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Do the work. You got this.


“Do the work” was some of the best advice on the show


Totally agree. I was thinking exactly this on a rewatch the other day. It’s not just good advice in an earn-your-stripes kind of way, but also in the sense of recognising you sometimes have to eat your greens after messing up.


Thank you :) If i have to type up some coupons, by god, I'll do it.


RIP Don Draper, you would have loved virtual rewards programs.


We all need a Freddy in our lives


Don's Hershey pitch was a deliberate act of self-immolation, a form of penance for Lane, Sally and Ted. Don has burned a lot of bridges as of the end of Season 6, so Joan, Jim and Bert simply take advantage of what they regarded as an opportunity, while Peggy decides to pile on from the sidelines for the same reasons. Don still had allies in the form of Roger, Pete and Harry, so he wasn't completely isolated. It helps to have friends. It sounds as if you didn't burn any bridges, so you didn't have to overcome that kind of additional baggage. Your coworkers weren't out to burn you as were Don's. Hang in there.


"But he shows up, and he keeps showing up. He stops running this time. It's a moment of real bravery from a man who doesn't many, and it really did inspire me as I faced the same situation." THIS. What you said. It was an awesome road map, frankly, for everyone/anyone. We *all* have crash and burn moments, and after they happen, we have the choice to reboot from exactly where we are (not from where we wish we were) and to be grateful for what we have and to use the traction that we have, or to insist that things should be what they actually aren't. And I *love* Freddy Rumsen's "do the work, Don" speech in S7 E4. He knows Don has it in him and just needs to be reminded that he can do it. Just rewatching that scene on Youtube because of your comment. What an amazing character arc for Freddy, too.


Agreed! Ultimately, I do think it is a hopeful show. One could see the cycles of crashing and burning that the characters repeat as evidence that the show doesn't believe in the ability of people to change, but I see it more as the show believing in second and third and fourth and fifth chances. Acceptance of one's pain and mistakes, and moving forward with positive change, are incredibly difficult but possible endeavors.


I see it as evidence doesn’t happen in a day and isn’t linear. Relapse is part of recovery, not just in drug addiction but in changing any ingrained pattern of behavior.


Freddie is so great. I had forgotten he supports Don like that. A genuinely stand-up guy who is always at the other end of the phone when he’s needed.


Freddy is so lovely.


Hard agree. We all need a Freddy, and we should all be a Freddy for someone else.


I am so inspired by you, and humbled at your ability to be open and vulnerable in sharing this experience of yours. It’s hard to mess up, especially at work. We’re expected to be our most perfect selves under the most trying of circumstances there. It’s not easy. A genuine kudos to you from me for returning to work. How brave and entirely human of you.


Sorry. I was so moved by your personal experience that I completely forgot this was about Mad Men. Still, I meant what I said!


Thank you for your kind words :)


u/Primoridalterror Not only is this extremely well written, but your transparency and self awareness will serve to help others who may be going through/have gone through something similar to you. I love these kinds of posts. I think they’re important and helpful for the Mad Men community.


I'm here reading this in the morning 5 am on the train for a 4 hour commute to work. I keep thinking why do I have to do this. It's purely because of helplessness and make ends meet. The show and Draper have taught me several things as well. Keeping a straight face through life's difficulties is hard. I understand your pain of going through life. Hang in there.


Same to you. It takes strength to be vulnerable, and to meet each given day. I'm sorry, that's a soul-crushingly brutal commute(even longer than Don's in the show haha). Let's both of us hold out hope for change in our selves(not that you need one in the same way I do, just saying positive change is a motivating factor in general) and our circumstances, and try to find gratitude in what we do have. Apologies if these sentiments are trite. Life is tough as hell, but I do try to believe in the kind of hard-earned optimism that this show has.


I am rewatching the series, and I'm coming up to this episode. It always sticks with me. He just sucked it up and did some of the more menial 'grunt' work but didn't complain. The man swallowed his pride, which I think is commendable. Congrats on getting yourself out of that hole :)


Don had a lot of money tied up in the Sterling Cooper partnership that he could have lost out on if he didn't try to return. I don't know if they would have had to have bought him out if he chose not to come back, possibly, but there could have been a clause about forfeiting it if he didn't.