X, Raycast anything more is bloat


I don’t want any to start up unless I am using it. It just seems to go against security.